UPBEAT is a weekly motivational and personal development podcast hosted by Parker Kane, a dynamic beatboxer and inspirational speaker. Binge-listen to in-depth conversations with top-tier entrepreneurs about their stories of overcoming adversity, all while staying true to their values. Learn proven strategies, boost your mental well-being, turn opposition into opportunity, and embrace a faith-driven approach to life's challenges.
Parker and the guests will share mindfulness techniques, real-world experiences, and invaluable insights to help you navigate today’s entrepreneurial landscape with resilience and authenticity. New episodes drop every Monday – don’t forget to subscribe and review the show! -
Authentic conversations between female physicians that encourage, inspire and go beyond just medicine.
Report on Psychedelics is the leading source of independent data and intelligence for the emerging psychedelics industry.
Fehlendes Selbstvertrauen, selbst gemachter Druck, Zweifel an den eigenen Fähigkeiten: Viele Frauen mit Verantwortung wissen vom Kopf her, dass sie schon viel erreicht haben, aber sind sich trotzdem unsicher, ob sie gut genug sind.
Die gute Nachricht: Das lässt sich ändern.
Stell dir vor, ...
* du könntest selbstbewusst sagen: Ich bin gut genug!
* du würdest deine Aufgaben im Job mit Selbstvertrauen statt Druck erledigen.
* du könntest nach Feierabend abschalten und würdest nachts wieder durchschlafen
* du würdest genau wissen, was dir gut tut
Du möchtest, dass das nicht länger eine Vorstellung bleibt?
Wunderbar. In meinem Podcast zeige ich dir, wie´s geht.
Was du jetzt brauchst sind praxisnahe Tipps und Übungen, die du leicht in deinen Tagesablauf integrieren kannst.
Dann schaffst auch du es, morgens gut gelaunt in den Tag zu starten und wieder frei zu atmen. -
Herzlich Willkommen zu meinem Podcast! Als Organisationsentwickler, Coach und meditierender Mensch erlebe und begleite ich seit 15 Jahren Veränderungsprozesse.
Dieser Podcast ist für alle, die:
- in Veränderung sind oder sich mutig verändern möchten
- ihre Organisationen transformieren
- ein zufriedenes Leben führen wollen
- mit mehr Klarheit, Präsenz und Leichtigkeit verändern und führen möchten
Warum freihändig?
Weil ich selbst liebend gerne freihändig fahre. Und weil das Gefühl des freihändig Fahrens perfekt für Veränderungsprozesse passt: Man muss mutig loslassen, gleichzeitig in Bewegung bleiben und hat keine Ahnung, ob es klappt...
Kontakt: [email protected] -
Wenn du eine Veränderung in deinem Leben erzielen möchtest ist dein erster Gedanke vielleicht, dass du nur mehr dafür tun musst. - Wir sagen: das ist der falsche Ansatz. Tiefgreifende Veränderungen, die dorthin führen, wo du wirklich hinwillst, passieren nie von Außen nach Innen - sondern umgekehrt.In diesem Podcast sprechen Nik und Jan darüber, wie du dein persönliches Wachstum weiter voranbringst.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Don't like the way your life is now? Learn to edit yourself.
Take control of your media presence and develop a successful story strategy with the Video Crush- Edit Yourself Podcast. This is the business show that ties it all together with video marketing know-how and other successful marketing strategies that you can begin using right now.
Season 1 was created as your host, Scott Markowitz, engineered his own exit from a big corporate job, and struck out on his own. Follow along in season 1 as Scott learns from others who had already made the change, and as he builds up the guts to actually pull the trigger on his cushy job.
Then, in season 2, Scott tells you all about what went right with his exit from corporate. More importantly, you learn from his mistakes as he chronicles what went horribly wrong.
From there, learn how to take your own immediate action in leaving the corporate landscape, and making your own dreams come true. Discover the video marketing strategies, tips, and tricks to begin CRUSHING IT in your own business!
Take control of your media presence and develop a successful story strategy with the Video Crush- Edit Yourself Podcast. Join Scott Markowitz as he cuts through the always confusing (and usually downright incorrect) advise from marketing and product launch coaches. Learn how to invest your time properly and decide what's best for your own media content strategy. -
Kein Geld, keine Kapazitäten, keine Prio. “Sorry, not my business” - ist es nicht ziemlich egoistisch, nichts für die (psychische) Gesundheit der Mitarbeitenden zu tun und die Verantwortung auf beiden Seiten abzugeben? Melanie Faltermeier und Melanie Meyer-Tischler von WE ARE MENTAL sprechen über die Themen des Lebens, die sie bewegen. Hauptsächlich aber über die Psyche, über Arbeit und was das alles mit uns macht. Am Ende muss halt auch einfach irgendwer mitmachen und nicht nur sagen „Sorry, not my business“.
Das sind wir: -
I help business owners make more money in less time, so they can create bigger impact.
It doesn't matter what it is, we all have a sense of purpose. We want to leave a legacy.
We want to matter. And the best way of doing that, is to become wealthy.
But the sad reality is a lot of us are stuck in 'weenie' mode. In other words, we make up excuses for why we can't become our brilliant, wealthy selves.
That ends with this podcast.
My name is Katie McManus.
As a CPCC (Certified Professional Co-Active Coach) I know how to help people like you to reach their financial goals, and earn the life they've always dreamed of.
Until quite recently, I described myself as a business strategist and money mindset coach who was focusing on helping business owners with ADHD to get more income from their business.
I've been helping some of them get eleven times the value of their investment back.
And then, I had an epiphany.
I was being a weenie.
Being a business strategist is not the limit of my gifts to the world.
I'm also a political activist, a serial entrepreneur who oversees multiple six figure businesses, and I'm the founder of a non-profit with dreams of helping members of the LGBTQ+ community to find more joy from their lives in a very specific way.
And all of that is being achieved by scaling my business in a way that I don't have to be in it every hour of the day, but still make enough money to work hard on making impact.
Do you also want to learn how you can make more money, in less time, so that you can create impact on your community, or with projects that are important to you?
Want coaching on money mindset, sales advice, and general business growth, but all from the safety and comfort of your own space?
If you're wanting to listen to business strategy and money mindset advice that's specifically targeted to business owners like you who want to achieve BIG things but maybe have some challenges, then "The Weeniecast" is the podcast for YOU.
I will help you understand your own potential for growing a dream business that works without you but still makes seriously life-changing amounts of money.
Learn more about the show at
Learn more about how I help people like you at -
Wenn du noch denkst, eine erfolgreiche Gewichtsreduktion besteht aus strengen Diäten, Verzicht und endlosen Sporteinheiten, dann eröffnet dir "Erfolgreich & Gesund" neue Perspektiven.
Viel Arbeit, wenig Zeit. Business bedeutet: ein voller Terminkalender, Geschäftsreisen und regelmäßige Geschäftsessen. Doch Erfolg im Job schließt nicht automatisch die eigene Gesundheit aus.
Du kannst auch als vielbeschäftigte Person nachhaltig dein Wunschgewicht erreichen und fit sein - ohne JoJo-Effekt. In diesem Podcast erfährst du, wie du deine Ernährung, Gesundheit und auch Fitness trotz stressigem Alltag optimierst und dadurch deine Energie, Leistungsfähigkeit und somit auch dein Business auf ein neues Level bringst. -
Schicksalsschléi, déi ouni déi professionell Ekippe vun der Luxembourg Air Rescue (LAR) ee schlëmmt Enn hätte kënnen huelen. LAR-Membere verzielen, wéi d’Lëtzebuerger Loftrettung hinnen an dramateschen Noutsituatiounen unhand vu Rettungsasätz respektiv Réckféierunge gehollef huet.
Elevate Your Mind with Rebecca Wiener McGregor is a powerful and transformative podcast for spiritual entrepreneurs, visionary leaders, healers, and anyone seeking their highest potential. As a world-class hypnotist, abundance coach, spiritual guide, and leadership mentor, Rebecca brings decades of experience helping high achievers clear subconscious blocks and create conditions for miracles.
On this podcast, Rebecca takes you on a journey of profound mindset shifts, heart-opening transformation, and soul-aligned expansion. Each episode dives into topics like mindset mastery, emotional healing, abundance, energy work, and leadership — all while equipping you with practical tools to shed limiting beliefs, elevate your thoughts, and create the life you've always envisioned.
Whether you're looking to unlock greater levels of wealth, health, love, or personal freedom, Elevate Your Mind will help you tap into your inner wisdom and power to manifest your desires. Through expert insights, guided visualizations, inspiring guest interviews, and real-life stories, you’ll learn how to align with your true potential and live from a place of clarity, joy, and abundance.
Tune in weekly to elevate your mindset, embody your highest self, and create lasting, transformative results in every area of your life. Welcome to Elevate Your Mind — where miracles happen when you align with your limitless self.
To connect with Rebecca, go to -
"The New You" - spatiul dedicat pasionatilor de antrenamente Functional si dezvoltare personala!
Sunt Emilia Cotul, personal trainer cu o pasiune profunda pentru transformarea vietilor prin exercitii, nutritie si un stil de viata sanatos.
Aici, in fiecare episod, te voi ghida prin lumea antrenamentelor personale, impartasind sfaturi utile, trucuri si insight-uri valoroase pentru a-ti atinge obiectivele. Vom explora cele mai recente tendinte in nutritie si sanatate, sa dezvaluim secretele unui stil de viata echilibrat si vom discuta cu invitati speciali.
Impreuna cu experti din domeniu, atleti de top si oameni obisnuiti care au reusit sa-si transforme vietile, Fie ca vrei sa construiesti musculatura, sa slabesti, sa iti optimizezi dieta sau sa descoperi modalitati noi de a-ti imbunatati sanatatea, aici vei gasi resursele si inspiratia de care ai nevoie.
Insoteste-ma in aceasta calatorie catre un trup sanatos si o minte puternica. Aboneaza-te la podcast pentru a nu rata niciun episod si pentru a-ti aduce viata la un nivel superior. E timpul sa incepem sa transformam impreuna!
Daca doresti sa fii la curent cu noutatile, nu uita sa ma urmaresti pe Instagram si sa imi trimiti feedback-ul si sugestiile tale.
Sunt aici pentru tine. :)
Marre des posts Linkedin pseudo inspirants et des invectives à la productivité ?
Présenté par Anaïs Richardin et créé par Shine, le podcast En Off, donne la parole aux entrepreneurs et entrepreneuses sur leur parcours, leur rapport à la santé mentale au travail, leurs réussites comme leurs échecs avec vérité et passion.
Pas de tabou, que de la sincérité.
Chaque semaine avec nos invité•es, nous parlons de la charge mentale au travail, d'équilibre vie pro / vie perso et de tous les sujets passés sous le tapis dans les parcours entrepreneuriaux.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Der Podcast "Digitaler Puls" liefert tiefe Einblicke & Gespräche mit Innovatoren & Entscheidern aus dem deutschen Gesundheitssystem. Die Hosts Nils Seebach & Luisa Wasilewski geben mit ihren Gästen einen Überblick über den Stand der Digitalisierung in Krankenhäusern, Krankenversicherungen, Apotheken und Arztpraxen und zeigen dabei sowohl umgesetzte Lösungen als auch weiterhin bestehende Lücken in der gesamten "Patient Journey" auf.
Raw, deep, and unfiltered conversations with purpose driven people. Our goal is to help you gain perspective on life, become more intelligent, and to inspire you to go for your real dream. Guest include entrepreneurs, coaches, pro athletes, health experts, and more.
Host: Zach Day -
D'Handwierk entwéckelt sech weider. An dozou gehéieren och Sujete wéi d'Sécherheet an d'Wuelbefannen op der Aarbecht. Schliisslech wëllen och Daachdecker*inne séchere Buedem ënnert de Féiss, an d'Elektriker*inne sollten och mol ofschalte kënnen. Wëllkomm bei Craft Your Balance, de Podcast vun der Chambre des Métiers an Zesummenaarbecht mam Studio J vum Lëtzebuerger Journal.
Robert Peston and Steph McGovern follow the money to bring you insightful stories from the world of business and finance.
Who’s making money and who’s spending it? Who’s investing, and who’s innovating? How will AI affect the way we work and why are Saudi Arabia buying up sport? How can the UK economy recover its productivity and adapt for the future?
Steph and Robert tap their extensive business contacts to answer these questions and decode the jargon to help make sense of the financial world.
We appreciate your feedback on The Rest Is Money to help make the podcast and our partnerships better: -
Hosted by former telly bird from the 90s, Sarah Cawood and Louise Mitchell, not Telly Bird but normal life bird, this podcast explores all things MIDLIFE. Every week the girls chat to a lineup of fabulous guests to discuss hormones, perimenopause, relationships, sex, health, wellbeing and much more, all whilst diving deep into the highs and lows of their midlife journey’s and and exploring their sometimes hilarious Hormonal Horror Stories and Meno Moments!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.