This is a guest podcast with did with our Podern Family Crimes and Roses. We talk about our history with The Bachelor, our reactions to the Listen to Your Heart Finale and play some fun games! Thank you guys so much for having us on and showing us what a professional podcast is like! Please check it out!
Our Listen To Your Heart finale episode is finally out! Listen to our calm collected thoughts about being lied to by the Bachelor producers, Hannah's extremely inappropriate language... And of course, stories about Drake Bell, The debate over TGIF vs Chili's vs Applebees. Adrian rambles about Legos...
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On this week, Listen to Your Heart goes to Vegas. We say goodbye to one of our faves, but who isn't one of our faves at this point. We talk Shaggy, Rick Murphy, and a bunch of other stuff I can't remember as I write this...
Sad week at the Bach Bud house as we face the departure of one of our faves. 3 tries to guess who... We get mad at Blandon and Julia, gush over Ryan and Natasha and of course talk about everything except what we are supposed to. Check it out!
Has the podcast decided on its stance on the Oxford comma? That's what I wanna know. In this episode, we cover the transition of listen to your from a romance show to pretty much American idol. We again gush a little over Sheridan and try to protect our man from his musical partner :). Anyway, Adrian gets a little too into the history podcast he always wanted to start and Linae has a close call with the void after forgetting a Clueless quote.
Recap of the second episode of Listen to Your Heart! Couples are emerging. We continue to fall in love with Sheridan. Bri and Nick are really cute. Linae does some great impressions... Check it out!
The Bach Buds are back to talk about the first episode of the Bachelor spin off: Listen to Your Heart! We talk about how we've been keeping busy during the quarantine and some of the hosts sing several times. But what can you expect? It's a show about music. Listen as we meet all our new favorites: Sheridan, Rudy, and of course, Wilford.
So it took me longer to edit this episode than it did for the Bachelor to break up with... Find out this week who Peter finally chose! We get mad at Peter, again. Adrian goes on a rant to defend his love Hannah Ann's honor. We preview the contestants of Bachelor in Paradise and make guesses on how long Peter will last with the woman he chose(spoiler alert: not long). Thanks for a wonderful season! We will be back with the next Bachelor spin off! Here is the ep.
We are joined by our first guest, my coworker at the assassin agency...Cristina! We find out what happens with Madison's non-ultimatum ultimatum and see our old faves(and non faves) at the Women Tell All. We also talk about the bachelor spin offs coming to a tv screen near you... And of course we are all over the place covering Shrek, LMFAO, and Burger Joints. We discuss who our favorite pilots are (spoiler alert: neither Pete nor Sully make the list). Check it out!
Fantasy Suites! The week where Chris gives the contestants and the bachelor permission to spend the night together...but Madison has other plans! Will her non-ultimatum ultimatum mean the end of her and Peter's relationship? Will Peter find an Australian windmill to spend a night in? The crew discusses all this as well as High School Musical Two and their recent trip to Denver.
HOMETOWNS!! On this after hours episode of Bach Beer Buds, we talk everything from Papa John's pizza intake to the what to do in Adelaide. Oh yeah we also talk about The Bachelor meeting everyone's (except Victoria's) family. We learn that Peter is a fuckboi pretending to be a sensitive boy. We all do terrible accents. And finally, this finally becomes an Anti-Pete podcast!
The girls are in Peru while Peter practices his Spanish. It's getting serious now with only 4 girls left at the end of this episode. Who will get the privilege of being one of 4 girls where Peter asks your father for permission to marry you ? Find out on this exciting episode! We try out some new segments including a reenactment of a Bachelorette scene apparently written by a bot. We finally introduce Peter the dog to the audience.
Two part episode this week as the gang covers Monday's AND Wednesday's episodes of the bachelor... Peter messes up his face. Mykenna and Tammy duel to the death. Abuela Kelley is our new fetish. Join us as we continue reviewing Peter's trip to discover his Latin American Roots
We are already over the show. The girls go to Cleveland and the dates are more boring than the city itself. We fall on different sides of the Victoria P./Alayah drama but Bach can't tear these best buds apart.
We found the nation of Mykennada to commemorate this pod's love. Adrian fails to not bring up politics. There's some dumb drama about how you aren't allowed to be fake on a reality TV show. The podcast breaks out into a sexy pillow fight...Who will win?
A wild Hannah brown appears! Then the producers ask us to forget about it. Champagnegate almost tears the podcast apart. Adrian confesses his love for Mykenna. We do our first seasonal Bach Beers Buds Draft. #BBBD
3 buds recap and talk about the season premiere of the bachelor with Peter. Hannah Brown makes several appearances. We slowly learn how to have decent audio quality.