欢迎来到一对普通夫妻Eric和莎莎的Marriage Therapy
从恋爱、结婚、生娃,万事都在改变,但我们希望不变的是我们内心对于喜爱事物的热情。所以Passion Fruits不是百香果,是我们用对生命的热情去探讨健康的生活方式、自我追寻的旅途,还有日常的那些碎碎念。
Eric:15年篮球玩家退役 10年康复撸铁 4年赛车手 2年Crossfiter 1年铁三运动员
莎莎:藤校毕业创业5年的yogi MomentZ迷之创始人
《成人版十万个为什么》专辑指路:成人版十万个为什么_全集免费在线阅读收听下载 - 喜马拉雅
《民间故事》专辑指路:(免费)民间故事(每日更新)_全集免费在线阅读收听下载 - 喜马拉雅 (
🍻Girls Talk 来和我们一起聊聊天吧
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The one and only sex-positive podcast in China
BDSM ist absolut unvernünftig - Macht aber unglaublich viel Spaß!
Dieser Podcast über BDSM von aktiven SMern für Interessierte und alte Hasen. Ganz ohne erhobenen Zeigefinger, lustig, intim und manchmal kontrovers. Ich habe mir für jede Folge einen neuen Gesprächspartner gesucht und wir plaudern über alle Themen, die uns vors Mikrofon laufen. Switchen, Spuren, Bondage, Technik oder Parties und Missgeschicke. Hier ist der Platz dafür. -
The Huntington’s early American historical collections are important resources for the study of the Colonial and Revolutionary periods, the drafting of the Constitution, and the Civil War. Among the holdings are hundreds of autograph letters written by George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, as well as the manuscript of Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography. The Huntington can also claim the largest collection of autograph manuscripts of Abraham Lincoln west of Illinois. In conferences, seminars, and lectures, curators and visiting scholars discuss their subjects in depth.
1, 2, Many podcast tells the stories behind veteran suicide. Hear from veterans, their families, and medical professionals about this important topic.
Welcome back to Wholesome Addiction. A podcast dedicated to the sexy side of entertainment - and by that we mean porn and all forms of adult entertainment (movies, news, anime, written erotica, web video, music) and sex as it effects us in our everyday lives. In short, we’re fans of the hotness. This podcast is explicit and we will be using adult language - so consider yourselves warned.
“壮游”译自“Grand tour”,它盛行于18世纪的欧洲。保罗·福塞尔说:“典型的18世纪观点是,勤奋的观察者游遍外域,向那些不幸留在家中者报告他对人性的发现,以及对社会叙述自己的观察结果,这是一种义务”。
Online since 2010! Greg Jorgensen and Ed Knuth have been knocking around Bangkok since the turn of the century. Exploring dark corners, eating amazing food, and interacting with fascinating people, the two have gotten to know and love Thailand's capital in all its confusing, mysterious glory.
Every week they chat about topics near and dear to those living here, those visiting here, or those who are just curious about what it's like to live in Asia's craziest city.
Want to explore Bangkok on your own? Check out Greg's self-guided audio tours on Voice Map! -
Gay Savvy is a youthful gay friendly radio show based in Brisbane, Aus, providing a mix of local and community events, politics and current affairs, entertainment and music. Freakin' hilarious, it may just change your life!
Two Fu's in love talk about swinging, swingers, open marriage and having fun. If you are interested in any of these topics, then our podcast is for you.