Porque acredito que ter 30 minutos para nós é meio caminho andado para uma vida melhor. Neste podcast vou partilhar a minha experiência como mulher, mãe, freelancer a viver fora do país. Vou partilhar histórias da minha vida, reflexões sobre o dia-a-dia, vou também responder às vossas muitas perguntas sobre como te ruma vida saudável, equilibrada e sobretudo consciente.Juntem-se aqui nestes 30 minutos para mim!
Tudo o que anda à volta da comida. Com Alexandra Prado Coelho e Miguel Pires
O melhor das deambulações semanais d'O Homem que Comia Tudo por restaurantes, tascas e outros sítios de comer.
Salut, amateurs de barbecue et aficionados de cuisine en plein air ! Vous êtes sur le podcast BIVOUAC, votre guide ultime en matière de techniques de grillades, cuisson 'Low & Slow', et fumage de viande. Je suis Régis Calcus, votre coach et formateur en Outdoor Cooking et Barbecue Skills.🔥 Pourquoi choisir 'BIVOUAC' pour tout ce qui est lié au barbecue? 🔥Si vous cherchez à perfectionner vos compétences en barbecue, trouver des recettes de grillades inédites ou simplement écouter des experts partager leurs secrets de fumage, ce podcast est fait pour vous. Abonnez-vous pour des interviews exclusives avec des maîtres du barbecue, des chefs cuisiniers spécialisés en cuisine extérieure, et des passionnés de la flamme.🌟 En collaboration étroite avec Esprit Barbecue 🌟Nous sommes heureux de collaborer avec Esprit Barbecue ( pour vous apporter des conseils d'experts et des astuces pratiques qui rendront votre expérience de la cuisine en plein air inoubliable.🍖 Rubriques et épisodes spéciaux 🍖Nous avons des séries spéciales dédiées aux outils de barbecue indispensables, aux techniques de cuisson innovantes, et aux dernières tendances du barbecue. Restez branché pour des conseils sur le choix de la viande, l'utilisation d'ustensiles de barbecue et bien plus encore!🔥 Conversations au coin du feu 🔥BIVOUAC n'est pas seulement un podcast ; c'est une communauté où les Conversations au coin du feu sont essentielles. Ici, la fumée rencontre la magie, créant des moments mémorables que vous ne voudrez pas manquer.Cliquez sur S'abonner dès maintenant pour ne rien rater des aventures BIVOUAC et plongez-vous dans l'art de la cuisine en plein air. La magie est souvent dans les choses simples, et elle est toujours là où il y a de la fumée!🔗 Pour plus de conseils et de délicieuses recettes, suivez-moi sur mes réseaux sociaux 🔗 ( Instagram ( Facebook ( Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Como nasceu o Bacalhau à Brás? Quem foi o Zé do Pipo? Sabia que a bolacha Maria não é portuguesa? E que a moda da pizza nasceu não em Itália, mas nos EUA? E consegue adivinhar como foi criada a salada russa?
O Casal Mistério responde a estas e outras dúvidas existenciais num podcast semanal onde todas as terças-feiras conta a história de um prato ou alimento e onde partilha também dicas de cozinha e receitas fáceis relacionadas com o tema da semana.
Envie as suas perguntas para [email protected] -
What drives people to change, to heal, to reinvent themselves? How do we reclaim our health, bounce back from heartbreak, flip the script? On goopfellas, two friends who have become familiar with unlikely personal transformations have raw conversations with people who have experienced profound shifts in perspective and well-being. Together, functional medicine practitioner Will Cole, DC, and chef Seamus Mullen get at the catalysts that bring people out of their dark night and into their purpose. Each of their goopfellas guests—from athletes to actors to authors—is different. As are the hosts: Mullen himself almost died from rheumatoid arthritis, and Cole’s day job is helping people uncover and overturn the roots of dis-ease. But you’ll likely see pieces of yourself in all their conversations, reflected in every one of their challenges. And we hope, from the lessons they learned along the way, you’ll find something you need to bring about a change, big or small, in your own life.
Does living in a well-designed city make you healthier? How can surfing increase your creativity? Have you ever wondered why hospitals are so ugly? Bon Ku is a physician and an avid fan of design, food, surfboarding, and Medicine. On DESIGN LAB, Bon and his guests tell stories at the intersection of design, science, and humanity. Listen each week and learn new insights, hacks, and design principles that you can apply to your own life. ISSN 2833-2032
O “comandante” Manuel Serrão guia-nos na descoberta dos melhores portos gastronómicos. Os restaurantes e pratos a não perder aquém e além fronteiras.
Bem-vindos ao Meia Rolha Cast, o teu podcast vínico semanal 🍷 Todos os domingos um novo episódio.
Um podcast que reúne três amigos sommeliers e um convidado em cada episódio, numa conversa descontraída, regada com bom vinho e, acima de tudo, boas histórias. Saúde!
Siga-nos em: -
Um podcast para quem procura ideias deliciosas e práticas para as refeições de todos os dias. Porque nem sempre é fácil saber o que vamos fazer para o jantar. Para ajudar, em cada episódio há um convidado com uma receita fácil de preparar em casa. Conte com ingredientes acessíveis e dicas valiosas para economizar tempo e dinheiro na cozinha.
Um podcast M80 Rádio.
É à mesa que os portugueses mais gostam de estar, seja em casa ou num qualquer restaurante — dos mais locais às últimas novidades trendy das cidades. No “Foodie”, Rui Barros e Pedro Martin vão procurar as histórias nas cozinhas e mesas de grandes chefs mas também daqueles que são “apenas” curiosos e adeptos de uma fantástica refeição.
Three internet strangers turned best friends chat about life and love, travel shenanigans, and spill the tea on the romance book world one drink at a time.
Sometimes inappropriate, but all the time bada**, these girls are supplying that unfiltered content you came for with author and bookstagrammer interviews... if they can get their sh*t together. Oh, and maybe some monthly reading wrap-ups!
If you like what you hear or maybe you're just really good at faking it, leave a review, rate and give that subscribe button a little love tap. -
It's all about the oil, Olive: Interviews and discussions with folks working on bringing you this beautiful and wonderful elixir. News, Health, Nutrition, Politics, you'll find them all 'hear' with my excellent guests.
The Adam and Eve Podcast wants you to lighten up about sex. Real employees from Adam & Eve discuss sex and popular culture all with a healthy dose of humor. They also share stories of what it’s like working for America’s largest adult product marketer, it’s probably different than you think. As a special offer, they are giving you 50 percent off almost any single item at the Adam and Eve online store, including free shipping on your order! Just enter the promo code POD50 at the checkout. Please like and review our podcast, we are recording it for you!
For good long reads of in-depth reviews on Adam and Eve products, you can check out this sponsored blog. -
Um programa onde se fala de vinho, gastronomia e cultura. Para ouvir Segunda-feira às 22h45.
Sono Jacopo Pellarin ed attraverso questo podcast voglio parlare di consigli e suggerimenti per migliorare la tua intelligenza culinaria.
Tecniche di cucina, curiosità su ingredienti e metodologie di cottura, idee e suggerimenti che non ti faranno diventare un super cuoco ma che ti permetteranno di stupire te stesso e chi ti sta intorno.
La nuova stagione si vuole concentrare maggiormente sulla psicologia, come possono le teorie psicologiche aiutarti a mangiare meglio? -
Grab Take Out with Ashley & Robyn weekly to discover the impactful and personal stories of game changers who through their work in food, fitness, fashion, sports, entertainment, politics, media, activism, and science enable better health in the world. As leading experts in the food industry, Ashley and Robyn interview thought leaders, asking provocative questions that lead to inspired conversations and the solutions needed to fix our our nation’s health. *music by Jason Shaw@
Jeder kann Wein (zumindest trinken)! Und genau das ist der Ansatz dieses Podcasts.
Wein muss nicht kompliziert oder von oben herab sein! Dieser Podcast richtet sich besonders an Anfänger, die mit den vielen Fachbegriffen wenig anfangen können und einfach gerne Wein trinken. Hier setzen wir an und lernen gemeinsam (ich weiß nämlich auch nicht alles) mehr über Regionen, Rebsorten, Weinstile und ganz simple Weinfragen, wie z.B.: Korken oder Drehverschluss?
Zusätzlich gibt's regelmäßige Trink- oder Nichttrink-Tipps samt Infos zu Winzern, Rebsorten oder Weintrends, damit das Ganze keine "trockene" Theorie bleibt!
Das Wichtigste ist und bleibt natürlich der Austausch, also trinkt fleißig mit und meldet euch mal über Facebook oder Instagram: @weinsteinpod -
Real Food for Real Life is for people who never stop searching for solutions and inspiration to improve their lives. While we focus primarily on the Paleo and Clean Eating lifestyles, our goal is to give you real food alternatives for your real life—whether that means eating healthier, managing your weight, simplifying your life or simply getting your family around the dinner table. We’ll do this each episode by bringing you a lively mix of informative interviews with some of the most notable names in food, health and fitness.