
  • Our guest for this episode is Lars Tvede, entrepreneur, investor, and author. His book Supertrends is available in Chinese: 《逃不开的大势》. We met in Shanghai, to discuss his book and technology trends. 

    本期嘉宾:拉斯·特维德(Lars Tvede),知名投资人、企业家。著有畅销书《逃不开的经济周期》、《金融心理学》、《逃不开的大势》等作品,中信出版社出版。


    00:49 - motivation for the book Supertrends. Innovation and technology progress leading to a future of hyper-abundance.

    14:25 - AI and fusion technology have always been "20 years away". What's different this time. 

    21:12 - Ted Chiang's argument that AI cannot create art. The concept of "self-play".

    31:03 - importance of meaning and intention in artistic expression. Can AI possess feelings and consciousness? Embodied experiences.

    37:39 - recent impact of AI on competitive board game playing. The potential of personal AI to enhance human experiences, helping individuals discover their talents and passions.

    45:51 - impact of AI on human agency and decision-making. The joy of learning and the importance of making mistakes in personal growth. The dual nature of technology, which can both empower and lead to complacency.

    51:18 - the evolving startup scene in Europe. Contrasting the European startup landscape with Silicon Valley. Challenges in securing large investments for growth stage European startups.

    53:56 - the emerging field of anti-aging research. Humans may soon have access to treatments that can slow or even reverse aging. Potential societal implications and safety concerns associated with these advancements.

    00:49 - 《逃不开的大势》创作动机。创新和技术进步将带来物质极大丰富的未来。

    14:25 - 人工智能和核聚变在过去一直是遥不可及的技术。这次有什么不同。

    21:12 - Ted Chiang 观点:人工智能无法创造艺术。“自我对弈”概念。

    31:03 - 艺术创作中,意义和意图 (meaning and intention) 的重要性。人工智能能否拥有情感和意识?拥有物理身体的体验。

    37:39 - 近期人工智能对竞技棋类游戏的影响。个人人工智能 (personal AI) 增强人类体验的潜力,帮助个人发现自己的才能和激情。

    45:51 - 人工智能对人类自主性和决策的影响。学习的乐趣和犯错在个人成长中的重要性。技术既能赋予能力也可能导致失去努力动力。

    51:18 - 欧洲初创企业生态。欧洲创业与硅谷的不同。欧洲成长型初创企业融资的挑战。

    53:56 - 新兴的抗衰老研究领域。人类可能很快能够使用延缓甚至逆转衰老的方法。这些进步可能带来的社会影响和安全问题。


    Lars Tvede, Supertrends《逃不开的大势》

    Ted Chiang, "Why AI isn't going to make art" 

  • 这一期是枕边风Miya约我录的,几周前发布在「枕边风」上,我很喜欢这一期,所以要了过来在BYM上再发一次。




    开头到 00:50:00 左右都是我个人的经历:

    00:50:00 之后聊的是关于心理咨询这个行业的。我讲了一些真实发生的故事:


  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • bymmers, 我们回来啦!并且回归最早 “公路播客” 的风格。本期内容:

    - 小说《五号屠宰场》

    - 新加坡总理李光耀 1994 年给新加坡国立大学同学的建议

    - 纪录片《他乡的童年》

    So good to be back! We miss you!

  • 本期内容主要来自 bro 小本本

    00:42 - Michael Lewis 旧作 The New New Thing 《将世界甩在身后》本书讲述硅谷创业者Jim Clark的故事,他是Silicon Graphics的创始人,也是GPU的发明者,作者通过讲述他的故事来探索硅谷的创新精神和创业文化。

    10:43 - 李飞飞的自传《我看见的世界》讲述了在成都读书的经历以及她在人工智能领域的科研生涯。

    20:42 - bro 津津乐道的 1980年版时代剧《幕府将军》被翻拍。讲述了一个英国水手在日本落难后逐渐适应当地文化的故事,对当地政治格局产生了影响。

    28:55 - 简单心理为期两年的心理咨询师培训课程,旨在培养真正有职业能力的心理咨询师(链接有4000元的福利优惠券 https://www.jiandanxinli.com/daily/pyjh-bym/index.htm  也可到 “简单心理” 微信公号,发送 “培养计划” 到后台)。

    31:58 - NVIDIA创始人兼CEO Jensen Huang在Stanford商学院的演讲中分享了创业经历,强调过去的经历和个人能力对于融资和成功的重要性。

    45:55 - 孩子不需要听话!JLL 小时候参加越野跑比赛的经历;自信心源于被爱。

  • 在本期节目中,我们邀请到了获奖作家和传记作者 Jimmy Soni。他撰写了多本书籍,包括A Mind at Play: how Claude Shannon invented the information age 以及新作 The Founders: the story of PayPal and the entrepreneurs who shaped silicon valley。这两本书均有中文版:《香农传》和《疯狂创新者》。


    00:57 - PayPal Mafia是谁?PayPal早期员工后来成为了硅谷的重要人物。他们的成功和紧密合作引发了人们对他们如何最终聚集在一家公司的好奇。

    03:21 - PayPal 成立以来的20年,包括Elon Musk和Reid Hoffman在内的PayPal校友,持续在各个领域取得巨大成功。

    05:29 - 作者 Soni 讨论了写作关于在世人物相比于已故人物的不同之处,并分享了他之前关于Claude Shannon的书和在Bell Labs完成的工作之间的联系。

    09:19 - 为创作本书,作者采访了一系列人物,包括员工、投资者、实习生和竞争对手。

    15:18 - PayPal的成功可以归因于高度能干的员工,把握良好时机,以及通过为eBay提供支付系统来填补市场空白。

    22:44 - 在2000年的网络泡沫破裂期间,PayPal面临财务压力和关闭的威胁。

    26:16 - 在2002年被eBay收购后,PayPal的许多高级成员离开而散落各个领域,最终促成了Yelp、YouTube和LinkedIn等成功企业。

    30:40 - 激励机制和结构性变化使得美国大公司难以吸引人才进行开创性研究,导致人们更加关注初创企业而不是大型企业研究园区。

    38:00 - 有一个误解认为,经营一家成功的科技公司只需要市场营销技能,但其实 Steve Jobs 拥有技术专长以及用户体验和设计能力,而不仅仅擅长市场营销。

    41:28 - PayPal故事中,非本土出生的人们承担了重要角色。

    54:13 - 从PayPal Mafia学到什么:接受有争议的想法、拥有持久力和专注力,以及培养一种好奇和玩乐的心态。

    62:51 - 阅读传记可以帮助并决定在世界上成为什么样的人。

    Blow Your Mind (BYM) 是一档中英双语播客,涉猎广泛的主题,包括科技、经济、讲故事、历史、创业、创造力和数学。过往的嘉宾包括电影制作人、作家、表演艺术家和AI科学家。

    Email: [email protected]


    For this episode, we have as guest award-winning author and biographer Jimmy Soni. He has written a number of books, including "A Mind at Play: how Claude Shannon invented the information age" and more recently, "The Founders: the story of PayPal and the entrepreneurs who shaped silicon valley". Both books are available in Chinese: 《香农传》和 《疯狂创新者》. 

    00:57 - Who are the The PayPal Mafia? Early employees of PayPal who went on to become influential figures in Silicon Valley. Their collective success and close collaboration sparked curiosity about how they all ended up at one company.

    03:21 - The PayPal alumni, including Elon Musk and Reid Hoffman, continue to make significant contributions in various fields 20 years since the company's founding.

    05:29 - Soni discusses the difference in writing about living subjects compared to deceased ones, and shares a connection between his previous book on Claude Shannon and the work done at Bell Labs.

    09:19 - A wide range of people were interviewed for the book, including employees, investors, interns, and competitors.

    15:18 - PayPal's success can be attributed to the combination of highly competent employees, good timing during the dot-com bubble, and filling a gap in the market by providing a payment system for eBay.

    22:44 - PayPal faced financial pressure and the threat of shutting down during the dot-com crash in 2000.

    26:16 - After the eBay acquisition in 2002, many senior members of the PayPal team left, leading to a dispersal of talent that ultimately resulted in the creation of successful ventures such as Yelp, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

    30:40 - The shift in incentives and structure of technology in the United States has made it difficult for big companies to attract talent for groundbreaking research, leading to a focus on startups rather than corporate research parks.

    38:00 - The misconception that running a successful tech company only requires marketing skills, highlighting Steve Jobs' technical expertise and the importance of user experience and design in addition to marketing.

    41:28 - The PayPal story is filled with key figures who were foreign-born immigrants

    54:13 - What we can learn from the PayPal Mafia: embracing controversial ideas, having endurance and focus, and cultivating a playful and curious mindset.

    62:51 - Reading biographies can help individuals identify patterns and decide what kind of person they want to be in the world.

    BYM is a Chinese and English podcast that covers a broad range of topics. Some of the recurring themes are: technology, economics, story-telling, history, entrepreneurship, creativity and mathematics. Past show guests include film-makers, authors, performing artists and AI researchers. 

  • 本期BYM是与亚朵竹居、中信出版社合作的3.21世界睡眠日特别节目。我们分别推荐了几本书;这其中有简里里曾作为客座主编参与创作过的《呼吸》杂志书、有我们大爱的小说、也有Brofeng大爱的「蒸燃气机发明史」(大意)。我们讨论了自己的阅读感受,特别喜爱的书即便非常冷门(和小众)Bro也讲得惊天动地涕泪横流!

    01:57 《呼吸》一本来自英国的杂志书

    08:27 《我们为什么要睡觉》 Why We Sleep, 作者 Matthew Walker。这本书能给你足够的决心改善睡眠习惯。

    20:36 《那不勒斯四部曲》女性张扬的和谦卑的生命力

    24:04 《深度关系》 Connect, 作者 Carole Robin, David Bradford。本书源自 Stanford 商学院一门传奇课程 touchy-feely。

    32:04 《奇想之年》推荐给所有人看的书

    34:54 (本期亮点!)《追求精确》 The Perfectionists, 作者 Simon Winchestor。一本讲述精密制造的科技历史书。FENG 哥在节目中讲了讲书中第一章瓦特改进蒸汽机的故事,并且以史为镜,讨论蒸汽机发明和改进的过程,对人工智能有何借鉴。

    51:09 《在小山和小山之间》很好哭的母女关系






    Blow Your Mind (BYM)是一档中英双语播客,涉猎广泛的主题,包括科技、经济、讲故事、历史、创业、创造力和数学。过往的嘉宾包括电影制作人、作家、表演艺术家和AI科学家。

    Email: bymclub(a)outlook(dot)com

  • 又是一期公路播客,来自 feng哥 小本本。这期缘起于一个神奇的现象:p-series 中,当 p =< 1 的时候,是收敛的;当 p>1 是发散的。p=1 成为一个神奇的分水岭,这能给我们带来什么启发?

    来听本期播客,体会 公路播客+feng哥小本本 的魅力所在!

  • 上一期播客中,我们讲到了猫头鹰 Flaco。两位主播非常喜欢它的故事,所以单独发布。Flaco 出生在笼子里,它生命的第一个10年也是在笼子中度过。但是之后,它在纽约那个精彩的城市,突破了牢笼,并且成为纽约(乃至世界各地)人们心中的 symbol:向往自由,并且 defying all odds, surviving to thriving. 纽约的天空会永远记住它飞翔的身影。

  • 本期播客跨年度,分三次录制。重归 BYM 最纯粹风格,来自FENG哥 小本本 和 JLL 即兴发挥,对话跨越人工智能到电影推荐,还有那只感动纽约的猫头鹰 Flaco.

    02:27 feng哥小本本:7万亿造芯片;费曼 物理学 粒子对撞机 和 恐龙;

    06:55大语言模型 -- 到底多有用?


    18:27莱特兄弟 (the Wright brothers) 造飞机,带来的启发


    32:14JLL 的兴趣所在


    37:25other ideas from xiaobenben

    37:45推荐电影:the Holdovers; 安静而有力量

    43:16推荐电影:robot dreams;成熟的面对这个世界

    50:44推荐电影:Seoul Spring

    54:12推荐纪录片:Avicii True Stories 艾维奇的真实故事


    64:34感动纽约:猫头鹰 Flaco

    82:28彩蛋: 放弃外一篇,怎么算是一个好的播客?

    85:23彩蛋: 有一种算法叫做 streaming algorithm,其深意在于:放弃绝对的 certainty,收获宽松愉悦的生活

    Blow Your Mind (BYM) 是一档中英双语播客,涉猎广泛的主题,包括科技、经济、讲故事、历史、创业、创造力和数学。过往的嘉宾包括电影制作人、作家、表演艺术家和AI科学家。

    Email: bymclub[a]outlook.com

  • 本集嘉宾是比利时 KU Leuven 大学理论物理学系主任 Thomas Hertog 教授。Thomas 曾是斯蒂芬·霍金(Stephen Hawking)的学生和长期合作者。在这一集中,我们讨论了Hertog 教授与霍金的研究工作,以及他的最新著作 On the Origin of Time: Stephen Hawking's Final Theory。这本书的中译版名为《时间起源》。

    这本书提出了一些令人难以置信的理论。本期 BYM 播客希望能让这些想法更容易被理解,同时也让我们的听众能够一窥这个时代顶尖科学家的思考过程。

    00:13 - 嘉宾介绍
    00:47 - 这本书是如何诞生的;霍金在他职业生涯的后半段改变了他对宇宙起源的看法
    03:26 - Thomas 如何成为霍金的博士学生
    05:02 - 霍金是 Thomas 决定成为宇宙学家的关键影响
    08:39 - 与霍金一起研究物理学的基础
    11:24 - 什么是多重宇宙理论,以及为什么这个理论难以令人满意
    25:21 - 物理定律的演化
    30:00 - 物理定律还在持续演化吗?
    34:09 - 宇宙的全息性质,以及生活在这样一个宇宙中意味着什么?

    45:11 - 正在进行的实验以验证提出的理论

    Blow Your Mind (BYM) 是一档中英双语播客,涉猎广泛的主题,包括科技、经济、讲故事、历史、创业、创造力和数学。过往的嘉宾包括电影制作人、作家、表演艺术家和AI科学家。

    Email: [email protected]


    Our guest is Prof. Thomas Hertog, head of theoretical physics at KU Leuven in Belgium. He's also a student and long-time collaborator of Stephen Hawking. In this episode, we talked about Prof. Hertog's research with Hawking and his recent book "On the Origin of Time: Stephen Hawking's Final Theory". The book is available in Chinese with the title 时间起源. 

    The book proposes some mind-boggling ideas, and the goal of the podcast is to render them more accessible, as well as giving our listeners a glimpse into the thought process of some top scientific minds of our time. 

    00:13 - guest introduction

    00:47 - how did the book come about; Hawking, in the second half of his career, changing his mind about the origin of the Universe

    03:26 - how did Thomas become a Phd student with Hawking

    05:02 - Hawking was a key influence on Thomas' decision to become a cosmologist

    08:39 - working with Hawking on the fundamental of physics

    11:24 - what's the multiverse theory, and why it is unsatisfying

    25:21 - the evolution of physical laws

    30:00 - are physical laws evolving still?

    34:09 - the holographic nature of the Universe, and what does it mean to live in such a Universe?

    45:11 - on-going experiments to verify proposed theories

    Blow Your Mind (BYM) is a Chinese and English bilingual podcast that covers a broad range of topics. Some of the recurring themes are: technology, economics, story-telling, history, entrepreneurship, creativity and mathematics. Past show guests include film-makers, authors, performing artists and AI researchers. 

    Email: [email protected]

  • Our guest is historian and journalist Kai Bird, author of the book American Prometheus, for which he won the Pulitzer Prize. In 2023, the book was adapted to the biographical film Oppenheimer, directed by Christopher Nolan.

    In this interview, we covered

    -  Oppenheimer's life, from leading scientific research at the Manhattan Project, to the security hearing after the war.  

    -  What lessons and warnings we should take from Oppenheimer's life.

    -Kai's experience writing the book, in collaboration with Martin Sherwin.

    -How did Kai become a biographer, and how he choose his subjects.

    In Chinese mythology, there too is a Prometheus-like figure, who taught the Chinese the use of fire. His name was Sui-ren (燧人). But there were three differences between Sui-ren and Prometheus: 1) Sui-ren was human, not a divine being like Prometheus; 2) Sui-ren discovered fire-making on his own, and 3) he was revered as a great teacher and leader for teaching people the use of fire.

    At the risk of over psycho-analyzing it, I can't help wondering how these ancient myths have shaped the diverging views on the relationship between Nature and human, scientific progress, and technology risks.

    00:00 - guest introduction

    00:57 - Oppenheimer's life before the Manhattan Project

    09:44 - the Manhattan Project

    22:54 - after the war; security hearing

    36:10 - what makes for a good story arc

    39:07 - collaborating with Martin Sherwin

    43:53 - Hollywood came knocking

    45:33 - the Nolan film

    53:48 - becoming a biographer

    56:32 - choosing subjects

    63:05 - current project

    Blow Your Mind (BYM) is a Chinese and English bilingual podcast that covers a broad range of topics. Some of the recurring themes are: technology, economics, story-telling, history, entrepreneurship, creativity and mathematics. Past show guests include film-makers, authors, performing artists and AI researchers.

    Email: [email protected]


    本期嘉宾是历史学家兼记者凯·伯德(Kai Bird)。他是普利策奖得主, American Prometheus (中译本《奥本海默转》)作者。在2023年,这本书被改编成了传记电影《奥本海默》,由克里斯托弗·诺兰(Christopher Nolan)执导。




    凯撰写这本书的经历,以及与马丁·谢尔温(Martin Sherwin)的合作。


    在中国神话中,也有一个类似普罗米修斯的人物,他教会了人们使用火。他的名字是燧人。但燧人与普罗米修斯有三个不同之处:1) 燧人是人,不像普罗米修斯那样是神;2) 燧人是自己发明了钻木取火;3) 他因教人们使用火而被尊为老师和领袖。


    00:00 - 嘉宾介绍

    00:57 - 曼哈顿计划前的奥本海默

    09:44 - 曼哈顿计划

    22:54 - 安全听证会和战后奥本海默的生活

    36:10 - 如何算作一个好故事线

    39:07 - 与马丁·谢尔温的合作

    43:53 - 好莱坞来敲门

    45:33 - 诺兰执导

    53:48 - 成为传记作家之路

    56:32 - 人物选择

    63:05 - Kai 的下一个传记选题


    Blow Your Mind (BYM) 是一档中英双语播客,涉猎广泛的主题,包括科技、经济、讲故事、历史、创业、创造力和数学。过往的嘉宾包括电影制作人、作家、表演艺术家和AI科学家。

    Email: bymclub(a)outlook.com

  • 本期是由亚洲头皮健康养护专家 Off & Relax 赞助的特别节目。

    这一期我们的主题是「放弃和获得」。我们收集了BYM的听众留言,询问了大家「过去一年你放弃过什么、得到过什么?新的一年你打算放弃什么?」。大家的留言都非常动人:很多人放弃了对「认同」的追求、对他人看法的在意、对父母公平的爱的渴望等等。Brofeng 讲了一个他最近读的数学理论,同时分享了自己放弃过的、想过放弃(但最终没放弃)的事物,和它们带给我们的影响。















    PS 这是 bro 带回家的小黑猫

  • 本期嘉宾是 Joseph Sifakis 教授。Sifakis 教授是知名的计算机科学家,在2012年获得达芬奇奖,并在2007年获得图灵奖。他的书作 Understanding and Changing the World 中译版《理解和改变世界》已经出版。

    在这期播客中,我们讨论了多个话题,涉及计算机科学、哲学与AI及 autonomous system (自治系统) 对社会的影响。主要观点包括:

    -写书的缘起,来自 Prof. Sifakis 对哲学问题的兴趣和他觉得现有哲学文献的不足,特别是关于知识和信息概念有所不足。


    -自治系统(autonomous systems)的测试与安全:AI系统的安全性是个大挑战,如自动驾驶,现有的系统缺乏可解释模型,而实践测试又有局限性。


    -AI在未来技术中的角色:AI在未来可应用于系统监测,以及与传统控制系统集成以提高可靠性和安全性。混合系统 (hybrid system)的优势和挑战。

    -Prof. Sifakis 的职业生涯和研究兴趣:职业轨迹覆盖模型检查的理论研究到系统设计的实际应用,以及他是如何选择研究课题。



    Blow Your Mind (BYM) 是一档中英双语播客,涉猎广泛的主题,包括科技、经济、讲故事、历史、创业、创造力和数学。过往的嘉宾包括电影制作人、作家、表演艺术家和AI科学家。


    Our guest is esteemed computer scientist Professor Joseph Sifakis. He is winner of the Leonardo da Vinci Medal (2012), and the Turing Award (2007). His book "Understanding and Changing the World" is available in Chinese with the title 理解和改变世界.

    In the podcast, we talked about a number of topics, focusing primarily on the intersection of computer science, philosophy, and the impact of AI and autonomous systems on society. Key points include:

    -Genesis of Sifakis' Book: Motivated by his interest in philosophical issues and the shortcomings he found in philosophical texts, particularly regarding concepts like knowledge and information.

    -AI and Explainability: The nature of knowledge. Emphasizes the difference between AI-generated knowledge, which lacks explainability, and scientific knowledge, which provides it. Highlights the limitations of AI in providing guarantees compared to scientific methods.

    -Testing and Safety of Autonomous Systems: Explores the challenges in ensuring the safety of AI systems, especially self-driving cars, due to the lack of explainable models and the limitations of empirical testing.

    -Ethical and Societal Implications of AI: Addresses the ethical considerations of AI deployment in society, particularly the impact on human responsibility and decision-making.

    -Role of AI in Future Technology: Discusses the future role of AI, especially in system monitoring and integrating AI with traditional control systems for better reliability and safety. The advantages and challenges of hybrid systems.

    -Sifakis' Career and Research Interests: Reflects on his career trajectory, from theoretical research in model checking to practical applications in system design, and his personal approach to choosing research topics.

    -AI in Education: Raises concerns about the impact of AI tools like chatbot on children's development and learning, advocating for a balanced approach to technology use in education.

    -Advice for General Public on AI: Advice on using AI responsibly, emphasizing the importance of understanding and critically assessing AI outputs, and maintaining human values and responsibilities.

    Blow Your Mind (BYM) is a Chinese and English bilingual podcast that covers a broad range of topics. Some of the recurring themes are: technology, economics, storytelling, history, entrepreneurship, creativity and mathematics. Past show guests include filmmakers, authors, performing artists and AI researchers. 

  • 这一期是 Galli 戏剧中国的创始人高璇博士来聊天。这一期我们又从童话聊起,讲了养育孩子的个人经验、也聊了聊我们自己的生活。









  • We, the show hosts, went to see a virtual reality (VR) show "Horizon of Khufu" (in Chinese: 消失的法老). In this episode we discussed our thoughts on the show and VR technology. 

    After being around for decades, VR seems finally within reach of wide consumer application, and this show is proof. While this show still has rough edges (abrupt scene transitions, little interactivity), one can extrapolate the potential, and anticipate much better works in just a couple of years. In terms of technology maturity, we are quite beyond the equivalent of The Great Train Robbery (1903). 

    In the podcast we also talked about a related work "we met in virtual reality" (2022) -- a documentary shot entirely in VR. One of the show hosts, feng, was surprised at how expressive the avatars have become. The avatars are so good at delivering fine gestures that people can use sign language in VR.

    feng shared this moment: the day after seeing the show, I was sitting outside having a cup of coffee and taking in the warmth of the afternoon sun. right then, for a brief moment, i couldn't quite tell if this is VR or reality. the sun light streaking down between the tree leaves felt real enough, but barely more so than yesterday when I was perching at the top of the great Khufu pyramid in VR.

    The potential for a new form of storytelling is exciting. If the development of the film and TV industry can be of reference, the next couple decades will be a time when we figure out the grammar for this new medium, and its strengths. Shows like the Horizon of Khufu is an excellent early attempt. It also clearly carries the legacies from film-making and video games.

    消失的法老, website: https://horizonkheops.com/en/

    we met in virtual reality, imdb link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt16378482/reference/

  • 长效自护,领熠未来。感谢爱他美旗下顶配「领熠」对这一期节目的支持。这一期我们征集了听众关于育儿话题的问题来回答和分享。有了宝宝之后,我们花了很多时间学习“如何做父母”,并从身边做爸妈的朋友那里寻求经验和支持。对于很多问题感同身受,也有很多体验想要分享。










    也欢迎大家在留言中分享你眼中的「未来式育儿」是什么我们将在评论区的留言中,选出5位听众朋友,每人赠送 300g 爱他美领熠3段奶粉一罐。

  • 本期节目嘉宾是主播多年的朋友 Wayne。Wayne 是华创资本合伙人,有丰富的初创企业投资经验。节目中我们聊了:

    -  Wayne 和 bro 在十几年前是怎么结识的

    -  Wayne 作为中国最早一批 VC 投资人,回述十几年来互联网和初创企业的发展

    -硅谷那些 colorful individuals: Musk, Altman (openai), 还有智慧的老 Paul (PG)

    -职业经理人和 founders 的区别

    bro wayne 是在 Stanford 校园偶遇认识。十几年来,从硅谷到国内,从朋友到在创业中的合作和支持。这次在一个鸟语花香(大家可以在节目中听到鸟叫声)的环境中,回顾我们每个人,在一个精彩的创业时代背景下,的经历,颇多感概。

  • 本期 BYM 嘉宾是 You Ran。我们不仅是好朋友,同时也有项目合作。You Ran 从事医疗行业。我们曾经看过她的一个有关艾斯海默的 presentation, 非常有感染力,所以很开心她来节目做客。


    -  You Ran 读博(分子生物学)的经历;因为家人的病情,参与了神经科学研究;小白鼠 high 了之后,变得更加自信;生物学并不需要很多数学

    -  疼痛管理是治疗中关键的环节;生产中的疼痛管理;倾听患者,理解他们的行为和决定;有动力减肥的人,是热爱生命的人;过度为别人负责,会消磨生活的乐趣

    -  为更年期正名。这是个所有女性都会经历的人生阶段,并且可能长达十年,需要更多关注;对更年期的管理;世界更年期关怀日 10月18日,小 HONG 书 “知更鸟计划”



  • 本期 BYM 是 FENG哥+孟岩+嘉宾 Kevin Kelly 录制的一期节目。Kevin Kelly 是《失控》作者,Wired(《连线》杂志)创始主编。这次我们聊了:

    -  Kelly 的新书《宝贵的人生建议》;如何破解 “道理都懂,但仍然过不好生活”

    -  Kelly 辍学后在亚洲的背包旅行;为什么他说 “这是我做的最好决定之一”

    -  "The Silver Cord"是 Kelly 参与创作的一部科幻+奇幻的 graphic novel。其故事背景:天使羡慕人类的生活,不惜化身机器人来到人间

    -AI 给创作带来的影响,以及 Hofstadter (GEB 作者)。Hofstadter 最近撰文表达了 AI 冲击下,对人类未来的悲观。但 Kelly 却对未来充满期待和乐观。节目最后,他分享了他的原因。

    Kelly 参与过很多有趣的项目。本期节目内容也因此十分丰富。在所谈到的作品中,最打动 FENG哥的是: The Silver Cord。从古到今,东西方的故事中,“羡慕人类的生活” 是反复出现的主题。东方有仙女思凡、狐狸成精,西方有匹诺曹。似乎人类的生活是一个令人羡慕,并且需要付出千年修炼,经历诚实勇敢的考验,才能获得的礼物。

    The Silver Cord 是对这主题的又一次诠释:天使们羡慕人类,又痛心于人类并不珍惜所拥有的生活,将生命蹉跎与无聊的事情中。最后天使不惜化为机器人以 “换成肉身”。

    正在收听本期 BYM 的你,已经幸运的拥有令天使羡慕的生活。好好把握和享受吧!(或许 Kelly 的新书能够给你启发。)


    BYM 邮箱:bymclub(a)outlook.com

  • Bro 讲了两个有关狐狸的故事,分别来自《封神演义》,和《聊斋志异》。妲己是奉命而行,还是太过恶毒?聊斋中令人心疼的小翠:东亚女性反复被塑造成:伺候白痴丈夫,忍耐挑剔公婆。