On today's episode I break down what the podcast is going to look like in 2024, along with a recap of this past season and a special addition to the podcast coming this year!
On today's episode we take a look at the warming trend hitting the southeast, the massive acorn crop, and how it is affecting the overall deer movement as well as those mature bucks that seem to live within an hour of legal light.
On today's episode I recap month 1 of the whitetail season with stories of failure, heartbreak, and an awesome success. You won't want to miss this one.
Also, I apologize for the delay in this episode. Rest assured we are back with you weekly and are excited for more awesome content coming your way!
On today's episode we are joined once again by Nathan Spangler to chat about his upcoming season in the Arkansas woods, wild hogs, and whitetail habitat.
On today's episode we sit down with Mr. Collin Carlton from Blue Ridge Whitetails to talk all things deer hunting from bows and food plots to ethical deer hunting tips.
We apologize for the technical difficulties from the second half of our conversation with Collin.
On today's episode of the NXT GEN Whitetails podcast we are joined by one of my oldest and closest friends Mr. Jonathan Grimes to share stories, strategies, and goals for this upcoming season.
On today's episode I am going to be breaking down how I put in 4 brand new food plots on the properties I hunt with the use of minimal equipment and without tractors or heavy machinery. I will also be breaking down the strategies and goals behind these specific sites.
On today's episode we are joined by Mr. Nathan Spangler from Resource Management services out of Arkansas. He talks with us about timber management as it relates to not only whitetail habitat but land stewardship as a whole. #jointheNXTGEN
Welcome to Episode 1 of the NXT GEN Whitetails podcast. On todays episode I will be giving you all an introduction to myself, some stories about how I got into deer hunting, and a little information on what NXT GEN Whitetails and the NXT GEN Whitetails podcast is about.
If you enjoyed todays episode please subscribe on whatever podcast platform you are listening on and give us a follow on Instagram @ NXTGENWhitetails.
Thank you for being here! #jointheNXTGEN