Have you ever wrestled with a box of tangled cables and leads… or tried to get the knot out of the chain of a necklace? Some business change problems can be as challenging. Change expert and BA leader Karen Newnham joins the crew to discuss engaging with stakeholders to tackle complex, persistent problems (otherwise known as ‘Mischief Management’.)
Karen Newnham was also the special guest on BA Brew 25: The Solution Standoff.
If you liked this BA Brew, you may also enjoy the following articles and blogs:
The Problem Solving Duck
Stakeholder Engagement: Beware of ‘Nodding Along’ Syndrome
You’re Speaking, But Are You Being Understood?
Process Woes
The following BA Brews may be of interest: BA Brew 26 on Stakeholders and BA Brew 76 on The Human Element.
#businessanalyst #stakeholdermanagement #businessanalysis #solutions #changemanagement #stakeholders #businessproblems
What’s all the fuss about cybersecurity? And why do business analysts need to understand it? Cybersecurity and business analysis expert Bindu Channaveerappa is the special guest on this week’s BA Brew, where she argues that an understanding of cybersecurity is now integral to the work of the BA.
“When we create the value, why leave the security to someone else?”
Bindu Channaveerappa is a highly respected author, trainer and international speaker on business analysis and cyber security. Her book, ‘Cyber Security and Business Analysis: An essential guide to secure and robust systems’ is available from BCS Publishing.
AssistKD runs a 1-Day Cybersecurity and Business Analysis workshop for Business Analysts and Business Change professionals.
In this article Embracing a Security Mindset: The Next Frontier of Business Analysis cybersecurity expert Mark Cross urges BAs to focus on security against cyber threats.
You may also enjoy this AI focused BA Brew, hosted by ChatGPT.
#cybersecurity #cyberthreats #businessanalysis #businesschange #digitalsolutions
Eksik bölüm mü var?
This BA Brew focuses on the newly published ‘Business Architecture: a comprehensive guide.’
Authors Jonathan Hunsley and Debra Paul and contributing author Victoria Banner discuss the ‘why’ of the book; the joy of collaborating and sharing ideas; and some of their favourite content including:
- leveraging capability to meet goals and outcomes using the CALM model
- comparing the business architecture service framework to the business analysis service framework and other service frameworks for role clarity
- information concepts including data protection and security
- case studies showing the positive impact of business architecture
‘Business Architecture: a comprehensive guide’ is available from BCS publishing and other retailers.
You may be interested in the following articles, BA Brews and bitesize learning on the topic of Business Architecture.
This article compares the Business Analysis and Business Architecture roles, in particular their respective Service Frameworks.
Find out more about AssistKD’s Architecture courses.
This BA Brew on Business Architecture features Wouter Nieuwenburg.
This BA Brew on Strategy and Business Architecture features Vicky Rothwell.
Business Architecture: a comprehensive guide is available from the BCS book shop, and also on Amazon.
Scroll through our bitesize learning videos and you will find ‘What is Business Architecture’ and ‘What is Enterprise Architecture’.
#businessarchitecture #businessanalysis #businessarchitectureguide #businessbooks #businessstrategy #businessarchitecturetraining #whatisbusinessarchitecture
Difficult stakeholders or colleagues? Help is at hand! How we (and others) react in response to challenging situations at work – especially where there is resistance to change – is explained by the Transactional Analysis model.
This week’s special guest, and an expert on #transactionalanalysis, is Leadership Development Consultant and MD Mandy Green.
Watch the Brew to find out more about the ego states of (Critical) Parent, Adult and (Fractious) Child and how insight into those states can help us break free of the ‘Drama Triangle.’
You may be interested in the following BA Brews,
BA Brew 20: Resilience (feat. Corrine Thomas)
BA Brew 30: Confidence (feat. Philippa Thomas)
BA Brew 36: If You Don't Do Politics, Politics Will Do You (feat. Niven Postma)
BA Brew 45: Developing Positive Habits and Behaviours
BA Brew 49: Mental Health (feat. Petra Velzeboer)
BA Brew 52: Books that Changed the Way We Work
BA Brew 54: Neurodiversity (feat. Simon Platt)
BA Brew 69: Self Assessment and Development Tools (feat. Corrine Thomas)
BA Brew 71: Neurodiversity: The BA Survival Guide (feat. Nicola Pinkney & Paul Haywood)
BA Brew 86: Psychological Safety (feat. Emma Lee)
BA Brew 89: Character Crafting (feat. Helen Holder)
In AssistKD’s latest Business Analysis podcast the team discuss why every touchpoint of the customer journey matters... and how a deeper understanding of the customer experience can only benefit organisations and the wider economy.
Kerry, Mike and Jonathan get some serious mileage out of a restaurant analogy and Mike gets extra brownie points for mentioning POPIT™️within the first two minutes of the podcast.
Topics covered include: what is the customer experience; the difference between CX and UX (User Experience) and which elements of POPIT™️relate to each; plus useful techniques such as empathy maps, customer journey mapping and Jonathan’s favourite – the Zone of Tolerance.
AssistKD's CX Analysis course takes and in-depth look at the customer experience, and how an organisation can transform its existing processes to create engaged, responsive and connected customer experiences. It’s ideal if you want to deepen your understanding of CX, and the module counts towards the new A4Q Service Designer qualification. CX Analysis is now also available as an eLearning course.
You may be interested in this article by Debra Paul. The Rise of the CX Professional.
You can find out more about AssistKD’s Service Design courses here:
Enjoy bitesize learning? Watch our short learning videos here:
#CX #CXanalysis #voiceofthecustomer #surveys #interviews #storytelling #focusgroups #observation #ethnographicstudies #empathymaps #customerjourneymaps #customerjourney #servicedesign #servicedesigner #customerexperience #businessanalysispodcast
Are you a Business Analyst considering your next career move? Our latest BA Brew considers an academic route for BAs and how a Master of Business Administration (MBA) postgraduate degree could revitalise your career.
AssistKD’s Debbie Paul and Lisa Hudson are joined by IIBA UK Director and Transformation Consultant at Burendo Christina Tan to talk about their respective MBA journeys.
They discuss the rationale for studying towards an MBA, the different business subjects typically covered, learning methods, time management, challenges, valuable takeaways and networking opportunities.
If you enjoy this BA Brew, the following podcast may also be of interest: BA Brew 17 - The Love of Learning (Feat. Sam Merrick)
#businessanalysis #businessanalyst #mba #mbalife #masterofbusinessadministration
In AssistKD’s 2024 BA Brew Christmas message the Crew discuss what they are most looking forward to about Christmas and share some very cheesy jokes. Lisa and Kerry are excited about Christmas Day; Mike (or is it Santa?) is going to parkrun, Pete does not need any more socks, and Jo is looking forward to playing Cards Against Humanity with her 90-year-old Grandad! #merrychristmas #BABrew #businessanalysis #businessanalyst #servicedesign #businesschange
Do we need a rebrand of the business analyst role? Experts in the field Debra Paul, Jamie Toyne and Michelle Shakesheff put their heads together to discuss the current BA market, and the ongoing implications for BAs.
Topic discussed include: the current demand for BAs; recruitment challenges; the need for a broad BA skillset; rebranding the BA role; changing the narrative; role clarity; the need for BAs to keep learning; and more!
If you enjoyed this BA Brew, you may find the following resources of interest.
Filling the Business Analysis Skills Gap
BA Recruitment and Retention: A Multi-Faceted Approach
Bravery in Business Analysis
BA Skills and How to Develop Them
#businessanalysis #userstories #requirements #BA #BArecruitment #businessanalyst #theBAmarket
The Double Diamond approach is a popular (and fun) design thinking technique designed to help you generate ideas; problem solve; challenge and even reverse assumptions. Our latest BA Brew with Jonathan Hunsley, Lisa Hudson and special guest Liza Laya introduces the framework – discussing its uses, benefits and some real-world applications.
Liza Laya is Head of Technology and Digital Reform at a state government agency in Melbourne, Australia. She has almost 25 years of local and international experience and currently oversees teams responsible for delivering technology and data reforms.
This podcast includes mention of the Service Design Consultancy Framework, covered in this article by Jonathan Hunsley: Winging It Doesn’t Work: We Need Professional Service Design | Assist Knowledge Development (assistkd.com) [PLEASE MAKE THIS AN INTERNAL LINK]
Find more useful videos on Service Design in AssistKD’s Service Design playlist. Service Design Playlist Introduction (youtube.com)
Visit AssistKD’s Learning Zone for more Service Design learning resources. You can search by topic in our articles and BA Manager Forum sections. Learning Zone | Information and Articles | Assist Knowledge Development (assistkd.com)
#businesschange #doublediamondframework #servicedesign #service designer #doublediamond #designthinking #cx #customerexperience
Have you heard of Character Crafting and how it can be used to build resilience and leadership skills? In this enlightening chat our special guest, Helen Holder, discusses the positive character traits and behaviours central to the BA role… and how we can develop and maintain them.
Topics discussed include: the Personal Strength inventory; character vs. the cult of personality; identifying your character strengths and weaknesses; developing through practice; and the power of theT Lego persona.
Helen Holder has over 10 years’ experience working as a BA for public sector organisations. Passionate about elevating the BA profession, she volunteers with the @IIBA UK Midlands chapter.
You may find the related articles, blogs and videos of interest
Who Do You Think You Are? Business Analysts and Impostor Syndrome | Assist Knowledge Development
Business Analysts and the Feedback Mindset | Assist Knowledge Development
BOOK REVIEW: Mindset by Carol Dweck | Assist Knowledge Development
BA Brew 76: The Human Element (Feat. Helen Holder) | Assist Knowledge Development
AssistKD’s Team Leadership course covers positive communication, time management, leading a team through change, and more. Team Leadership Training Courses | Business Analysis | Assist Knowledge Development
#businessanalysis #businessanalysis #personalstrengthinventory #BAcompetency #characterstrengths #personaldevelopment #growthmindset
Do you love a success story? BA Apprentice of the Year 2024 Lorna Mylett is this week’s special BA Brew guest. She shares her experience of the Business Analyst Apprenticeship supported by her employers DWP, and AssistKD.
Topics discussed include: learning and applying new skills and understanding; the value of learning as part of a group and having a mentor; and what it’s like to be thrown at the deep end at the IRM UK BA Conference Europe.
If you enjoyed this BA Brew, you may find the following resources of interest.
Meet Lorna Mylett, Business Analyst Apprentice of the Year 2024
The Business Case for Apprenticeships
My Experience of the Business Analysis Apprenticeship
BA Brew 27: The BA Apprenticeship
AssistKD’s Business Analyst (Level 4) Apprenticeship Scheme
#BAapprenticeship #apprenticeships #businessanalysis #businessanalyst #talentpipeline
Tricky business problem? Get those (creative) thinking caps on! In this week’s BA Brew the Crew discuss how creative thinking can help business change professionals challenge the status quo, think expansively and come up with effective solutions.
Questions addressed include:
What is creative thinking? How can you create an environment for creative thinking? What are the potential barriers? What are your top 3 creative thinking techniques?You may find the following articles, course, free learning and BA Brews useful:
Zombie Penguin Business Analysts: Creativity Techniques and Divergent Thinking
Creative Thinking/Divergent Thinking
Design Thinking Course
NEW Free Learning Course - Creative Problem Solving
BA Brew 21: Design Thinking (Feat. Kay Hardy)
BA Brew 82: The Double Diamond (feat. Liza Laya)
#servicedesign #divergentthinking #creativityinbusiness #businessanalysis #businessanalyst
If you have ever wanted to know more about psychological safety this brew is a one not to be missed. Jonathan Hunsley and Philippa Thomas are joined by Emma Lee (Chief Psychologist at Matthew Syed Consulting and registered psychologist) to discuss this important topic.
Collectively they explore questions such as:
▶️What is psychological safety?
▶️Why is psychological safety important?
▶️How does psychological safety impact individuals and teams?
▶️How might an absence of psychological safety impact creativity and organisational learning?
▶️How might we develop a culture of psychological safety?
The following BA Brews may be of interest:
BA Brew 80 - Bravery in Business Analysis (feat. Kay Hardy & Charlie Payne)
BA Brew 76: The Human Element (feat. Helen Holder)
BA Brew Episode 60: Imposter Syndrome: Are you an imposter in BA clothing? (feat. Jo Fahy)
BA Brew 49: Mental Health (feat. Petra Velzeboer)
BA Brew 30: Confidence (feat. Philippa Thomas)
BA Brew 20: Resilience (feat. Corrine Thomas)
Books Radical Candor: How to Get What You Want by Saying What You Mean – Kim Scott
Rebel Ideas - Matthew Syed
The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness – Stephen R Covey
#businessanalysis #businessanalyst #baprofessional #psychologicalsafety #MatthewSyed
In this special BA Conference Europe BA Brew, AssistKD CEO Debra Paul is joined by three BA Conference legends: Shane McGlynn, Rachel Levermore, and James Archer (who started the ball rolling in the first place!)
The BA Conference Europe is Europe’s foremost Business Analysis conference, which has evolved over the past 16 years to over 500 attendees and 6 streams of talks.
This BA Brew celebrates:
the dedication and enthusiasm of the Advisory Board who tune in to the latest thinking and different perspectives everyone behind the scenes who helps to make this wonderful conference happen the bravery of new speakers, stepping up for their first ever BA Conference presentations and most of all, the amazing BA communityTopics discussed include: how the conference has grown, kept current and pushed boundaries; inspirational speakers over the years; memorable moments… and more.
#BA2024 #ProfessionalGrowth #BASkills #Networking #BusinessConference #BAConferenceEurope #businessanalyst #servicedesign #servicedesigner #BA
Are you an Activist, a Theorist, a Pragmatist or a Reflector? Our latest BA Brew could help you find out and get the most from your learning.
The Brew Crew are joined by former Apprentice and now BA at the Environment Agency Cat Warren to talk about some of the different learning models (Kolb, Bloom and Honey and Mumford).
They look at how the different learning approaches work with training courses, course manuals and eLearning and explore how understanding other people’s different learning styles helps with facilitation and stakeholder engagement.
The following resources are relevant to the learning models mentioned in this podcast:
Kolb’s Learning Styles
The Honey and Mumford Learning Model
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning
You can find quick overviews of how to use Mind Maps and Rich pictures in the Bitesize Videos section of the AssistKD Learning Zone.
#learningstyles #elearning #businesstrainingcourses #businessanalysis #servicedesign #kolb #honeyandmumford #bloomstaxonomy #learning #training #businesstraining
This BA Brew is AssistKD’s second BA Question Time. Many of the questions focus on role clarity, a hot topic for BAs. Mike Williams is host, with expert panellists Jo Frances and Jonathan Hunsley providing the answers and insights.
This week’s questions are:
❓What is the difference between a Business Analyst and a Business Architect?
❓What is the difference between a Business Analyst and a Service Designer?
❓How can a growth mindset support change professionals in general?
❓ What are the overlaps between a Business Analyst and a Functional Analyst?
Do you have a question our the next BA Question Time? If so, please email us on [email protected] or post on our wall on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn.
The following BA Brews and articles are relevant to the topics discussed:
This article on Business Analysis and Business Architecture is based on the workshop run by Victoria Banner and Jonathan Hunsley at the BA Manager Forum in June 2024.
This is an interesting BA Brew on Business Architecture.
BA Brew 22: Business Architecture (Feat. Wouter Nieuwenburg)
This article compares the BA Service Framework and the Service Design Service Framework and addressed the ‘grey area’ between the roles.
This book review is relevant to the growth mindset.
This output from the BA Manager Forum provides some useful information on the growth mindset.
#businessanalysis #businessanalyst #baqt #growthmindset #businessarchitecture #businessarchitect #servicedesign #servicedesigner #functionalanalyst #dataarchitecture #roleclarity
If you’re concerned about the impact of Artificial Intelligence on your business or your job, this BA Brew is a must-watch. Debra Paul and Pete Thompson discuss the benefits, risks and opportunities with Donald Farmer – one of the foremost thinkers, researchers and presenters in the field.
Topics discussed include: automating processes; cost savings; intellectual property; caring about the human element; inherent bias in AI; the need for new requirements; mitigating for unexpected adverse effects and more.
Donald Farmer is a visionary data and analytics strategist with over 30 years’ experience designing data and analytics products. He has led teams at Microsoft and Qlik Technologies and is now the Principal of TreeHive Strategy where he advises software vendors, enterprises and investors on data and advanced analytics strategy.
This short article lists the top takeaways from Donald Farmer’s talk at the Business Change and Transformation Conference Europe: Generative AI and Business Strategy: Innovation or Imitation?
You may also be interested in the following articles and BA Brews on AI:
AI Alchemy: Turning Change into Gold
AI and the Business Analysis Role
Book Review of Hello World by Hannah Fry
BA Brews:
Business Analysis and AI
The AI Brew
#AI #artificialintelligence #AIautomation #requirements #dataanalytics #dataanalysis #businesschange #servicedesign
This BA Brew is all about bravery, asking what bravery is and how we can develop it. Charlie Payne and Kay Hardy join the Brew Crew to try to answer these questions and more. The discussion includes: how elements of police training can also apply to business analysis; a great skiing analogy; building resilience; psychological safety; power poses; and more.
During the BA Brew, Amy Cuddy’s TED talk Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are is referenced, and also her book Presence.
#businessanalysis #businessanalyst #bravery #challenging #businesschange #bodylanguage #managingstakeholders #designthinking #BA
If you are interested in Agile, you won’t want to miss this. This BA Brew is all about the second edition of ‘Agile Business Analysis: Practical guidance for IT professionals’ by Lynda Girvan and Debra Paul.
Watch as the authors discuss what readers can expect from the revised and updated edition, including:
⭐ the latest Agile developments
⭐ new techniques
⭐ new thinking
⭐ real-life case-studies where experienced practitioners share challenges and lessons learned.
The wide-ranging discussion covers organisational agility and the role of the BA; the relevance of the Agile Manifesto; how to apply Agile in an informed and relevant way; the increased focus on the customer and much more.
#agile #IT #businessanalysis #businessanalyst #businesschange #digital #agilebusinessanalysis
In this special edition of our BA Brew, it’s BA Question Time! Mike Williams presides as AssistKD’s Fiona Bruce with Debra Paul and Jonathan Hunsley as the panellists.
This week’s questions are:
❓Should BAs understand commerce/business?
❓How can a BA team of 20 balance sharing knowledge and experience as a team with time on their own projects?
❓How do I bring together a group of professionals working in and around the business analysis space together to add value to the business?
❓Business Analysts often feel overlooked. How can we raise the profile of the profession?
❓What’s going to be in fashion in the BA World this year?
Do you have a question for our next BA Question Time? If so, please email us on [email protected] or post on our wall on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn.
The following BA Brews and articles are relevant to the answers given:
Adair’s model of action centred leadership addresses balances the team, the task and the individual.
This article on inclusive leadership.
This article on establishing a centralised Community of Practice.
This article on creating a BA Service Definition.
BA Brew 68: Stepping Beyond the BA toolbox
BA Brew 44: Building a BA Community
#BAQT #businessanalysis #businessanalyst #BAtoolkit #leadership #teamwork #business
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