
  • Join us as we dive into a captivating podcast interview with Kathy Martin, founder of the Prealgebra Teachers Math Membership. Kathy shares her top takeaways from the highly anticipated Middle School Math Summit, featuring esteemed speakers Deborah Peart, Steve Buch, Kristen Damman, Ellen Levin, Brianne Beebe, and more. Get ready to kick off the school year on a strong note with practical advice and game-changing insights!
    Learn an in-the-moment technique that alleviates math anxiety, discover a revolutionary approach to grading, and hear expert tips on effectively organizing and preparing teaching materials for a seamless and engaging learning journey. Tune in to be inspired, challenged, and equipped with actionable techniques that will help you become a more effective and confident middle school math educator.

    Get your free ticket to Kathy Martin's Middle School Math Summit here: https://middleschoolmathsummit.com/?affiliate=allisondillard

    Get your free ticket to Allison Dillard’s Crush Math Anxiety Virtual Conference for Educators (plus other free resources) here: https://www.allisonlovesmath.com/

  • Dr. Hokehe Effiong is a certified board pediatrician, a TEDx speaker on ADHD, the mom of three awesome kids, an advocate for kids in foster care, and the CEO of Glow Pediatrics, a virtual integrative pediatric practice for students with ADHD.

    In today's Allison Loves Math Podcast interview, Hokehe shares simple, practical, actionable strategies that educators and parents can use to help students with ADHD thrive in math.

    Connect with Hokehe:

    Linkedin: HokeheEffiongMD Facebook: HokeheEffiong email: effionghokehe@gmail.com Connect with Allison: www.allisonlovesmath.com Email: allison@allisonlovesmath.com Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Allison-Dillard/author/B07PV43V59 FB: /AllisonLovesMath IG: @allisonlovesmath TW: @AllisonLuvsMath
  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • A wildly inspiring YouTube creator, Professor Prime passionately shares how to teach your students that math is in everything. He also discusses healthy work boundaries, having empathy for students who struggle with math, and thinking of students who don’t like math as students who are looking for a reason to love math.

    A math educator on a mission to build a world that sees math everywhere, Professor Prime has 2000+ YouTube videos on everything from his experience teaching math to math and Epic Games, math and Star Wars, math and Pokemon, and math and art.

    Teacher Resource!! Professor Prime's playlists Math is Awesome! Here’s Why! (49 videos) and Everything is Super Mathematical!!!! (32 videos) contain quick videos under 1 minute that are perfect to play at the start of your math class.

    Connect with Allison:

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Allison-Dillard/author/B07PV43V59 FB: https://www.facebook.com/AllisonLovesMath IG: @allisonlovesmath TW: @AllisonLuvsMath

    Connect with Professor Prime:

    Website: https://www.mathtimewithprofessorprime.com/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/MathTimeWithProfessorPrime Email: professorprime8787@gmail.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/professorprime8787/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MathTimeWithPr1 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@professorprime8787
  • "The way you learn isn’t the way everyone learns." - Christina Tondevold

    Today, Allison interviews Christina Tondevold from the Build Math Minds Virtual Summit, a free virtual summit from February 25th - March 6th with an incredible lineup of speakers including Jennifer-Bay Williams, Peter Liljedahl, Pam Harris, and more!

    You can grab your free ticket to the summit here: https://virtualmathsummit.com/

    Christina gives us a sneak peek at her top takeaways from the following sessions:

    Peter Liljedahl: Building Thinking Classrooms

    Pam Harris: Division that Doesn't Make Students Cry

    Angela Watson: Fewer Things, Better: Making Time for What Matters Most

    Rebecca Lorde: Understanding Dyscalculia and the Science of Math

    Jen Hunt: Leveraging Brain-Body Connection as Math Intervention for Primary Students

    Pam Harris, is a speaker at the summit, was already on the Allison Loves Math Podcast! You can listen to her interview here: https://allisonlovesmath.mykajabi.com/blog/PamHarris

    Connect with Christina:

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BuildMathMinds

    IG: @buildmathminds

    TW: @BuildMathMinds

    Connect with Allison:

    Website: https://www.allisonlovesmath.com

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Allison-Dillard/author/B07PV43V59

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/AllisonLovesMath

    IG: @allisonlovesmath

    TW: @AllisonLuvsMath

  • As a young student and far too long as a young teacher, I actually bought into the myth that math was rote memorizable… I now have a different bent. - Pam Harris

    Listen & Subscribe: Apple | Spotify | Google Podcast | Amazon Podcasts

    Today, Allison interviews Pam Harris, the author of Building Powerful Numeracy and host of the Math is FigurOutAble Podcast. A former secondary mathematics teacher, Pam is a K-12 mathematics education consultant, a T3 (Teachers Teaching with Technology) National Instructor, and a nationally known speaker.

    Pam discusses:

    What is means for math to be “FigureOutAble” How algorithms do (and do not) play a role in math classrooms How to deal with pushback from teachers to cling to teaching algorithms first A fun routine for teaching numeracy with ten partners and hundred partners

    Connect with Pam:

    Website - https://www.mathisfigureoutable.com/ Math is FigureOutAble Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/math-is-figure-out-able-with-pam-harris/id1518815325 YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8CDrD-XCeQHzekywDKxreg Instagram - @pamharris_math Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/457333671628039 Twitter - @pwharris

    Find the Allison Loves Math playlists at https://www.allisonlovesmath.com/blog, including

    Playlist for Elementary School Teachers Playlist for High School Teachers and College Professors Playlist for Parents

    Get Allison’s Books:

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Allison-Dillard/e/B07PV43V59 Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/%22Allison%20Dillard%22 Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/author/604645715/Allison-Dillard Walmart: https://www.walmart.com/search?q=allison%20dillard And other online retailers
  • “Sometimes the strongest math learners are the ones who are the slowest processors. They just need a little bit more time to think through certain concepts. So we have to reframe our understanding of what it means to be strong in math.” - Kwame Sarfo-Mensah

    Today, Allison interviews Kwame Sarfo-Mensah, the author of Shaping the Teacher Identity: 8 Lessons That Will Help Define the Teacher in You and From Inaction to 'In Action': Creating a New Normal for Urban Educators. A 15-year veteran urban educator, the founder of Identity Talk Consulting, LLC, and a proud graduate of Temple University, Kwame holds a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics and a Master's Degree in Elementary Education. He was honored as the 2019 National Member of the Year by Black Educators Rock, Inc. for his unwavering commitment to the advancement of the teacher profession.

    Kwame discusses:

    The origins of the Radical Math Talk Podcast The problems with empasizing speed, pacing, and high-stakes testing How learning math is like learning a new language It’s okay to let older students use manipulatives Redefining what it means to be good at math The benefits of Howie Hua videos Creating a sense of belonging in math class

    Connect with Kwame:

    Website - https://www.identitytalk4educators.com Identity Talk 4 Educators LIVE Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/identity-talk-4-educators-live/id1509599570 Radical Math Talk Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/radical-math-talk/id1592658139 YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8mP1u2wPVb4UAuct9cM_Yw Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/kwam_the_identity_shaper Twitter - https://twitter.com/identityshaper LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kwame-sarfo-mensah-76142482/ Patreon - Kwame Sarfo-Mensah is creating multimedia content and ABAR community spaces for educators | Patreon

    Find the Allison Loves Math playlists at https://www.allisonlovesmath.com/blog, including

    Playlist for Elementary School Teachers Playlist for High School Teachers and College Professors Playlist for Parents

    Get Allison’s Books:

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Allison-Dillard/e/B07PV43V59 Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/%22Allison%20Dillard%22 Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/author/604645715/Allison-Dillard Walmart: https://www.walmart.com/search?q=allison%20dillard And other online retailers
  • Can you solve it algebraically, arithmetically, and geometrically? - Marianne Strayton

    Apple | Spotify | Google Podcast | Amazon Podcasts

    Today, Marianne Strayton, President of AMT New York State, talks about using engaging, real-world contexts as anchors to learning math. She shares how to start the year with measurement, data, and geometry standards and use them as powerful catalysts to teach the rest of the year’s curriculum.

    Dr. Marianne Strayton, President of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, is a full-time K-5 Math Interventionist in the Clarkstown Central School District in New York and a part-time senior curriculum developer for Eureka Math. Her master's degree centered around elementary STEM education and her doctoral work focused on overarching curriculum and teaching principles. She has become one of the authors of the Math MileMarkers children's book series and has published articles in NCTM and ASCD publications.

    Connect with Marianne on Twitter: @MSeducateEdD

    Find the Allison Loves Math playlists at https://www.allisonlovesmath.com/blog, including

    Playlist for Elementary School Teachers Playlist for High School Teachers and College Professors Playlist for Parents

    Get Allison’s Books:

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Allison-Dillard/e/B07PV43V59 Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/%22Allison%20Dillard%22 Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/author/604645715/Allison-Dillard Walmart: https://www.walmart.com/search?q=allison%20dillard And other online retailers
  • Excellent and equity are the same thing. There are factors that advance the work of equity and we want to be ruthless about doing more of that. - Ken Williams

    Listen & Subscribe: Apple | Spotify | Google Podcast | Amazon Podcasts

    In today’s interview, Ken Williams shares how we can apply strategies from his book. Ruthless Equity: Disrupt the Status Quo and Ensure Learning for ALL Students, to our math class. From the mindset shift ‘start with the crown’ to dismantling ability groups, Ken will help you improve your math class to maximize learning for every student.

    Ken Williams is a husband, father, nationally-recognized trainer, speaker, coach and consultant in leadership and school culture, and the author of Ruthless Equity. A practitioner for nearly three decades, Ken led the improvement efforts at two schools by leveraging the Professional Learning Communities at Work process. To learn more about Ken’s work, follow Ken on Twitter at @unfoldthesoul or visit Unfold The Soul online at www.unfoldthesoul.com

    Connect with Ken:

    www.unfoldthesoul.com 877-6UNFOLD ken@unfoldthesoul.com Twitter: @unfoldthesoul Facebook: Unfold The Soul Instagram: @unfoldthesoul

    Find the Allison Loves Math playlists at https://www.allisonlovesmath.com/blog, including

    Playlist for Elementary School Teachers Playlist for High School Teachers and College Professors Playlist for Parents

    Get Allison’s Books:

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Allison-Dillard/e/B07PV43V59 Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/%22Allison%20Dillard%22 Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/author/604645715/Allison-Dillard Walmart: https://www.walmart.com/search?q=allison%20dillard And other online retailers
  • “Students with Dyscalculia are very smart, but the way we teach math in schools is not accessible to them.” - Adrianne Meldrum

    Listen & Subscribe: Apple | Spotify | Google Podcast | Amazon Podcasts

    Today’s interview is with Adrianne Meldrum, the founder of Made for Math (MFM), about how to best support our students with Dyscalculia. From concrete pictorials and subitizing, to tips on teaching place values and the best ways to tweak your worksheets, Adrianne provides a wealth of concrete tips that you can use tomorrow to help your students with dyslexia, dyscalculia, and math learning disabilities.

    Adrianne is the founder and owner of Made for Math (MFM), an all-online math center focused on serving students with dyslexia, dyscalculia, and math learning disabilities. She is a certified Multisensory Math Instructor through Marilyn Zekker and recently graduated with a Master’s Degree from Bridges Graduate School of Cognitive Diversity.


    Website https://madeformath.com/ Unlocking Dyscalculia Web Series: https://madeformath.com/unlocking-dyscalculia/ hello@madeformath.com YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/MadeforMath Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/madeformath Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/madeformath/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/made-for-math

    Find the Allison Loves Math playlists at https://www.allisonlovesmath.com/blog, including

    Playlist for Elementary School Teachers Playlist for High School Teachers and College Professors Playlist for Parents

    Get Allison’s Books:

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Allison-Dillard/e/B07PV43V59 Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/%22Allison%20Dillard%22 Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/author/604645715/Allison-Dillard Walmart: https://www.walmart.com/search?q=allison%20dillard And other online retailers
  • Bringing the world to your classroom can be silly, but it can also be profound and it can make math more meaningful.

    In today’s interview, Julio Penagos, education problem solver and co-founder of SOLVED, shares his advice for helping students to learn math through experiences. He digs into examples of how to bring the world to math class, the benefits of incorporating stories in math class, and tips on content and engagement.

    SOLVED currently serves over 200 schools in New York City by solving their most stubborn problems through world-class technology, data, professional development & branding solutions.

    Connect with Julio at Solved Consulting:

    Website: www.solvedconsulting.com Contact: julio.penagos@solvedconsulting.com @Solvedconsulting https://www.instagram.com/solvedconsulting/?hl=en

    Connect with Julion, Mr. Pentagon:

    Instagram: @Mr.Pentagon https://www.instagram.com/mr.pentagon/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Coach5gon

    Find the Allison Loves Math playlists at https://www.allisonlovesmath.com/blog, including

    Playlist for Elementary School Teachers Playlist for High School Teachers and College Professors Playlist for Parents

    Get Allison’s Books:

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Allison-Dillard/e/B07PV43V59 Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/%22Allison%20Dillard%22 Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/author/604645715/Allison-Dillard Walmart: https://www.walmart.com/search?q=allison%20dillard And other online retailers
  • Spark Curiosity. Fuel Sensemaking. Ignite Teacher Moves.

    The Allison Loves Math Podcast is back! In this first interview, Jon Orr and Kyle Pierce share their framework for helping teachers to make math moments every day that promote productive struggle and build resilient learners. Their three-part framework covers (1) Sparking Curiosity, (2) Fueling Sensemaking, and (3) Igniting Teacher Moves.

    Join Jon and Kyle at their free Making Math Moments Virtual Summit on November, 18-20th: https://summit.makemathmoments.com/

    Find the Allison Loves Math playlists at https://www.allisonlovesmath.com/blog, including

    Playlist for Elementary School Teachers Playlist for High School Teachers and College Professors Playlist for Parents

    Get Allison’s Books on:

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Allison-Dillard/e/B07PV43V59 Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/%22Allison%20Dillard%22 Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/author/604645715/Allison-Dillard Walmart: https://www.walmart.com/search?q=allison%20dillard And other online retailers
  • “Teach your kids to ask for things when they need them.” - Beth Liesenfeld

    Learning math can become fun and easy if we make the best of the available resources by learning to advocate and approach the appropriate school teams for an effective IEP learning experience.

    In this episode, I chat with Beth Liesenfeld, an occupational therapist and founder of The IEP Lab, an organization focused on providing insider knowledge about the IEP system and process to enable parents of children with special needs to get an effective IEP and get their child learning, all without having to constantly fight with the school district!

    Allison and Beth discuss:

    Beth’s experiences that led to her founding the IEP Lab [1.06] Beth’s Top 5 Tips for getting the most out of your math IEP

    - Have limited priorities - Pick 2 things that could create the most impact [6.00]

    - Consistency in communication [8.40]

    - Knowing how your child learns [11.00]

    - Approaching advocacy [12.30]

    Advice for parents who are homeschooling their child [9.40]

    Similar episodes you might enjoy:

    #15 The Inclusive Education Podcast with Vickie Brett & Amanda Selogie #48 How to Help Kids Get Unstuck in Math with bilingual OT Nicole Santamaria #31 How Executive Functioning Impacts All Aspects of Learning with Stephanie Pitts & Rachel Kapp

    Beth’s Resources

    The IEP Podcast: https://pod.link/1584271582 E41: How to Feel Heard and Communicate with Ease: How to Write a Vision Statement! www.TheIEPLab.com/episode41 Free Parent IEP Role Cheat Sheet: www.TheIEPLab.com/parentrole Decoding IEP Data Workshop: www.TheIEPLab.com/data IG: @TheIEPLab Facebook: /TheIEPLab

    Allison’s Books

    Crush Hypothesis Testing Crush Math Now Love Math Journal Raise Your Math Grade

    Connect with Allison

    Website: https://www.allisonlovesmath.com/ Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Allison-Dillard/e/B07PV43V59 Facebook: /AllisonLovesMath Instagram: @allisonlovesmath Twitter: @AllisonLuvsMath
  • "Growth comes from challenging oneself to get out of their comfort zone and try."

    When it comes to math, one of the best ways to challenge students with concepts that dig deeper into and go beyond their school curriculum is math competitions.

    In today's interview, I sit down with Ingrid Moats, owner of Tampa Bay Test Prep, to learn all about the fascinating world of math competitions. Through this episode, Ingrid answers my many questions and draws attention to the role of math competitions in shaping a student's confidence in and love of math.

    Allison and Ingrid discuss:

    Growing up in a math environment [1.29]

    Levelling up math skills with Mathletics - Math Competitions [3.12]

    Math Competitions - Math Kangaroo, Math Olympiad, AMC8, Math Counts [5.08]

    Benefits of participating in math competitions [7.09]

    Creating opportunities for participating in math competitions at your school [8.45]

    Learning from each other [16.02]


    I really loved detective stories and mystery stories, and so I was like if I could put clue 1 and clue 2 together maybe I could get something I have never seen before… I was the detective.

    Math competitions give a little bit of exposure to see a variety of math they didn’t get to see before.

    Light up the math brain and showcase see what they can do. Students need to know that they can struggle and succeed.

    Connect with Ingrid Moats Instagram: @moatsingrid, Instagram: @tampabaytestprep Facebook: tampabaytestprep Website: www.tampabaytestprep.com Ingrid’s free guide to math competitions Allison’s Books

    Raise your Math Grade | Crush Hypothesis Testing | Crush Math Now | Love Math Journal

    Connect with Allison Website: https://www.allisonlovesmath.com/ Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Allison-Dillard/e/B07PV43V59 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AllisonLovesMath Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/allisonlovesmath Twitter: https://twitter.com/AllisonLuvsMath
  • How can we help our students recover from pandemic learning loss in mathematics? As we look ahead, to our students' long-term ability to succeed in math and STEM, our task ahead as teachers is both complex and of far-reaching importance.

    This is why today I invited Elly Blanco- Rowe, a senior educational consultant for Teaching Matters, to share with us tips to help our students overcome math learning loss.

    As an experienced teacher with over 20 years of coaching and school leadership, Elly advocates for equitable, culturally responsive mathematics instruction for all children. She holds a Masters in Teaching from Pace University, an MBA from Ba-Ruk College and a Masters in School Building Leadership from Mercy College. She is also currently a doctoral student at Fordham University in Educational Leadership, Administration and Policy.

    Elly and I chat about:

    Improving teacher effectiveness for student success[3.48] 3 practices for teachers Slowing down and going deeper while at a grade level [7.50] Leveraging technology to teach students [8.26] Simplifying learning by making the context relevant to the content [9.10] Tiktok as a means of instructing students [11.43] How teachers can go deeper into specific topics [14.00]


    Simplify learning by making context relevant to the content. The power that comes from knowing the vertical alignment is so intense. Knowing what is coming up next and how does the learning from this year support next year's learning is really helpful. Bring technology to the classroom. Use TikTok as a means of instructing students! Connect with Teaching Matters

    LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

    Connect with Elly Blanco-Rowe

    Instagram | LinkedIn

    Allison’s Books

    Raise your Math Grade | Crush Hypothesis Testing | Crush Math Now | Love Math Journal

    Connect with Allison Website: https://www.allisonlovesmath.com/ Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Allison-Dillard/e/B07PV43V59 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AllisonLovesMath Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/allisonlovesmath Twitter: https://twitter.com/AllisonLuvsMath
  • In today's episode, my co-author for the Love Math Journal, Nicole Thomson, and I dive into the first prompts from the Love Math Journal to provide advice, tips and inspiration for teachers who are introducing the Love Math Journal to their classes for the first time.

    We cover tips for discussing tips, examples, and advice for the following Love Math Journal prompts:

    How do you feel about math? Why do you feel this way? Math is...

    If you are a teacher, math lead, principal or district leader looking for resources to help 4th-8th grade students develop growth mindsets and SEL skills, specifically for math, download a free review copy of the Love Math Journal here: https://www.allisonlovesmath.com/reviewcopy

    If you're interested in purchasing the Love Math Journal for your class, school, or district, provide educators with discounts on bulk orders. For questions on discounts and purchase orders, email allison@allisonlovesmath.com.

    You can listen to my other interviews with Nicole Thomson:

    #45 The Love Math Journal #44 Using Gratitude to Help Students Overcome Math Anxiety
  • "Every moment of practice coaches assess their athletes. They're not grading their athletes, but they're looking at what their athletes are doing."

    Today's interview is with Tom Schimmer, author of the bestselling book, Grading from the Inside Out, and an expert in assessment, grading, RTI, and educational leadership. Through this episode, Tom draws attention to ways assessment can boost our student’s confidence and love for math, including how to assess math the way coaches assess their athletes.

    Allison and Tom discuss:

    How Tom’s teachers played vital roles in nurturing his love for math. [1.56] What good assessment practices look like [7.00] How to make room for learning from mistakes in a math class [9.14] Why and how to avoid redundancy in math tests [15.44] Assessment planning [20.29] Tom's books on instruction and assessment [22.57] Quality over counting: Situations where equal marks do not equate to equal understanding [24.34]


    Find a way to use evidence (outcomes of assessment) to advance learning as opposed to just judge learning. ‘What’s the score during warmup?’

    ‘The score is 00. The game hasn't started.’

    ‘Okay. Why did you sweat in practice? Why didn't you die for a loose ball? Why didn't you do all of that? You clearly didn't get anything? Because it's to start the game, the game is 00.

    ‘Well, it prepared me to play better, right?

    Be prepared to demonstrate math proficiency without practicing math proficiency, even though you're not harvesting anything, you're not gaining anything, you're looking at this idea that this is going to improve my math skill. Percentage system is not all it's cracked up to be when it comes to grading. Every moment of practice the coaches assess their athletes, they're not grading their athletes, but they're looking at what their athletes are doing. So if we taught like we coached in the sense that we do very little quantification. We would have an assessment system or an assessment experience for our students that would be most beneficial to them reaching proficiency with the learning goals.

    Links from the episode

    Allison’s episode on Tom’s podcast

    Connect with Tom Schimmer

    Twitter: @TomSchimmer; @TomSchimmerPod Instagram: @tomschimmerpodcast Facebook: Schimmer Education YouTube: Tom Schimmer Podcast TikTok: @tomschimmerpodcast Allison’s Books Raise your Math Grade: An open educational resource. Crush Math Now

    Crush Hypothesis Testing: This book is co-authored by math professor Jennifer Flenner, who was on Episode #34 Tips for Teaching Introductory Statistics.

    Love Math Journal: This journal is co-authored by Nicole Thomson, who was on Episode# 44 Using Gratitude to Help Students Overcome Math Anxiety. Connect with Allison Website: https://www.allisonlovesmath.com/ Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Allison-Dillard/e/B07PV43V59 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AllisonLovesMath Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/allisonlovesmath Twitter: https://twitter.com/AllisonLuvsMath
  • The lastest covid surge has ended. This is the time to catch up on taking care of yourself.

    For one person, self-care might be vegging out and sleeping in. For another, it might be having a cocktail and a good laugh with friends. For yet another, it might be eating healthier and eliminating the stress of last-minute family meals.

    Today's interview features Marie Fiebach, family dinner coach and the host of the Feed Your Family Tonight podcast. In this episode, Marie and I talk about meal planning, quick dinner recipes and so much more.

    Allison and Marie chat about:

    Time management secrets to weeknight dinner success [3.00] Eliminating stress by having backup meal plans [6.59] Marie's quick dinner recipes [11.32] How and when to experiment with new dinner ideas [13.31] Marie’s favorite go-to breakfast recipes [17.06]


    Prep your meals today to be successful later in the week. Dinners do not have to be fancy. It can be a little bit boring. It is ok if you have 10 or 12 meals and you're having the same things over and over again

    Free weekly meal planning sheet at feedyourfamilytonight.com/plan

    Connect with Marie: - Marie's website and free meal planning guide: https://feedyourfamilytonight.com/ - Marie's podcast: https://feedyourfamilytonight.com/podcasts/ - Marie's Instagram: @feedyourfamilytonightFB: - Marie's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FeedYourFamilyTonight Allison’s Books Raise your Math Grade

    Crush Hypothesis Testing

    Crush Math Now Love Math Journal This journal is co-authored by Allison and Nicole Thomson, who had been on Episode# 44 Using Gratitude to Help Students Overcome Math Anxiety.

    Connect with Allison Dillard

    Website: https://www.allisonlovesmath.com/ Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Allison-Dillard/e/B07PV43V59 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AllisonLovesMath Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/allisonlovesmath Twitter: https://twitter.com/AllisonLuvsMath
  • Are you thinking about taking a career break? If teaching through the pandemic has you thinking about switching careers, there is much to consider before making the jump. In today's episode, Allison interviews career coach and host of the Money, Career and Motherhood Podcast, about how to plan for a career that strikes a balance between your personal, professional, and family life. These are some highlights from the episode: What unquantifiable factors to consider before taking a career break [2:10] How to find a balance in your life on your professional, personal, and family front [5.17] Thinking about what you value before taking a career break [10.01] Accepting there will be burnouts and learning curves in any career [11.13] Investing in yourself when you are not working [18.23] Squeezing opportunities from challenging times [24.19]

    Check out Janice’s previous interview on Allison Loves Math Podcast

    Check out Janice's Website

    Allison’s Books

    Raise your Math Grade: Get this FREE short book, which is a toughen-up math manifesto mixed with you-can-do-it enthusiasm. It is an open educational resource, meaning you can share it freely with friends, students, and colleagues.

    Crush Hypothesis Testing: In Introductory Statistics, hypothesis testing is one of the most difficult topics and every teacher, textbook, YouTube video explains in a slightly different way. If it's making you frustrated, you're not alone. Learn the 5-Step Method that Makes Hypothesis Testing Easier and Understandable

    Crush Math Now: Order this best-selling Amazon book! It is a study guide packed with all the advice Allison has given students over the years on math mindset, study skills, and test-taking strategies. Love Math Journal: Get this growth mindset journal to help 4th-8th grade students to succeed in and love math. This journal is co-authored by Allison and Nicole Thomson, who had been on Episode# 44 Using Gratitude to Help Students Overcome Math Anxiety. Connect with Allison Website: https://www.allisonlovesmath.com/ Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Allison-Dillard/e/B07PV43V59 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AllisonLovesMath Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/allisonlovesmath Twitter: https://twitter.com/AllisonLuvsMath
  • Students need support to shine and grow. In this episode, Punam Saxena, author of Parent Power, discusses how parent engagement at school and at home can boost a child's academic success.

    Parent Impact Coach, TEDx speaker, and host of the Edu-Me Podcast, Punam Saxena sheds light on how a student-parent-teacher team can nurture a child to become the best version of themselves.

    Allison and Punam discuss:

    Punam's new Ted Talk [2.03] How a student’s a socio-emotional environment impacts their academic performance [4.11] How teachers can engage reluctant parents [8.37] Being a better parent [19.00]

    Check out Punam’s previous interview on Allison Loves Math Podcast: https://allisonlovesmath.mykajabi.com/blog/PunamSaxena

    Connect with Punam Saxena

    Punam's TedTalk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrY3dM-AvOg

    Punam's Book: https://www.amazon.com/Parent-Power-Navigate-School-Beyond/dp/1736640208

    Punam's Website: https://www.edu-me.net/

    Allison's Books

    Raise your Math Grade: Get this FREE short book, which is a toughen-up math manifesto mixed with you-can-do-it enthusiasm. It is an open educational resource, meaning you can share it freely with friends, students, and colleagues. Crush Math Now: Order this best-selling Amazon book! It is a study guide packed with all the advice Allison has given students over the years on math mindset, study skills, and test-taking strategies. Love Math Journal: Get this growth mindset journal to help 4th-8th grade students to succeed in and love math. This journal is co-authored by Allison and Nicole Thomson, who had been on Episode# 44 Using Gratitude to Help Students Overcome Math Anxiety.

    Connect with Allison

    Website: https://www.allisonlovesmath.com/ Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Allison-Dillard/e/B07PV43V59 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AllisonLovesMath Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/allisonlovesmath Twitter: https://twitter.com/AllisonLuvsMath
  • "Do you want to be great or do you want to be comfortable?"

    Advocate for your needs. Be proactive. Build a support system. Take risks. Push yourself to do great things. In today's interview, Shanise Walker, Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, shares inspiring and practical advice for math students about how to advocate for themselves and set themselves up for success in math.

    Shanise is a first-generation college student, who earned B.S. in Mathematics from UGA and Ph.D. in Mathematics from Iowa State University. Her research interests lie in extremal combinatorics and graph theory and she is active in service to the mathematical profession related to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI).

    Allison and Shanise discuss:

    How Shanise fell in love with Math [3.15] Being proactive and having a plan [5.54] Shanise talks about her blog in the American Mathematical Society [10.18] Having a spectrum of support system [16.20] If you are doing Math Majors, take up English courses[21.55]

    Check out Shanise’s blog: https://blogs.ams.org/livingproof/2021/09/14/how-challenging-experiences-led-me-to-pursue-a-phd-in-mathematics-by-shanise-walker/

    Connect with Shanise: walkersg@uwec.edu

    Connect with Allison

    Website: https://www.allisonlovesmath.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AllisonLovesMath Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/allisonlovesmath Twitter: https://twitter.com/AllisonLuvsMath

    Allison’s Books

    Raise your Math Grade: Get this FREE short book, which is a toughen-up math manifesto mixed with you-can-do-it enthusiasm. It is an open educational resource, meaning you can share it freely with friends, students, and colleagues. Crush Math Now: Order this best-selling Amazon book! It is a study guide packed with all the advice Allison has given students over the years on math mindset, study skills, and test-taking strategies. Love Math Journal: Get this growth mindset journal to help 4th-8th grade students to succeed in and love math. This journal is co-authored by Allison and Nicole Thomson, who had been on Episode# 44 Using Gratitude to Help Students Overcome Math