It’s with heavy hearts that we say goodbye to one of our own—Kevin Parker, affectionately known in our community as "Gotham Madman." An original fan, steadfast supporter, and cherished friend, Kevin brought genuine joy, deep insight, and endless passion to our World of Darkness adventures.
Join me as I reflect on eight memorable years of friendship, laughter, gaming debates, and shared stories. This special episode honors Kevin’s legacy, celebrates the impact he made, and serves as a heartfelt farewell from all of us whose lives he touched.
Kevin, thank you for everything. You’ll always roll with us in spirit.
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Author: Brian Campbell
In this deep dive into Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Bone Gnawers Revised, we explore their spoken word origins as Garou rejects turned hardened warriors, their unique culture and survivalist mindset, and the strange, forgotten spirits they revere—from Rat, the eternal survivor and even the American Dream itself—a broken, wandering ghost of what could have been.
FYi: Rust is a 1st edition totem house brew i left in my notes. Made it to the podcast and I left it. it does not exist in canon. Was a favorite of players. Memory is a beautiful thing.Support the show
Eksik bölüm mü var?
"..and remember cub or whoever reads this, the garou nation does not think of the weaver--or The Namer or whatever, as a male."
Authors: James Kiley, Ellen Kiley, & Matthew MacFarland
Are they still the radical feminist warriors of the Garou, or have they grown into something even greater?
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A discussion with the Authors of Sabbat The Schism, Amalia and Miguel!
A Storyteller Vault Release!
WRITTEN BY: Amalia Leili Seren Vals
COWRITER: Miguel Marques da SilvaSupport the show
"For the werewolf, their childhood is full of sleep
paralysis and brief encounters with the world beyond. From
nightmares to daydreams to out of body experiences,
the Umbra haunts many young Garou-to-be and this world, or
worlds, just beyond our own is the subject of this book."
Authors: N. Conte, David Hill, Jeremy Kostiew,
Danielle Lauzon, Chris Shaffer, Leath Sheales, Filamena
Young, Eric ZawadzkiSupport the show
"Welcome Dear Reader.
In your hands, you hold the first of three books
dedicated to Sabbat the Schism, the Lore book.
The idea for this book was born when The
Black Hand: Sabbat sourcebook came out.
Based on observations of the content, and
how it fit into the overaching metaplot across
editions, a simple idea was born: the Schism of
The Black Hand was clearly the loyalist and
shovelhead fraction of the Sword of Caine, the
question was: where are the rest of our anti-
Gehenna army."
"If you are planning to use a bat as a weapon, then put a long stocking on the bat.
That way if someone tried to grab your bat, you can pull the bat out of their grip
and continue beating them up with YOUR baseball bat. But on the side note, why
do you even WANT to use a baseball bat? Do you not have claws? Do your not have
teeth? Do you not have your disciplines? You're a vampire. Act like one!"
CONCE P T: Amalia Leili Seren Vals and Miguel Marques da Silva
W R IT T E N B Y Amalia Leili Seren Vals
COW R IT ER S: Miguel Marques da SilvaSupport the show
"Let me tell you a story. evil had a name, it was Nephthys. As a living
Wellness Thru Reading
woman, she was a priestess of Isis herself, and no living creature would harm her. But every good gesture in her life she made was reduced to less than nothing when she accepted Sutekh's Embrace...*
Authors: Christopher Howard & Matthew McFarland.
Werewolf and the World of Darkness created by Mark Rein• Hagen.
Developer: Ethan Skemp
Editor: Aileen E. Miles
Greetings and salutations book lovers. Welcome to Wellness Thru Reading. A podcast...Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify
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"The Wyld is unknowable, unpredictable and is not your friend. Yet the Wyld nourishes our world and cradles civilization itself."
Wellness Thru Reading
Authors: Richard Dansky, Lisa Clark-Fleischman, Shannon W. Hennessey and Rick Jones.
Greetings and salutations book lovers. Welcome to Wellness Thru Reading. A podcast...Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify
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WRITERS: Rachel J. Wilkinson, Jose Garcia with Juhana Pettersson, Kevin Schluter & Jukka Särkijärvi
Wellness Thru Reading
DEVELOPER: Juhana Pettersson with Jukka Särkijärvi
PRODUCER: Kevin Schluter
ART DIRECTOR: Sarah Robinson
INTERIOR ARTISTS AND ILLUSTRATORS: Nevzat Aydin, Kaitlin Cuthbertson,
Felipe Headley Costa, Mark Kelly, Mayra Luna, and Adam Vick
GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Polina Razlivanova
EDITOR: Nathan Gerber
Greetings and salutations book lovers. Welcome to Wellness Thru Reading. A podcast...Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify
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Authors: Kraig Blackwelder, Carl Bowen and Ethan Skemp
Wellness Thru Reading
2001 White-Wolf Publishing
Greetings and salutations book lovers. Welcome to Wellness Thru Reading. A podcast...Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify
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Author: Matthew McFarland
Wellness Thru Reading
Developer: Ethan Skemp
Editor: Aileen E. Miles
Art Director: Aileen E. Miles
Art: Brian LeBlanc, Steve Prescott, Jeff Rebner, Ron
Spencer, Greg Williams
Back Cover Art: Steve Prescott
Layout & Typesetting: Aileen E. Miles
--Kun's Wisdom, Rokea book
Greetings and salutations book lovers. Welcome to Wellness Thru Reading. A podcast...Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify
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Authors: Indrani Ganguly, Jose Garcia, Jesse Heinig, Juhana Pettersson, Rob Wieland
Developers: Jukka Särkijärvi with Chant Evans
Producer: Kevin Schluter
Art Director: Sarah Robinson
Graphic Designer: Polina Razlivanova
Cover Artist: Nevzat Aydin
Illustrator: Nevzat Aydin, Peter Bergting, Felipe Headley Costa,
M Penman, Maichol Quinto, and Adam Vick
Scent of Decay is the first chronicle supplement for Werewolf: The Apocalypse,
5th edition. It’s a series of stories set in the small Midwestern American town of Milton, that link together into a chronicle that will take a pack from its formation, through claiming territory, through their first steps into the Umbra, and finally into the difficult and tense relations of the Garou Nation.Support the show
We close the Ahroun Chapter with a focus on the Annals of Albrecht and his Ancestral story of Magic Shroom Milk from the Spirit Deer and the double standard of acceptable mazophilia when it comes directly from Gaia.
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"You’ve been Embraced, brought into the night and left to fend for yourself with your
coterie. Now what?"
The Crimson Gutter chronicle introduces core concepts during play such as feeding, the sects (Anarchs, Camarilla, and the Church of Caine), and the Masquerade itself while giving the players’ characters a chance to carve a niche for themselves among the Kindred.
AUTHOR: Jose Garcia and Andrew Peregrine with Juhana Pettersson
“It’s so romantic! Just imagine how beautiful it must have been, the Vermilion Wedding. I’m so envious.
I wish I could have something like that. I remember when I was a mortal, all those feelings.
Love. Affection. Care. I want to have those feelings again!”
WRITERS: Juhana Pettersson, Muriel Algayres, Sharang Biswas, Freja Gyldenstrøm,
Kevin Schluter and April BrownSupport the show
This was written to correct a podcast I could not stand by. The original Werewolf 5th edition came from a perception of a clear bias. I wanted "5th edition". What we got was "Werewolf the Apocalypse". A reimagined story. Reimagined means to reinterpret imaginatively. I did not give it a solid chance.
2 months since I released that pod, I have been working on a campaign for the reimagined werewolf story and I fell in love with it.
I hope, with this podcast, fans come with me on that journey and dare to buy the reimagined tale and see if the feel of the new captivates you. At the very least, have an informed opinion from trying the material out and not settling for just reading it. This is my apology for going against a principal I typically held to.Support the show
"Get comfy, pups. If you want a tale of blood, claws,
gore, and guts, I’m going to regale you with one hell
of a tragic story. These are the recollections of Astrid
Broken Claw, Ahroun of the Get of Fenris. Do you
know her name? You should. She was a key player in
the Amazon War of the late 20th century. Astrid herself
told me — Nina Freeman, her blessed granddaughter."
Developers: Matthew Dawkins and Leath Sheales
Writers: Bill Bridges, Alison Cybe, Matthew
Dawkins, Cat Evans, Erica Mahoney, Michele Masala,
Nik May, J. F. Sambrano, Leath Sheales, Ethan SkempSupport the show
"Love Bites features the messy entanglements that
emerge when what passes for love among the Kindred
meets politics. On New Year’s Eve, the Prince entrusts
an up-and-coming Maréchal coterie with what seems
like an easy task: escort her prodigal grandchilde,
Gatsby, to a Nosferatu party hosted by visiting
Cleopatras, ensure he has a memorable night, and safely
return him to her penthouse before dawn.
To accomplish this, they must contend with Gatsby’s
antics, face the inconveniences of a celebrating city, and
get him to the warrens before midnight to honor the
Nosferatu with a New Year’s toast."
AUTHOR: Rachel J. Wilkinson
DEVELOPER: Juhana Pettersson
PRODUCER: Kevin Schluter
ART DIRECTOR: Sarah Robinson
COPY EDITOR: Freja Gyldenstrøm
PROOFREADER: Nathan Gerber
CULTURAL CONSULTANT: Logan BoeseSupport the show
"Greed. Lies. Backbiting. Apathy.
Welcome to the heart of the corporate world."
This book is about the many companies owned and operated under Pentex.
Authors: Justin Achilli [BlackDog], Richard E.Dansky [Endron and King], Deena McKinney [Avalon], Clayton Oliver [Magadon], Brian Urbanek, Owen Winkler and Jess Heinig [Tellus}Support the show
"The Baali are a clan causing much controversy. The question
whether they qualify as a clan or just a bloodline (and
if so from which clan) is open for discussion. While the
Kindred are generally not considered heroes and revel in
their dark drives, the Baali are regarded as pure evil. They
are accused of consorting with demons, corrupting mortals
and kindred alike, and working to bring about Gehenna to
destroy the world in an orgy of bloodshed and chaos."
WRITTEN BY Björn Lippold
ART DIRECTOR: Björn LippoldSupport the show
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