The Everyday Pastor is a new podcast from TGC on the nuts and bolts of ministry. Hosted by Ligon Duncan, with nearly 20 years of pastoral experience, and Matt Smethurst, who planted a church three years ago, it seeks to model how ministers of different generations, levels of experience, and even denominations can apply God’s never-changing Word in a fast-changing world.
It’s not an easy time to be a pastor, but it’s an exciting one—because the Lord is on his throne and his Word is enough to help us navigate the trenches of ministry with fortitude and joy. So join Matt and Lig (and special guests along the way) as they seek to help you think wisely about nitty-gritty issues of everyday ministry.
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Join Collin Hansen and Melissa Kruger for their annual recap discussion on the biggest stories affecting the church around the world in the last year. This conversation was originally featured on TGC's Gospelbound podcast.
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In this final season episode of As in Heaven, Jim Davis and Michael Graham are joined by Trevin Wax to discuss what it looks like to help individuals reconstruct their faith and for evangelicals—as a movement—to rebuild their witness.
This episode is part of As in Heaven’s third season, devoted to The Great Dechurching—the largest and fastest religious shift in U.S. history. To learn more about this phenomenon on which the episodes of this season are based, order The Great Dechurching by Michael Graham and Jim Davis.
Recommended resource: Reconstructing Faith with Trevin Wax (podcast)
In this final episode of season three of As in Heaven, hosts Jim Davis and Mike Aitcheson welcome Irwyn Ince to discuss the value of churches that seek to be both missional and confessional. When churches seek to hold both of these things in harmony, they become places that people won't want to leave.
Episode time stamps:
Episode and guest introduction (0:00)Confessional versus missional theology (3:43)Why is the language of mission so important? (9:53)The ground level of orthodoxy (18:00)An overflow of the doctrine of the Trinity (25:03)The polarization of the church and culture (32:30)The significance of Biblical ethics (37:36)The multifaceted glory of the essence of God (42:55)Practical ways to apply a missional mindset (49:15)This episode is part of As in Heaven’s third season, devoted to The Great Dechurching—the largest and fastest religious shift in U.S. history. To learn more about this phenomenon on which the episodes of this season are based, preorder The Great Dechurching by Michael Graham and Jim Davis.
In this episode of As in Heaven, hosts Jim Davis and Michael Graham welcome Jake Meador to discuss the merits of having a posture of a "church in exile." They explore how this exilic posture could help us close the back door of the church and regain our prophetic voice.
Episode time stamps:
Episode and guest introduction (0:00)Moving from empire to exile (4:37)Centrality of patience (11:38)Role of attention in a digital age (16:53)Advantages of living in a state of exile (23:08)Learning from others across broader church history (29:41)Advice for clergy and business owners in secular workplaces (36:11)Relational wisdom in a low-trust environment (43:31)This episode is part of As In Heaven’s third season, devoted to The Great Dechurching—the largest and fastest religious shift in U.S. history. To learn more about this phenomenon on which the episodes of this season are based, preorder The Great Dechurching by Michael Graham and Jim Davis.
In this episode of As In Heaven, hosts Jim Davis and Michael Graham welcome Andrew Wilson and Glen Scrivener to discuss European perspectives on dechurching in America, drawing from insights in the UK, Australia, and Italy to compare and contrast the dechurching movement.
Episode time stamps:
Episode and topic introduction (0:00)Losing cultural prestige and normativity in the states (7:02)The benefits of standing up to the cultural tide (12:25)The difference between secular traditional and secular progressive (15:39)Britain, Italy, and the catholic vs. protestant split (19:03)David Goodhart and nationalism (22:22)The difference between exile and sojourning (25:49)What’s the state of the church in 2024? (35:40)Final thoughts and encouragement (41:20)This episode is part of As in Heaven’s third season, devoted to The Great Dechurching—the largest and fastest religious shift in U.S. history. To learn more about this phenomenon on which the episodes of this season are based, preorder The Great Dechurching by Michael Graham and Jim Davis.
In this episode of As In Heaven, hosts Jim Davis and Mike Aitcheson welcome Robert Cunningham to discuss the complexities of our ever-shifting culture. They share insights into pastoring through election cycles, polarizing cultural moments, and how not to grow weary.
Episode time stamps:
Episode and topic introduction (0:00)The impact of cultural issues on the dechurching phenomenon (7:31)How can we bring people back to the church? (14:46)Pastoring through cultural changes (19:06)What does it look like to switch churches? (27:59)What role does the pastor play in shaping members for this cultural moment? (32:27)Pastors are tired. How can they care for themselves well? (41:16)This episode is part of As in Heaven’s third season, devoted to The Great Dechurching—the largest and fastest religious shift in U.S. history. To learn more about this phenomenon on which the episodes of this season are based, preorder The Great Dechurching by Michael Graham and Jim Davis.
In this episode of As in Heaven, Jim Davis and Mike Aitcheson welcome Sam Allberry and Michael Keller to discuss preaching in light of the dechurched phenomenon. The guests share insights from their own preaching preparation, cultural insights from their context, and how they question cultural assumptions.
Episode time stamps:
Episode and topic introduction (0:00)The role of preaching in worship (3:15)How do you break the ice with new members? (8:55)The process of preparing for a sermon (13:32)The moral responsibility of a preacher to convict (22:25)The value of biblical community (23:42)How do you get feedback from your congregation? (25:27)How do you see yourself as a young minister? (27:55)Two sides of the same coin of preaching (30:19)The difference between culture and context (32:03)The importance of contextualization (34:54)The beauty of expository preaching (43:07)How will "Chat GPT" affect preaching? (47:50)This episode is part of As in Heaven’s third season, devoted to The Great Dechurching—the largest and fastest religious shift in U.S. history. To learn more about this phenomenon on which the episodes of this season are based, preorder The Great Dechurching by Michael Graham and Jim Davis.
In this episode of As In Heaven, Jim Davis and Mike Aitcheson welcome Jen Wilkin to discuss the importance of seeing and honoring women's gifts and abilities in the church as it pertains to dechurching in America. When understanding God's design for the roles of women in the church, it is important that we seek to honor and value women in the midst of seeking biblical fidelity and clarity. Jen Wilkin shares several personal stories from both positive and negative experiences as well as stories of how The Village Church came to draft their shorter and longer position papers on the role of women in the church.
Episode time stamps:
Episode and guest introduction (0:00)Core for idols male pastors to work through in order to lead a healthy church (7:06)What does it look like for women to flourish in the church? (21:30)The process of writing The Village Church position papers (24:23)Why clarity is kind and why it matters (30:54)Why listening is so important in spiritual formation (33:59) -
In this episode of As in Heaven, hosts Jim Davis and Mike Aitcheson welcome guest David Platt to discuss the role of political syncretism (taking political positions of neutrality) in dechurching in America. In their conversation, they unpack the ways political syncretism has diminished trust among many in their local church and the broader evangelical church.
Episode time stamps:
What does it mean to leave the church by politics? (0:55)Idolatry in the church (6:52)Praying for the president (16:50)Make sure the Word is clear and the message is proclaimed (22:26)What role does a pastor play when handing voter guides? (27:07)We live in a different kingdom (32:24)The power of love and compassion (35:43)Love God and others (41:45)Learn more about dechurching alongside Jim Davis and Michael Graham in this 5-session weekly online cohort through The Keller Center.
In this episode of As In Heaven, Jim Davis is joined by his wife, Angela Davis, a mental health counselor, and Benjamin Kandt to discuss the role mental health plays in dechurching, the relation between worship and mental health, and how mental health intersects with the church's ministry to the dechurched. They offer insight into the painful reality of loneliness and despair that marks many who have left the church. You'll learn how we can engage the hurts of this group of people and how we can act to hear and offer healing through love and the gospel.
In this episode of As In Heaven, Jim Davis and Skyler Flowers welcome Derek Rishmawy to discuss engaging upcoming generations, especially college students. They continue the conversation around the missed generational handoff and share practical steps that parents and church leaders can take to disciple and instill a love of the local church and an affection for the gospel among college students.
Episode time stamps:
Episode and guest introduction (0:00)College ministry and the pressure to succeed (8:06)Other pressures experienced in college (12:32)College and the unique opportunities it presents (19:08)College students are more open to discussing faith than people think (24:18)The defeatist mentality (31:19)College as a mission field (32:37)Having a kingdom mindset and working together (39:31)This episode is part of As In Heaven’s third season, devoted to The Great Dechurching—the largest and fastest religious shift in U.S. history. To learn more about this phenomenon on which the episodes of this season are based, preorder The Great Dechurching by Michael Graham and Jim Davis.
In this episode of As In Heaven, hosts Jim Davis and Skyler Flowers welcome Cameron Cole to discuss the importance of ministering to upcoming generations, primarily middle and high school students. They discuss the idea of "missed generational handoff," where the value of being churched experiences a dramatic decline in teens (ages 13-17) and young adults (ages 18-25.) Cole shares practical steps parents and church leaders can take toward disciplining and instilling a love of the local church and an affection for the gospel among this crucial age range.
Episode time stamps:
Episode and topic introduction (0:00)Preparing kids for the real world (6:44)The importance of asking questions (18:48)Rooted Ministry and gospel-centered discipleship (21:23)The generational handoff (26:16)The gospel catechism and theology. (29:12)Practical ways to make a difference (32:28)How can parents prepare their kids for a culture they don’t know? (39:27)Resources for parents and youth. (46:50)Recommended resource:
Rooted MinistryFuller Youth InstituteThe Reason for God by Timothy KellerThis episode is part of As In Heaven’s third season, devoted to The Great Dechurching—the largest and fastest religious shift in U.S. history. To learn more about this phenomenon on which the episodes of this season are based, preorder The Great Dechurching by Michael Graham and Jim Davis.
In this episode of As In Heaven, Jim Davis and Michael Graham are joined by David and Meg Robbins to explore the impact of gospel-centered parenting in the dechurching movement. Parents play a valuable role in reducing the probability of dechurching in their children's future, and this episode offers several practical tips to help parents foster healthier connections with their children and encourage a love for the church.
Episode time stamps:
Introduction David and Meg Robbins (0:00)How to ask the first question (8:12)Getting to the heart of our kids (13:57)Creating a community of believers for our kids (20:56)Navigating church casualties as a family (26:46)The role of technology (33:46)The importance of discipleship (47:25)How pastors can grow in this area (50:19)Advice to parents who are struggling (1:01:50)Recommended resources:
Axis.org (Connecting Teens, Parents, and Jesus in a Disconnected World)Family Life Today PodcastThis episode is part of As In Heaven’s third season, devoted to The Great Dechurching—the largest and fastest religious shift in U.S. history. To learn more about this phenomenon on which the episodes of this season are based, preorder The Great Dechurching by Michael Graham and Jim Davis.
In this episode of As In Heaven, hosts Jim Davis and Michael Graham welcome Sam Chan to discuss the importance of relational wisdom when it comes to dechurching. They explore the idea that we can prevent people from leaving the church by improving our individual and institutional levels of relational wisdom. They also outline six key awarenesses that collectively yield relational wisdom:
God-awarenessSelf-awarenessOthers-awarenessAwareness of how others experience youEmotional awarenessCultural awarenessEpisode time stamps:
Introduction to episode topic and guest (0:00)What God are people dechurching from? (5:14)A quiet, calm, and curious posture (9:31)Being aware of others: ask more questions (15:51)The importance of emotional awareness (19:52)Emotional awareness as a pastor and minister (25:27)Teaching and shepherding emotions of lament (31:09)We need the emotional vocabulary of God (34:13)Cultural awareness and evangelism in a skeptical world (39:58)Cultural differences in preaching (45:41)This episode is part of As In Heaven’s third season, devoted to The Great Dechurching—the largest and fastest religious shift in U.S. history. To learn more about this phenomenon on which the episodes of this season are based, preorder The Great Dechurching by Michael Graham and Jim Davis.
In this episode of As in Heaven, Jim Davis and Mike Aitcheson welcome back Justin Holcomb to discuss how pastoral pitfalls and failures can ultimately lead to "dechurched casualties." They'll delve deeper into the topics of malpractice, narcissism, and guarding our kids from sexual abuse.
Episode time stamps:
Episode and topic introduction (0:00)What is narcissism? (1:16)The dangers of narcissism in the church (3:52)Wisdom in leaving a dangerous environment (5:39)Characteristics of a narcissistic church leader (10:39)Why do people leave after a pastoral pitfall? (14:37)What to say to those who have left the church (18:02)What to look for in a healthy church (20:15)Resources for parents on guarding our kids from sexual abuse (24:01)Resources mentioned in this episode:
God Made All of Me by Justin Holcomb and Lindsey HolcombGod Made Me in His Image by Justin Holcomb and Lindsey HolcombGod Made Babies by Justin Holcomb and Lindsey HolcombRid of My Disgrace: Hope and Healing for Victims of Sexual Assault by Justin Holcomb and Lindsey HolcombIs It My Fault?: Hope and Healing for Those Suffering Domestic Violence by Justin Holcomb and Lindsey HolcombThis episode is part of As In Heaven’s third season, devoted to The Great Dechurching—the largest and fastest religious shift in U.S. history. To learn more about this phenomenon upon which the episodes of this season are based, preorder The Great Dechurching by Michael Graham and Jim Davis.
In this episode of As In Heaven, hosts Jim Davis and Mike Aitcheson welcome Justin Holcomb to discuss the meaning of "dechurched casualties" and how abuse in a church environment contributes to people leaving the church. They discuss how to better engage those who have experienced abuse, especially spiritual and church abuse, and how the gospel is the ultimate source of healing.
Episode time stamps:
Episode and Justin Holcomb introduction (0:00)Definitions for spiritual and emotional abuse (4:41)Spiritual abuse as defined by Michael Kruger and Scott Clark (9:02)What to do if you suspect spiritual abuse (13:37)How to biblically handle abuse allegations against church leaders (17:18)Listen and believe: first steps to reporting abuse in the church (23:12)Respond well and initiate action (28:00)How the church should handle abuse in the church (33:43)How to minister to abuse survivors who have left the church (39:03)God's protection and questions to ask your new church (44:08)This episode is part of As in Heaven’s third season, devoted to The Great Dechurching—the largest and fastest religious shift in U.S. history. To learn more about this phenomenon on which the episodes of this season are based, preorder The Great Dechurching by Michael Graham and Jim Davis.
In this episode of As in Heaven, Jim Davis and Michael Graham welcome Patrick Miller to discuss the meaning of casual dechurching. They address the idea of casual dechurching and provide insights into why roughly three-quarters of those who have dechurched fit this category. You'll learn how we can better engage this group of people and why there is tremendous hope that many of them will return to church.
Episode time stamps:
Episode topic and guest introduction (0:00)Dechurching and a missional call to Gen Z (4:00)Who are the casually dechurched and why did they leave? (6:06)Church size and COVID-19 (10:22)Re-engaging and what has worked in Miller's context (17:06)The use of technology in re-engaging the dechurched (19:13)Six different profiles of churchgoers (24:54)Four categories of church evangelicals (26:45)Close friendship and discipleship (28:38)Trusting the Holy Spirit and being intentional (33:53)Practically engaging the dechurched through discipleship (41:50)This episode is part of As In Heaven’s third season, devoted to The Great Dechurching—the largest and fastest religious shift in US history. To learn more about this phenomenon upon which the episodes of this season are based, pre-order The Great Dechurching by Michael Graham and Jim Davis.
In this episode of As In Heaven, hosts Jim Davis and Michael Aitcheson welcome Collin Hansen to discuss the historical roots of dechurching. Hansen delves into events like the Enlightenment and the First Great Awakening, biblical criticism, the rise of the internet and technology, and more. You'll learn how these historical moments can inform how we navigate and understand dechurching in America today.
Episode time stamps:
Episode and topic intro (0:00)Historical factors behind dechurching (1:38)The Enlightenment (5:30)The First and Second Great Awakenings (9:18)The influence of the Civil War and the abolition of slavery (14:48)The "social gospel" and its criticism (19:04)Civil religion in American history (26:00)The rise of the religious right and the decline of Christianity (29:21)Issues and scandals of the religious right (34:51)How have the last 20 years changed the church? (40:19)How to develop a theological vision of the church (46:12)This episode is part of As In Heaven’s third season, devoted to The Great Dechurching—the largest and fastest religious shift in US history. To learn more about this phenomenon upon which the episodes of this season are based, pre-order The Great Dechurching by Michael Graham and Jim Davis.
In this episode of As In Heaven, host Jim Davis welcomes guests Ryan Burge and Michael Graham to discuss the dechurched in America—who are they and why did they leave? They discuss detailed insights about the 40 million adult Americans who have dechurched in the last 30 years and talk in-depth about the four different profiles of dechurched evangelicals.
Episode time stamps:
Episode and guest introduction (0:00)Defining "dechurching" and why it matters (2:36)The research and how to understand the data (7:36)Six main profiles of the dechurched in America (14:04)A deeper look at cultural Christians (17:36)Understanding mainstream evangelicals (22:15)Demographics of people leaving the church (28:03)Opportunities to better engage the dechurched (33:06)Defining and understanding the BIPOC group (38:18)Understanding dechurching among the Catholic group (42:22)The role of education in the dechurching movement (44:49)College students and religious literacy (47:01)Closing thoughts and looking forward (48:02)This episode is part of As In Heaven’s third season, devoted to The Great Dechurching—the largest and fastest religious shift in US history. To learn more about this phenomenon upon which the episodes of this season are based, pre-order The Great Dechurching by Michael Graham and Jim Davis.
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