بودكاست يومي يزود المستمع بما يحتاج لمعرفته عن القضايا الراهنة بطريقة حكائية تجمع بين الإثراء والتشويق، تقدمه خديجة بن قنة، وتستضيف في كل واحدة من حلقاته ضيفاً يلقي الضوء على زاوية مختلفة وجديدة.
Discussions of the paranormal, mysteries, Conspiracy facts
America doesn’t need another conversation about race. At least, not the kind we’ve been having ... the ones that are sparked by a crisis and move quickly from shock, to empty promises, to forgetting. No. What America needs are REAL conversations about race … ones that shine a light on the facts, the history, and the reality of how race plays out in our politics and society. That’s what Slate offers each week on A Word With Jason Johnson. A veteran political commentator, Johnson will bring his incisive wit to thoughtful discussions with leaders, journalists and other change-makers who will tell the truth about America’s challenges around race, and ideas on the way forward.
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عن الخبر وما يجري حوله.. يتقاطع معه ويدور في خفاياه.. ما هي آراء صناع الأخبار؟ وكيف تؤثر في حياتهم؟
في عشرين دقيقة برنامج جديد مع براء صليبي على راديو الآن. -
حكايات من ارشيف الصحف
Esportes, mundo dos famosos e atualidades em geral: tudo que reverbera nas redes socais é condensado em pílulas semanais que você encontra aqui!
Ethiopian Intercept is one of the best emerging Ethiopian social media outlets.
The internet's ONLY debate and current events podcast. for all links -
La comunicazione sempre più aggressiva di vecchi e nuovi media contribuisce a polarizzare opinioni, percezioni e paure.
Vox Media, il podcast di Sara Boero, è uno spazio settimanale di riflessione sulle scelte di comunicazione dei media. Una "rassegna stampa smagnetizzata", per imparare a riconoscere questa dinamica esplosiva e a disinnescarla.
(Testi e voce di Sara Boero, musiche di Matteo Cerboncini) -
Temas usuales sin agenda, te comparto mi paseo por la red, en breves episodios hablamos de finanzas, negocios, management, economía, deportes y de repente otros temas, todos de interés que te pondrán al centro de cualquier platica, siguenos, todo puede pasar en este Podcast
Contacto en el cuerpo del podcast o a a través de X (antesTwitter) @Usualunpodcast -
Tratta argomenti di approfondimento politico e attualità, di spettacolo e televisione, di economia e sport, italiani nel mondo.
An insider’s take on the theme park and themed entertainment industry trends, Green Tagged Covers the Top Theme Park News from each week. From theme parks to zoos and aquariums to haunted houses, we scour the world for what you need to know. We may not have all the answers, but we ask the right questions. Subscribe to PRO content on Patreon:
We strive to provide information on real-world issues that are prevalent in our society and discuss how it impacts us.
Entertaining and in-depth, Uncommon Sense with Ginny Robinson tackles the latest in news, culture, religion and politics from a Christian, independent point of view. Ginny‘s keen eye allows her to cut through the chaos to the things that really matter, and her ability to find the humor in anything provides a fresh new way to stay up to date.
We discuss key issues in the African American community and strategies to build wealth.
بودكاست صح صح أول بودكاست عربي متخصص في محاربة الأخبار الكاذبة والشائعات .
An archival feed of Foreign Policy magazine's podcast First Person.
اخبار وتحليلات سياسية معمقة