When you choose to be obedient to God, it will disrupt your life—even so, it’s time to obey Him with a greater boldness than ever before. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses how following the Lord interrupts the plans we make for ourselves. He teaches from the book of Acts to compare the early Church’s works to our understanding of our role in the world today. America is changing, and Pastor Allen shares a biblical perspective on current events, such as President Trump’s foreign policy regarding Israel and the national debt. Let’s decide to turn our hearts, attitudes, and lives away from selfish ambition and toward God’s Truth.
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Our faith is intended to be so living, vital, and robust that it makes non-believers want what we have. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the bold faith God calls us to embrace. As we face deception in the world daily, we are called to shine the light of God’s Truth into the darkness. Pastor Allen teaches from the book of Acts to show what it looks like when our faith takes precedent over our fears. He offers encouragement and strategies for inviting God into the lives of those around us by offering simple prayers. Lives will be changed when we act with faith, trust, and courage for God’s Kingdom!
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We all get caught in the tension between choices. What has authority over your life? In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses deception and the Truth. The kingdom of darkness and God’s Kingdom of light are in conflict in our world, and Pastor Allen shares a biblical perspective on current cultural talking points like gender identity, abortion, and illegal immigration. Jesus tells us that the wide road leads to destruction, but the narrow road leads to life—so let’s yield to God’s ultimate guidance for our futures, submit to His will, and follow Him down the narrow road.
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God's Word helps us to decipher the indecipherable. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the importance of adhering to God’s instruction for our lives. It’s easy to compromise with the culture around us, but that can bring us into conflict with God. Pastor Allen shares biblical truth about worldly topics like illegal immigration and gender roles, and he pulls from the stories of leaders like Ezra and Daniel to demonstrate what it looks like to stand strong on God’s direction for our lives. Mercy, compassion, and grace are gifts from the Lord, but so is His righteous judgment. Let’s be honest with our Heavenly Father about where we have stumbled, and we will be sure to receive His incredible forgiveness.
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Whatever changes come during this new season and new year, they're unsustainable unless the Church becomes different. That means we'll have to walk in a new way, with new courage and new boldness. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses our willingness to work and put in effort for the Kingdom of God. He brings up deceptive beliefs we may encounter, like tolerance and pride, and teaches biblical strategies to overcome them. What we choose as the foundation of our lives makes all the difference, and it’s time to recognize the tools God has given us so we can serve Him better and reach more people. Instead of prioritizing comfort and convenience, let’s decide to stand boldly and embrace the hard work of building God’s Kingdom.
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Jesus describes the Church as “salt” and “light” in the world. If the darkness in our nation and culture is going to be dispelled, it’s because we turn up our light. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the current attitude of the American Church. We’ve been asleep, but God is moving in the earth, and we need to be prepared for what’s ahead. Pastor Allen teaches from Matthew, chapter 7, to demonstrate the importance of bearing fruit—reflecting the Holy Spirit at work in our lives through our actions, words, and priorities—and doing God’s will. The good news is we can equip ourselves with His spiritual armor, and we can rely on God’s strength to carry us through.
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God wants more for us than to simply avoid sin—He wants us to lead a life by faith. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses repentance. The American Church’s attitude toward repenting has been pretty casual for a while now, but what approach does the Bible tell us to take? Pastor Allen draws from the New Testament and the books of the prophets to teach about what repentance means, what it should look like, and why it’s important. We want to grow in our faith, and the first step toward that is true repentance.
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“That’s how you overcome,” Dr. Alveda King said. “It starts with having a relationship with God.” Join Pastor Allen Jackson for an interview with Dr. King, an activist, author, and experienced ambassador for the Kingdom of God. A niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, Dr. King shares her invaluable insight into topics like forgiveness, hope, and overcoming envy and hatred. She and Pastor Allen discuss how the American Church should approach this new political season, as well as how we can foster better relationships with God and with one another. We want our generation’s legacy to be one of sacrifice, so that liberty and freedom in the name of Jesus can be extended for the generations who follow us.
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Antisemitism, a hatred of the Jewish people, is on the rise again in our nation and around the world. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the relationship between Christians and Jews. He discusses the history of antisemitism in the world, as well as some incorrect beliefs regarding the Jewish people including replacement theology and covenant theology. The New Testament makes it clear that Christians have much to thank the Jewish people for, and we need to remember that as our world grows increasingly hostile toward them. God is shaking the earth, and it’s vital to remember Jesus’ instruction: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
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Fear is an epidemic in the world, but we can live free from its control. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson teaches from Matthew, chapter ten, to discuss what Jesus tells us about overcoming fear and practicing obedience. Pastor Allen talks about the importance of trust, false teachings like the “happy” gospel and cessationism, and places in our culture today where the Church can be an influence for the Truth. Our walks with the Lord will not be free from hardship, persecution, or opposition, but Jesus shows us that overcoming fear is possible with Him.
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To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world, visit this link: allenjackson.com/podcastdonate
We will find God’s best for us when we’re prepared to make sacrifices. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses places in Scripture where people reject a breakthrough opportunity from the Lord. He walks us through the story of the rich young ruler as well as the man born blind to demonstrate where rejection can take place, what it can look like, and how to avoid it in our own lives. America is a nation of comfort and convenience, but a journey with God will require hard work, patience, sacrifice, and spiritual awareness. This new year, let’s align ourselves with what God is doing in His people.
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God is inviting us to take the next small steps with Him. He is moving in the earth, preparing His people for breakthroughs. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the opportunities we can miss by rejecting an invitation from God. He pulls from the life of Apostle Paul to illustrate that breakthroughs are often incremental, and the path toward them frequently looks disruptive or intrusive to our own plans. Opposition to God’s movement is part of the journey, but accepting the assignments before us will lead to great blessings from our Lord.
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Breakthroughs are frequently unsettling and disruptive, but they often lead to the most fruitful parts of our lives as we cooperate with God’s purposes. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses disruption, disappointment, and breakthroughs as he walks through God’s intervention in the lives of Mary and Joseph. In their stories, we see disappointment—but that’s not the end of God’s plans for them. Our Lord can bring great victories through uncertain circumstances, even when they may look like disturbances or interruptions to our own plans. Breakthroughs lead us through a journey of walking in God’s purposes, and He promises to be with us as we go.
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Deserts may feel empty and bleak to us, but from a biblical perspective, they’re places of renewal. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses breakthroughs in desert seasons, or those hard times when it feels like we don’t have the resources or strength to move forward. Looking at the biblical messaging surrounding deserts, Pastor Allen shows that God’s intervention often emerges from those desert seasons, initiating renewal in our lives. Our nation needs renewal, and while it may feel like we’re in the desert now, being obedient to change and realign our priorities will transform our future. Pastor Allen shares stories of biblical people like Zechariah and Elizabeth, Hannah and Samson, and Abraham and Isaac to demonstrate the importance of generational faith. Let’s reignite the faith of our generations, asking God to intervene and renew our nation.
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When God is doing something new, it requires of us elasticity—a willingness to change. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses our role in breakthroughs. The Bible demonstrates that God’s intervention means we get to be part of the change He initiates. Pastor Allen explains Jesus’ teaching on this concept. In Luke, Jesus tells us that new wine requires new wineskins—breakthroughs will require transformation on our part. He also shares examples of this in the lives of people like Zechariah, Elizabeth, John the Baptist, and Mary: people who received unexpected invitations that required them to make enormous adjustments. God wants to usher us into His perfect plans. Are we ready to make the necessary changes?
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Historically, looting is an expression of God’s judgment that happens when His people stop following Him. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the history of plundering in the Bible, sharing examples across the Old and New Testaments. We see this looting in America today, from the diminishment of the quality of our healthcare and schooling to the broad, expected distrust of our political leaders and agencies. Pastor Allen teaches about topics like these from a biblical perspective, and he shows how we can begin to change. If we’re willing to humble ourselves and repent, God is willing to intervene on our behalf. We can't fulfill what He created us for with our own intellect, strength, or efforts—we need a breakthrough!
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God has intervened, and our country has a choice to make. If we change and align our hearts more fully with Him, we’ll experience new freedom—but if we continue in our current patterns, we’re giving momentum to destruction. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses what breakthrough looks like on a national level. By examining the history of Israel and Judah in the books of 1 Kings, 2 Kings, and Judges, we see the impact of God’s judgment on His disobedient people: He allowed looting by their enemies and exile from their homeland. Pastor Allen argues that America is experiencing something similar, and the consequences are reflected in our nation’s cultural trends and current events. However, if we humble ourselves and repent, God’s grace is abundant.
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The breakthroughs we pray for and seek often come from spiritual victories. We may think the problems we face are political or social, but real change in those arenas can only come from God. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses breakthroughs and the barriers to them we perceive. He draws from the life of Joshua—and the miracle of Jericho’s walls falling—to demonstrate how the opposition we face may seem insurmountable, but it must ultimately surrender to the power and will of God. Change is often required of us in order for the purposes of God to emerge in our lives, and Pastor Allen teaches how obedience is key to receiving His intervention and blessings. Are we ready to demonstrate the strength and courage required for the purposes of God to break forth in our lives and our generation?
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God brings breakthroughs to our lives so we can experience new fruitfulness in the season that follows. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses our response to God’s interventions for us. The shepherds in the Christmas story show us how God’s plans are fulfilled through the breakthroughs He initiates. Pastor Allen teaches from this perspective, sharing lessons we can learn about accepting God’s intervention in our lives. He also provides five steps we can take to overcome the burden of rejection: forgive, lay down our baggage, know we’re accepted in Christ, accept ourselves, and find our place in the body of Christ. Asking God for breakthroughs and accepting the new things He reveals to us will help us find more freedom in our lives—and become more effective participants in His Kingdom.
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