
  • Brittany Krystantos has leveraged her battles with selective mutism and depression into a dynamic career as a motivational speaker and TED Talk presenter, profoundly
    impacting the mental health landscape.

    Overcoming challenges such as selective mutism in her early years, she has transformed her journey of anxiety and depression into a profound commitment to helping others. At
    the age of 15, Brittany authored the acclaimed book "I Am Not Your Average Teen," offering insights, hope, and practical strategies for navigating the complexities of mental health. With a mission to make a meaningful difference in countless lives, Brittany continues to inspire individuals to overcome their challenges. Her journey, from silence to happiness, guides those seeking to find their voice and navigate the intricacies of mental





    Website: www.brittkrystantos.com

  • Jill Sitnick

    After over 25 years of award-winning educational technology experience, including careers at Microsoft and Amazon, Jill is known for simplifying complicated subjects. Using that background, she founded The Journey Sage, an educational platform that explains MDMA for PTSD therapy to help dispel the stigma of psychedelics for mental health. She explains in her memoir, intentions-setting workbook, and YouTube channel how MDMA therapy healed her PTSD symptoms. She works to provide a patient experience to help people understand how psychedelics assist with healing trauma.







  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • Dr. Shafer Stedron, MD is a mother, physician, board-certified neurologist, and Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach, with a focus on helping others reclaim their stories and hone their focus. She is also a musician, writer, and publisher, dedicated to supporting others on their journeys of growth and improved health through storytelling.

    Raised in the Midwest, Dr. Shafer began her career as a professional singer, songwriter, and producer at just 14 years old. With a bright future ahead, she was accepted to NYU’s School of Music Business and was working in NYC. However, at 20, she married and her life took a different path. For the next two decades, she devoted herself to everything but her marriage to stay in it. During this time, she returned to the Midwest, worked three jobs, earned a degree in psychology, attended medical school, and completed a neurology residency at Indiana University. She then moved to rural Northern Michigan, far from family and friends, where she found herself increasingly isolated and solely focused on her family. Eventually, Dr. Shafer realized that her world had become too small, and she needed to make significant changes, no matter how daunting. After enduring a challenging divorce with young children, she learned to redirect her energy away from her immediate circumstances and toward her goals, taking actionable steps to achieve them.

    Dr. Shafer supported her daughter in publishing two books, starting the podcast What's Up Young Authors!, and pursuing philanthropic efforts to support wildlife and the humane society. Together, they founded Little House of Dreams, a publishing company dedicated to helping young authors realize their dreams of writing and publishing their books. Dr. Shafer also authored her book, currently in pre-publication, which tells the story of a boy who loves his brightly colored blocks and explores how a mother relates to her neurodiverse son, helping him navigate daily challenges and learn to self-regulate.

    After becoming a Certified Life Coach through the Jay Shetty Program, Dr. Shafer launched her own life coaching business, where she empowers others to reclaim their stories, sharpen their focus, and take actionable steps toward building a beautiful future and achieving their goals.

    She has also created a range of supportive content, from music to reels and articles, which resonated deeply with those facing similar life challenges. This led her to start her podcast, Talks with Dr. Shafer, where she shares solo episodes filled with encouraging and inspiring content based on her own experiences, as well as guest episodes featuring individuals who generously use their energy and expertise to help others on their paths to growth and self-awareness.

    Dr. Shafer also founded an online community, We Don't Tell Our Stories, to support victims of domestic abuse by sharing resources that help them regain self-awareness and encourage them to reclaim their lives.

    Fulfilling a lifelong dream, she joined the Ski Patrol, an opportunity she had long desired but was not “permitted” to pursue during her marriage. This became one of the first endeavors she embraced after choosing freedom, and the camaraderie, support, and community she found were instrumental in helping her regain self-confidence and move forward on her journey to becoming the woman she is today.

    Learn more about her mission at www.drshaferstedronova.com and connect with her on social media at https://qr.fm/l9kXKj.

  • Anouska Taylor is an experienced executive voice coach, Jungian life coach (utilizing the powerful work of Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung), and professional singer-songwriter. She has been coaching clients from all backgrounds around the world for about 15 years, helping them optimize, enhance, and maximize their unique voices.

    Anouska has been singing and performing most of her life and began writing her music during lockdown. She has released seven singles, with more on the way.

    Although she initially trained to teach singing (and still does teach singers), her focus in recent years has shifted to coaching soul-led professionals—from entrepreneurs and lawyers to senior executives and authors—to reclaim their authentic speaking voice.

    Her mission is to awaken people to the massive potential in their speaking voice, so they can make a bigger impact, influence, motivate, educate, inspire, transform, and persuade.



    @anouskavocals (YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok)

  • Chris Terzakos would like to inspire your audience with his experience and wisdom on leadership, self-healing, healthy aging, and wellness.

    As a leader, Chris has worked in the construction industry for 40 years.

    He is also a three-time champion baseball coach.

    Currently, he is an entrepreneur working in the investment area, is co-owner of a well-being marketing agency, a coach, and the author of three books: HERNIA WITHOUT SURGERY, NATURAL TESTOSTERONE AFTER 60 and BELONGING TO YOURSELF.

    “When I was diagnosed with a hernia my doctor’s recommendation was to prepare for surgery. Instead of preparing for surgery, I decided to create a self-healing plan. My plan included intense research and application of the vast knowledge I found on how to create the ideal conditions to help my body heal itself naturally. You can change your health by changing your lifestyle and change your life by changing your health, but first, you need to be open to shifting your perspective about healing and to know that your body is the real doctor.”

    “There are millions of men going through the issue with low testosterone. In my 60s, I have discovered a better and more effective solution than TRT. Your mind is a powerful tool — use it to create solutions rather than further complicate your life. It’s easy to give up when you don’t know what the next step is, however, living a healthy life requires a healthy attitude which is all up to you. The main key is to be willing to learn, act and grow. Through knowledge, wisdom, and dedication, I created a program that works for me, and my wish is that it could work for you too. You are not alone. There Is Always A Solution To Every Problem And Success Doesn’t Happen By Chance. “

    “In my book, Belonging to Yourself, I share the story about my quest to belong. In the search for love and meaning among people, places, and things, I found myself in a cycle of pain and suffering well into my 50s. My life started to change when I turned my attention within and allowed intuitive wisdom to guide my next steps. It was then that I finally began to feel the transformative energy of self-love.”

    “My understanding of success has been defined by my love for baseball and helping others. Despite facing setbacks and disappointment at not becoming a professional player, I found a new in purpose coaching a senior League baseball team. After hearing that a travel team was on the verge of being cut because of funding, I donated my own money and offered to coach the team myself. I successfully recruited young players from diverse backgrounds, provided valuable life lessons to a new generation, and led them to three consecutive championships. Reflecting on this transformative journey, I emphasize the importance of purpose in achieving success and finding fulfillment in helping others reach their full potential.”


    Chris Terzakos is an entrepreneur, self-healing coach, and the author of three books; Hernia Without Surgery, Natural Testosterone After 60 and Belonging to Yourself.

    He has been an active athlete for most of his life. Chris’ passion for health and fitness started early in life. From adolescence into adulthood, he faced many ongoing ups and downs and adversities, he often wondered why it had to be this way. After losing loved ones and several relationships, Chris finally realized that he needed a shift that would change the relationship he had with himself. Chris shares these experiences in his book: Belonging To Yourself. Today, he dedicates his life to self-healing and self-growth by connecting to his own natural wisdom, being open to learning, and connecting genuinely with others with the intention of improving their lives.

    Chris was born and raised in New York City and spent over 40 years in leadership roles helping and mentoring people in the business world associated with unions and organizing their members. He has worked on several high-profile projects building airport terminals and the largest casino in the United States. Chris’ presence in the construction field made a significant impact in the related businesses and people’s lives.







  • Losing her mother at birth taught Dr. Cleopatra Kamperveen that healthy reproduction is everything. Dr. Cleopatra is the founder and chief scientific officer of The Fertility & Pregnancy Institute and Superbaby Nutrition. She is an NIH-funded scientist and retired tenured University of Southern California professor who pioneered the field of creating superbabies using her world-renowned Primemester Protocol and groundbreaking fertility supplement and prenatal vitamin line, Superbaby Nutraceuticals. Since 1996, Dr. Cleopatra has helped thousands of women (ages 23-48 thus far) on 6 continents in 43+ countries have their superbabies. Dr. Cleopatra has received nearly $3 million in grant funding from multiple arms of the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and dozens of private foundations. Her work has been cited in 2,000 scientific studies in the past 5 years alone. In 2020, Dr. Cleopatra was voted Most Courageous by her healthcare peers for changing the face of infertility and of what becomes possible for women and families after an infertility diagnosis. Dr. Cleopatra served as a selected member of the Fulbright Specialists Roster.



    Facebook - 4.8k

    Instagram - 14k

    Linked In - 2.8k

    Tiktok and YouTube - 500


    The Super Fertility Summit 2024

  • Manpreet Johal-Bernie is the founder of Heart's Happiness. She was born and raised in London by her wonderful immigrant parents and comes from a South Asian Indian background. As the third generation of her family living in the United Kingdom, her heritage is significant to her story. Her family immigrated to the UK from India in the 1960s, and each generation—her grandparents, parents, and Manpreet herself—has experienced different types of trauma while living in very different worlds.

    Despite living her life based on the programming and tools provided by her family, Manpreet struggled. She faced challenges in relationships, battled depression, and had low self-esteem. Her family had dealt with similar struggles and had turned to addictions, codependency, and even suicide to cope with their pain.

    Determined to break this cycle, Manpreet embarked on a journey to heal her intergenerational trauma and learn a new way of living, one that she defined for herself. She has transformed in many areas and has found her own heart's happiness.

    Manpreet is here to help those who also want to begin healing but don't know where to start, feel overwhelmed, or are unsure of what kind of help they need. Her services and podcast are designed to kickstart people's healing, something she wishes her family members had done years ago when their struggles became too much to bear.

    Deciding to do something different from what you have seen in your own family is the beginning of a transformational journey you will never regret taking. Manpreet is here to help you and hold your hand through this process.

    Before pursuing her passion for helping others heal from intergenerational trauma, Manpreet worked in the corporate world for over 16 years, assisting large organizations with IT and business changes. Now, she helps individuals change their lives. Her work comes from her heart to yours, aiming to help you heal and live a happier, more conscious life, so you no longer feel the need to numb yourself just to get through each day.

    Her approach combines holistic life coaching and mentoring. She shares many tools she learned on her healing journey with her clients and incorporates her training in NLP (neurolinguistic programming to help change the mind), EFT (emotional freedom tapping technique to help the body release trauma), change management, and trauma-informed coaching.





  • Pauline Leung, a Certified High-Performance Coach, is passionate about helping working professionals lead a life filled with more purpose, happiness, well-being, and success. She has a unique approach that combines her professional expertise with the practices of yoga, meditation, high-performance science, and integrative nutrition coaching.

    With a 19-year career at L’Oréal, Pauline has gained extensive experience as a Business Professional in Europe, Asia, and the United States. She started as a Marketing Intern and climbed the corporate ladder to become a General Manager, and after made the transition to Human Resources.



    IG: @Paulineleung_chpc

    LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leungpauline/


  • Jamie Lerner, co-author of the book The Ever-Loving Essence of You, can put a fresh spin on just about anything that anyone throws her way. Her unique and masterful ability to re-frame even the most difficult situations is astounding. All of a sudden your biggest nightmare becomes your greatest pleasure as she lovingly helps you sift through the contrast and find that small opening of light that quickly becomes your greatest jumping-off point for clarity. Unassuming, reassuring, and seemingly without any sense of ego, Jamie Lerner can put everyone and everything at ease. Jamie Lerner is an asset to any corporate setting. She is easily able to untangle the issues at hand and move right along to help facilitate a solution-based platform for creative, productive, good-feeling collaboration and change. Jamie Lerner can most often be seen working with adults, teens, children, and couples as well as with small groups. She never positions herself as the expert on anything and is always reminding you that it is you who knows best for yourself ALWAYS. Jamie is an Integrative Well-Being Therapist who resides in the Chicago area.




  • Alison Cork, MBE

    Behind National Women’s Enterprise Week is author, columnist, presenter, and powerhouse in women’s enterprise, Alison Cork.
    Awarded an MBE in 2023 for her services to female entrepreneurship, Alison has been a role model and champion to women in business for over 35 years.

    After floating a publishing and mail order business in 1994, making her the youngest female founder of a public company at the time, she later founded the Alison at Home interiors brand.
    Alison has seen firsthand the lack of female role models, starting her first business in the 80s – which ignited her passion for empowering women of today to consider entrepreneurship as a natural career choice and possibility. It was because of this core belief that Alison founded and funded Make It Your Business and from which NWEW was born.

    As of today, Make It Your Business has seen thousands of women attend its free networking and online training sessions.
    Also an ambassador for the British Library Business & IP Centre supporting start-ups and scale-ups (66% of which are female-led), Alison continues to help women nationwide of all ages to achieve their economic potential and financial independence.



    @alisoncork_home (insta)

    @alisoncork (Twitter)

  • Nicole Antoniou is the Founder of Butterfly Squad, her mission is deeply rooted in a personal journey that has driven her to bring revolutionary change to the realm of children's mental and physical well-being.

    Her journey as the Founder of Butterfly Squad is deeply personal. She embarked on this mission after witnessing her own daughter's struggles with her emotional well-being. She realized that the world's mental health sector for children lacked structure and guidance, leaving young hearts adrift in a sea of emotions without a compass.

    This led her to craft Butterfly Squad's innovative approach—a fusion of emotional literacy, physical vitality, and mindfulness. Over 14 years of dedication, she meticulously developed and tested her transformative formula that equips children with essential tools to recognize, understand, and navigate their emotions. Through a unique curriculum, young minds are empowered to build resilience, foster self-awareness, and take charge of their actions and choices.

    Butterfly Squad's impact is built upon a three-pronged foundation. The curriculum comprises animated emotional literacy lessons that lay the cognitive groundwork, invigorating fitness sessions designed to instill discipline and confidence, and mindfulness practices that enhance emotional control and concentration. It's a holistic approach that shapes a generation of empowered individuals ready to conquer life's challenges with grace.

    Her journey, rooted in her daughter's experience, drives her commitment to Butterfly Squad's mission. Witnessing the transformation in her well-being ignited her passion to ensure no child faces similar struggles alone. Together, they're building a future where children have the tools they need to thrive in both their mental and physical well-being.



    Website: https://www.butterflysquad.rocks/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/butterflysquadrocksFacebook
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/butterflysquadrocksLinked
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/butterflysquadrocks/

  • Elizabeth Cowper has over 20 years of HR leadership experience and is a working mother of 3 and Founder of Ludo. Ludo provides multi-award-winning tech for inclusion in the workplace.

    Elizabeth spent her HR career working for brands such as Planet Organic, Harvey Nichols, LVMH, and Tapestry. Tapestry is the umbrella company for Coach, Kate Spade, and Stuart Weitzman where Elizabeth was VP HR Europe, Global Head of Wellbeing, and part of the Global DEI Committee. Elizabeth has been described as the ‘Culture Adjuster’ and has been listed in the HR Most Influential Awards for 5 years straight. Elizabeth understands how to engage talent and drive wellbeing in the workplace. It’s her thing.

    In 2022 Ludo won Inclusion Initiative of the Year by Corporate Livewire and Rising Stars in Corporate Wellbeing. Elizabeth has been listed as one of the 10 Most Futuristic Business Women Pioneering Innovation 2022 and Top Five Unstoppable Women Leaders to Watch 2023.



    Website: https://weareludo.com/

    Instagram: @we_are_ludo

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/weareludo/?viewAsMember=true

  • Theresa Alexander Inman is a highly qualified parent coach with expertise as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Infant Toddler Developmental Specialist, and International Behavior Analyst. She is also experienced in play-based interventions and mindfulness. In her signature method, she uses them as a combined treatment modality to meet the unique needs of the families she serves.

    Theresa believes learning should be fun and involve the whole family and/or village, when possible. Theresa is also an international speaker and trainer as well as the Author of How Can I Help My Child Communicate?

    Theresa is a beacon of hope for parents seeking freedom from stress, frustration, guilt, and doubt. Through her transformative ‘Your Parenting Breakthrough Solutions’ program, she creates a holistic support system that nurtures children and empowers families, fostering confidence, joy, and a renewed sense of self.



    TikTok: @parentcoachtheresa
    Facebook: @Theresa Alexander Inman


  • Chrissy Mellinger is a Business Strategist and Coach for women owners of service-based businesses who want to build, scale, and operate their service based businesses sustainably and through a human-first approach. Chrissy draws upon over 12 years of strategic, project management and leadership experience, along with degrees in Finance, Economics, and Business Management to support her clients in creating strong foundations in their businesses so they can enjoy all aspects of life, instead of sacrificing their enjoyment of life for their business. When she isn't working, Chrissy loves to snuggle her dogs, hike with her husband, and read tons of personal development and fantasy books!




  • “When she awakens her heart, she will move mountains.”
    – Sandy Sembler, Embodied Results Coach

    Short Bio
    Sandy Sembler, recognized as the “Women’s
    Embodiment Expert,” created the transformative power of the SakredShe Method™ based on her own life’s journey. Her innovative approach illuminates the path for women and couples toward a more profound, vibrant, and authentic connection with themselves and others. It provides a brave space for addressing deep-seated roadblocks that have impeded the attainment of fulfilling relationships and lives. Sandy’s personal journey of
    harmonizing masculine and feminine energies intimately informs her teachings, making her both a relatable guide and a beacon of lived authenticity.

    More about Sandy
    At the heart of Sandy’s philosophy is the radical process of ‘re-wilding’ - a liberating return to the untamed wisdom of the body, the boundless joy of existence, and the insatiable curiosity of the spirit. It’s a journey into living life with grace, abundance, and sovereignty, liberated from societal constraints that often confine the feminine spirit. Sandy fervently believes that embracing
    emotions and body intelligence enriches our roles as partners, leaders, and mothers, aligning us with our genuine selves. This unique perspective, fortified by her extensive training and personal experiences, sets Sandy apart as she has discovered this path through her own trials and triumphs.

    A significant part of Sandy’s work revolves around educating on the profound influence of past trauma on relationships. She offers powerful tools to navigate trauma’s effects, driven by the conviction that our adversities can transform into empowering messages that uplift and inspire others. Sandy believes that the last 5% of our healing occurs in relationship – where we often receive our deepest wounds – and it is within these spaces that the greatest transformations occur. This is especially true in a sacred union where trust allows exploration and complete expression.

    Sandy’s coaching approach focuses on ‘embodiment’ - a deep mind-body connection that fosters lasting transformation. She recognizes three vital spheres of relating - to self, others, and the divine - melding them into a holistic experience of the “Art Of Creative Relationship”. This union, a dance of masculine and
    feminine energies, is central to her teaching and life practice.

    Through SakredShe, Sandy is creating more than a method; she is nurturing a global sisterhood - a haven where women and couples can evolve, express, and uncover their most authentic selves. She unapologetically invites you to delve into the depths of your heart’s desire and revolutionize your life through the
    harmonization of energies, embodied wisdom, and emotional enlightenment.

    Discover more about Sandy’s transformative journey and her impactful method at sandysembler.com.

    Prior podcast and broadcast examples may be found at

    Call to Action
    Curious for More? Take the Quiz to discover how you show up in relationship! https://sandysembler.com/quiz

    For More Information
    [email protected]

    Social Media Links
    Facebook => https://www.facebook.com/sandysembler/
    Instagram => https://www.instagram.com/sandysembler/
    LinkedIn => https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandysembler/
    YouTube => https://www.youtube.com/@sakredshe

  • Celeste Mergens is a bestselling author, speaker, and
    thought leader, and helps people recognize their strengths
    and be the change they want to be in the world. She is the
    founder of Days for Girls, a global award-winning
    organization championing Women's Health and Menstrual
    Equity. Days for Girls believes in a world where periods
    are never a problem and has reached more than 3 million
    women and girls in 145 countries, shattering stigma,
    shame, and taboos and turning periods into pathways of
    healing, new growth, and opportunity. Celeste is a
    sought-after speaker. She has been featured in Oprah’s O
    Magazine, Forbes, and Stanford Social Innovation
    Review. She was awarded the AARP Purpose Prize,
    Conscious Company Global Impact Entrepreneur Top Ten
    Women, 2019 Global Washington Global Hero, and
    Women's Economic Forum's Woman of the Decade. She
    is happily married to her best friend of 40 years, Don
    Mergens. They live in the Pacific Northwest.



    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celestemergens
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celeste.mergens
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/celeste-mergens

    Websites: DaysforGirls.org: https://www.daysforgirls.org/
    CelesteMergens.com: https://www.celestemergens.com/

  • Jo Hunter is the Founder and CEO of 64 Million Artists, a social enterprise inviting everyone in the UK to explore their creative potential and use it to challenge the status quo. Since they were founded in 2014, they have run bespoke programmes and nationwide campaigns for individuals, communities and leaders across schools, universities, whole cities, workplaces, cultural institutions and health and government bodies. They experiment with different ways to reconnect people with their creativity and work to understand and explore how creativity impacts positive change. Over 120,000 people take part in their January Challenge each year and they are well known for prioritising well-being, working a 4-day week and taking August off each year.

    Previously Jo was Head of Strategic Development at Battersea Arts Centre, Senior Artistic Associate at Harbourfront Centre Toronto and Head of Funded Programmes at Sing Up. She also started her career in the circus and is a former presenter of BBC's Why Don't You? She was a Clore Cultural Leadership Fellow in 2014/15 and is a fellow of the Salzburg Leadership Forum.



    Twitter: https://twitter.com/64M_Artists
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1199043716842584
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/64millionartists/
    Website: https://64millionartists.com/team/jo-hunter/

  • Harriet Waley-Cohen is a speaker, facilitator, trainer, and coach, with a background in psychology, a decade in investments, and a further decade coaching senior women on confidence and leadership - she specializes in working with companies in traditionally male-dominated industries including banking, financial services, legal and tech. She supports clients in shifting their culture to one of outstanding allyship, getting a genuine ROI on their gender-focused DEI initiatives, and recruiting and retaining the best female talent. She is one of the only people in DEI who openly broaches the subject of the sexualization of women and pornography in the same context as allyship, and she's known as someone unafraid to speak uncomfortable truths to create change.

    She offers a range of services from one-off workshops designed to start a different kind of conversation about DEI, to a series of workshops, programs, and consultancy that help companies break through the diversity glass ceiling. She also runs in-house confidence & leadership programs for senior and “rising star” women and takes on a handful of 121 coaching clients for bespoke support.




    X: @harriet_wc
    Insta: @harriet_wc

  • Kari Schwear is an Executive Lifestyle Gray Area Coach specializing in the many gray areas we have in our lives, particularly with gray area drinking. Her zone of genius is in habit
    creation, communication, leadership development, and intentional living by design.

    As a former gray area drinker, Kari founded GrayTonic & the Question the Drink movement in 2018 after her own experience of “living in the gray” led her to the service of others. She offers
    individual and group coaching for business leaders seeking wellness, performance, and better relationships without alcohol. Kari has also co-authored two books, The Successful Mind,
    Tools for Living a Purposeful, Productive, and Happy Life, along with her second book, Limitless, a Wall Street Journal #1 Bestseller!



    Company website-
    GrayTonic: https://www.graytonic.com/
    LinkedIn Business
    (GrayTonic): https://www.linkedin.com/company/graytonic/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kari.schwear/
    Facebook Business(GrayTonic): https://www.facebook.com/graytonic
    Instagram@gray_tonic :https://www.instagram.com/gray_tonic/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@GrayTonic

  • Lily Patrascu is an ultra-creative book publisher for luxury influencers, thought leaders, and CEOs. She is an influencer with 140k+ followers. As a personal branding strategist, author, and copywriter, she supports busy entrepreneurs. She is the founder of “Brand For Speakers” book publishing and the co-founder of “Speakers Are Leaders”.

    Lily would like to empower you and 100 million people to be happier, believe in yourselves, and go after what you want so you can share your stories in books that transform the world, online courses/workshops that transform the world on global stages, and create wealth.

    Lily Patrascu can help you by:

    📌 Turning your story, message, knowledge, and experience into books, influencer websites, online courses, and coaching and workshops that transform the world. You’ll learn how to become a luxury influencer and global brand, make a worldwide difference, leave a legacy, and become a well-known international speaker.
    📌 Teaching you to go from unknown to unforgettable within ninety days with her Brand For Speakers system, so you can enhance visibility and credibility. Position yourself as an expert, so you can attract the right clients to you.
    📌 Assisting you to get anything you want through becoming a published author.
    📌 Connecting you with investment opportunities, startups, investors, and joint venture partners from her inner circle
    📌 Giving you the complete solution to start and grow your speaking business.



    Contact Lily Patrascu: https://linktr.ee/lilypatrascu
    Book A Free Strategy Call Here: www.lily.global/free or Email her at [email protected]
    Check Lily’s case studies: https://lily.global/success-stories/