Past life regression has been a powerful healing tool that blows traditional therapy out of the water...but only when you are ready. These anecdotes were spontaneous and triggered by the meeting of an important soul connection. I hope it encourages you to think about ALL the healing tools and make decisions that are best for you.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drjennie/support
Most well trained therapists and coaches will tell you that the hinderance to choosing to seek therapy is never really financial. My most saavy, motivated clients always came from backgrounds where there was not a lot of extra income at the end of month. How did they do it? They made a commitment and the world provided. In today's marketing era, new mental health start ups are using price to get you to come on board. This is not the strategy used by people who end up being successful in therapy. Succesful clients find the therapist and coach and figure out how to make it work financially. Our financial mindsets and relationship with money may be hindering more and more people from starting their journeys simply because they don't know how the system actually works.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drjennie/support
Eksik bölüm mü var?
This episode was prompted by many of my clients sharing their frustrations about dating, sex and relationships and my recent experiences while I have been on a healing journey as well. The good news is we can create a new world based on what we want. I hope this episode lightens your holiday spirits and makes you feel less alone during this crazy time of transition.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drjennie/support
Have you been healing for a long time and in isolation from family? Perhaps you're tired of hearing everyone else's joy when things have been so painful at home for you. This episode talks about seeing things differently, finding more fun, and the importance of being open to the idea that it is all an important initiation for your further growth. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drjennie/support
As a licensed psychologist with a neuroscience background, I have to confess that I manifested more money and more opportunities when I was an emotional hotmess. Emotions, sex and intimacy are a different avenue for manifestation and we need to open the space to discuss whether a mind based psychology alone is what we really need. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drjennie/support
Have you ever been burnt out simply because you thought it was normal to struggle in entrepreneurial life? Have you dealt with abuses of power because there is simply too much masculine energy and not enough relational understanding of how to do business? Using a personal example, I talk in this mini episode about the realities of independent practice and why we need to think beyond just money into how we are being nurtured to receive that money energetically if we are truly going to step into a humanitarian way of life.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drjennie/support
In this episode, Dr. J talks about her transition from psychotherapy to starting her body healing journey and why the health of the physical body is important for the healing of grief and the heart in general. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drjennie/support
In this episode Dr. Jennie talks about how to use your US based health insurance benefits, why providers don't like dealing with your plans and how to shift the mindset around mental wellness so you can plan and chart a healing journey that actually works for you. When you can't find the right therapist, it is often a sign of redirection that it's time to learn something new or find a different modality. This episode also confronts a Toxic money mindset that has likely been passed down through the generations and its time to heal it once and for all. Step back into your power - you have options.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drjennie/support
Social dancing is the single most significant cross cultural activity we have on Earth. All cultures ha e a history of music and dance. Many of these cultures have had governments outlaw social dancing as a form of control. In our modern age, however, social dancing can be a gateway to self development, a tonic for healing anxiety, and a door to a new social life. This is what I learned from attending a Kizomba dance class last night and observing the new generation of leaders.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drjennie/support
In this episode I read a story from my book, Toxic Insecurity, and talk about why tango was part of the transformative experience of the heart opening process. I also give guidelines and suggestions for how to find professional dance instructors with the right background and training to help you through this process. There is a difference between the amazing Instagram dance couple and their ability to help you heal with the best healers often found through a referral and not on social media. Now more than ever, discernment on the path of healing is necessary so we maintain the ability to relax the body and have more fun. The right dance instructor IS a relationship...--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drjennie/support
Transformation is happening even when the divine masculine keeps trying to take us back in time. Its all part of the process. This episode talks about my journey, why I wrote my book on healing myself, and why relationships are seeing the changes of the world first. So if you think your boss is a jerk, they are likely acting like one but there is a reason for it and we all have something to learn by figuring out how we are going to integrate this energy into real life.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drjennie/support
Another mini episode where Introduce the concept of why we go on a development journey to reopen the heart. We all go through periods of dependence and independence with the hope one day we arrive to interdependence. As it is Valentine's Day weekend, it is a reminder that you haven't done anything wrong - you are just a human developing through your relationships.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drjennie/support
The Universe always has a plan. Scientists have been studying for decades the importance of relationships and how it shapes our perceptions of the world. Now that research is making its way into spirituality to call attention to the changes humanity will be facing in the next few years. Want to know what's coming - look at your relationships...This chapter is available for free on my website: www.drjenniferbrhodes.com--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drjennie/support
Carolyn Gold is the founder of The Gold Touch, an interior design firm focused on sensory interior design. Carolyn was born in Mexico and came to the US after discovering her love of art and design. Today, she works with individuals and families to help them understand the psychology and intuitive guidance that comes with understanding your space. She is a high level intuitive and shares many anecdotes that will help youbthink through why you may be struggling as this pandemic continues. So many sensitive people believe that their negative experiences are there's and this episode reminds us that the energy of spaces and our environment may be enhancing or destroying our well being. You may contact Carolyn at her website: thegoldtouch.net--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drjennie/support
Join us in this week's episode where we talk about the reality of burn out, stress and trauma from someone who has been on a personal development journey and experienced how stress literally almost killed him...In Professor Pete's Own Words:"As the old saying goes, “shit happens.” Whether it be a dysfunctional childhood, rocky relationships, divorce, or suicidal family members, my personal life has seen its ups and downs. My personal growth path has been an amazing journey and I am grateful for everything I currently have. I am also grateful for the personal success I have experienced professionally.During my career I have had the privilege to work in a variety of Sales and Marketing roles. Each role had one thing in common: high stress. High stress to the point I was diagnosed with stress-related diabetes and also ended up in the hospital with a severe case of diabetic ketoacidosis, a few hours away from being comatose. I was physically, mentally and emotionally burned out and it hit me like a brick wall.It was also a reality check for me. When you don’t have your health, not much else matters. I knew it was time for me to walk away even though I had a great job, secure income and good benefits. Interestingly, my coworkers and peers were very supportive and the majority of them told me they admired my decision to put my health first before my career because they were contemplating the same thing. I realized then that it wasn’t just me, and now I help other professionals avoid my mistakes and immensely benefit from the wonderful tools and techniques I have learned and experienced first hand."You can connect with Professor Pete at petealexander.com--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drjennie/support
My thoughts on these terms and how I use them when I'm working with clients. These terms are not related to gender and we, especially in the West, need to expand our worldview on what is really going on in the Universe.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drjennie/support
Elizabeth Garzarelli has had a number of careers but has been studying crystals for quite some time. In this episode we tall about crystals for healing love and how to stimulate sexual and sensual energy. We also tall about how to use them for protection. From here book: Crystals are part of ancient wisdom and they have been used as tools of protection, growth, and healing for a long time. Although a crystal does not create energy, it amplifies it. Nor does a crystal heal, but it conducts healing energies that are being channeled to you by the Earth or by your spirit guides. There are many ways to use quartz crystals, but using them in water is one of the most effective ways to “soak in” what a crystal has to offer you. Bathing with crystals enhances the natural healing powers of stones, infusing these vibrational frequencies of the quartz crystal into your body for the purposes of healing, higher awareness, grounding, and meditation.Elizabeth Garzarelli has been studying the healing properties of quartz crystals for over 20 years and presents this calming and enriching book, filled with gorgeous photos and simple-to-follow instructions. Her book is available on Amazon or where books are sold.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drjennie/support
Jess Reid is a Master's level weight loss coach and founder of The Keto Fit. She earned her master’s degree in life coaching from Regent University, a ketogenic nutrition certification through the American Nutrition Association, and maintains the level of an Associate Certified Coach through the International Coaching Federation. More importantly, Jess is willing to share her personal story of how she lost 50 pounds on a ketogenic diet and has maintained the loss for almost ten years. Jess strongly believes that a mindset shift around eating as self-care rather than as punishment is the first step to reaching your health and nutrition goals. Please visit her website at www.theketofit.com.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drjennie/support
David Brower is also known as the Sensorial Guy. Based in Paris, France, David spends his life reminding us to live from a place of the five senses and to use our spirituality to enhance rather than restrict our lives. David is also the author of the book, The Love Caterpillars which is a beautiful reminder of how love can grow and blossom even after heartache and pain. Please follow David @thesensorialguy and purchase his book on all major book platforms. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drjennie/support
Dr. Jasmine Escalera is a confidence and career coach, TEDX speaker, Licensed Psychologist and naive New Yorker. In this episode, we talk about the importance of speaking your truth, leaving the jobs that are sucking your soul and hear the details of how she watched men recieve promotions over her despite having the confidence to ask for what she wanted. Dr. Escalera is a powerhouse woman with so much knowledge stemming from her time at Yale University and in the traditional science industry, that this episode is worth listening to multiple times.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drjennie/support
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