Learn the benefits of supplementing with creatine, an amino acid found naturally in the body. Creatine supplements are effective for high-intensity activities like weightlifting and benefit women in perimenopause and beyond, including enhanced strength and workout performance and positive impacts on brain health, bone strength, and skin.
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https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7998865/ (includes the dosing guidelines for creatine supplementation in females)
Learn how to get your nutrition working for you during menopause, allowing you to experience fewer symptoms and more energy.
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In this empowering episode, body image expert Marla Mervis-Hartmann shares insights on improving your relationship with food and your body. Discover how women's hormones affect body image and gain valuable strategies for overcoming challenging days. Join us as we open up about our body image struggles during perimenopause. This episode is for women of all ages!
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Why is there a high rate of suicide in women aged 45–54 years? Is it related to the biological changes associated with the menopause? What causes depression and anxiety during mid-life, and what can we do about it?
Perimenopausal depression – an under-recognized entity
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Changing our eating habits can lead to a reset in our hormones, enhanced weight loss, and relief from bothersome menopausal symptoms. While it may be challenging to make these changes, the positive outcomes we can achieve are truly transformative. The dramatic changes in our hormones, symptoms, and quality of life are within our reach! Explore the top 5 foods I'm eating in perimenopause to manage my symptoms, and discover some additional pro tips for maximizing your nutrition in perimenopause and beyond!
Writing, recording, and producing a podcast is a labor of love. Thank you for listening! If you have found this episode helpful, please consider leaving a 5-star rating and review in Apple Podcasts. This will help other women find and benefit from this information, too!
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Purchase Beating Endo on Amazon.
Not sure what supplements can help support your perimenopause journey? Access my perimenopause supplement protocol!
Studies cited in this episode:
The Importance of Nutrition in Menopause and Perimenopause-A Review
Collagen Supplements for Aging and Wrinkles: A Paradigm Shift in the Fields of Dermatology and Cosmetics
Amelioration of estrogen deficiency-induced obesity by collagen hydrolysate
Collagen peptide supplementation for pain and function: is it effective?
Prospective study of dietary protein intake and risk of hip fracture in postmenopausal women
Not All Maca Is Created Equal: A Review of Colors, Nutrition, Phytochemicals, and Clinical Uses
Are you tired of hearing about the benefits of fiber? Well, hold your horses because focusing more on my nutrition is helping me feel my best during perimenopause, and it can do the same for you, regardless of your life stage! No more calorie counting or trying to be the skinniest girl in the room. (Are you officially old when you start talking about fiber?) Whether you're in your reproductive years, navigating perimenopause like me, or post-menopausal, fiber will do wonders for your hormones and overall health.
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Cycle School and other resources
Estrogen dominance is a common issue, particularly among women in their late 30s and older. This condition can arise due to factors such as age, excess body fat, exposure to hormone-mimicking chemicals, poor digestion, stress, adrenal problems, and autoimmune conditions. Do you know what the symptoms of estrogen dominance are? Listen and learn what to watch for and how to use nutrition and lifestyle to take charge of your health today!
Do you want to deepen your understanding of the menstrual cycle so you can access your cyclical superpowers? Then Cycle Strategy 101 is for you!
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To inquire about private mentorship, speaking engagements, etc., please email Ashlee at AshleeSorensenCoachingLLC@gmail.com
Is it expensive to be healthy? I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be! Healthy nutrition can be affordable by following a few easy tips. This episode will demonstrate how to prioritize healthy eating without breaking the bank by focusing on budget-friendly ingredients, savvy shopping methods, and easy meal planning.
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Enroll in Steady and Strong and learn to use your hormone fluctuations to help you be more consistent with exercise!
Track your Heart Rate Variability by getting a peak into your nervous system regulation and stress resilience. In this episode, I explain what HRV is, how to track it, what range to aim for, and how to improve your HRV with lifestyle hacks.
Save 15% on your purchase of the online course Steady & Strong!
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What's standing in your way of reaching your goals and achieving your dreams? As small children, we receive information from the world and the people around us that helps to shape our thoughts about ourselves, our worth, our potential, and much more. Some of these thoughts and beliefs affect us negatively as we grow into adulthood, holding us back from reaching our potential. Brooklyn Jolley is a Master Hypnotherapist specializing in supporting service-based entrepreneurs to overcome limiting thoughts, beliefs, and behavior. Even if you're not an entrepreneur or have a side hustle, you will gain so much insight into subconscious programming and how to use hypnotherapy to bust through limiting beliefs once and for all!
Episode #6: Subconscious Self-Sabotage
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Are you the queen of over-complicating things? Get Brooklyn's FREE Let it Be Easy Hypnotherapy!
Request a custom-made hypnotherapy session from Brooklyn!
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Cycle School is open for enrollment!
One in ten women are diagnosed with endometriosis. Chances are high that you know a woman who is silently suffering from this whole-body disease. In this episode, I share my personal story of my struggle with endometriosis and how it affected my mental health. Please listen to this episode and share it with everyone!
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Electrolyte beverages are all the rage in the health and wellness world, but do you really need to supplement electrolytes? In this episode, I de-mystify the role of electrolytes and help you understand if drinking an electrolyte beverage is a good choice for you.
Re-Lyte Electrolytes
LMNT Electrolytes
If you struggle with chronic fatigue, brain fog, trouble concentrating, or feeling reliant on caffeine and other stimulants to get through your day, the answer may be more straightforward than you thought. Because humans are bombarded with so much artificial light, it's easy for our biological rhythms to get thrown out of whack, which can lead to all sorts of chronic issues and diseases. Learn how to support and reset your body's circadian rhythms.
In this episode, learn the two main reasons why women gain weight in mid-life and how to uncover the root cause of your weight gain.
If you're struggling with weight loss resistance, and proper nutrition and exercise aren't helping, you may have a hormone imbalance that is preventing you from dropping excess weight. I'm proud to offer free DUTCH hormone testing to the women in my private mentorship program. Learn more about DUTCH testing.
Please schedule a consultation if you would like to learn more about my private mentorship packages.
Enroll in Cycle Strategy 101
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This podcast represents the opinions of Ashlee Sorensen, Functional Health Coach, and her guests. The content shared on this podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Because each person is unique, please consult your healthcare professional for any medical questions.
80% of women experience hot flashes in perimenopause and menopause. In this episode, I explain the cause of hot flashes and share my best tips for easing hot flashes and night sweats!
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Are you interested in private coaching? Schedule a no-pressure chat to ask all your questions!
Studies cited in this podcast:
The Midlife Women’s Health Study – a study protocol of a longitudinal prospective study on predictors of menopausal hot flashes | Women's Midlife Health | Full Text (biomedcentral.com) Menopausal Hot Flashes: A Concise Review - PMC (nih.gov) Magnitude of the impact of hot flashes on sleep in perimenopausal women - PMC (nih.gov) Hot Flashes: A Review of Pathophysiology and Treatment Modalities - PMC (nih.gov) Hot Flashes: Why They Happen, Treatment, Prevention (webmd.com) Hot flashes - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic What causes hot flushes? The neuroendocrine origin of vasomotor symptoms in the menopause - PubMed (nih.gov) The relationship of longitudinal change in reproductive hormones and vasomotor symptoms during the menopausal transition - PubMed (nih.gov) Evaluating urinary estrogen and progesterone metabolites using dried filter paper samples and gas chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry The Free Hormone Hypothesis: When, Why, and How to Measure the Free Hormone Levels to Assess Vitamin D, Thyroid, Sex Hormone, and Cortisol Status - PMC (nih.gov) Daily salivary cortisol patterns in midlife women with hot flashes Effect of omega-3 supplements on vasomotor symptoms in menopausal women: A systematic review and meta-analysis - PubMed (nih.gov) Menopause Diet: How What You Eat Affects Your Symptoms (healthline.com) Effects of a dietary intervention and weight change on vasomotor symptoms in the Women’s Health Initiative - PMC (nih.gov) Efficacy of phytoestrogens for menopausal symptoms: a meta-analysis and systematic review - PubMed (nih.gov) Menopausal symptoms and risk factors for cardiovascular disease in postmenopause - PubMed (nih.gov) Menopausal symptoms and risk factors for cardiovascular disease in postmenopause - PubMed (nih.gov) Vasomotor symptoms and insulin resistance in the study of women's health across the nation - PubMed (nih.gov) Association between menopausal symptoms and metabolic syndrome in postmenopausal women - PubMed (nih.gov) Caffeine and menopausal symptoms: what is the association? - PubMed (nih.gov) An exploratory study on perceived relationship of alcohol, caffeine, and physical activity on hot flashes in menopausal women (scirp.org) The International Menopause Study of Climate, Altitude, Temperature (IMS-CAT) and vasomotor symptoms - PubMed (nih.gov) Botanical and Dietary Supplements for Menopausal Symptoms: What Works, What Doesn’t - PMC (nih.gov) -
I've included MCT oil in my daily nutrition for several years. In this episode, I share why MCT oil can benefit a woman's blood sugar and metabolic health.
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Do your chocolate cravings intensify during the colder months, or at certain times of the cycle? You're not alone. In this episode, learn why a neurotransmitter imbalance may be the cause.
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Boost your serotonin levels naturally with brewed cacao. Save $5 on your Crio Bru order!
Learn more about the courses offered through Cycle School.
Have you struggled to lose weight because you're PMS cravings are through the roof? Or perhaps you have a habit of starting a new diet strongly and eventually losing momentum and having to start back at the beginning yet again. This episode is for you if you are desperate to lose weight or want to feel more controlled around food. Lisa Salisbury helps women lose weight without counting calories, calculating macros, or measuring a dang thing, and this week, she is sharing tips on what to do about those pesky cravings and how to stop feeling out of control around food. Schedule a free call with Lisa!
Well With Lisa Podcast
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Get Lisa's FREE Go-To Meals Guide!
You can learn more about women's hormones on Instagram!
I love learning from the author of Atomic Habits, James Clear. In this episode, I share some insightful questions he uses as he conducts his annual self-review, which I looked at through the lens of menstrual cycle awareness and found to be powerful journal prompts for the cyclical woman. Do you know where you're headed? Do you like where your daily habits and behaviors are leading you? This episode will be a guide in helping you see and change your current habits to embody the future you're trying to create now.
Like what you're learning from this podcast? Subscribe to my weekly Brilliant in the Basics e-mail to learn more about how you can support your hormones.
To inquire about options for one-on-one coaching, please schedule a free call with Ashlee here.
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Learn more about menstrual and hormone health in Cycle School!
Atomic Habits by James Clear
If the thought of New Year's Resolutions gives you a little anxiety, let me introduce you to a new way of goal-setting and achieving using the guidance and wisdom of your menstrual cycle. Learn how your innate cyclical superpowers will keep you motivated, excited, on track, and aligned to reach your goals.
Take your menstrual cycle awareness practice to a new level! Enroll in Cycle Strategy 101 here!
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