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    Your talks for Catholic audiences are too complicated, And mine are too!.  Ha! 

    Whether it’s for teenagers, adults, or little kids we are packing way to much information into too tight spaces.

    So, as I’ve been asked to speak to Catholic Leaders about “How to Give a Good Talk”, I’ve developed four principles - CLEAR, COMPELLING, APPLICABLE and ACTIONABLE.  These correspond to four questions every Catholic speaker should ask themselves as they are developing and delivering a talk:  Is it Clear?  Is it Compelling?  Is it Applicable? and Is it Actionable? 

    Today I am addressing Principle #1 - “Is it Clear”. And for that question, I’ve come up with an equation:



    For more information about the Better Preach Podcast visit: www.ryanohara.org/betterpreach

    Better Preach Podcast is now on YouTube. Here’s a link to the channel.

    Better Preach is a proud member of Spoke Street, a Catholic Podcast Network that amplifies the voice of the Creator through fostering content that invites. 

    Check out Ryan’s FREE course on “sharing your faith as a Catholic.”

    Follow Ryan on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook

    Join the Better Preach email list.  

    I made this podcast with help from Riverside FM. Want to try it out for your podcast? Here’s a link to get you started.

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    Katie Hartfiel is a ‘speakers speaker’.  She was called to speak, has many years of experience, is a mentor to others *and* works really hard on each talk BEFORE she steps on stage. It was the combination of hours of PREPARATION *and* PRACTICE that I think sets Katie apart.  Her process is inspiring and super practical…something for each of us to learn from and imitate. 

    Katie Hartfiel received her theology degree from Franciscan University of Steubenville and spent the following seven years serving as a youth minister in Houston. She now feels blessed to spend her days with her husband, Mark, and their four children, while still getting to travel to speak about Jesus. For more on Katie, her books, and your first chapters free, visit womaninlove.org.

    Connect with Katie: 

    her website: womaninlove.org

    And “She Shall Be Called Woman” - for more info: https://paradisusdei.org/she-registration-opens/


    For more information about the Better Preach Podcast visit: www.ryanohara.org/betterpreach

    Better Preach Podcast is now on YouTube. Here’s a link to the channel.

    Better Preach is a proud member of Spoke Street, a Catholic Podcast Network that amplifies the voice of the Creator through fostering content that invites. 

    Check out Ryan’s FREE course on “sharing your faith as a Catholic.”

    Follow Ryan on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook

    Join the Better Preach email list.  

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    Jim Beckman has seen it all.  From being a part of the onset of Steubenville Conferences spreading nationally to ministering to Columbine High School students in the wake that tragedy to launching Y Disciple and so much more…he truly has had a generational impact on the Catholic Church in America.  But that “impact” has a cost too…and we dig in to the mark that lifelong ministry can have - and the need for new ways of supporting people giving their lives to serve the Church. 

    Jim Beckman serves as the Executive Director of ImpactCenter, a Catholic apostolate dedicated to ministering to ministry leaders in the Church. He is the former Executive Director of Evangelization and Catechesis for the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. Jim has been involved with Diocesan and parish ministry, evangelization and leadership development for many years. A graduate of Franciscan University and the Augustine Institute, Jim has served in various roles of leadership for national, regional and local ministry. He is a dynamic and passionate speaker and has a great love for the Catholic Church. He has built solid and thriving ministry programs in numerous parishes and Dioceses over the years. He and his wife, Meg, live in Littleton, CO with their five children.

    Connect with Jim: 

    At the Impact Center website: https://impactcenter.com/


    For more information about the Better Preach Podcast visit: www.ryanohara.org/betterpreach

    Better Preach Podcast is now on YouTube. Here’s a link to the channel.

    Better Preach is a proud member of Spoke Street, a Catholic Podcast Network that amplifies the voice of the Creator through fostering content that invites. 

    Check out Ryan’s FREE course on “sharing your faith as a Catholic.”

    Follow Ryan on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook

    Join the Better Preach email list.  

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    Today’s episode is a new kind of episode. I plan during Season 3 to add Article Reviews and Book Discussions. Today is a solo episode where I share my three main takeaways from an article by Christian Smith, Sociologist at University of Notre Dame, on “Improving Catholic Homilies”.

    Here’s a link to the Article: Improving Catholic Homilies, Part 2: Less Moralism, More Gospel

    (00:27) Introducing the New Episode Format

    (00:53) Discussion on Christian Smith's Article

    (02:32) Key Takeaways from the Article

    (15:08) Applying the Article to Personal Experience

    (19:21) Conclusion and Listener Engagement


    For more information about the Better Preach Podcast visit: www.ryanohara.org/betterpreach

    Better Preach Podcast is now on YouTube. Here’s a link to the channel.

    Better Preach is a proud member of Spoke Street, a Catholic Podcast Network that amplifies the voice of the Creator through fostering content that invites. 

    Check out Ryan’s FREE course on “sharing your faith as a Catholic.”

    Follow Ryan on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook

    Join the Better Preach email list.  

    I made this podcast with help from Riverside FM. Want to try it out for your podcast? Here’s a link to get you started.

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    When it comes to speaking to Catholic audiences  where does one BEGIN when preparing a talk?  Where do you begin?  I know too often I begin with: “have I given a talk on this topic before?”  or “whats inspiring me lately?”.  Again, nothing wrong with either of these, but are either of these the most important place to start?  Well my guest today has some convictions around this question, and you’ve got to stick around to hear all about it. 

    Chika Anyanwu is a Catholic evangelist, former Confirmation coordinator/youth & young adult minister, and the author of "My Encounter: How I Met Jesus in Prayer" Her love of God and neighbor enthuses her to share the gospel through testimony, scripture, and honest conversations about the difficult realities of faith and life. She’s had the opportunity to evangelize at NCYC, Given, Steubenville youth conferences, FOCUS SEEK conferences, and The Catholic Feminist France pilgrimage. She’s also a contributor to Blessed Is She as well as “Connected” and “Venture: the Bible Timeline” by Ascension Press. Chika is a part of a beautiful Nigerian family, loves her coffee black, and desires sainthood for herself and you, although bad drivers challenge her sanctity! 

    Connect with Chika: 

    At her website: www.chika.church

    On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chikasworld?igsh=ZndkMXRycW9odWZo


    For more information about the Better Preach Podcast visit: www.ryanohara.org/betterpreach

    Better Preach Podcast is now on YouTube. Here’s a link to the channel.

    Better Preach is a proud member of Spoke Street, a Catholic Podcast Network that amplifies the voice of the Creator through fostering content that invites. 

    Check out Ryan’s FREE course on “sharing your faith as a Catholic.”

    Follow Ryan on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook

    Join the Better Preach email list.  

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    A powerful theme emerged throughout this conversation which was “how do you know when to pivot” from what’s been planned.  AND HOW EXACTLY do you do it?  This is one of the hardest skills to master for people new to giving talks in Catholic settings…and there are no hard/fast rules.  In each instance…there is a judgment call made, sometimes in just a few seconds to STAY the COURSE or to PIVOT.  

    Brian Greenfield and I dig deep into this question.  As you’ll see, it takes a whole lot of prayer, preparation, and humility to be confident in making a bold move in the middle of a talk - to go a different direction.  Stick around..this is a good one. 

    Brian Greenfield was born and raised in Washington, D.C. and attended Seton Hall University and then attended Franciscan University of Steubenville. Brian later returned to Seton Hall to finish his studies in theology, receiving his MA in theology and another master’s degree in education leadership. Brian currently lives in Tampa, Florida, with his wife, Genevieve, and three beautiful children. In addition to giving talks around the country at conferences large and small  He serves at Jesuit High School, where he is the assistant principal for Discipline.

    Connect with Brian’s speaking page here - https://willingevents.com/?profile=brian-greenfield

    And on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mission116/?hl=en

    And X: https://x.com/mission116


    For more information about the Better Preach Podcast visit: www.ryanohara.org/betterpreach

    Better Preach Podcast is now on YouTube. Here’s a link to the channel.

    Better Preach is a proud member of Spoke Street, a Catholic Podcast Network that amplifies the voice of the Creator through fostering content that invites. 

    Check out Ryan’s FREE course on “sharing your faith as a Catholic.”

    Follow Ryan on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook

    Join the Better Preach email list.  

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    Today is episode 71, Quick Reactions from the Eucharistic Congress with Ennie Hickman.

    So I was on the prowl from the moment I landed in Indianapolis until this morning, that was like 10 days ago, I was dead set on connecting with my guest today, my first ever guest on the podcast, any Hickman. And so I brought my stuff to Indianapolis, but that didn't work out to connect up our schedules were.

    Wild and we didn't even see each other until the last night at about 11 PM. Um, so then we said, Hey, maybe we'll jump on the phone tomorrow. Can we record a podcast on a phone? Neither of us knew I found out that wasn't going to work very well. And so, and he's like, well, Hey, I'm going to Guatemala, uh, for the pilgrimage to beauty.

    I'm like, that sounds amazing. He's like, but I'm not sure about the wifi. I'm like, well, that doesn't sound amazing. But anyway, we figured it out. We made it, there's no YouTube today. But, uh, Annie and I, after like five or six takes and some internet crashes and all of that, , we have cobbled together a great conversation.

    And I've titled it quick reactions from the Eucharistic Congress, because it's just the quick reactions. There's nothing definitive here. In fact, I even love Annie's approach to this, this is way too early to begin to assess. And man, I, that's such good . Pushback because I am such a guy trying to analyze in the moment what's going on and what is it all gonna mean.

    Maybe that's how you feel too, this was a landmark moment in the church, and I think it's gonna be one of those things that we look back at over many years and count it as. a turning point of sorts, uh, for the church as well in America. So love to hear your thoughts, love to connect on Instagram at Better Preach.

    Please reach out to me at my website, ryanohara.org/BetterPreach. If you have any ideas or thoughts about the Congress, I'd love to hear what was your take.


    For more information about the Better Preach Podcast visit: www.ryanohara.org/betterpreach

    Better Preach Podcast is now on YouTube. Here’s a link to the channel.

    Better Preach is a proud member of Spoke Street, a Catholic Podcast Network that amplifies the voice of the Creator through fostering content that invites. 

    Check out Ryan’s FREE course on “sharing your faith as a Catholic.”

    Follow Ryan on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook

    Join the Better Preach email list.  

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    This has come up over and over again. You know, talking with people who experience a call and a desire to do more speaking in Catholic settings, either because it's part of their job in ministry with young people or their directors of faith formation, or their priests or deacons or whatever it might be.

    But there's also this idea that what if additionally there may be other talks that I might be able to give in particular settings locally, nationally, regionally, again, whatever that might be. And how do I get started? This comes up all of the time. And in fact, it's something that we talk about quite a bit here on the podcast.

    And so today I want to share some wisdom that I've learned along the way. This has been a 20 to 25 year journey for me. And just now, let's say like. After 25 years or so, I finally gone pro, like this is my job, podcasting, speaking, all that stuff. And, and so I have a little bit of experience to share about that.

    I'd love to talk about my own experience, but I'm also really trying to bring the wisdom that I've encountered from the podcast around this question.


    For more information about the Better Preach Podcast visit: www.ryanohara.org/betterpreach

    Better Preach Podcast is now on YouTube. Here’s a link to the channel.

    Better Preach is a proud member of Spoke Street, a Catholic Podcast Network that amplifies the voice of the Creator through fostering content that invites. 

    Check out Ryan’s FREE course on “sharing your faith as a Catholic.”

    Follow Ryan on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook

    Join the Better Preach email list.  

    I made this podcast with help from Riverside FM. Want to try it out for your podcast? Here’s a link to get you started.

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    With every new generation, evangelists, preachers and teachers MUST ADAPT if we hope that this new generation will HEAR THE GOOD NEWS and wholeheartedly RESPOND to it’s promises.   This week I sit down with someone who is serving, teaching, and preaching on the front lines at one of reaching Gen-Z.

    Dr. Andrew Swafford is professor of theology at Benedictine College, where he teaches courses on Scripture, St. John Paul II, and the moral and spiritual life. Among his publications are his most recent, Gift and Grit: How Heroic Virtue Can Change Your Life and Relationships, AND A Catholic Guide to the Old Testament, What We Believe: The Beauty of the Catholic Faith, and Spiritual Survival in the Modern World: Insights from C.S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letters. He is an avid student of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and lives with his wife Sarah and their six children in Atchison, KS.

    + Check out Dr. Swafford's Website


    For more information about the Better Preach Podcast visit: www.ryanohara.org/betterpreach

    Better Preach Podcast is now on YouTube. Here’s a link to the channel.

    Better Preach is a proud member of Spoke Street, a Catholic Podcast Network that amplifies the voice of the Creator through fostering content that invites. 

    Check out Ryan’s FREE course on “sharing your faith as a Catholic.”

    Follow Ryan on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook

    Join the Better Preach email list.  

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    This week’s episode is a dream come true. From the first time I pressed record on the podcast till now, I have hoped to support everyday people working in the Church with giving talks - YMs, DREs, Deacons, Campus Ministers, etc..  And it’s happened! Today is proof positive.  Not long after I started this Podcast, my guest today Nick Longo reached out to share his appreciation for the show and the growth in giving Catholic talks that he was seeing in his ministry. 

    And a few months back he said “I’d love to come on the show and talk about the impact it’s had on me!” And I was like - “heck yeah, let’s do it.”  It was a fantastic conversation - in large part because of how honest and real Nick was about his growth as a speaker and digging in to what was really holding him back.  I bet you’ll relate. 

    Born and raised in Central New York, Nick is a proud husband and father of three. By day, he is a director of evangelization and youth ministry in the Diocese of Syracuse, NY, and by night he is a Catholic speaker, podcaster, and writer. Listen to Nick’s podcast, This Catholic Life and follow on social @nickjameslongo.

    He and his wife are also the founders of “Sent Parish”, a Catholic non-profit aimed at equipping Catholic leaders to make disciples.  In fact, if you want to download his free e-book “Overcoming the Seven Deadly Sins of Parish Evangelization”, a link will be included in the show notes. 

    Social Handle: @nickjameslongo

    Sent Parish Website: sentparish.com

    Download the FREE E-Book: “Overcoming the Seven Deadly Sins of Parish Evangelization”


    For more information about the Better Preach Podcast visit: www.ryanohara.org/betterpreach

    Better Preach Podcast is now on YouTube. Here’s a link to the channel.

    Better Preach is a proud member of Spoke Street, a Catholic Podcast Network that amplifies the voice of the Creator through fostering content that invites. 

    Check out Ryan’s FREE course on “sharing your faith as a Catholic.”

    Follow Ryan on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook

    Join the Better Preach email list.  

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    Today is a special episode, because in the last year, about 12 months to be exact I took the biggest leap of faith of my life. It all came to pass at a four-day silent retreat last summer where Jesus invited me to “feed his sheep”, to leave  SPO and the comfort of a steady paycheck, and GO full-time, preaching and teaching. Here were the words that I believe Jesus spoke to me that put the final nail in the coffin, of my discernment.  “If you love me and for only as long as you love me, and only because you love me, feed my sheep and tend my lambs.” 

    Of course this was an invitation to two things, first primarily, was to be in close intimate relationship with JESUS, and then (and only then) would I be able to ‘feed and tend’; to speak, teach, and preach.  But it wasn’t just a call “preach and teach” from a microphone, it was a call to care deeply for people in poverty, to literally feed the hungry, and tend to their very practical needs.  

    So today, I talk again with my good friend Connor all about it. Please note:  We recorded this episode last December so if any of the time references seem off - that’s why!

    Connect with Ryan’s Speaking page here - ryanohara.org/catholictalks


    For more information about the Better Preach Podcast visit: www.ryanohara.org/betterpreach

    Better Preach Podcast is now on YouTube. Here’s a link to the channel.

    Better Preach is a proud member of Spoke Street, a Catholic Podcast Network that amplifies the voice of the Creator through fostering content that invites. 

    Check out Ryan’s FREE course on “sharing your faith as a Catholic.”

    Follow Ryan on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook

    Join the Better Preach email list.  

    I made this podcast with help from Riverside FM. Want to try it out for your podcast? Here’s a link to get you started.

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    Barbara Heil is a former Protestant Pastor and Minister who is celebrating her 10th year in the Roman Catholic Church.  Barbara speaks nationally and around the world, sharing her passion for the Gospel, and inviting others to encounter God in a deeper way.

    God wants to speak HIS MESSAGE through you.  Has that sunk in??  That this isn’t my message, your message, but God’s message.  We go DEEP into this IDEA today on the podcast…WHY we must focus on God’s word and what God wants to say and how to cultivate this conviction and practice in everyday life - for the sake of the people God will lead you to speak to. 

    And before we start, be sure to stop by and say hi on Instagram at @betterpreach. I’d love to connect!

    Connect with Barbara at her website and through Encounter Ministries. 


    For more information about the Better Preach Podcast visit: www.ryanohara.org/betterpreach

    Better Preach Podcast is now on YouTube. Here’s a link to the channel.

    Better Preach is a proud member of Spoke Street, a Catholic Podcast Network that amplifies the voice of the Creator through fostering content that invites. 

    Check out Ryan’s FREE course on “sharing your faith as a Catholic.”

    Follow Ryan on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook

    Join the Better Preach email list.  

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    Fr. Alex Colautti is the vocations director for the Companions of the Cross, a religious community of charismatic Catholic priests. He is a co-author of Preaching on Purpose: A Divine Renovation Handbook for Communicating the Gospel Today. Fr Alex lives to see people come into a life-transforming encounter with Jesus in the Power of the Holy Spirit.

    And today we…dig into his book and two BIG IDEAS around HOMILIES…

    - One church, one message

    - Preaching as a Team

    And before we start, be sure to stop by and say hi on Instagram at @betterpreach. I’d love to connect!

    Connect with Fr. Alex at Companions of the Cross website, on Instagram @fralexcc and Divine Renovation website


    For more information about the Better Preach Podcast visit: www.ryanohara.org/betterpreach

    Better Preach Podcast is now on YouTube. Here’s a link to the channel.

    Better Preach is a proud member of Spoke Street, a Catholic Podcast Network that amplifies the voice of the Creator through fostering content that invites. 

    Check out Ryan’s FREE course on “sharing your faith as a Catholic.”

    Follow Ryan on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook

    Join the Better Preach email list.  

    I made this podcast with help from Riverside FM. Want to try it out for your podcast? Here’s a link to get you started.

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    I’ll be back w in a few weeks time, BUT in the meantime I wanted to share, for the next couple of weeks, some of my favorite interviews from early in Season 1.   Last week I re-shared my interview with Sarah Kaczmarek, today I want to share my convo w Dan DeMatte - one of the founders of Damascus and it’s Executive Director of Missions and Advancement.  


    If you are speaking to Catholic audiences you don’t want to just to pass on correct information, you want to make a deep impact.  But how exactly do you do that?   And are you willing to stay humble and attentive enough to hear the Holy Spirit, over months, maybe even years to allow a specific message - for the Church - to emerge in your life? 

    Well, this was the transformational idea that I talked with Dan DeMatte about today.  From his very first talk to his fellow 8th graders to co-founding one of the fastest growing youth and young adult ministry movements in the country, Damascus, he has been a steward of powerful messages for thousands each year. 

    He is the author of Catholic bestseller, Holiness Revolution, with the Dynamic Catholic Institute. And recently released a new book called Dream Bigger! He is the co-host of Beyond Damascus, a podcast and radio program carried across the EWTN Global Catholic Radio Network And he lives in Ohio with his wife, Amber, and their four children.

    Link to Theme Song for the first retreat he lead as an 8th grader, Michael W. Smith’s “My Place in this World.”

    Here’s the link to the talk called “Dream Bigger” that we discussed: Dream Bigger by Dan DeMatte

    A link to Damascus Ministry


    For more information about the Better Preach Podcast visit: www.ryanohara.org/betterpreach

    Better Preach is a proud member of Spoke Street, a Catholic Podcast Network that amplifies the voice of the Creator through fostering content that invites. 

    Check out Ryan’s FREE course on “sharing your faith as a Catholic.”

    Follow Ryan on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook 

    Join Ryan’s email list.  

    I made this podcast with help from Riverside FM. Want to try it out for your podcast? Here’s a link to get you started.

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    This is a bonus replay of my original conversation, back in Summer of 2022, with Sarah Kaczmarek. I’ll be back in a couple of weeks with new episodes for Season 3. In the meantime, enjoy this powerful conversation with one of the best in the business!

    1. How crucial is it that the message you are sharing into a microphone matches up with who you are without a microphone? 

    2. What are the challenges and superpowers for Catholic speakers who are introverts? 

    3. Is it possible to redeem procrastination once and for all? 

    In my conversation with Sarah Kaczmarek, we cover each of these questions and more!

    Sarah has served in ministry for the last 18 years and strongly desires to see all of God’s children walk in wholeness and holiness.  She is currently the Director of Pastoral Ministry at Encounter Ministries. 

    Sarah holds an MA in Counseling and is currently completing a certificate in Spiritual Direction. She loves teaching and speaking about the heart of the Father, the wholeness He desires for us, and the power of the Holy Spirit to transform lives.

    Here’s the link to her “Power and Purpose Talk” at Franciscan University of Steubenville. 

    Click here to get Sarah’s Speaking Notes for the “Power and Purpose Talk” above. 


    For more information about the Better Preach Podcast visit: www.ryanohara.org/betterpreach

    Better Preach is a proud member of Spoke Street, a Catholic Podcast Network that amplifies the voice of the Creator through fostering content that invites. 

    Check out Ryan’s FREE course on “sharing your faith as a Catholic.”

    Follow Ryan on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook 

    Join Ryan’s email list.  

    I made this podcast with help from Riverside FM. Want to try it out for your podcast? Here’s a link to get you started. 

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    In this week’s episode I sit down, again, with trusty occasional co-host, Connor Flanagan, to discuss the how, why, and how to get better at using vulnerability in talks, particularly through storytelling

    - Download PDF Overview of Episode 64: Vulnerability through Storytelling

    - Link to “Matt Regitz” episode on Better Preach

    - Link to “Craig Groeschel” episode on this leadership podcast.

    - Here’s a link to the 2023 Better Preach survey!


    For more information about the Better Preach Podcast visit: www.ryanohara.org/betterpreach

    Better Preach Podcast is now on YouTube. Here’s a link to the channel.

    Better Preach is a proud member of Spoke Street, a Catholic Podcast Network that amplifies the voice of the Creator through fostering content that invites. 

    Check out Ryan’s FREE course on “sharing your faith as a Catholic.”

    Follow Ryan on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook 

    Join the Better Preach email list.  

    I made this podcast with help from Riverside FM. Want to try it out for your podcast? Here’s a link to get you started.

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    What is the interplay, in Catholic preaching and teaching, between the natural gifts of communication and charisma and God’s supernatural power moving through the speaker and audience.  How do these things complement (or cancel out) the other?  

    In my far-reaching and fascinating conversation with Deacon Keith Strohm, we jump right into what makes for good and bad homilies, how he prepares for preaching at the Liturgy, and the role of the Spirit and Spiritual Warfare in teaching and preaching.  

    Deacon Keith Strohm is the former Director of the Office for the New Evangelization and a deacon for the Archdiocese of Chicago. A well-known international and conference keynote speaker, he has helped tens of thousands of men and women hear the Gospel message and encounter the mercy, love and power of Jesus Christ

    He has extensive experience in creating and sustaining processes and programs of evangelization and formation at the group, parish and diocesan level that focus on the making, maturation and missioning of disciples of Jesus Christ. He is the Executive Director of M3 Ministries and a long-time teacher and collaborator with the Catherine of Siena Institute.

    As I mentioned last week, I’m looking for your input about the podcast and have created a simple 10 question survey. I promise it won’t take longer than ten minutes. It’s been super helpful to read the responses so far - check out the link in the show notes.  I’d be so grateful to hear from you!


    Here’s a link to the survey!

    Connect with Deacon Keith

    on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

    Or via email.


    For more information about the Better Preach Podcast visit: www.ryanohara.org/betterpreach

    Better Preach Podcast is now on YouTube. Here’s a link to the channel.

    Better Preach is a proud member of Spoke Street, a Catholic Podcast Network that amplifies the voice of the Creator through fostering content that invites. 

    Check out Ryan’s FREE course on “sharing your faith as a Catholic.”

    Follow Ryan on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook 

    Join the Better Preach email list.  

    I made this podcast with help from Riverside FM. Want to try it out for your podcast? Here’s a link to get you started.

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    The way that you improve is to get feedback and to ask people for their input. So often, those of us who are, are speaking or leading, we have just one perspective. It's helpful but I know that I can't see everything that needs to be seen about this podcast. Your perspective is invaluable.

    As we prepare for season three, I've put together a very simple listener survey. I'm talking 10 questions, 10 minutes max. Could even be quicker than that. Click the link below!

    Here’s a link to the survey!

    If you fill it out *AND* would like to do a free 1:1 Coaching Session, check that box (and add your email) on the form!


    For more information about the Better Preach Podcast visit: www.ryanohara.org/betterpreach

    Better Preach Podcast is now on YouTube. Here’s a link to the channel.

    Better Preach is a proud member of Spoke Street, a Catholic Podcast Network that amplifies the voice of the Creator through fostering content that invites. 

    Check out Ryan’s FREE course on “sharing your faith as a Catholic.”

    Follow Ryan on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook 

    Join the Better Preach email list.  

    I made this podcast with help from Riverside FM. Want to try it out for your podcast? Here’s a link to get you started.

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    We love to overcomplicate things.  Let me restate that.  I love to over complicate things.  More of a really good thing - like preaching the Gospel - has to be better right?!? Not always.    In my conversation today with Pete Burds he shares how his approach to giving Catholic talks has shifted and developed over the years. And what he chooses to prioritize in a 30 min talk might surprise you.  It did me.  And I’m the better for it!  And ironically, my first title for this podcast was super complicated - my longest one ever.  And then I thought, I’m doing it again, so I actually put Pete’s advice into practice.  You’re welcome! 

    Ever since encountering Jesus Christ through a high school youth ministry program, Pete Burds has used his five loaves and two fish for the sake of building the kingdom. Through storytelling, leading retreats, and years of experience in youth and young adult ministry, he has proclaimed the freedom found in Jesus Christ to thousands. Pete currently serves as the Vice President of Mission for NET Ministries. He and his family live in St. Paul, MN.

    Connect with Pete at NET Ministries website - netusa.org


    For more information about the Better Preach Podcast visit: www.ryanohara.org/betterpreach

    Better Preach Podcast is now on YouTube. Here’s a link to the channel.

    Better Preach is a proud member of Spoke Street, a Catholic Podcast Network that amplifies the voice of the Creator through fostering content that invites. 

    Check out Ryan’s FREE course on “sharing your faith as a Catholic.”

    Follow Ryan on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook 

    Join the Better Preach email list.  

    I made this podcast with help from Riverside FM. Want to try it out for your podcast? Here’s a link to get you started.

  • Description

    Every talk that I give, I want to make sure that there are three things that are really easy for the audience. I want to make sure that the talk is easy to follow. Easy to remember and thus easy to apply. And while there are a number of factors that go into this, and this podcast is dedicated to the many and varied ways to do all three of these things, there's no magic bullet.  And while there's no magic bullet, I'm convinced that I found, and I'm love to hear your experience too, like a super sneaky back way to help get closer to all three of these things, to make a talk easier to follow, easier to remember,  and easier to apply. And that super sneaky back way is a well crafted handout that accompanies the talks that I give.

    Okay, so as I’ve been doing lately I put together a “Handout” for this episode, but today is a special day, because i’ve created it not as a finished product/ overview of the Episode, but just like a Handout I’d make for a talk, ample white space, 2 pages, fill-in-the-blanks and all.  

    So, if you want to see an example of what I talk about in this episode and follow along, filling in the blanks, as you go, check the show notes - you can download it there!

    Download PDF Handout of Episode 61: Why You Should Use a Handout for Your Next Talk


    For more information about the Better Preach Podcast visit: www.ryanohara.org/betterpreach

    Better Preach Podcast is now on YouTube. Here’s a link to the channel.

    Better Preach is a proud member of Spoke Street, a Catholic Podcast Network that amplifies the voice of the Creator through fostering content that invites. 

    Check out Ryan’s FREE course on “sharing your faith as a Catholic.”

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    I made this podcast with help from Riverside FM. Want to try it out for your podcast? Here’s a link to get you started.