White Nationalism has become the embodiment of what white republicans have come to stand for under this administration. However, Wakanda is what most Americans see as the encouragement of what America should be. Some $700M+ in two weeks, says America believes in the Black Panther more than they do the Trump Panther; and its racist nationalistic views. The future of our country must not be dependent upon the White Panthers of this administration, but it should be upon all of the Panthers of our nation. My guest Rebekah Caruthers and Greg Stewart discuss the shifting landscape of the GOP and the Black Panther.
Guns Kill People! Yes, people kill people too. However, people would not be able to kill anyone without the absolute access that is given to guns in this country. The truth is, a gun needs a person to pull the trigger, and people who want to kill need a gun to do it. Assault weapons like AR-15 and M-16 are military style weapons designed for war, not hunting, unless you’re hunting humans. The question we need to ask ourselves: is access to deadly weapons more important than the safety of our children? My guest Dr. Johnny B. Hill and Det. Marq Claxton join me to answer that question.
Eksik bölüm mü var?
When you think about the past week and the previous fifty-seven weeks since this Test Tube Baby took office, do you want to rip your robe like David? Are you so fed up, that you can’t stand to hear another thing that’s going on inside this administration? Do you want to throw every American who voted for and those who didn’t vote at all, into a huge room and pimp slap them all? Or maybe you’re like me, and you want to, ala Chris Rock, Shake the Sh__ out of every African American who sat on their asses and didn’t vote? Are you just as pissed, that over 40 staff members in the White House don’t have the proper security clearance to even work in the damn house, let alone see top secret documents? Does it bother you that every staff member in the White House, is white? How about, that they are all in the highest tax bracket and get the most from the tax bill? Every one of these facts should bother you to your core, if indeed you care about America and our political and economic future. Black America, this is our bus boycott. This is our Bloody Sunday! This is where we decide, to stand and fight, or do we sit and watch? My guest, Dr. Omekongo Dibinga and Rebekah Caruthers, break it all down for us.
The Republican lead congress has dramatically embraced the entire Trump mantra and it’s continued displays to disrupt and distract the American people from the truth about legal surveillance of our nations judicial systems. Is this the democracy we want to live in? My guests Rebekah Caruthers and Greg Stewart discuss the impact of GOP rhetoric upon the American Society.
A racist, bigoted, narcissistic buffoon sits in 1600 without a clue of what to do, or how to do it. And yet, there are people who still think that having a racist for president is okay. Voters, made a deal and put the security and welfare of America in a BLIND TRUST and left Donald Trump as the fiduciary in charge and themselves hostage to 4yrs of chaos, threats of nuclear war, and a return to white supremacist way of thinking. America buried its head in the sand and as a result, their own bias’ against a woman are coming home to roost. Damien Thaddeus, Kellie Green, Dr. Omekongo Dibinga, and Ron Busby join the round table and discuss the GOP Tax Plan, and the concern for black businesses.
On November 7th, after winning the Primary by 11points, history will be made in the Queen City of Cincinnati Ohio, where Councilmember Yvette Simpson can become the first African American woman to serve as Mayor in the cities 229yr history. A progressive new vision will move into the Midwest's crown of glory. While in the nations capital, collusion looms large at 1600 with more crimes leading pass Russia’s doorstep, where not even the blood on the doorpost can stop the angel of death from stopping at the feet of Trump and his crooked cronies. Joining me tonight is Cincinnati City Councilwoman Yvette Simpson, Political Consultant, Rebekah Caruthers, along with Professor Omekongo Dibinga, and ANC Commissioner Greg Stewart, as they quibble over the Fake News.
When a Commander in Chief lies about his conduct, everyone should hold that individual accountable. From Congress to the American people, they should hold that leader responsible for anything that happens on his watch. Unfortunately, Congress and that 27 percent don’t think so. As a result, hundreds of Americans have died because of his lack of leadership. The GOP has neglected to care for their constituents and other Americans across this country and it shows as the death toll increases with every tweet. Prof. Kelly Green and Political Consultant Rebekah Caruthers breaks it all down.
A .45 Caliber weapon is known for its destruction to human life. It’s powerful bullet can rip through the bones of a man’s kneecap, or put a cantaloupe size hole in the back of a man’s head. That is the same destruction that many Americans have been feeling over the past 8months since there has been a 45 in the White House. Any .45 is deadly and destructive, and both have the potential of killing a number of innocent by-standers, whether it be through the power of 45s pen or, if its through the slight hand movement of pulling the trigger. The results are nearly the same, death at the hands of a .45! My guests Craig Kirby and Gregory Stewart join me and share their thoughts and insights.
The Constitution grants American’s rights of expression and protection. However, it seems that those rights and protections only exist or are accepted when they are expressed by hypocritical white folks. When Black American’s exercise those same rights, they are labeled or demonized for it. Colin Kaepernick quietly expressed his disdain for police brutality, and his efforts have cost him his career. But, Donald Trump’s family can have private emails, communication with Russia, and make money off the government while being employed by the government a direct violation of an emoluments clause of the Constitution. However, it doesn’t seem to apply to Donald Trump. White privilege holds a revolving door of hypocrisy and my guest Dr. Omekongo Dibinga, Rebekah Caruthers and Jason Crosby discuss how White Privilege hurts America.
It was June 16, 2015, when a 68yr old smug, arrogant, insecure, narcissistic, Test Tube baby declared his candidacy for the presidency of these United States of America. The announcement was filled with vile animus and hatred towards Latino’s, immigrants, and other foreign and domestic ethnic groups of color. His language was filled with race baiting rhetoric that stoked the fears of many American’s now willing to embrace that fear tactic and support the dangerous path of this man. American’s must ask themselves, which America do they want to live in, a Post-Civil Rights Movement or a Post-Donald Trump. My guest is Trump supporter and District of Columbia Ward 7 ANC Commissioner, Greg Stewart.
Thomas Jefferson once said “(white folks)… what we need is six years of compulsory education, and what he meant was education for white folks. Why, did he say this, "that white folks needed six years of school? Because he said, “So that they could rack a few geniuses from the rubbish, the rubbish being a dirt pile, or white trash. And remember these are white folks Jefferson was speaking of.” America we have to consider our future. Black America, we can no longer sit around and wait; We have to Reclaim Our Legacy! With so many of our Civil Rights reverting back to pre Civil Rights Movement, and some going back before Reconstruction, we don’t have time to bitch, gripe or complain. It’s time for action!!! We need to set our agenda, draft our legislation, and move forward with solid benchmarks of accomplishments. Our Historically Black Colleges and Universities need support from everyone from alumni, corporations, donors, students, faculty and staff to ensure that Our Legacy is still in tacked
Criminal elements routinely are left to the seedy and derelict of society; the thugs and hoodlums. And yet, those same characteristics apply to the racist, bigoted thug who wore the uniform of law enforcement and held the position of Sheriff. Joe Arpaio, a vicious thug in uniform terrorize thousands of African American’s and Latino’s during his tenure as sheriff. Then karma hit, and Joe Arpaio was criminally convicted by a federal judge. That conviction was for thousands of people of color that were tortured by Joe Arpaio and his deputies. An even greater crime is that Crooked Trump pardon Criminal Arpaio subjugating the criminal process and advocating for a known criminal thug! Donald Trump has continued to disrespect the office of the presidency and believe that he is almighty God and can do no wrong. Well, Lucifer, let me remind you, there is only one God and He is the ultimate judge and jury. My guest tonight to help in the rule of law is BPT Contributor Rebekah Caruthers.
White Supremacy has existed for centuries in America. And so has racism. Charlottesville, Durham, Seattle, and other cities across the country became the racial fields for the Neo Nazi, White Nationalist and the Alt-Right movement for white hatred. These groups and their insecure leadership have found the acceptance by their de facto leader to be a bugle, to assemble and fight for white supremacy. That fight, the same fight waged in the 1800s, 1900s and now in 2017, will have a far different result than before. Today that fight comes with resistance and power to fight against the white controlled establishment. Today, that fight comes with more white American’s fighting along side Black America to ensure that the Constitution that white supremacist use to validate their racist existence will be the same weapon Black America uses to stop their progress. The Confederacy and it’s monuments is no longer hold it’s intimidating nature, because today, they are coming down. My guests, Dr. Karen Cox and Dr. Martha Bireda, join me to say…Welcome to America, white supremacist!
In 1967 the arrest of black men and women that were peacefully enjoying themselves at an after hours nightclub in a black neighborhood by white police officers sparked the fuse for the start of the Detroit Riots. Ultimately the shooting death of three more unarmed black men after three white officers terrorized a group of black hotel patrons fueled even more anger. As the cops covered up their murder and blamed the victims for their deaths, tensions flared. Police violence against black me isn't new, but having someone in the White House forced to denounce white neo nazi racists and white supremacist in the 21st Century is! Donald Trump refused to call out radicle white racism and rhetoric by neo nazi's, white nationalists, and white supremacists, that rallied in support of him and his policies in Charlottesville. VA. Heather Heyer, who was killed by one of these white nationalist supporters, was the embodiment of the fight and struggle for equality for all, especially the underserved and marginalized. She was an activist for equality. But, White America led by David Duke, say that they're going to take America back, they mean from you and me, Men of color. Racist cops and racist groups are eager to white wash America with murder, hate, and violence, to Make America White Again!
The Trump Administration under Attorney General Jeff Sessions has embarked upon a witch hunt for white students in America that have been discriminated against by colleges and universities in admissions because they have accepted African Americans as students. A Task Force has been organized to research whether or not these cases exist, with the result that the college or university will be prosecuted by the Justice Department. Rather then investigate the already known cases of racial discrimination against black people where evidence already exists, this Justice Department would rather seek to create a case, then follow the case. Similarly, the Task Force on Voting, searching for something that doesn't exist, to rally their white racially conscious base, to galvanize a racist segment in our country. The fear mongering that Trump engages in to fuel and stir already frayed relationships among the races is the exact demagoguery we cannot accept from someone who is supposed to be the leader for the entire nation, not just its white citizens. Today, Black America must stand and declare, we "RECLAIM OUR TIME!" We Reclaim Our Legacy, Our History, and Our Future in this country and we are no longer going to allow a race baiting, narcissistic, test tube baby, to dictate to us, who, what when, where, why, or how we do it. We must re-establish the power of the Black Vote, Black Economy, Black History and burn the path for our Black Future! We, the people, Black America, "Reclaim Our Time!"
The Trump White House for 190 days has shown a complete disregard for the dignity of the Presidency. This quartet of imbeciles, fools, neophytes, and plain ole jackass (Trump) have demonstrated why this man has been sued numerous times and has filed bankruptcy more than four times. It's because, Donald Trump after learning how to tie his shoes and cheat on his wives, has mastered nothing of any substantive relevancy. His attempts at history and stating that Andrew Jackson was upset at the Civil War, when Jackson was dead before it started, reinforces his ignorance and inability to actual learn anything outside of a beauty pageant and how to cheat students out of their money. The billions he claims he's worth is all on paper that isn't worth the ink it's written on. His six months in office have decimated any respect the United States held in the World; and he was able to destroy that literally on day one. So, guess what America, we've got three & half more years of this critical chaos to deal with and we don't know what's next. America, it's time to Wake Up! Wake Up Everybody....!!!!
Thirteen! That's the number of white men that crafted the healthcare plan for over 350M Americans, and they did so, in 13 days. Theirs always been that superstition about the number 13 being unlucky. Hotels, don't have a 13th floor. You rarely find it as a persons favorite number. And yet, that's the number of bonehead senators it took to totally destroy one sixth of our nations economy and steal $800 Billion out of Medicaid/Medicare and give $600 Billion in tax cuts to the wealthiest people in America. And you wonder why we have a healthcare crisis. Stupidity That's why! The GOP healthcare plan will kill nearly 270k Americans simply because they don't have healthcare. My guest Dr. Martha Bireda and Alisa Hughley explain why.
The GOP Senate Bill will ultimately cause 23Million American's, many of which are African American, to lose their healthcare insurance, not in the name of better insurance, but in the name of $600 Billion in tax cuts for the wealthiest people in America. More than 400 of the riches families in America will get $7Million per year in an epic illustration of a transfer of wealth; while the most vulnerable and the sickest of Americans, the elderly, disabled, poor, and black, will lost the only healthcare coverage that they had ever had, the Affordable Care Act. Thirteen rich white men, have decided what our nations healthcare will be for 350 Million Americans; one-sixth of our nations economy. And they did it without any input from women, disabled, or any one of color. Thirteen, decided for America, and Black America was never represented. My guests, Rebekah Caruthers, Alisa Hughley, and Marlon Jackson discuss the impact of healthcare on the Black community.
The acquittals of Deputy Sheriff Betty Jo Shelby and Police Officer Jeronimo Yanez in the killing of two unarmed African American men who in both cases were detained as a result of traffic stops by these officers, in separate and independent incidents, highlights the renewed belief that continues to haunt African American's and this nation at its core...RACISM! White America continues to want to sweep the injustices experienced by Black America under the rug and say that the victims are somehow to blame for their own deaths, when in both cases, the victims were complying with the officers. In neither case was there any reason to use deadly force, especially when neither victim was exhibiting any aggression or violence towards the officer or any other person at the time of their deaths. Joining me tonight is Retired New York City Police Detective, and current Director of Public Information and Political Affairs, for the Black Law Enforcement Alliance, and frequent contributor to MSNBC is Detective Marq Claxton,
With just a 143 days in office and with more than a dozen investigations circling the White House, First Family members, staff, and Russia, it's no wonder so many American's have become more and more desensitized to the continuous volume of conflicts of interest surrounding this White House and staff. With each passing day, another news report reveals another questionable act by either Donald Trump or someone closely tied to him. When will it stop? Only when we can get him and his GOP cronies out of office. So, don't stop making each day a day of reflection. And don't stop reflecting until you see what matters the most to you in your reflection. America, you have to make a difference for you and your family, #WhatsAtStake for you?
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