Today we talk with Mareya Ibrahim, Founder and CEO of eatCleaner INC. Mareya also know as "The fit foodie" will be sharing her tips on how food can beautify the skin, give you more energy and add vibrancy to your life. If you Want a more beautiful life tune-in today's episode to learn more.
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The search for the best skin care line to sell in your spa, salon, medical office, or even mobile esthetician practice can be truly daunting. Today I share with some tips on How to choose the perfect products for your beauty business.
link for the cocktail https://madmimi.com/p/4977111
link for full article https://thebeautyadvisorshow.blogspot.com/2020/08/how-to-pick-skin-care-line-for.html
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“Principles are fundamental truths that serve as the foundations for behavior that gets you what you want out of life,” writes investor Ray Dalio in his bestselling book, Principles. Dalio focuses on skills like decision-making, investing, and managing organizations. While reading through it, I became inspired to put together my own list of principles that I’ve devised after more than five years of interviewing and coaching elite performers in sports, business, and beyond. Like Dalio’s, these principles are a foundation for a better you.
Amazon link https://amzn.to/2E6OwIT
Today I share some great advice on how to get started building your beauty business. And my first day getting back to work. My website for my business https://www.facebook.com/vitaskin/
There so many options for a beauty professional. If you decide to go independent there are some important things you'll need to know you'll need to learn the business side of the beauty biz. No matter what model you follow, as an owner of an independent esthetics business you’ll need to understand the yin and the yang of what you’re about to get into,that is what i will be sharing with you today.
follow me on Facebook @asthebeautyadvisor
Today I share my best marketing tips for the beauty professional.
Marketing has traditionally been defined by the "Four Ps": product, price, place and promotion. ... Successful marketers take steps to ensure that each of these pillars works together to establish a strong foundation for their overall marketing efforts.
Difference Between Sales and Marketing. ... The term, sales, refers to all activities that lead to the selling of goods and services. And marketing is the process of getting people interested in the goods and services being sold.
If you Have ever dreamed of having your own line of beauty products, But felt over whelmed by the expensive or sourcing of labels, container, etc. Then This is an episode you will love cause I have found an easy and in inexpensive to make your dream happen. Today We talk about the how to as well as the benefits of owning your own brand of beauty products. My guest is K A S S M U R D O C H from Onoxa.
Use code askthebeauty for a 15% discount website https://onoxa.com/all-products/
On Today's episode I will tell MY Best Reasons And Why I Love Korean Skincare products. My guest is Lauren Lee founder of Subi Beauty and Stylestory will be sharing information about korean products and techniques. Find her website
Part 2Today we continue talking with our guests Danielle Gronich and Kayleigh Clack. Danielle is a skin care expert, innovator and author, as well as former acne sufferer who has, due to her own acne struggle and 10+ year journey to find solutions, become a skin care and anti-acne expert! Kayleigh Christina Clark is the co-founder of CLEARstem, a former acne sufferer and a passionate health nutritionist who found her calling when she finally found her cure for acne and other health issues through nutrition and CLEARstem. Kayleigh is a skin care and nutrition expert on a mission to help acne sufferers finally find answers and feel confident in their skin. https://clearstemskincare.com/
Today we have two guests Danielle Gronich and Kayleigh Clark, who are professional health and beauty experts. We will be taking a deep-dive into treating acne not only topically but also internally. This episode contains very valuable info.that all Esthetician need to know.
Website https://clearstemskincare.com/
amazon https://amzn.to/39WeokQ
What’s attractive about Groupon is that they run the campaign for you and simply send you a check. It’s not until later when you have to fulfill orders with these ridiculous discounts do you realize how much money you are potentially losing out on.
What is the good and the bad aspects of using Groupon for your small business https://thebeautyadvisorshow.blogspot.com/2020/03/groupon-for-marketing-your-facial.html -
The Magic facial how i built a very successful facial and skin care business from scratch using my magical powers. This is a power we all have and can learn to use. I share with you today ways to make your facial treatments memorable. This is part 1 of a new series I am going to share with you.
Spring 2019 Trends Looking to change it up for the new season but not sure what to ask for? Whether you're inspired by Hilary Duff's platinum glow, Anne Hathaway's new auburn 'do or leaning towards something a bit more subtle, celebrity colorist Sherry Ratay can speak on all things hair. Choosing a color for your unique features Sherry would love to give tips to help women choose the best color and style for their facial features, eyes, skin tone and hair texture. Plus what to ask for depending on your lifestyle and how highlights, babylights and traditional dye dictate homecare and time between touch ups.
Face cupping Massaging is an alternative therapy that uses suction cups to stimulate your skin and muscles. It can be done on your face or body.The suction promotes increased blood circulation, which may help relieve muscle tension, promote cell repair, and aid in other regeneration. Amazon link https://amzn.to/2uHn9NG
Email List http://madmimi.com/signups/262963/join
Today I talk with Toni from Vanity Planet all about how to use some of thier skin care devices, Find out today what these device can really do for your skin. Go to https://www.vanityplanet.com/collections/skincare-devices
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Collagen is one of the reasons our bodies don’t fall apart. Collagen literally functions to hold you together.
But what is the difference between bone both and collagen? Collagen and bone broth are the same but different, both are proteins which are made up of building blocks called amino acids. But,Which will work better for you? https://www.amazon.com/shop/boxcosmeticJoin the email list http://madmimi.com/signups/262963/join
contact deanna@beautyradionetwork.com
Skin is a barrier that provides protection from infection, helps control body temperature, and prevents water loss. A preemie is at a greater risk for infection and the loss of heat and water through the skin. That's why it's important to keep your preemie's skin healthy and intact. A premature baby's skin is not as fully mature as a full-term newborn, so a preemie's skin needs extra care. Delicate skin is at risk for injury from tape, electrodes, and adhesives. And, it's more sensitive to irritation and breakdown from the chemicals in soaps, detergents, or lotions. website https://www.beborganic.com/
blog post https://thebeautyadvisorshow.blogspot.com/2019/02/taking-care-of-baby-skin.html
Quick and dirty beauty tip Most of the time when you hear about collagen, it's all about boosting the production in your skin to make you look younger and glowing. You see it all over the place, and that leads to the question, what is collagen after all? Why do we need it? And most importantly, what happens to it when we age?
shows amazon link https://www.amazon.com/shop/boxcosmetics
Join me today and meet celebrity fitness and holistic health coach Sonia Satra for her Live Life Like an Adventure retreat that uses adventure, fun and her science-based Moticise program to create powerful change. The newest wellness resort in the country, Civana Resort & Spa in Scottsdale, is the stunning setting for this desert adventure Feb. 7-10, 2019.
Soina's website https://myretreatsunlimited.com/live-life-like-an-adventure
soina's DVD https://amzn.to/2G0D2Wg
As a skin care professional I always have taken painstakingly good care of her skin.
I use the latest serums and have beauty treatments, I never leaves the house without sun protection, and -- for the past year or so Ibeen spiking my morning coffee each day with a hefty scoop of powdered cow, chicken, and fish collagen.
book https://amzn.to/2T0sWsb
website https://thebeautyadvisorshow.blogspot.com/2019/01/collagen-packing-for-health-and-beauty.html
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