It is episode 100 of the Bold Faith and Fashion podcast. To celebrate I've brought on my business bestie Lissa Figgins to wrap up our Biblical Beauty Summer Series where we talked about self care. In today's episode Lissa gives us practical and applicable tips to help you implement Biblical self-care habits so you can serve others and pour out from a FULL cup for the purpose of SHINING for Jesus while you accomplish your kingdom calling.
While the world is running around trying to manage time, as Christians we are called to steward it.
Lissa Figgins, Christian Time Stewardship Coach and host of the REDEEM Her Time Podcast, is on mission to shift the way busy midlife entrepreneurs approach time so they can finally stop chasing a clock (and their to-do list).
After 25 years of leading, teaching and coaching Christian women, Lissa discovered WHY women feel like ‘there’s never enough time’- even after organizing their tasks & time-blocking their day:
Because the problem is NOT a disordered calendar…it’s a disordered heart.
In this season of midlife, Lissa invests her time in what matters most- a deepening faith-walk, an empty-nest family, intentional friendships, a growing business, generous giving, kindled passions, a welcoming home…
She even has time for taking care of herself & prioritizing rest!
And more than anything she loves helping busy women discover…YOU. HAVE. TIME.
Are you ready to create a wardrobe you're confident wearing?Schedule a 15 minute call to get started:bit.ly/shine4himFREE Core Wardrobe Checklisthttps://bit.ly/BFFCore
---------------Contact Me------------------
boldfaithandfashion@gmail.comInstagram:@boldfaithandfashionFacebook Group: Bold Faith+Fashion Dress Confidently: Outfit Ideas and Biblical Self-Care for Working Moms
Hey there working momma are you one of those women who wants to nourish her body and participate in self care? Does the world's definition of self-care hold you back because you want to honor God and biblically prioritize yourself? Are you afraid to get caught up in the vanity cycle if you prioritize your health and body? Then you NEED to listen to what Michelle form Treasured Wellness has to say in today's podcast.Michelle is a Board-Certified Holistic & Functional Health Coach, Certified Facial Analysis Practitioner and Host of the Treasured Wellness Christian Podcast.She energizes Female Professional Leaders in Midlife who are fighting low energy, belly fat and brain fog to reclaim their whole health with anti-inflammatory lifestyle changes and natural solutions using a Godly approach.Michelle has a deep passion for helping women get to the root cause of dis-ease, before it turns into disease, without the frustration and overwhelm.Michelle is happily married to her best friend of 31 years; they have 2 adult children and their spouses and 3 grand dogs! Michelle and her husband are currently thriving during this phase of living within an empty nest.
Are you ready to create a wardrobe you're confident wearing?Book your free closet audit here:https://calendly.com/boldfaithandfashion/bff-coaching-callFREE Core Wardrobe Checklisthttps://bit.ly/BFFCore
---------------Contact Me------------------
boldfaithandfashion@gmail.comInstagram:@boldfaithandfashionFacebook Group: Bold Faith+Fashion Dress Confidently: Outfit Ideas and Biblical Self-Care for Working Moms
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Are you ready to create a wardrobe you're confident wearing?Book your free closet audit here:https://calendly.com/boldfaithandfashion/bff-coaching-callFREE Core Wardrobe Checklisthttps://bit.ly/BFFCore
---------------Contact Me------------------
boldfaithandfashion@gmail.comInstagram:@boldfaithandfashionFacebook Group: Bold Faith+Fashion Dress Confidently: Outfit Ideas and Biblical Self-Care for Working Moms
The topic of #selfcare is a popular one especially among beauty influencers though the concept of self care isn’t limited to beauty. The phrase “self care isn’t selfish” is a statement that morphed from the original two word phrase “self-care” in the early 20th century when self-care was specifically correlated with taking care of your health.But is taking care of your health what “self care” means now? And as working Christian momma’s who wear many hats with several demands on our time is the idea of self care even biblical?Tune in today to find out.
Are you ready to create a wardrobe you're confident wearing?Book your free closet audit here:https://calendly.com/boldfaithandfashion/bff-coaching-callFREE Core Wardrobe Checklisthttps://bit.ly/BFFCore
---------------Contact Me------------------
boldfaithandfashion@gmail.comInstagram:@boldfaithandfashionFacebook Group: Bold Faith+Fashion Dress Confidently: Outfit Ideas and Biblical Self-Care for Working Moms
Modesty is a touchy topic for some especially in the context of church and the western culture we live in. In today's podcast I attempt to define modesty by comparing biblical modesty to cultural modesty. Tune in to hear what it means to be modest as a working Christian mom and why it's important to allow the Holy Spirit to judge and convict us and others.
Are you ready to create a wardrobe you're confident wearing?Book your free closet audit here:https://calendly.com/boldfaithandfashion/bff-coaching-callFREE Core Wardrobe Checklisthttps://bit.ly/BFFCore
---------------Contact Me------------------
boldfaithandfashion@gmail.comInstagram:@boldfaithandfashionFacebook Group: Bold Faith+Fashion Dress Confidently: Outfit Ideas and Biblical Self-Care for Working Moms
This summer I'm exploring what it means to have a biblical mindset around beauty. Today's episode is an introduction to a 5 part series that explores how we as Christian working mommas can let go of shame around our physical appearances by shifting our focus to what God says is TRUELY beautiful in His sight. Tune in today to:1. Explore the definition of beauty according to the world.2. Explore the definition of beauty according to God's word3. Redefine beauty using a biblical lens.
Are you ready to create a wardrobe you're confident wearing? Book your free closet audit here:https://calendly.com/boldfaithandfashion/bff-coaching-callFREE Core Wardrobe Checklisthttps://bit.ly/BFFCore
---------------Contact Me------------------
boldfaithandfashion@gmail.comInstagram:@boldfaithandfashionFacebook Group: Bold Faith+Fashion Dress Confidently: Outfit Ideas and Biblical Self-Care for Working Moms
AS a woman in her mid thirties who has been styling for over ten years, I've heard LOTS of different tips and tricks from the styling gurus. But these three tips from the gurus have me scratching my head- tune in to hear the 3 pieces of styling advice I recommend you AVOID as a mid 30s+ woman who wants to look her best
Are you ready to create a wardrobe you're confident wearing? Book your free closet audit here:https://calendly.com/boldfaithandfashion/bff-coaching-callFREE Core Wardrobe Checklisthttps://bit.ly/BFFCore
---------------Contact Me------------------
boldfaithandfashion@gmail.comInstagram:@boldfaithandfashionFacebook Group: Business to Casual Capsule Wardrobe for Professional Christian Womenhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1027162797299721
Are you ready to create a wardrobe you're confident wearing? Book your free closet audit here:https://calendly.com/boldfaithandfashion/bff-coaching-call
---------------Contact Me------------------boldfaithandfashion@gmail.com
Facebook Group: Business to Casual Capsule Wardrobe for Professional Christian Womenhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1027162797299721
Are you on the extroverted side of the personality scale or introverted side? Are you somewhere in between? That may influence your style but does it DETERMINE your style? Tune in to find out!
Are you ready to create a wardrobe you're confident wearing? Book your free closet audit here:https://calendly.com/boldfaithandfashion/bff-coaching-call
---------------Contact Me------------------boldfaithandfashion@gmail.com
Facebook Group: Business to Casual Capsule Wardrobe for Professional Christian Womenhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1027162797299721
As Christian women who love the Lord praying fervently and in faith for healing only to find out that the healing will not happen on this side of heaven is not something we’re unfamiliar with. And sometimes it can especially sting when you’re feeling confident in your spirit or when things seems to be going well in the physical. In today’s episode I’m sharing three key mindsets I cling to when God’s answer to prayer is no.
Are you ready to create a wardrobe you're confident wearing? Book your free closet audit here:https://calendly.com/boldfaithandfashion/bff-coaching-call
---------------Contact Me------------------boldfaithandfashion@gmail.com
Facebook Group: Business to Casual Capsule Wardrobe for Professional Christian Womenhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1027162797299721
Growing up in the 90s with movies like Clueless made it a well-known fact that repeating an outfit is a fashion faux pas. Or is it? Perhaps the resistance to wearing the same outfit over and over again has more to do with your Core Style need. Whether or not it is "socially acceptable" is neither here nor there. Today's podcast addresses the #1 wardrobe need for each core style and how you can use Pinterest to help you mix up your wardrobe and create outfits you'd be PROUD to repeat over and over again without feeling stuck in a style rut. Are you ready to create a wardrobe you're confident wearing? Book your free closet audit here:https://calendly.com/boldfaithandfashion/bff-coaching-call
---------------Contact Me------------------boldfaithandfashion@gmail.com
Facebook Group: Business to Casual Capsule Wardrobe for Professional Christian Womenhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1027162797299721
I have styled thousands of women, men, and children. But as a coach who works with professional working women one on one I learned that we need to be strategic in how we shop for our clothes. Especially because we NEED to look put together and cohesive on a daily basis. Tune in to see how this ONE change in the way you shop will effortlessly streamline your wardrobe and help you create a stylish head-to-toe outfit.
Get your FREE Ticket to the Bold Faith and Fashion Core Style Training: Feel Confident in your Clothesbit.ly/getdressedfast
---------------Contact Me------------------boldfaithandfashion@gmail.com
Facebook Group: Business to Casual Capsule Wardrobe for Professional Womenhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1027162797299721
As women it’s pretty common to have some insecurities around our stomach area. This may be because of weight gain, having had children, or even hormonal changes in our bodies. So many women say I’ll shop for nice things for myself once I lose the weight. But here’s the thing- you don’t have to! Tune in today to hear how you can dress your “right now” body and feel more confident in what you’re wearing even if you’re a little self conscious about your stomach.Get your FREE Ticket to the Bold Faith and Fashion Core Style Training: Feel Confident in your Clothesbit.ly/getdressedfastHoneyLOVE <3https://www.honeylove.com/products/superpower-brief?color=Sand&size=3XExercises and stretches for poor posturehttps://youtube.com/shorts/gTHP57HCXyM?si=OYVemNvxs3g_YVeH
---------------Contact Me------------------boldfaithandfashion@gmail.com
Facebook Group: Business to Casual Capsule Wardrobe for Professional Womenhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1027162797299721
How has my relationship transformed my relationship with Christ? The BIG answer to that is His guidance in shifting my FOCUS from what the world expects of me to instead focus on the sanctification process He's leading me through.---------------Contact Me------------------boldfaithandfashion@gmail.com
Facebook Group: Business to Casual Capsule Wardrobe for Professional Womenhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1027162797299721
REGISTER for the FREE Bold Faith and Fashion Workshop: Feel Confident In Your Clothesbit.ly/getdressedfast
Have you ever put on an outfit and thought, "Why don't I feel stylish in this?"In today's episode I'm telling you a stylist's top 5 go-to hacks for looking stylish, polished and current. Which of these hacks do you implement when you get dressed?
---------------Contact Me------------------boldfaithandfashion@gmail.com
Facebook Group: Business to Casual Capsule Wardrobe for Professional Womenhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1027162797299721
REGISTER for the FREE Bold Faith and Fashion Workshop: Feel Confident In Your Clothesbit.ly/getdressedfast
Are you a mentor mom in a MOMs group? Do you lead a small group or teach Sunday school? Are you a grandparent or do you have the potential to be a grandparent someday?Then you have the OPPORTUNITY to make THE difference for a young child just by being older and wiser ;)
---------------Contact Me------------------boldfaithandfashion@gmail.com
Facebook Group: Business to Casual Capsule Wardrobe for Professional Womenhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1027162797299721
REGISTER for the FREE Bold Faith and Fashion Workshop: Feel Confident In Your Clothesbit.ly/getdressedfast
Hey professional lady! Are you particular about how your clothes fit? Do cutesy prints and ruffles bother you when you wear them? Do you feel the most put together when you have something on with clean lines, solid colors, and simple styling? Is your motto less is more? Then professional lady you may be Core Style #4!
---------------Contact Me------------------boldfaithandfashion@gmail.com
Facebook Group: Business to Casual Capsule Wardrobe for Professional Womenhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1027162797299721
REGISTER for the FREE Bold Faith and Fashion Workshop: Feel Confident In Your Clothesbit.ly/getdressedfast
You may be wondering why I am combining faith and fashion and how in the world one can even do that. I know I was wondering how I would do that when the Lord asked me to step into my role as the CEO of BFF. Spoiler alert- you as a professional woman have been given a place of influence. You are a leader. There are people who look up to you simply because of the professional role you’re in. The Lord wants you to shine, specifically he wants you to be a city on a hill. To give hope to those around you and glory to Him. In E ___ I talked about the acronym Shine. And the first letter “S” is the most important. Today I’m sharing 3 Questions for you to write out and answer to help you build your “Journey to Jesus” testimony.
---------------Contact Me------------------boldfaithandfashion@gmail.com
Facebook Group: Business to Casual Capsule Wardrobe for Professional Christian Womenhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1027162797299721Join my E-Mail List:Click below to sign up for encouragement and fashion tips with NO spam EVER. I Promise!bit.ly/BFFCore
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