Pretty much everyone has a cell phone these days—there’s no escaping it. But with new research raising concerns about cell phone radiation, should we be worried? In this episode, we dive into the latest findings and break down what’s really going on. More importantly, we share practical, science-backed ways to reduce your exposure without ditching...
Those white streaks in the sky have caused a lot of controversy. Are they condensation or chemical dumps in the atmosphere? Dr. Nedd did a deep dive on this to find out what the evidence shows and how they might affect people’s health. In this episode we’ll go over: What Geoengineering is The difference between...
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Our food supply is being messed up in more ways than most of us know. Here’s another one that can lead to serious health issues like breast cancer. It’s important to understand how to avoid being poisoned by excess Iodine that gets into our body in hidden ways. In this episode we’ll go over: What...
Car accidents, sports, too much computer work – all can lead to disc degeneration and the pain, numbness, or tingling that can accompany it. What can be done to slow, stop, or maybe even reverse this progression to reduce or eliminate the symptoms and improve function? How could home traction help? In this episode we’ll...
Carbohydrates have gotten a bad reputation but is it justified? Does your body actually have a need for carbs? It’s hard to know what to eat when there’s so many differing opinions. We’re going to help bring more clarity to this topic so you can make your meal choices based on accurate info, rather than...
The holidays are over and we’re in a new year. January is a top month for people wanting to lose weight. As in, I ate too much over the holidays and need to get rid of 5, 10, 20 pounds. What are the different options and which are best for your long-term health and weight...
Continuing with one of the topics from last week’s episode, we go over what you need to know about ultra-processed foods and regeneratively-farmed foods so you don’t get fooled by labeling ‘tricks’. We dive further into the major problems with ultra-processed foods vs the many benefits from regenerative farming. In this episode we’ll go over:...
This is the last of our 3 part series about the book Good Energy, by Dr. Casey Means and Callie Means. Now we dive into what foods you should eat (that give you Good Energy) and the ones you should avoid (that are the cause of Bad Energy). In this episode we’ll go over: The...
To have and maintain Good Energy, you also need to know how to navigate a health care system that can perpetuate Bad Energy approaches. This is the 2nd episode in the series where we dive into the book by Dr. Casey Means and Callie Means, Good Energy. In this episode we’ll go over: How the...
Both Dr. Nedd and his brother, Ron, completed an extensive series of blood and urine tests. Getting over 100 biomarkers measured to find any possible areas of weakness they can improve. This is a program recommended in the book, Good Energy, by Casey and Callie Means that we’ll be covering in coming episodes. But on...
The coming election is important to Floridians in many ways. Including the future condition of the state and whether we stay a shining example for the rest of the country or decline like California has. Amendment 3, and whether it passes or not, will play a pivotal role in that future. Unfortunately, what most voters...
To regain more control over your own health so that you rely less on doctors or other health authorities, you need to have some way of tracking it. You need to know what the current status of your health is. You also need to have a way to monitor whether it is improving or worsening...
Dr. Nedd has been using cold laser therapy for over 25 years with great results. He has used his ‘red light’ laser on 100s of his patients. But he now has an even more advanced laser device. This one has red and violet laser lights. Why is it more advanced and what can it do...
Dr. Nedd went over the benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in a previous episode, but now he has further and more personal insights. He’s purchased a chamber to provide hyperbaric oxygen therapy in his office and has personally completed a series of 40 treatments. In this episode, Dr. Nedd will go over: What hyperbaric oxygen...
Getting back to nature has more benefits than we realized. But it doesn’t require going off grid and living off of roots and berries in some wilderness or underground cave. It’s much simpler than that…you can do it at home any time of the day or night. In this episode, Dr. Nedd will go over:...
Plastics are all around us. From kitchenware to water bottles to bags at the grocery stores. There are even plastics in our clothes and in our salt. It never seemed like it was a big deal, but recently it’s been coming out how these plastics start accumulating in our bodies and cause bad health conditions. ...
Even though we use them every day we don’t really pay much attention to our feet and ankles unless they give us pain or interfere with normal walking. The spine and rest of the skeleton all depend on the feet and ankles to support them and allow them to function normally. Keeping them in proper...
Last Presidential election year we had the whole COVID debacle. This year we’re hearing talk about the Bird Flu. We don’t know yet if there will be an ‘outbreak’, but we don’t want to get caught off-guard again. In this episode, Dr. Nedd shares what he’s learned about the Bird Flu and some alternative preventive...
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