
  • "The world doesn't owe you anything. So you have to go out and take and do what you want without letting the world take your kindness and your thoughtfulness."

    Welcome Dewight Braxton Jr.

    We’re joined on the Starline by an actor, singer, artist, designer, former football wide receiver who knows how to improv and puppet. He’s part of the national tour of “The Book of Mormon” playing the General. We welcome Dewight Braxton Jr.  

    Dewight, let’s go Beyond the Mic. Without giving away the plot, what make your role so much fun?

    How does a star wide receiver and engineering student discover and find a path to Broadway?

    You once said– “Even when no one believes in you, bet on yourself!” How has achieving your dream of acting and in a Broadway show national tour change the way you dream?

    What’s your next dream?  Is your next dream Hamilton?

    How did your parents and family encourage you on your dream?

    The Rockin' 8:

    It’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure.

    1. How many times have you watched Spider-Man: Across the Spider Verse? 5 How about Hamilton?

    2. If you could karaoke with Cuba Gooding Jr again, what song would you duet with him?

    3. You’re the big brother to younger sisters. What’s the most important thing you will teach them?

    4. What was your first guitar and do you still have it?

    5. Do you prefer the ocean, a river or the lake?

    6. Most underrated place in Detroit?

    7. When you have to have “me time” what do you do?

    8. If you had to open up a lemonade stand for your sisters, what would you name it?

    The Back Half:

    Talk about the cast and crew and how they make you feel?

    How has this 1st national tour motivate you for the 2nd and 3rd? 

    What is your range?

    What’s the one thing you had to have from home when on tour?

    How did it feel when the Lions got that close to the Super Bowl?

    Behind Dewight:

    You once hated your smile, what’s changed since then?

    How has confidence changed since your 1st foray into acting?

    Did you ever think you would be able to travel the country and share your talents with the world as kid growing up from Detroit.

    1st place you visit every time you visit a new city?

    You act, dance, can help build a stage if a stagehand goes down, what motivates you now?

    How do you keep your creative side fed?

    Building something takes a different skill set than singing and dancing. How do you focus that side of you when utilize that version of your creativity?

    What’s the last thing you built for somebody else, and what’s on your “I need to build next list”?


    Family is important to you. Talk to me about your dad Dewight Braxton Sr and what he brings to your life?

    Best thing your mom cooks?

    So best thing about your mom?

    I always ask Broadway stars about the call when they got the role. Tell me about the day which changed your life forever?

    Who did you call 1st and who did you tell 1st?

    One Big Question:

    You once told yourself “Dear younger Dewight, I hope you are proud of the “ME” you became. I’m glad you are kinder to yourself and doubting yourself less. I’m glad you stopped being afraid to be yourself.” When was the darkest day when doubt almost won, and how did facing that adversity help you be a better actor?

    Who on the road keeps you happy?

    Where can people find you online?

    The Wrap:

    He loves the potato place across the street from his college, has to work out when he hits a new city and wants you to watch the national tour of The Book of Mormon. Dewight Braxton Jr, thanks for taking the time to talk with us today.

    And that my friends is Beyond the Mic.

    This podcast uses the following third-party...
  • "It's about just everybody getting together in community and having fun." – Joey Angelo

    Welcome Joey Angelo

    It’s Cinco De Mayo agave spirits have finally overtaken Vodka for #1 selling liquor. How and why did this happen? We’re joined on the Starline by a man who knows his wine and spirits. He’s spent more than 20 years selling, owning and enjoying spirits. He’s the founder of sipMARGS and Su Casa Mezcal let’s welcome Joey Angelo.

    Joey, let’s go Beyond the Mic. If you ask a person to name a vodka or tequila, they’d probably name a dozen off the top of their heads. But other than a celebrity mezcal like Dos Hombres or Teremana people couldn’t name it let alone spell it. Why is name recognition lacking in the smoky flavored beverage?

    Sales for tequila have nearly doubled from the pandemic to today. Nearly $3 billion while mezcal while have increased from $24M to $60M. What caused the obsession with the margaritas and more since the pandemic?

    Agave spirits are more known for use with Mexican food. You love to cook Italian food, so how do you work in agave spirits with non-traditional food combos?

    The Rockin' 8:

    It’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure.

    1. Best 90’s hip hop album of all time?

    2. Best and worst place you’d have to call on when you worked for Empire Merchants selling spirits?

    3. Your product Viva XXXII Tequila had a portion of its sales go to animal protection charities, why is your black Havanese dog Biggie so important to you?

    4. Which hurt more, breaking your brother’s two front teeth on a water hose or getting stitches in the eye lid after having an inner tube air valve hit you in the eye? 

    5.What was your 1st tattoo and where is it?

    6. Which is worse, I-95 or Route 1?

    7. Who makes better pizzas you or your brother and what’s your best creation?

    8. Best WWE match you’ve ever seen live and if you were a wrestler, what would your stage name been?

    The Back Half:

    How has your views of spirits changed from when you 1st started to today?

    Because you lost your mom at a young age being present for your daughter was important for you. As a girl dad, why is your little bug Ava so important for you and as a fitness trainer, what 1 key lesson has she taught you?

    You are known as a serial entrepreneur: creating, launching, expanded, selling then starting over. Do you feel you have to continually have this cycle in you to challenge you? Why?


    Tell me about your biggest failure and how you overcame that adversity?

    How have your dreams changed from when you were younger to today?

    Best time in the New York City Half Marathon?

    Family is important to you. How have they helped you and supported you on your darkest days and your greatest victories?

    You are a founding partner in Rumble Boxing, how has it helped you stay in shape and what do you see in its future?

    One Big Question:

    How can people change the way they use and see tequila and mezcal in the future?

    What’s your next dream?

    Where can people find you online?

    The Wrap:

    He’s living with a NY State of Mind, dreads I-95 and wants you to enjoy tequila and mezcal. Happy Cinco de Mayo to founder of sipMARGS and Su Casa Mezcal Joey Angelo thanks for taking the time to talk with us today.

    And that my friends is Beyond the Mic.

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  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • "It was a time of stillness, which had been absent in my life for a long time." – Bruce Dickinson

    Welcome Bruce Dickinson

    We’re joined on the Starline by one of the most talented men alive. He can fly a 747, champion fencer, public speaker, visionary and one hell of a rock and roller. His latest effort is “The Mandrake Project.” We welcome the talented Bruce Dickinson.

    Bruce, let’s go Beyond the Mic. In lockdown during the pandemic you created the treatment for “The Mandrake Project” equal parts comic book series and modern metal album. How did this give your creativity a boost?

    When putting together the comic book, did you have a lean of which universe your project would play better in, DC or Marvel?

    You played two nights at the Whisky a Go Go as “The House Band of Hell” warming up for your tour to a full house as you’re on tour in Mexico, Brazil, UK, France Holland, Romania, Poland, and Sweden. Where is your favorite venue you’ve ever played at?

    Why did you decide to change from foil fencing to epee?

    One Big Question:

    Who’s the secret inside “The Mandrake Project”?

    The Wrap:

    Wanted his comic book to be like the Watchman, a venue with no people is like a pub with no beer and he wants you to check out “The Mandrake Project.” Legendary Rocker Bruce Dickinson thanks for taking the time to talk with us today.

    And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    OP3 - https://op3.dev/privacy
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    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
  • “The longer you live,” his old man said, “the more funerals you go to. You live long enough, you go to your own.” – Don Winslow in “City in Ruins”

    Welcome Don Winslow:

    We’re joined on the Starline by the author of twenty five acclaimed, award-winning international bestsellers. You’ve read “City on Fire” , “City of Dreams” his final novel finishes the Danny Ryan Trilogy “City in Ruins”. We welcome the man enjoying his final tour, final book, but hopefully not his final conversation with us, author Don Winslow.

    My friend, great to talk to you again, let’s go Beyond the Mic.

    “The longer you live,” his old man said, “the more funerals you go to. You live long enough, you go to your own.” How was writing this final book, 30 years in the making, different than any other you’ve written before?

    Your parents loved books and they made sure you were surrounded by them, what type of book did your mom try to put into your hands no matter how hard you protested?

    39 years of unconditional support from your wife Jean. As these last days of media and book tours come to an end. What’s the 1st thing you want to do with her?

    What does your character Danny Ryan mean to you?

    The Rockin' 8:

    It’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. You can’t escape it Don, there is no Pressure.

    1. If you got arrested, who’s your one call to?

    2. How do you drink your coffee?

    3. Which are the five newspapers your read every morning?

    4. If your hometown was going to name a street for you, what would you like it called?

    5. Are you more worried about doing things right or doing the right things?

    6. Favorite trivia game?

    7. Which bookstore on your tour is the one that will be the hardest to leave?

    8. Your favorite memory in your time in books?

    The Back Half:

    At one point in your life you have less than $50 to your name. Today, you have bestseller after bestseller, as well as a digital army of friends and a life lived well. How would you describe the emotions you have today?

    People are calling the Danny Ryan Trilogy your masterpiece, how does that make you feel?

    Who are the writers that influence you to where you are today?

    Why was it important for you to finish your career with “City of Ruins”?

    When you got the 1st copy of the hard cover in your hand what emotions did you feel?

    Two Nearly Impossible Question:

    As you approach the beginning of a new journey, how has completing Danny Ryan’s journey give you closure for you?

    When Austin Butler finishes the “City of Ruins” movie, will you consider your journey complete?

    I think you still win best looking bald man of all time…

    The Wrap:

    He hates trivia, loves his coffee black and wants you to read his final novel “City of Ruins” our friend Don Winslow that you so much for taking the time to talk with us.

    You too, and that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    OP3 - https://op3.dev/privacy
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    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
  • "A podcast is truly the perfect medium to tell this story because... you can travel the world in your mind." – Lars Jacobson

    Welcome Lars Jacobson

    We’re joined on the Starline by a film and television writer, podcaster and executive producer of the feature film “Novocaine”. His latest project based on true events is “Fodor’s Guide to Espionage” centered on Eugene Fodor, travel writer who used his job to spy for the CIA. We welcome Lars Jacobson.

    Lars, let’s go Beyond the Mic. Why was making a podcast of Fodor important for you?

    What story about Eugene shocked you the most?

    Which episode is the one you can’t wait for people to hear and why?

    The Rockin' 8:

    It’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure.

    1. You have so many projects going, podcasts, major motion pictures, and a limited series on Peacock. What do you do to relax?

    2. Place you would have like to visit on the basis of Fodor’s travel guide?

    3. What scares you the most?

    4. When flying do you sit in the aisle, middle or window seat?

    5. What do you pamper yourself with?

    6. If you could write for any actor, who would you want reading your lines?

    7. 1st thing you bought after you got your 1st paycheck?

    8. Charity that holds a special place in your heart? 

    One Big Question:

    What’s the one thing you want people to get out of this story?

    The Wrap:

    He loves travelling, needs the window seat and wants you to hear “Fodor’s Guide to Espionage” Lars Jacobson thanks for taking the time to talk with us today.

    And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    OP3 - https://op3.dev/privacy
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  • "I ​just ​thought ​it ​was ​a ​really ​wonderful ​idea ​of ​the ​nature ​of ​forgiveness ​in ​our ​society.”  – Stephen Moyer

    Welcome Stephen Moyer:

    We’re joined on the Starline by an actor and film director. You’ve seen him in "True Blood", "After Ever Happy", "Prince Valiant" and many others. His latest project for the former head choir boy is directing his wife in “A Bit of Light”. We welcome Stephen Moyer.

    Stephen, let’s go Beyond the Mic. “A Bit of Light” has been a sensation on the festival circuit and is now heading to theatres. Why was this such a challenging project for you other than directing your wife?

    How does previously working with Rebecca Callard heighten your own expectations of this project?

    What did you learn from directing “The Parting Glass” that made “A Bit of Light” easier for you?

    The Rockin' 8:

    It’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure.

    1. Best thing about your wife Anna?

    2. Last West Ham match you watched live and did they win?

    3. Best thing from craft services?

    4. If you could ask the King of England, one question, what would you ask?  

    5. One thing that made your kids Lilac, Billy, Charlie, Poppy so much fun growing up?

    6. How did your romance with Anna change the way you see love?

    7. Most memorable class at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art? 

    8. Favorite movie you’ll watch no matter wherever it is when you turn it on?

    One Big Question:

    How does the theme of love and redemption not only fill “A Bit of Light” but your own life?

    The Wrap:

    He’s a cheese freak, would ask the King about his toilet and wants you to watch “A Bit of Light” Stephen Moyer thanks for taking the time to talk with us today.

    And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    OP3 - https://op3.dev/privacy
    Podtrac - https://analytics.podtrac.com/privacy-policy-gdrp
    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
  • "When you have a youngster standing next to you, especially when that youngster happens to be someone you care about more than anybody else in the world, you do start to see things through different eyes." – Elizabeth Hurley

    Welcome Elizabeth and Damien Hurley:

    We’re joined on the Starline by a family of models and actors. You’ve seen her in "Austin Powers", "The Royals" and "Gossip Girl". Her son has been directing short films since 8 and was in The Royals at 14. She promised him to be in his first feature film and she kept her word in the thriller “Strictly Confidential”. We welcome Elizabeth and Damien Hurley

    Friends, let’s go Beyond the Mic “Strictly Confidential” is a story of sex, betrayal and murder. Elizabeth, there are plenty of stories people will say about this movie, but boring isn’t one. Did working on this film change your perspective on moviemaking?

    Damien, what was the biggest challenge as a director especially directing you know who?

    Elizabeth, you’ve called working with Damien “liberating” why?

    The Rockin' 8:

    It’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure.

    1. Damien, one thing your mom nagged about growing up?

    2. Elizabeth, best gift your son ever gave you?

    3. Elizabeth, favorite color?

    4. Damien, best place to think?

    5. Elizabeth, how many different bikinis from your line did you sneak into the movie?

    6. Damien, which star would you like to direct next?

    7. Elizabeth, favorite breed of dog?

    8. Damien, your dream was to film your 1st feature film starring your mother. What’s your next dream?

    The Family Sized Two Big Questions:

    Did this 1st movie give you both comfort in working again on another project?

    Will the Monarchy survive in twenty years?

    The Wrap:

    Elizabeth has each one of Damien’s handmade cards, Damien couldn’t keep his room clean to save is life growing up. They want you to watch the thriller “Strictly Confidential”. Elizabeth &  Damien Hurley thanks for taking the time to talk with us today.

    And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    OP3 - https://op3.dev/privacy
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    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
  • "I said, at least this shit knows it's shit. In Hollywood, there's a lot of people that think that they're the shit, but they're actually the shit, if you know what I mean."

    Welcome Scott Valentine:

    We’re joined on the Starline by an actor, voice actor and producer. You’ve seen him in “Family Ties”, “Demon Lover” and ‘The Unborn II”. Once told he would never walk again after an accident, he’s thriving as the Head of Production at Red Coral Universe. We welcome Scott Valentine.

    Ayyy Scott, let’s go Beyond the Mic. Red Coral Universe is an artist first streaming platform. Who pitched who on this idea and why is it so groundbreaking?

    You have more than 15 years in the field of financial structuring and business consulting. How did managing and helping businesses help you today with Red Coral?

    The Rockin' 8:

    It’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure.

    1. When playing Nick in Family Ties, how much did you bench?

    2. You have faced adversity in your life, who’s the one person who has offered their hand to lift you up when you have fallen the most?

    3. Best place in Saratoga Springs?

    4. What’s the one thing you’ve done in your life, you treasure the most?

    5. Favorite thing you got from your kids growing up?

    6. Last show you binged watched?

    7. Did you ever think about launching an idea on Kickstarter?

    8. Which movie in your opinion has the best special effects?

    One Big Questions:

    What’s the best thing and worst thing about Hollywood?

    The Wrap:

    He loves going around Caroline Street, cannot get enough love from his kids and last binge watched Ozark.

    Scott where can people find Red Coral Universe?

    Scott, thanks for taking the time to talk with us today.

    And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    OP3 - https://op3.dev/privacy
    Podtrac - https://analytics.podtrac.com/privacy-policy-gdrp
    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
  • "It's a show that really pushes the limit as far as creativity, and I get inspired by that."

    Welcome Chef Eric Adjepong:

    We’re joined on the Starline by a chef, TV personality, author and Save the Children ambassador. You’ve seen him on Alex vs America, Chopped, Top Chef and more. If you got the hustle, he has the game.  We welcome host of “Wildcard Kitchen” on Food Network Chef Eric Adjepong.

    Eric, let’s go Beyond the Mic. Wildcard Kitchen is 3 chefs betting their own money with your twisted culinary deck of cards. Why does this show challenge others in a new and fun way?

    Even though it’s taped in the Food Network kitchens after hours so it has a fight club feel…

    Eric, which wild card was too easy in your mind so far and which was too hard?

    The ice cream machine is always a brutal test. How has this game helped elevate your own cooking and would you step in for an episode?

    The Rockin' 8:

    It’s time for the Rockin’ 8, it’s MY game, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure.

    1. What’s your daughter Lennox’s favorite type of pancake to make?

    2. Do you have a name for your 1st cookbook yet?

    3. One dish you haven’t mastered yet?

    4. Place you love to go to clear your mind?

    5. Person you haven’t cooked with but would love to?

    6. What’s the one (non-knife) item you have to have in the kitchen, no matter what?

    7. Favorite meal, breakfast, lunch or dinner?

    8. Best place on the Providence campus?

    One Big Question:

    You believe in giving back supporting children’s charities. If you could snap your fingers and solve one world issue for children, what is it?

    Why should people watch Wildcard Kitchen?

    The Wrap:

    Eric Adjepong loves a lumberjack breakfast, needs cardamom and nutmeg in pancakes and wants you to watch Wildcard Kitchen on the Food Network. Eric thanks for taking the time to talk with us today

    And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    OP3 - https://op3.dev/privacy
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    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
  • "We all come from different backgrounds and everyone has their own unique way that they began interacting with anime and manga." - Leah

    "Anime is penetrating the culture... Only about 25% of my generation in Gen Z is actually following the NFL, whereas 42% are watching anime weekly." - LeAlec

    Welcome Leah President & LeAlec Murray

    National Anime Day happens every April 15th and we’re joined on the Starline by co-hosts of “The Anime Effect” podcast. One is a brand manager living his life one pixel at a time, the other is a writer, editor and acolyte of all things geek. We welcome Leah President and LeAlec Murray.

    Friends, let’s go Beyond the Mic. The goal of “The Anime Effect” is to spotlight a niche entertainment form in the past and show its impact on current pop culture. Why was that important to do?

    How has anime changed your life?

    The Rockin' 8:

    It’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure. Since we have two guests, we’ll alternate questions.

    1. Leah, first manga you ever read?

    2. LeAlec, last manga you ever read?

    3. Leah, favorite memory as a James Scholar at the University of Illinois Urbana - Champaign

    4. LeAlec, since one of your 1st jobs was a Game Stop store manager, favorite video game of all time?

    5. Leah, what’s the one translation error that annoys you the most?

    6. LeAlec, favorite anime soundtrack?

    7. Leah, which is more likely: Dracula or a Werewolf?

    8. LeAlec, if you could teach a class, what would be the subject?

    Sneaking in A Few More:

    What’s the anime or manga you would recommend to a beginner?

    LeAlec, Can Anime be for everyone?

    One Big Question:

    Dubbing is one of the biggest hot button issues in your community. What’s your thoughts on it?

    Where can people find you and The Anime Effect online?

    The Wrap:

    Leah thinks Dracula is more likely and LeAlec the Afro Samauri soundtrack, and they want you to listen to “The Anime Effect” where can people find it?

    Leah President and LeAlec Murray thanks for taking the time to talk with us today and a special note, all of my questions today came from my daughter Shelby who is a Crunchyroll fan.

    And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    OP3 - https://op3.dev/privacy
    Podtrac - https://analytics.podtrac.com/privacy-policy-gdrp
    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
  • "I wanted to hear how, from them, what they were doing to help people in their other parts of America, not just inside the Beltway."

    Welcome Saleha Mohsin:

    We’re joined on the Starline by the Senior Washington Correspondent for Bloomberg News. She’s interview treasury secretaries in planes, trains and automobiles. Her latest project examines one big story each week. The author of “Paper Soldiers” and host of “Big Take: DC,” we welcome Saleha Mohsin.

    Saleah, let’s go Beyond the Mic. Every Thursday you release a story that shaped Washington and has potential consequences for around the world. Why was created this project important to you?

    You’ve worked for The Daily Mirror, Businessweek, and blogged for the Christian Science Monitor. How has the last 10 years with Bloomberg changed the way you see news and how it is covered?

    What’s the one story you are working on for a future Big Take: DC podcast that you consider interesting?

    The Rockin' 8:

    It’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure.

    1. Which happens next, debt limit raised or government shutdown?

    2. Favorite memory of North Cape?

    3. Last non-financial based book you’ve read?

    4. Yes, No or Kinda: Does economic sanctions actually stop bad actors from achieving their goals?

    5. Do you go to Ikea for the meatballs or to shop?

    6. Favorite type of yogurt?

    7. Person you are the closest with at Bloomberg News that you don’t work directly with?

    8. Favorite Halloween costume that wasn’t a Pakistani princess?

    Sneaking In Two More:

    Looking back at your time at University of Cincinnati, how did writing at the school newspaper prepare you for today?

    How does the podcast help others?

    One Big Question:

    What’s the biggest upcoming potential financial nightmare that people aren’t talking about but they should?

    The Wrap:

    Saleha Mohsin wants you to read her book “Paper Soldiers” listen to her podcast “Big Take: DC” and don’t touch the Milano cookies at her local grocery store, cause they are meant for her.

    Saleha, thanks for taking the time to talk with us today.

    And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    OP3 - https://op3.dev/privacy
    Podtrac - https://analytics.podtrac.com/privacy-policy-gdrp
    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
  • "Music brings us together like no other medium can."

    Welcome John Ondrasik

    We’re joined on the Starline by a hockey fan that loves to sing. He’s working with the Tullman family foundation for the “Music Matters Challenge” which offers a winner $10,000 and the opportunity to pick a music teacher to win three years of salary. We welcome the Grammy nominated John Ondrasik of Five for Fighting.

    John, let’s go Beyond the Mic. You don’t have to sell me on the importance of a music teacher as my son is about to graduate and become one. How has music changed your life and how do you want it to change others?

    Why is music education in danger now and one of the 1st things administrators want to cut?

    The Rockin' 8:

    It’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure.

    1. Last L.A. Kings game you went to live?

    2. You know piano, guitar, and harmonica. What instrument have you thought of learning next?

    3. Best place on the UCLA campus?

    4. Which song you’ve written didn’t get the love you thought it should?

    5. You’ve given Ted talks and helped others, but what’s the one thing you just can’t do?

    6. Favorite place you’ve done a show at?

    7. One person you would like to work with you haven’t done so yet?

    8. Will there peace in your time?

    Sneaking in a couple more:

    John, tell me about the teacher, other than your mother, that changed your life?

    Why does music touch your soul?

    One Big Question:

    The music industry has changed since you began and you’ve changed the way you approach it. How has music changed for the better and the worse since you’ve started?

    How can people get information about the Music Matters Challenge?

    The Wrap:

    His mom made him play Tony in West Side Story, wanted to play sax and wants you to take part of the Music Matters Challenge. John Ondrasik thanks for taking the time to talk with us today.

    And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.

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  • "Every moment of every day is precious. And every moment you don't spend living, really living, is a moment you spend dying. Life is action. We are what we do."

    Welcome Brent Underwood

    We’re joined on the Starline by an author, entrepreneur and owner of Cerro Gordo Mines. His book “Ghost Town Living” discusses living on a mountain above Death Valley with no running water, seven cats, six goats, maybe a ghost or two and a whole bunch of adventures. We welcome Brent Underwood.

    Brent, let’s go Beyond the Mic. Before you moved to Death Valley, you dug through loans to see what underlying assets was worth and could some New York hedge fund would buy it, foreclose and turn it into a Chili’s. How did that job take your heart and soul?

    1.4 million dollars, you bet your life savings on fires, floods, earthquakes and a ghost town. Why Brent?

    “I was overcome by a profound sense of camaraderie. Belonging. True community. It was something I had never experienced.” How did the one moment of finding water in the mine change you forever?

    The Rockin' 8:

    It’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure.

    1. Do you like to ski or snowboard?

    2. Building a Ghost Down in California, a hostel in Austin, what draws you to a place?

    3. Favorite song from “Pretty Lights”?

    4. Last baseball game you attended was where?

    5. Favorite place to relax at Florida State?

    6. How long did it take to record your audiobook 900 feet underground?

    7. How long did it take you to run the Cerro Gordo Silver 8 Mile Run?

    8. Before you published your ground breaking masterpiece “Putting My Foot Down”, did you get a pedicure?

    The Back Half:

    You once said “People that can’t enjoy life can’t create places for people to enjoy life.” What bring you joy right now other than further progress on rebuilding Cerro Gordo?

    How has people finding you online in social media / and the passion you transfer you have shared them to make you feel?

    What’s the one thing you have to drive miles to get that you need?

    One Big Question:

    Every week you poured your deepest fears, hopes, dreams and nightmares online. And people responded. “Every moment of every day is precious, and every moment you don’t spend living, really living, is a moment you spend dying. Life is action. We are what we do.” What’s

    your next dream?

    Where can people find out more about Cerro Gordo?

    The Wrap:

    It took Brent Underwood three days to record his book 900 feet underground, loves to snowboard and wants you to read “Ghost Town Living”. Brent Underwood, thanks for taking the time to talk with us today.

    And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.

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  • "There's never been a single foot of film that I have shot with Denzel Washington that couldn't be right in the movie."

    Welcome Ed Zwick

    We’re joined on the Starline by film director, Oscar winner, producer and screenwriter. He has directed "Glory", "Legends of the Fall"among many films. His NYT Bestselling memoir written during COVID is “Hits, Flops and Other Illusions: My Fourtysomething Years in Hollywood.” We welcome author Ed Zwick.

    Ed, let’s go Beyond the Mic. Your life is always going, full of activity, but during the pandemic, everything shut down. You couldn’t do anything and you, like myself, do not handle calm or breaks. How did writing this book help your mental state?

    In this book you “ended up highlighting what moviemaking has taught me about life”. What lesson did you leave out?

    How has this book freed you from the question directors ask themselves throughout their career of “Who am I”?

    The Rockin' 8:

    It’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure.

    1. Does it scare you that your first film “Special Bulletin” from 1983 on a terrorist nightmare in Charleston seems almost potential today?

    2. You’ve been moved by such skilled actors / actresses in your career. Which one of them shocked you the most?

    3. Who taught you to be free in your creativity?

    4. You started directing theater when you were 15. What’s your favorite Broadway musical of all time?

    5. Which is your favorite black and white movie of all time?

    6. You told people you were going to name drop in your book, but how many others could you have dropped?

    7. Favorite topping on nachos?

    8. How many notebooks do you have and do you want the world to see them when you are gone?

    Sneaking in One More:

    How has Hollywood changed you and how have you changed Hollywood?

    What one tip would you tell yourself if you could go back in time when your career first began?

    One Big Question:

    If a young filmmaker takes your book as more than a guide but as a compelling manual, what one key thing do you want them to remember?

    The Wrap:

    Sidney Pollack taught him to be creative, loves A Chorus Line and wants you to read “Hits, Flops and Other Illusions: My Fourtysomething Years in Hollywood.” Ed Zwick thanks for taking the time to talk with us today.

    And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut

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  • Step into the world of crime fiction with E.A. Aymar on Beyond the Mic. Unravel the secrets of 'When She Left' and delve deep into the mind of the author in this Beyond the Mic Short Cut.

    Welcome E.A. Aymar

    We’re joined on the Starline by a man who despises unpredictability but loves March Madness. The owner of the “Crime Fiction Works” newsletter. His latest thriller “When She Left” has been called “crime fiction at its finest.” We welcome E.A. Aymar.

    E. A. , let’s go Beyond the Mic. From your book “If you kept a low profile and hid your crimes with even a slight degree of competence, no one would catch you.” You’ve written multiple dark thrillers. How easy and hard is it writing about crimes you’ve never committed, right?

    You talk about imagination, why is writing both female and male perspectives challenging?

    Lucky suffers from crying fits and panic attacks, how has his fight to rebuild a family life a theme you relate to?

    The Rockin' 8:

    He despises unpredictability, but alas it’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure.

    1. Best thing about a dog?

    2. When reading a book for Crime Fiction Works, what overarching theme touches you and makes you love a book?

    3. Is there a character of yours you had to rewrite several times because they didn’t feel right? 

    4. Favorite place to take your son to relax?

    5. How many times did you have to promise your editor not to tinker with your book?

    6. Which young writer inspires you today?

    7. Favorite comic book of all time?

    8. Place you want to go on a vacation?

    Sneaking in one more:

    When you got the first copy of your finished book in hand, what were your emotions?

    One Big Question:

    “Love is worth killing for” but what is writing worth to you?

    The Wrap:

    He loves playing video games with his son, vacationing Arizona and wants you to read “When She Left.” The talented E. A. Aymar thanks for taking the time to talk with us today,

    And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.

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  • We sat down with Steven McBee Jr., star of 'The McBee Dynasty: Real Life Cowboys' in this Beyond the Mic Short Cut. Hear how he navigates drama on and off the ranch. Find out why this show is more than just entertainment to him. Get an insider's look at life behind the camera Beyond the Mic.

    Welcome Steven McBee Jr

    We’re joined on the Starline by a cowboy you might have seen on “Joe Millionaire: For Richer or Poorer”. His latest adventure is “The McBee Dynasty: Real Life Cowboys” on Monday nights on USA and catch up on Peacock. We welcome Steven McBee Jr.

    Steven, let’s go Beyond the Mic. There’s plenty of drama being a cowboy. How much harder is it when you have a camera in your face?

    As the story unfolds, like many family farms, your family is teetering between survival and disaster. How do you take this platform,  of the show, and help others who may be struggling to survive and save farm and ranches?

    What gives you passion on a daily basis on the ranch?

    Steven, how vulnerable is it for you having people see your best and perhaps worst days?

    The Rockin' 8:

    It’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure.

    1. Which one of your brothers are you the closest with?

    2. Favorite cut of steak?

    3. At what age did you learn to fly a helicopter?

    4. Last Kansas City Chiefs game you saw in person and did they win?

    5. You hate the word potential, what word do you love?

    6. What was your 1st guitar and do you still have it?

    7. Biggest fish you’ve ever caught?

    8. Do you like to ski or snowboard?

    The Back Half:

    One thing he loves doing on the ranch that people might not know?

    How has the show help your family become stronger?

    “Everybody has 24 hours in a day. The difference between those that are successful and those that aren’t is how they are utilized.” So how many hours do you sleep on a daily basis?

    Why was doing this project so important to you

    Sneaking in a couple more:

    One thing you love to do to taunt your brothers?

    Why should people watch “The McBee Dynasty”?

    One Big Question:

    What’s the biggest problem people don’t understand about farm and ranching?

    The Wrap:

    He loves snowboarding, still has 1st guitar and wants you to watch “The McBee Dynasty: Real Life Cowboys” on Monday nights on USA and catch up on Peacock. Steven McBee Jr. Thanks for taking the time to talk with us today.

    And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.

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    OP3 - https://op3.dev/privacy
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  • "It helped me really kind of release what I, And I don't say this lightly, this kind of PTSD, after 30 years of walking in and seeing people feel a heartbreak that no one should after a violent crime."

    Welcome Tamron Hall

    We’re joined on the Starline by an Emmy Award-winning journalist and author. You’ve seen her on Tamron Hall, Deadline: Crime with Tamron Hall on Investigation Discovery, TODAY and MSNBC Live with Tamron Hall. We welcome the Edward R Murrow award winner and author of “Watch Where They Hide,” Tamron Hall.

    Tamron, let’s go Beyond the Mic. “Is this what she thinks I do for a living? Lurking around, hiding in bushes, investigating leads?” Your character Jordan Manning says that in your latest book “Watch Where They Hide”. What can you do and say with Jordan that is harder in reality?

    How did writing this help sooth some pains from your own life?

    The Rockin' 8:

    It’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure.

    1. Best thing about your son Moses?

    2. Favorite ride at either Six Flags or Schlitterbahn?

    3. Best Halloween costume you wore growing up?

    4. Favorite place on the Temple University campus?

    5. The best Mary J Blige album is…

    6. Who was the last person you bought jewelry for?

    7. Have you ever licked a battery?

    8. Favorite movie you will always watch no matter where it is?

    Sneaking in Two More:

    You are trying to get Jordan Manning as a 10 part series on a streaming channel. Who do you see playing Jordan if you could pick an actress to do so?

    Tamron, as host of your own show it’s easy to ask questions of others, why was writing “As the Wicked Witch” and your latest book easier than facing your fans as they ask you questions?

    One Big Question:

    Where can the “Tam Fam” find you online and more about “Watch Where They Hide”?

    The Wrap:

    She likes the Shock Wave at Six Flags, her son’s sense of humor and wants you to read her book “Watch Where They Hide”. Tamron Hall thanks for taking the time to talk with us today.

    And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    OP3 - https://op3.dev/privacy
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  • "The luckiest break I ever had was when Allan Blye tapped me on the shoulder when I was sitting in the associate director's seat."

    Welcome Jeff Margolis:

    We’re joined on the Starline by one of the best directors & producers of event television. He shaped Hollywood’s biggest events and almost always had a cork in his pocket. His book is “We’re Live in Five” “There is never enough time. But here we go in 5…4…3…2…1.” We welcome Emmy & Directors Guild of America award winner Jeff Margolis.

    Jeff, let’s go Beyond the Mic. “When luck comes your way, you better have the talent.” What is the luckiest break you ever had?

    How has entertainment changed for the better and worse since technology has improved?

    Jeff, why was writing this book important for you?

    The Rockin' 8:

    It’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure.

    1. Which non awards show did you have the most fun directing?  

    2. Which non awards show did you have the least fun directing?

    3. Yes or No, can you watch a television show or event without directing it in your head?

    4. Favorite place on the UCLA campus?

    5. Best musical in your opinion?

    6. Favorite David Letterman bit?

    7. Last rock concert you ever went to?

    8. Last show you binge watched?

    One Big Question:

    At the end of your book, 3 of the 11 rules you share with your reader is “Be Kind”. Who was the kindest person you’ve ever worked with that helped shape you?

    The Wrap:

    He can’t watch a TV show without directing it in his head and wants you to read his book “We’re Live in Five” Jeff Margolis thanks for taking the time to talk with us today.

    And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    OP3 - https://op3.dev/privacy
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  • "Believe in yourself and to embrace who you are and not try to be someone else."

    Welcome Bonnie-Jill Laflin

    We’re joined on the Starline by a powerhouse woman of many talents. She’s an actress, model, sportscaster, radio & TV personality, philanthropist, the only female NBA scout and now adds author to her talents. Her book “In a League of Her Own- Celebrating Female Firsts in Sports” is now out. We welcome Bonnie-Jill Laflin.

    Bonnie-Jill, let’s go Beyond the Mic. You spent your youth sitting with your San Francisco Police Department dad having him explain the Giants & 49ers. Even though you didn’t get to enjoy the traditional memories of childhood what did those moments mean to you today?

    You bring up greatness in your book “In a League of Her Own- Celebrating Female Firsts in Sports”. You showcase nineteen incredible women in your book, but which women helped propel you to where you are today?

    As NIL tightens it grip on college sports and the NCAA is unable to control it like it wants to. What’s the negative impact of NIL on women’s sports?

    The Rockin' 8:

    It’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure.

    1. First thoughts when you opened the first box of your books sent to you?

    2. Which of NFL players should be in the NFL Hall of Fame next?

    3. You truly believe in helping rescue animals through your hounds and heroes charity. So what’s your favorite breed of dog?

    4. Favorite pair of Corral boots?

    5. Yes or No, should John Fisher sell the Oakland A’s?

    6. Best boxing match you’ve ever seen live?

    7. Fastest time as a barrel racer?

    8. Were you a power or slap hitter when you played softball?

    Nearly Impossible Question:

    If you could tell a young girl right now who is struggling one thing, what would it be?

    The Wrap:

    She love her Bonnie Jill boots, wants John Fisher to sell the A’s and want you to read her book “In a League of Her Own- Celebrating Female Firsts in Sports.” Bonnie Jill Laflin, thanks for taking the time to talk with us today.

    And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    OP3 - https://op3.dev/privacy
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    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
  • "When I came to the US, I feel it's an opportunity to embrace a new country. A new country that gave me the opportunity to dream."

    Welcome Adam Gamal

    We’re joined on the Starline by a ghost. He has been part of a military group preventing dozens against terrorist attacks against the US and Western World, Veterans Affairs doesn’t have a listing for him. He has teamed up with Kelly Kennedy to tell his story in “The Unit”. Because of risk to him and his family his voice will be disguised. We welcome Adam Gamal.

    Adam, let’s go Beyond the Mic. You served with honor to our country for more than twenty years with the Bronze Star, Purple Heart and Legion of Merit to your name. From Bosnia, to Iraq, Yemen to Africa you fought with honor. But you were born in Egypt, you were an immigrant to the USA, why did you have to fight?

    The Unit’s motto came from Isaiah 6:8 “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then said I, “Here I am; send me.” Why was it important for you to be a part of this team?

    Everyone in the Unit had a story of pain or trauma or challenge. How did facing adversity help The Unit become stronger together?

    The Rockin' 8:

    It’s time for the Rockin’ 8, 8 random questions, answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. There is no Pressure.

    1. What’s your favorite chess opening?

    2. First thing you bought after basic was a bottle of cologne, what brand was it?

    3. Favorite type of MRE had what in it?

    4. Best thing about being a girl dad?

    5. How much can you bench now?

    6. What’s the first name or alias of the person who means the most to you from The Unit?

    7. Least favorite place you visited as member of The Unit?

    8. Favorite book to read?

    The Back Half:

    How long did it take from writing to getting clearance to publish?

    Since The Unit is so secretive, is it impossible to know a former member by a current member and vice versa?

    Why is diversity important for the military?

    How did serving your new country change the way you feel about Egypt?

    Your parents didn’t know about the incredible things you did as part of The Unit. How did not they telling them helped them keep them safe?

    What part of the world scares you now?

    One Big Question:

    “Seeds are education. Weeds are extremists.” What’s the most important thing this country needs in your opinion?

    The Wrap:

    He loves the veggie MRE’s, daughters keep him grounded and he wants you to read his book “The Unit: My Life Fighting Terrorists as one of America’s Most Secret Military Operatives.” Adam Gamal, thank you for your service and the time you took to talk with us today.

    And that my friends is a Beyond the Mic Short Cut.

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    OP3 - https://op3.dev/privacy
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