
  • Today we’re looking at the power of the launch debrief and why it’s essential to your course and business growth! You and I both know that, when a launch is in full swing, emotions are high and there are a lot of things going on. It can sometimes feel like one big rollercoaster!

    But when it’s all done and dusted, one of the most important things you can do, is to dig into the data and look at what went well, what didn’t go so well, and how you can improve it for the next time!

    If you’re not sure which metrics matter, or how to do a debrief of your launch, don’t worry: I’m sharing my process with you in this episode!

    And if that’s not exciting enough, I also have a very special announcement happening in this episode.....but you'll have to tune in to discover what it is!

    The one thing that many struggling entrepreneurs do when they get to the end of a launch, and why it isn’t serving them. Which metrics matter during your launch, and how to assess what they're telling you? The importance of a debrief in helping you identify and focus on what really happened in your launch.

    Join the The Launch Lab Podcast Waitlist and enter the FREE Giveaway to win a set of Apple AirPods: https://lizmelville.com/labwaitlist

    Launch Debrief template: https://lizmelville.com/debfrief

    Join the Launch Lab Community: https://lizmelville.com/group

  • Have you ever wrestled with pricing an offer or an online course, and heard those whispers inside your head of "nobody will pay THAT for THIS?!" Or struggled to decide on the right price for your course, because you're worried nobody can afford it?

    Then this episode is for you! Discover the secret messages that your pricing could be sending to your customers, and how it can massively affect how you are perceived. And why putting a discount price on a luxury service or product, can send out all the wrong signals!

    What You'll Discover:

    The hidden messages your pricing contain about your own self worth? How pricing sends subliminal messages to the people who look at our offers. What slashing prices might be saying to your potential customers (and it's not about being more affordable!)

    Thrive Global article: https://thriveglobal.com/stories/what-your-pricing-is-trying-to-tell-you-about-your-level-of-self-worth/

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  • Have you ever found yourself running ads to a brand new sales page....but not seeing sales from the ads? And wondering how on earth you can best optimise your ads to drive more sales from the page?

    On today’s episode of Ads That Convert, I'm sharing top tips on how best to optimise your ads so Facebook is well equipped to go get you the results you want!

    And I’m also offering a few suggestions that you can use when deciding which ads to run in order to boost your traffic, bring people to your website, establish a customer base and start selling!

    Which campaign objective should you be choosing in order to get people to click the ad, go to your website and make a purchase? How do you ensure that Facebook has enough data to display your ads to the perfect members of your audience? How can you get Facebook to go out and get you the result that you really want?

    Get the details for Ads on Fire!


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  • This week, Ads That Convert is all about.....YOU! In this Q&A episode, I’m answering some of the great questions submitted by the Ads That Convert community.

    It’s a jam packed episode! So grab those earbuds and listen in! Want to submit a question? Join the Ads That Convert community using the link in the show notes below!

    Should your ads and ad strategy for a live beta launch be different than the strategy for a main launch? What ads, if any, are good for using humour? What is your strategy for using Facebook ads to advertise a local event to a local market? How do ads convert with Facebook Lives? My ads didn’t convert the way I thought they would. Is the problem with my webinar, my sales page, or my ads?

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    To connect with me and share your thoughts on the podcast: Leave a note in the comment section below. Message me on Facebook or Instagram Facebook Group To help out the show:

    Subscribe and leave an honest review on iTunes. I read each one personally and would love to give you a shout out on the show! I love your feedback!

  • Now more than ever, authentic connection with audience is highly important. If you're wondering how to connect with your tribe, and what to say during times of turbulence, then I've got you covered!

    This week I’m joined by my dear friend Kate Dramis, conversion copywriter to some of the biggest names in the online space.

    We go deep into discussion about what you need to consider changing in your copy, so you can craft a powerful message to your audience......even when you don't know what to say about current times.

    We’re also sharing our thoughts on what people who are having massively successful launches, even in difficult times, are doing, and why it’s working for them!

    How much or little should we talk about turbulent times in our copy? Is it a bad idea to sell in your copy right now? How to change your message when you want to pivot into doing something completely different How do you avoid sounding like everyone else as the world discusses what’s happening?

    Kate’s Messaging Workshop: http://workshop.katedramis.com

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    To connect with me and share your thoughts on the podcast: Leave a note in the comment section below. Message me on Facebook or Instagram Facebook Group To help out the show: Subscribe and leave an honest review on iTunes. I read each one personally and would love to give you a shout out on the show! I love your feedback!

  • You don't need me to tell you that times are uncertain right now, and COVID-19 has most people in a panic. But with all that's going on in our lives, how can we best adapt?

    What we’re living through in the world, has brought up a lot of challenges that we’ve never really had to deal with before. People are afraid, and having to figure out how to generate an income online for the first time.

    Those of us who are already running established online businesses are in an amazing position to be more flexible, keep our businesses running, and may not see some of the obstacles other people are facing. But we still need to adapt to the new world landscape. So on this week’s episode of Ads That Convert, I’m sharing 5 things that you can be doing to adapt your online business, so that you can weather the storm and get through these uncertain times!

    The real deal about how businesses are responding to the current pandemic, and how existing online entrepreneurs are in a unique place to help. What kinds of things can you be doing to adapt to the lifestyle and business changes you’ve had to make? What do people need to hear from you right now? Should I be running Facebook Ads right now?

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    To connect with me and share your thoughts on the podcast: Leave a note in the comment section below. Message me on Facebook or Instagram Facebook Group To help out the show: Subscribe and leave an honest review on iTunes. I read each one personally and would love to give you a shout out on the show! I love your feedback!
  • Raise your hand if you'd like to see the most ever subscribers to your podcast this year? Imagine checking iTunes and seeing those download numbers increasing every month!

    This week I'm sharing my top strategies for promoting and growing your podcast using Facebook ads. I’m showing exactly what I do when it comes to promoting episodes of the show, and how you can build an amazing, loyal audience....in more ways than one!

    If you’ve been thinking about getting a little deeper into promoting your podcast, and reaching more people than ever before, then listen in. And discover how to create simple but powerful Facebook ads that will captivate and compel your social media following and turn them into listeners!

    Discover how to find more listeners for your podcast, AND turn them into customers too. Top tips for repurposing your podcast into social media clips that compel people to tune in! How to create audiences you can retarget....and why this particular method is extremely helpful for future episode promotion!

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    To connect with me and share your thoughts on the podcast: Leave a note in the comment section below. Message me on Facebook or Instagram Facebook Group To help out the show: Subscribe and leave an honest review on iTunes. I read each one personally and would love to give you a shout out on the show! I love your feedback!

  • This week we’re diving a little deeper into Campaign Budget Optimization....and looking at how to effectively test your ads when first getting them started with CBO.

    I’m sharing what I’ve learned about split testing your ads using CBO, and how to get the most out of your testing phase so that you can ensure you get clear data on all the ads you want to test! Which can be tricky to do when Facebook is deciding where your budget is spent!

    But even with CBO allocating budget automatically for you, it’s still possible to run controlled, split tests to see which ads are performing best.....before you scale!

    So listen in to my top tips on how to effectively structure and run your ad campaigns when you're in testing phase and using CBO.

    What I’ve learned from using CBO for the last 12 months (instead of putting it off until the last minute). Some important things to know about the testing phase of your ads when using CBO. How using CBO differs at ad set level, and how to perform split testing now that things have changed.

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    To connect with me and share your thoughts on the podcast: Leave a note in the comment section below. Message me on Facebook or Instagram Facebook Group To help out the show: Subscribe and leave an honest review on iTunes. I read each one personally and would love to give you a shout out on the show! I love your feedback!

  • Today I’m sharing with you the 3 ads that I believe every single online course creator and entrepreneur should be using in their business.

    These ads work in sequence to drive traffic through your funnel, and get more people clicking your opt ins and calls to action! And the best part.....these ads don’t take a ton of effort to set up, and are fairly simple to map out when you’re planning your next launch.

    Sound too good to be true? It’s not! Tune in and start dreaming up your next launch using these 3 amazing and simple ads today!

    What ad should you be using at the top of your funnel to create as much engagement as possible? Which is the best ad to use in order to continue moving your ideal customers closer to sign up? The true benefit of retargeting ads, and how they are best used to support the other two ads in the sequence! Join the VIP wait list!


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  • Are you ready for the big changes that are coming to the Ads Manager on February 27th? If you haven’t heard yet, Facebook is making Campaign Budget Optimization a mandatory feature at the end of this month, which means if you haven’t been using it yet, it will impact how you run your campaigns from now on!

    Not sure what it is, or how things will be changing for you? Don’t fret, I’m breaking all of that down on this week’s episode of Ads That Convert! I’ll be digging into what exactly this feature does, and why Facebook is being so insistent on it.

    I’m also sharing the results of a test run I carried out, putting CBO up against my own knowledge and judgement! Want to know what I found out? Click play!

    What exactly is Campaign Budget Optimization? What will you be doing differently when you set up ads, and what will Facebook be doing for you? What I experienced when I ran a test using CBO for one campaign, and my own judgement for the other!

    Episodes Mentioned in the show!

    Episode 22 - The BIG change Facebook is making to how you spend money on ads


    Episode 43 - 2 Cool Facebook Ad Features that Make Running Ads Easier


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    To connect with me and share your thoughts on the podcast: Leave a note in the comment section below. Message me on Facebook or Instagram Facebook Group To help out the show:

    Subscribe and leave an honest review on iTunes. I read each one personally and would love to give you a shout out on the show! I love your feedback!

  • When is the best time to put your webinar on evergreen? In this episode of Ads That Convert, I’ll be addressing this very question, and focusing on what you need to consider before you make the shift to automation and evergreen. I'll also be debunking a few myths surrounding how easy it is to move to an evergreen model.....and whether it truly does give you "passive" income! So click play, and figure out if going evergreen is the right move for you and your business!

    Is evergreen really easier than doing live webinars? When is the right time to switch over from live to evergreen? What exactly is an evergreen webinar and what content would work best? Why having an ads budget is CRUCIAL for evergreen success

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    To connect with me and share your thoughts on the podcast: Leave a note in the comment section below. Message me on Facebook or Instagram Facebook Group To help out the show: Subscribe and leave an honest review on iTunes. I read each one personally and would love to give you a shout out on the show! I love your feedback!

  • Hey there! Welcome back to another episode of Ads That Convert! This week I’ll be discussing with you why using cookie cutter templates, copy and strategy could be holding you back from experiencing your ads true potential.

    Does your audience engage with your ads? Or do they tend to scroll by them without doing anything? If they do engage, do they buy? Or do they drop off half way through the process, never to be heard from again?

    If you’re experiencing issues, the problem could be the formula you’ve been given. Not all audiences are alike, and sometimes we forget that when it comes to sales and creating ads! Not to worry though, I’ll help you figure out what will work for your audience, and it starts right here with this episode.

    Why your audience may not respond to your ads the exact same way as someone else's The importance of knowing how YOUR customer feels about engaging with your funnels and processes Why you shouldn't be afraid to test things out once you’ve learned the foundational framework of running a successful ad campaign.

    Get the Free Training!


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    To connect with me and share your thoughts on the podcast: Leave a note in the comment section below. Message me on Facebook or Instagram Facebook Group To help out the show: Subscribe and leave an honest review on iTunes. I read each one personally and would love to give you a shout out on the show! I love your feedback!
  • Cost per lead is a metric that stresses a lot of people out when they're running Facebook ads. Much like obsessing over the numbers on a scale, discouraging people from losing weight, obsessing over your cost per lead might discourage you from going in on an ad strategy that will have huge results.

    I’m taking a moment this week to dive into why cost per lead isn't the only metric you should be focusing on, and how to devise a strategy based on actual data, rather than just feeling out whether or not the cost is “too high”.

    The more knowledge and data you have, the more informed decisions you can make, so click play and let’s get you the information you need to rock your next series of ads!

    Why overcoming the fear of spending money on Facebook ads is crucial to making decisions and running a successful campaign. Much in the same way you can focus on the wrong numbers in weight loss, it’s also true with Facebook ads! What numbers should you be measuring your cost per lead against?

    Register for my brand new, Facebook ads training: https://lizmelville.com/training

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    To connect with me and share your thoughts on the podcast: Leave a note in the comment section below. Message me on Facebook or Instagram Facebook Group To help out the show: Subscribe and leave an honest review on iTunes. I read each one personally and would love to give you a shout out on the show! I love your feedback!

  • I’ve been diligently working hard on some of my clients launches, and noticed two sneaky little changes that Facebook has made that I almost missed!

    I spend a great deal of my time in Facebook’s Ads Manager, and so If I nearly missed them, then you might miss them too!

    The first is a small change within the lookalike audience section of the Ads Manager. Nothing major, but still great to know about since it will most certainly impact the performance of your ads and how you would normally go about choosing audiences.

    The other is a change I noticed in the Connection Targeting area of Ads Manager, and where Facebook is shifting what they want to prioritize and what they consider to be important.

    While neither change will derail your campaigns completely if you miss them, you’ll be much better served by paying attention to them, so click play, tune in and figure out how to best serve your ads for the rest of 2020!

    What is a lookalike audience and what's changed recently in how you set them up What's changing with how you target your Facebook page likes.....and what it means for the future!

    Join the Facebook Community


    To connect with me and share your thoughts on the podcast: Leave a note in the comment section below. Message me on Facebook or Instagram Facebook Group To help out the show: Subscribe and leave an honest review on iTunes. I read each one personally and would love to give you a shout out on the show! I love your feedback!

  • This week on Ads That Convert, I’m talking all about the dreaded topic of Facebook ad rejection! You don't need me to tell you what a pain it can be to get ads approved right now, and in 2020, it’s could become even more difficult.

    It's all part of Facebook's plans to tighten up on ad approval in order to ensure quality ads are being served to the proper audiences. And while that sounds well and good for the average user, it’s makes life a little more challenging for entrepreneurs and business owners who are interested in running ads.

    Full disclosure - I’m not immune to having ads disapproved either! So this week, I’m going into detail about the most common reasons your ads will be rejected in 2020, and what to do about it when it does happen!

    How should you be setting up your ads in the first place so that they do get approved and you avoid any problems?

    5 of the most common reason why ads will be rejected.

    What to do when you’ve put in all of the work, you feel like you've complied with ad policy, and you still get disapproved?

    You'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar when it comes to dealing with Facebook about your rejected ad!

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    Subscribe and leave an honest review on iTunes. I read each one personally and would love to give you a shout out on the show! I love your feedback!

  • Are you planning a launch soon? If so, you might be wondering whether it's worth your while building your list in the run up to the launch itself. Should you promote a freebie and find more subscribers? Or should you just use your main launch to do that, and save your ad dollars towards getting leads?

    In this week’s episode of Ads That Convert, I’ll be taking all of these questions into consideration and giving you a look at who may want to be list building, and how to get the right people onto your list so that your launch goes as well as it possibly can!

    When is it a good idea to listbuild between launches? What’s going to be most effective for you to build a warm audience? How to build your list with the right people for your launch

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    To connect with me and share your thoughts on the podcast: Leave a note in the comment section below. Message me on Facebook or Instagram Facebook Group To help out the show: Subscribe and leave an honest review on iTunes. I read each one personally and would love to give you a shout out on the show! I love your feedback!

  • I’m getting out my crystal ball this week to try to predict what Facebook ads will be doing in 2020! This felt like a great time of year to reflect on the things we’ve seen ads do in 2019, and try to spot a few key trends and takeaways to help you make the most of your launches next year!

    In this Episode of Ads That Convert, I’m sharing 5 tips that will help your ads perform better, reach more people, and create a much bigger impact, so that you can kick off the New Year with successful ad campaigns that make last year look small!

    Why Facebook ads don’t have to be scary! (They really don’t).

    Will video continue to dominate the news feed in 2020?

    Are groups going to be as important next year as they have been this year?

    The importance of reviewing ad policies and keeping up to date on changes!

    Why your ads are being disapproved now more than ever before?

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    Leave a note in the comment section below.

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    To help out the show:

    Subscribe and leave an honest review on iTunes. I read each one personally and would love to give you a shout out on the show! I love your feedback!

  • You’ve got your offer ready, your sales pages are complete, and you’re finally getting ready to launch your program.....but how much money should you set aside to spend on ads?

    This week I’ll be going over exactly how much you need to spend in order to get the best outcome possible from your launch! I’m going into detail on how to figure out the number of leads you need, how much they’ll cost, along with which ads you should be running throughout your pre-launch! If you plan to launch an online program soon, don't miss this episode!

    Are you approaching launches with an appropriate budget in mind, or setting false expectations? What to spend to generate the exact number of leads you need to get the sales you want How to figure out the number of leads you need? How many dollars per day should you be putting into your ad spend to get the most from your investment?

    Ad Spend Calculator

    https://lizmelville.lpages.co/ad-spend-calculator/ or https://lizmelville.com/062

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    To connect with me and share your thoughts on the podcast: Leave a note in the comment section below. Message me on Facebook or Instagram Facebook Group To help out the show: Subscribe and leave an honest review on iTunes. I read each one personally and would love to give you a shout out on the show! I love your feedback!

  • I don’t know about you, but I LOVE Christmas. Which is the exact reason I'm running an encore episode to a VERY relevant topic for this time of year!

    In this episode of Ads That Convert, I go full on answering a very common question....What do I do with my FB ads over Christmas?

    Should you turn them off on Christmas Day/Boxing Day/New Year’s Day, and then back on again? Will they be more expensive? Will anyone want to buy?

    If these are questions you've found yourself asking in relation to the holidays, and whether or not your ads will be effective during the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping and festivities, then you're going to want to click play and hear all about it!

    In this episode: Is it really a good idea to run ads over the festive period? The do's and don'ts of pausing/stopping/scaling ads over Christmas and New Year. Will your ads become more expensive during the holiday season? A smart hack to keeping your ad results on track and your cost per lead down! Links mentioned:

    Join the VIP Waitlist for Ads On Fire!

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    To connect with me and share your thoughts on the podcast: Leave a note in the comment section below. Message me on Facebook or Instagram Facebook Group To help out the show: Subscribe and leave an honest review on iTunes. I read each one personally and would love to give you a shout out on the show! I love your feedback!
  • While most people try to skip setting up a launch runway or having an effective pre-launch strategy, the truth is that it has a pretty big impact on setting your launch up for success!

    In this short and sweet episode, I'll be covering not only the function and purpose of a pre-launch, but also how to make the most of your ad spend while you're coasting down the runway!

    I'll also be sharing the most effective type of ad to use in your runway.....and it might come as a surprise!

    What You'll Discover What is a launch runway.....or pre-launch? The first step to take when preparing to launch your course. What is the purpose of a prelaunch, and what is the one piece of content that will help you achieve that purpose? What ads should you be running during your prelaunch to create buzz for launch day? How long do you run these ads before they become tired?

    Join Launched - 3 month group coaching program:


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    To connect with me and share your thoughts on the podcast: Leave a note in the comment section below. Message me on Facebook or Instagram Facebook Group To help out the show: Subscribe and leave an honest review on iTunes. I read each one personally and would love to give you a shout out on the show! I love your feedback!