
  • Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church

    In this thought-provoking message, Apostle Sydney Quaye delves into the profound significance of grace in the life of a believer. He begins by exploring the divine transformation that grace brings, emphasizing that it is the cornerstone of our faith and the essence of our spiritual journey.

    Apostle Quaye eloquently explains that grace is not merely a concept but an empowering force that enables us to live out God's calling with boldness and integrity. He underscores that through grace, we receive not just forgiveness but also the strength to overcome life's challenges and the wisdom to navigate our paths in alignment with God's will.

    The Apostle passionately addresses common misconceptions about grace, clarifying that it is neither a license to sin nor a passive acceptance of our flaws. Instead, he presents grace as the divine enabler that propels us toward holiness and righteous living. He encourages believers to embrace grace fully, allowing it to reshape their identities and transform their actions.

    Apostle Quaye's message is a compelling reminder that grace is both a gift and a responsibility. It calls us to a higher standard of living, one that reflects the character of Christ in every aspect of our lives. His insights are not only theologically rich but also practically applicable, offering listeners a fresh perspective on how to integrate grace into their daily walk with God.

    This podcast episode promises to inspire and challenge Christians to deepen their understanding of grace and its transformative power, making it a must-listen for anyone seeking to grow in their faith and live out their divine purpose with conviction and joy.

  • Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church

    In today's inspiring message, Apostle Sydney Quaye discusses the blessings of Abraham, the father of faith, and the promise made to him by God. He explains that if a person is baptized into Christ, they become Abraham's seed, inheriting the characteristics, experiences, and blessings of Abraham. The blessings of Abraham come upon believers through Christ, and believers are programmed for prosperity and happiness.Apostle Sydney explains that as Abraham's seed, believers are programmed for blessings and prosperity, as God has given them his most precious gift, his son. God called Abraham out from his country and promised to bless him and make his name great. Abraham's life illustrates the blessings of being God's chosen, overcoming adversity, and receiving God's abundant blessings.As Abraham's seed, believers have dominion over their environment and will see the manifestation of God's promises in their life. By believing and declaring themselves as Abraham's seed, believers can expect God's faithfulness and receive the blessings and favor that come with being Abraham's seed.

    May you walk in this revelation as you listen to the message, may the faith and the promise made to him by God impact the faith filled living.

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  • Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church

    In this powerful message, Apostle Sydney Quaye delves into the transformative power of words, emphasizing that when the king speaks, power is present. He connects this to the idea that our words are our actions, and what we declare shapes our reality. The message pivots to Romans 1:16-17, highlighting that the gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation, revealing the righteousness of God from faith to faith.

    Apostle Quaye underscores that understanding righteousness brings power and ceases demonic molestations. He declares that the gospel reveals our true selves as the righteousness of God, improving us continuously. He encourages believers to focus on the gospel and dismiss foolish fables that induce fear. Instead, understanding the gospel dispels fear and reveals God’s intentions for us.

    He leads into declarations, asserting that believers are the righteousness of God, called unto glory. This includes every aspect of life—marriage, finances, health, and more—transforming into a state of glory. He emphasizes that the gospel not only reveals who we are but also ensures our continuous improvement.

    Apostle Quaye asserts that believers are called out of darkness into God’s marvelous light, destined to show forth His praises. This calling ensures that no devil can touch us, and everything about us should praise God. He leads the congregation in thanking God for the glorious transformation in every area of their lives.

    Furthermore, he proclaims that believers are called according to purpose, ensuring everything works together for their good. The Holy Spirit intercedes for them, making their prayers effective. This divine intercession means all things, including challenges, work for their benefit. He encourages believers to declare this truth, reinforcing their identity and destiny in Christ.

    The message concludes with a series of powerful declarations, affirming that believers inherit blessings, fellowship with God, and possess a heavenly and holy calling. Apostle Quaye emphasizes that believers are supported by heaven, immune to curses and evil, and destined for glory. He encourages continuous declarations, reinforcing their identity as heirs of God’s promises, blessings, and salvation.

    Apostle Quaye’s message is a call to recognize the power of the gospel, embrace our identity as the righteousness of God, and continuously declare these truths to manifest God’s glory in every aspect of our lives.

  • Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church

    Apostle Sydney Quaye delivers a message emphasizing the power of the anointing to fulfill dreams. Quoting Dr. Myles Monroe, he highlights that the poorest person is one without a dream and the most frustrated is one with unfulfilled dreams, underscoring that dreams bring fulfillment and joy, aligning with God's larger plans for individuals.

    Apostle Quaye stresses that God's dreams for people are greater than their own, involving abundant blessings like building houses, living in an Eden-like state, and experiencing divine provision and health. The service focuses on prayers and seeking God's help in realizing these dreams.

    Using Genesis 37:6-8, Apostle Quaye illustrates the importance of dreams through Joseph's story, encouraging the congregation to dream big and declare their dreams openly, even if it incites envy or hatred. He frequently references Ephesians 3:20 to reinforce that God's power within us can achieve more than we can imagine or ask for.

    The congregation is urged to evaluate their lives, pray fervently, and believe in God's power to exceed their dreams. They are encouraged to declare their dreams and trust in God's ability to fulfill them beyond their wildest expectations. Quaye concludes with a call to see dreams manifest, invoking divine assistance and blessings in all areas of life.

  • Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church

    In this inspiring podcast episode, Apostle Sydney Quaye delves into the profound privilege of sharing in the glory of God. Drawing from Exodus 33:17-19, he emphasizes that as believers under the New Covenant, we are positioned even greater than Moses due to the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness bestowed upon us.

    Apostle Quaye underscores the incomparable glory of the New Testament, highlighting that God's goodness, rooted in His mercy, grace, loving-kindness, truth, and covenant, will manifest in every aspect of our lives.

    He passionately declares that we are destined to experience all of God's goodness in our health, relationships, finances, and careers. With fervent prayer and affirmation, he encourages us to embrace and declare this goodness over our lives, ensuring that every listener leaves empowered and expectant of God's marvelous works.

    Tune in to be uplifted by this powerful message, as Apostle Quaye reminds us of our divine heritage and the extraordinary glory we partake in as children of God. Join us in this transformative journey of faith, hope, and divine favor.

  • Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church

    In today's inspiring message, Apostle Sydney Quaye delves into the profound concept of divine partnerships and the importance of having the right support in all aspects of life. Drawing from Genesis 2:18, Apostle Quaye emphasizes that it is not good for a person to be alone, highlighting that God's design is for us to have companions and helpers.

    He asserts that as believers, we are in a blessed partnership with God, who has partnered us with angels and aligned us with the right people, institutions, and circumstances. This divine partnership extends to our personal, professional, and spiritual lives, ensuring that we are never alone. God, our ultimate partner, provides guidance, support, and resources through the Holy Spirit, angels, and righteous individuals.

    Apostle Quaye encourages listeners to embrace this divine collaboration, declaring that we will receive right helpers in our finances, businesses, careers, and homes. He urges us to acknowledge our need for support and to seek God's provision for suitable and godly partners in every endeavor.

    The message concludes with a powerful prayer, asking for God's intervention in sending the right people to aid in our growth and success. Apostle Quaye reminds us that with God as our partner, we can confidently face any challenge, assured that we have the best of everything at our disposal.

    Join us in this uplifting and transformative episode as we explore the significance of divine partnerships and how they shape our lives for the better. Tune in and be blessed by the revelation of God's abundant support and love for us.

  • Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church

    In this episode, Apostle Sydney Quaye delves into the profound message of Romans 4:13 from the Message Bible, exploring the renowned promise given to Abraham. Apostle Quaye passionately articulates how this promise—granting Abraham and his descendants the earth—was not based on Abraham's actions but on God's divine decision to orchestrate everything for his benefit.

    Listeners are encouraged to recognize that, just as with Abraham, their lives, careers, relationships, and endeavors are being divinely arranged for their advantage. Apostle Quaye emphasizes the power of the "famous promise" and urges believers to embrace it, declaring prosperity, success, and divine favor over every aspect of their lives.

    Through fervent prayers and declarations, Apostle Quaye guides listeners to call forth blessings and breakthroughs, reinforcing the belief that God's promises are at work, aligning all elements of life for their benefit. This episode is a powerful reminder of the transformative impact of faith and the unwavering fulfillment of God's promises.

    Tune in to be inspired and to engage with the divine arrangement of your life, as Apostle Sydney Quaye reveals how to live under the influence of God's famous promise. Don't miss this uplifting and empowering message!

  • Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church

    Join Apostle Sydney Quaye on a transformative journey through Psalm 112, where we uncover the secrets to living a life of abundance and generosity, even in the face of adversity.

    In this enlightening episode, Apostle Quaye delves into the powerful message of Psalm 112 from The Message Bible, revealing profound insights into the blessed life of those who fear God and cherish His commandments. Drawing from personal experiences and biblical wisdom, he explores the themes of steadfastness, generosity, and relaxation in the midst of enemies.

    Discover the keys to unlocking a life filled with wealth, riches, and unending generosity. Through declarations and prayers, Apostle Quaye empowers listeners to embrace their divine inheritance as heirs of righteousness and to release a flow of blessings into their homes, businesses, and communities.

    Prepare to be inspired as Apostle Quaye shares powerful testimonies of how generosity has transformed lives and brought about miracles. From adopting children to supporting education and aiding the needy, he illustrates the profound impact of giving from a heart filled with love and compassion.

    Join Apostle Sydney Quaye on this empowering journey to embrace abundance, generosity, and the fullness of God's blessings. Tune in to unlock the secrets to living a life of honor, beauty, and relaxation, even in the face of adversity.

  • Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church

    In this inspiring message, Apostle Sydney Quaye addresses the common issue of believers losing faith in prayer due to unmet expectations. He emphasizes the importance of persistent prayer and shares personal testimonies of its powerful results.

    Drawing from Ephesians 1:19-22, Apostle Quaye highlights the "exceeding greatness of God's power" available to believers. He describes this power as "endless energy" and "boundless strength," capable of transforming every aspect of a believer's life—health, marriage, career, and more.

    Apostle Quaye calls on Christians to understand and exercise their divine heritage, asserting that the Holy Spirit's power enables them to achieve excellence and effect change. He concludes with a powerful call to action, urging believers to actively engage in prayer and demonstrate God's transformative power in their lives.

    This episode is a compelling reminder of the spiritual authority that believers possess and a motivating call to embrace and showcase this divine power daily. Join us to learn how to harness God's boundless strength and energy in your life.

  • Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church

    Join Apostle Sydney Quaye as he leads a powerful session of thanksgiving and declaration. In this episode, Apostle Quaye guides listeners to lift their hands and voices in gratitude for God's uncountable wonders. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing God’s miracles in all aspects of life—marriage, career, relationships, and ministry.

    Listeners are encouraged to declare their heritage of signs and wonders based on Isaiah 8:18 and John 9:10. Apostle Quaye reminds us that God’s miracles are not limited and encourages us to work wonders in our own lives using the power of Jesus' name.

    Experience transformative prayers, prophetic declarations, and inspiring testimonies of God’s wonders. Tune in to receive God's miraculous touch in your life and witness extraordinary changes in your home, job, and relationships.

  • Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church

    Join Apostle Sydney Quaye as he leads us through a powerful declaration on the twelfth day of our fast. In this episode, we proclaim the overflow of God's blessings in every aspect of our lives. Through faith and the Word of God, we declare that our cups are running over—bringing abundance in our finances, relationships, homes, and spirits.

    Key Points:

    Declaration of Overflow: We affirm that our cups are running over with blessings, impacting every area of our lives.Prophesy of Goodness: We speak life into our finances, homes, relationships, and spirits, declaring that good things are happening now and will continue to happen.Scriptural Foundation: Rooted in Amos 9:13 and Proverbs 10:22-24, we stand on the promises of God’s Word that blessings will come upon us without sorrow.Engagement with the Blessing: As we engage with the blessing of the Lord, we declare it will take over and run over in our lives, bringing joy, favor, and elevation.

    Call to Action: Lift your voice in agreement with this prophetic declaration. Believe and receive the blessings of the Lord in every area of your life. Stand firm in faith, knowing that as the righteous, we get what we want most—a life overflowing with God's goodness.

  • Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church

    Welcome to today's episode of our podcast, featuring a powerful message from Apostle Sydney Quaye as part of the 21 Days Fasting and Prayer series. On this 11th day, Apostle Quaye delves into the theme of "Establishing the Decrees."

    Apostle Quaye emphasizes the importance of recognizing that everything we need is found in the Lord. He urges believers to affirm that their production, favor, grace, and elevation are all rooted in their relationship with Christ. The message underscores that believers are established in righteousness, the new covenant, and in Christ Himself.

    The core of the message is a call to make declarations based on the Word of God. Apostle Quaye encourages listeners to boldly declare their establishment in righteousness, far from oppression, and flourishing in every aspect of their lives. He highlights the biblical foundation for these declarations, referencing Scriptures such as Daniel 6:8 and Psalm 92:12-15.

    Throughout the message, Apostle Quaye reiterates the power of faith-filled declarations in transforming our circumstances. By establishing decrees according to God's Word, believers can expect to see supernatural progress and flourishing in their careers, relationships, and personal endeavors.

    Tune in to hear Apostle Quaye's inspiring message and learn how to establish God's decrees in your life for permanent, secure, and flourishing success.

  • Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church

    Welcome to today's podcast with Apostle Sydney Quaye. In this message, we're diving into the theme of "Heirs of Authority - Thrones of Glory."

    Apostle Quaye shares the story of Isaac from Genesis 26, emphasizing how Isaac's faith and obedience led to supernatural progress and prosperity. By sowing in the land, Isaac reaped a hundredfold in the same year, demonstrating the power of divine multiplication.

    As heirs of God's promises, we're entitled to experience similar levels of supernatural progress. Apostle Quaye encourages us to activate our faith, sow in obedience, and declare God's promises for progress in every area of life.

    The key takeaway is that as believers, we're destined for progress and success. By aligning ourselves with God's Word and declaring faith-filled affirmations, we position ourselves to experience divine multiplication and supernatural advancement.

    Tune in to the full podcast episode for more insights on unlocking supernatural progress in your life!

  • Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church

    Welcome to Day 9 of our 21 Days Fasting & Prayer journey with Apostle Sydney Quaye. Today, we're talking about our inheritance as heirs of righteousness and the importance of activating our right to divine protection.

    In Matthew 21:38 and Mark 12:7, we see that as heirs, we face opposition and threats to our inheritance. Just as in these passages where the husbandmen sought to kill the heir, we must engage our right to protection when our inheritance is at risk.

    AS we pray along, we cover ourselves, our families, and everything in our care with the blood of Jesus, ensuring that nothing formed against us shall prosper.

    Remember, as heirs of God's promises, we have the assurance of His protection over everything that belongs to us.

  • Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church

    Welcome to Apostle Sydney Quaye's podcast, where we dive deep into the wisdom of God's Word. Today, we're unpacking Ephesians 1:18 and exploring the powerful call to confidence for every believer.

    In Ephesians 1:18, the Apostle Paul urges us to embrace the confidence that comes from knowing God's calling and the glory of our inheritance in Him. This confidence isn't rooted in titles or earthly recognition, but in the unshakeable assurance of being chosen by God.

    Imagine the scene as Paul fervently prays for the Ephesian church in Ephesians 1:15-22, asking for wisdom and revelation. He wants them to grasp the hope of God's calling and the riches of their inheritance in Christ.

    To illustrate this, consider the story of a wealthy lawyer whose unusual will shocked his heirs. Similarly, our inheritance in Christ is beyond comprehension and comes with no strings attached. As believers, we've been blessed with every spiritual blessing and have the power to access God's boundless wealth.

    As we listen and pray along, let's affirm this truth together: Our inheritance is unconditional, and we have the power to claim it. Tune in as we explore what it means to walk in the confidence of our calling and inherit the riches of God's kingdom.

  • Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church

    Welcome to Apostle Sydney Quaye's podcast, where we delve into the profound depths of our divine calling. In this episode, we explore the transformative power of recognizing and living out our God-given purpose.

    Apostle Sydney passionately emphasizes that our calling is not merely a task but a sacred invitation to fellowship with God Himself. Through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we are equipped to walk in our calling with confidence and authority.

    Central to our understanding is the concept of God's contribution in our lives. We are called to expect divine contributions in every aspect of our existence, whether it's our health, finances, relationships, or careers. As we engage in prayer and declaration, we exercise our authority to command and receive God's blessings and favor.

    This journey of faith is about recognizing our identity as children of God and embracing the abundant life He has called us to. By acknowledging our divine calling and expecting God's contributions, we open ourselves to a realm of supernatural provision and empowerment.

    Join us on this enriching exploration as we delve into the depths of God's call on our lives and experience the fullness of His blessings. Thank you for tuning in.

  • Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church

    Welcome to today's episode of the 21 Days Fasting & Prayer series with Apostle Sydney Quaye. In this powerful message titled "Called to Fellowship," Apostle Sydney leads us in a declaration of our divine calling and the manifestation of God's glory in our lives.

    He emphasizes the importance of recognizing our identity in Christ, declaring our predestination, justification, and glorification as children of God. Using biblical references, Apostle Sydney illustrates how our divine calling is intrinsically linked to experiencing the miraculous power of God.

    Drawing from the story of Jesus turning water into wine in John chapter 2, he explains that miracles authenticate our divine callings. Just as Jesus manifested his glory through miracles, we too are called to experience extraordinary manifestations of God's power.

    As we engage in fervent prayer and declaration of our divine calling, may we enjoy the blessings that accompany divine fellowship.

  • Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church

    Welcome to today's podcast with Apostle Sydney Quaye. In this episode, we dive into the power of our divine calling and the blessings it brings.

    Drawing from biblical verses, particularly Romans 8:28, Apostle Sydney emphasizes that every aspect of our lives prospers because of our divine calling. He declares that our days are made for favor, grace, promotions, and blessings.

    He urges listeners to make their own declarations, claiming the blessings of good days over their lives, families, careers, and relationships. Moving forward, Apostle Sydney highlights the expectation of our calling based on 1 Peter 3:9, that we are called to inherit a blessing. He underscores the importance of understanding and expecting this blessing, declaring that believers should not walk under a curse but should live in the fullness of God's blessings.

    Apostle Sydney leads listeners in making declarations of being blessed and fruitful in all areas of their lives. He emphasizes the power of words and the importance of speaking blessings into existence.

    You are invited to receive the benediction of good days with kindness, speed, and divine favor as you pray along with Apostle Sydney Quaye.

  • Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church

    Welcome to Day 3 of the 21 Days Fasting & Prayer with Apostle Sydney Quaye.

    Today's message is all about the power of our divine calling. Apostle Sydney encourages us to believe in the potential of our calling in God, declaring that because we are called by Him, every aspect of our lives will prosper.

    Drawing from Romans 8:28, Apostle Sydney emphasizes that with God, all things work together for our good. He reminds us that our calling ensures our success in relationships, careers, and all endeavors.

    As we pray, we declare that every aspect of our lives is working, has worked, and will continue to work according to God's purpose. Through faith and God's mercy, we are assured of success and fulfillment in every area of our lives.

    Join us in declaring that our calling guarantees our success, and let's affirm together that it will work, it shall work, it must work, and indeed, it is working.

    Stay blessed and encouraged as you pray along!

  • Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church

    Welcome to Day 2 of the 21 Days Fasting & Prayer with Apostle Sydney Quaye.

    In this episode, Apostle Sydney emphasizes the divine healing power of God as he delves into the story of King Asa from 2 Chronicles 16:12. Despite his illness, King Asa sought physicians instead of turning to the Lord, resulting in prolonged suffering and death.

    Apostle Sydney encourages listeners to activate the covenant of divine healing by declaring God as their healer. He emphasizes the importance of seeking God first and making personal declarations of faith in God's healing power.

    Drawing from the scriptures, Apostle Sydney teaches that Jesus not only heals but also resides within believers as the indwelling healer. He leads listeners in declaring their bodies free from sickness and disease, affirming that Jesus has borne their infirmities on the cross.

    Listeners are encouraged to reject the fear of disease and embrace God's promise of healing for every aspect of their lives. Through fervent prayer and declaration, Apostle Sydney leads the audience to accept divine healing and to walk in the assurance of God's healing power.

    Join us in embracing the truth that God is our healer, both in provision and in presence.

    Stay blessed and healed!