The Go-To Podcast for Christian Women Who Want to Dive into Their Purpose!
Do you wish you could find time to balance everything and still walk in your purpose? Are you constantly feeling like you don’t know which way God wants you to go or what He wants you to do? Tired of getting too overwhelmed, fighting the battlefield in your mind, and questioning yourself, How do I know if I’m being purposeful?
I’m so excited that you’re here! This podcast will help you understand your purpose, find time to work on what you’re actually called to do (even while working full-time), and go deeper in your relationship with God!
Hey, I’m Shayla. Executive Pastor, Nonprofit Director and Entrepreneur. For 10+ years, I was completely stressed out. Doing all of the things: trying to figure out what I was supposed to be doing. I started several businesses that flopped, signed up for multiple courses and training programs, and created random content for my blog, my YouTube channel and social media.
I finally realized that if I was going to confidently walk in my calling then I needed to create habits that allowed me to dig deeper with God and let Him lead me into the purpose that He has for me.
I now have a blueprint to identify my calling and the action steps needed to make it happen and I’m ready to share it with you!
If you’re ready for some simple strategies designed for busy Christian women like you, who desire to get clear on their next steps, so they can move forward in Kingdom impact - like those empowerment sessions you’ve dreamed of hosting, then this podcast is for you!
So…it’s time for some girl chat, you grab the popcorn, I’ll grab the peanut M&Ms, and meet me on the couch…let’s get started!
Next Steps:
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Welcome Sweet Friend to the Her Healed Heart Podcast where we will talk about Clearing our Clutter as a Christian Woman. We will learn how to clear our Emotional Clutter (feelings of resentment or anger, loss, fear or worry, insecurities and guilt or regret), Our Physical Clutter (in our homes) & Our Spiritual Clutter (what is blocking us in our relationship with God). My desire is for you to have a place to know you are NOT ALONE & NOT JUDGED!! I promised God that if He got me through my mess then I would help other women get through theirs!! So if you like Organizing, Learning Life’s Lessons & Renewing your mind then sister you are in the right place. We are the Heart of our Home and we will learn how to HEAL OUR HEARTS!!
I am Samantha Brown, Spiritual Life Coach & Professional Organizer. I have been married for 15 years, I’m a mom of 2 teenagers (yikes!!) and 2 Fur Babies. I get it sister, this life can be a lot to handle at times, especially when you feel like you are doing it alone!! So when I met Jesus 10 years ago I started my own journey of figuring out that I had so much chaos (inside & out) and that my life was not everything God planned for me but then I realized that He did have a plan, so I started asking Him for a vision & that’s when things started to change. Believe me sister, I know this life can be lonely and stressful which is why I promised God that when I got through my own crazy mess I would help other Christian Women with what I learned along the way. I have also created a Facebook Community so we can support and encourage one another. I am praying for you sister and I am here for you whether it is on this Podcast, in the Facebook group or in a 1 on 1 Coaching Session.
- Galatians 6:1
Go to HERHEALEDHEART.COM to find all the links OR to set up your 1 on 1 coaching session.
May God Bless and Heal Your Heart!! -
Podcast Seminary helps you grow in your faith. Get informed and be transformed by our comprehensive, practical, and biblical discipleship provided in nine essential categories: Foundations, Formation, Ministry, Bible, Apologetics, Theology, Leadership, Life, and Specialty. Subscribe and let Podcast Seminary systematically fill gaps in your biblical knowledge, making you a person of greater impact, influence, and integrity.
This podcast is specifically dedicated to changing the way that we view absolutely everything!
We live under conditions and within parameters that don’t remotely come close to having the bandwidth, to allow us to reach our optimal potential.
So I, The King Maker, am here to break the chains of mental enslavement, to burn the boxes of limitation to the fucking ground.
To show you that you can have and be and do whatever it is that you desire.
Through my process "The Creation of Magic" you will "Claim Your Crown" and "Become The Architect Of Your Reality".
I truly hope that you receive joy, inspiration, and empowerment from each podcast episode.
Sending love, light and gratitude always! 💕 -
The Art of Purpose a podcast where we explore the joys and challenges of living a fulfilling life. Join host, Gayla as she encourages, motivates, and inspires us to tap into our creativity and harness it toward living better.
Dans ce podcast, on parle de spiritualité, de manifestation et de développement personnel, mais aussi de troubles alimentaires. Je te donnerai des informations et des explications sur différents sujets de spiritualité ou de développement personnel, avec un seul but: que tu puisses manifester plus facilement et avec plus de confiance ta vie de rêve. Je t'aiderai également à avancer le long de ton parcours de guérison des troubles alimentaires. Suis-moi sur les réseaux sur mon compte dédié à la spiritualité ou celui dédié aux troubles alimentaires. Je publie également mon contenu au format article, je t'invite aussi à me rejoindre sur mon blog. Et n'oublie pas...c'est maintenant ou jamais (et si c'est pas maintenant, il y a de grandes chances que ça soit jamais...)! Nora
The Brook, Madison, Alabama -
The team at Of Starlight & Moonbeams, publisher of Moonbeams Magazine, serves the tea on living a magically creative life. Join best-selling authors Kristie Cook and Belinda Boring every Wednesday as we grab a cuppa and discuss magic and spirituality and how we use them in our art, our businesses, and our lives. Expanding on themes from the magazine and beyond, our intention is to educate, entertain, and inspire ourselves and our listeners to manifest the lives they desire while serving from an overflowing cup.
This podcast is dedicated to topics of archaeological, historical, scientific and logical discussions in theology. The primary point of conflict between proponents of intelligent design vs evolutionism, for example, is the question of origins.
The Happy Insights Podcast focuses on both spiritual and scientific answers to life's biggest questions such as:
Where do we come from?
What happens after we die?
What are dreams?
How do we live richer lives?
How can we make more money?
How much of reality is fixed and how much is flexible?
Is there such a thing as destiny?
What is a soulmate?
How is our personality shaped?
Can we reprogram our mind?
Are we alone in the universe?
Why is there so much suffering?
How can I improve my relationships with others?
These are just a few examples of ideas being discussed.
This podcast was created for listeners with an open-mind with an immense amount of curiosity. Due to the limitations of scientific answers to questions that go beyond our physical world, there is great emphasis on different spiritual concepts and practices. There are many opinions and ideas shared but never intended as the only answer to the questioned pondered. We live in a world created through the perception of each individual, therefore, there are as many answers to each question as there are people on this planet.
Happy Ali is a self-help Author, Spiritual Advisor, Life Purpose Coach, NLP Practitioner, with a degree in Psychology and lifetime of research into invisible laws that govern our spiritual universe. He is no stranger to personal tragedy and adversity, yet he is skilled at maintaining his happiness. This podcast is inspired by his desire to share his immense knowledge, countless techniques, and ability to maintain equilibrium in this crazy world. The goal of Happy Ali and his guests is to help listeners step into a peaceful world of wonder and utilize the knowledge to improve their lives.
We’ll be studying the books Shivchei Haran (Rebbe Nachman’s Praises) and Sichot Haran (Rebbe Nachman’s conversations).
We will see how each and every lesson in these holy books bring us inspiration and the ultimate clarity in navigating our relationship with G-d! -
Hey loves! This podcast is all about Spirituality as I break it down to help you understand the ins and outs. With the mainstream of the media, it's difficult to find a good resource to be able to go too to understand all the connections that you might be making with the spiritual world. So let this be a place to go too when you are wondering how to connect with your inner space and gain some confidence in how you understand yourself.
Follow me on instagram at @shatelpeteres
Follow me on FB at or
So we can connect even further as this journey unfolds for you! -
Advancing Bliblical Literacy in an easy to understand Story Teller form. Find practical help for the Heart and Home while we ponder life from a Biblical Perspective. Social or local, equipping you to be effective stewards of the opportunities God lays before you to further His Kingdom.
This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:
Chartable - -
Welcome to the Datasets Podcast. Be well prepared to Learn and Share Insights about Entrepreneurship, AI, Wealth, Biohacking, Cultivating Relations, Surviving & Thriving In The Next Crisis, etc.
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✨Bienvenue dans le Jardin soSecret animé par Mia (alias Socharmante sur les réseaux sociaux) !Chaque Dimanche, nous plongeons dans des sujets profonds de par des épisodes inspirants sur le développement personnel, le bien-être & la féminité. Cultivez la beauté de votre propre jardin secret, découvrez votre beauté intérieure et exploitez votre charme avec style & confiance. Abonnez-vous maintenant et faites partie de notre communauté Socharmante. 🌸💫
مهند مجيد، محاور وصاحب فكرة بودكاست "شنو القصة؟" وهي منصة حوارية تستضيف نخبة من المختصين والخبراء والفنانين والمؤثرين من العالم العربي، بهدف نشر المعرفة والفائدة من خلال تسليط الضوء على المواضيع المهمة و الأقل نقاشاً في الوطن العربي، نسعى لفتح آفاق جديدة تسهم في إثراء الفكر العربي.
Mohannad Majeed is the host and creator of the podcast "Sheno Al Qussa?, which is an engaging platform that features elite specialists, experts, artists, and influencers from the Arab world. Our mission is to spread knowledge and benefit by shedding light on significant and underrepresented topics in the Arab world. We strive to open new horizons that contribute to enriching Arab thought.
للتواصل معنا من خلال الايميل:
Email: [email protected]
حساب بودكاست شنو القصة؟ على الانستغرام
/ shenoalqussa
للتواصل مع مهند مجيد:
Instagram: / mohannedmaj. .
TikTok: / mohanned.majeed
Snapchat: @mohannedmajeed -
كل ما من شأنه تطوير المرأة و رفع مستوى وعيها بذاتها 🧡
The art and science of living a Good Life.
This is what I wrote on my vision board:
I have a life. May I honor that gift. May I make it as full and free and deeply human as possible for myself and others. May I never stop growing. May I never stop loving. May I never stop risking. May I never stop listening. May I never forget that everyone I meet has so much they can teach me if only I’m humble enough to learn. And if my hearts breaks, may I never forget to make sure it breaks open.
Welcome to the Odd Duck Optimist Club, my friends! For your daily dose of depth and lightness at the same time.
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Who is Morgan?
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.