Saya bersama Dimas Aditya (mahasiswa S2 Fakultas Filsafat UGM) membahas tentang filsafat dan memperkirakan apa yang akan terjadi terhadap filsafat Indonesia di masa depan. Di sini kami membahas tentang hakikat filsafat, kondisi filsafat di Indonesia, dan masa depan nya yang (menurut kami) suram
Ardianzy, menurut saya, adalah salah satu konten kreator paling pouler di dalang bidang filsafat eksistensialisme di Indonesia. Channel nya berhasil menginformasikan ide-ide filosofis yang mendalam ke masyarakat Indonesia yang cenderung jarang mengevaluasi hidup nya sendiri. Di sini kami bukan hanya membahas ide-ide filsafat dari Friedrich Nietzsche, Albert Camus, Dostoevsky, dan pemikir-pemikir lain nya, akan tetapi juga membahas bagaimana seorang Gen-Z seperti Ardi, menghadapi masalah eksistensial, dan bagaimana ia mengkomunikasikan ide-ide ini kepada sesama Gen-Z lain nya
Eksik bölüm mü var?
Bart D. Ehrman I guess need no introduction. As one of the most popular New Testament scholar in the internet, and the author of many best selling books such as Misquoting Jesus and How Jesus Became God, Dr Ehrman often invited as a speaker and debater in those fields. Frankly, aside from being a very exceptional historian, He’s also a great speaker and debater. But of course, today we’re not going to discuss any of it. Instead, I’m trying to probe His insights about His life as a scholar, in the traditional and online sense.
Gede Agus Siswadi atau lebih dikenal sebagai Bli Gede adalah seorang sarjana filsafat dan teolog Hindu yang mengajar di Sekolah Tinggi Agama Hindu Jawa Dwipa di Klaten. Walaupun Beliau adalah seorang sarjana filsafat pendidikan, di sini kami lebih banyak membahas tentang agama Hindu dan bagaimana perkembangan teologi nya di Nusantara. Hal paling menarik di sini adalah kami membahas tentang makna dari Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, yang diambil langsung dari kitab Sutasoma
Samuel V Jonathan adalah seorang mahasiswa S2 filsafat di Oklahoma University. Beliau, menurut saya, adalah satu-satunya orang Indonesia yang menempuh pendidikan formal filsafat analitik ketuhanan, dan satu dari (hanya) 2 orang Indonesia yang fokus di genre filsafat ini (yang lain nya itu saya wkwk) Anyway, kami di sini berbicara tentang budaya filsafat di Indonesia, bagaimana filsafat mempengaruhi iman, dan seperti apa rasanya belajar filsafat dari sosok-sosok filsuf besar dunia Selain itu kami juga berbicara pemilu Amerika Serikat, budaya gaming, dan pastinya, Pokémon!
Megan Lewis is more known as a wife of Dr Joshua Bowen that's popular within the YouTube ancient history community as the counter-apologetics focusing on the issue of biblical slavery. But to me, Megan is a very good historian in the topics of ancient Assyria, and a very good podcast host too! In this podcast we discuss a lot of things ranging from ancient Assyria, YouTube history community, Her experience interviewing Bart Ehrman, and of course, what lesson could we learn from the ancient people to weather modern life... Oh, and guess what?? We don't discuss anything about biblical history XP
Siapa yang tidak kenal Guru Gembul? Beliau adalah Komentator, aktivis pendidikan, dan pembuat konten favorit Indonesia. Beliau membahas isu-isu agama, sejarah dan politik dengan gaya bahasa yang mudah dimengerti dan santai membuat channel YouTube Beliau menjadi tontonan favorit banyak netizen Indonesia. Kali ini kami membahas sesuatu yang sedikit berbeda
So, at 11th September I attended philosophy of religion course at Oxford with the hopes of deepening my philosophy skill. Although so far I can manage the tasks and assignments, there are a couple of questions that I struggle to find the answer due to my complete detachment with theological ideas. So I ask my friend, Father James Dominic Rooney for help. Father Rooney is a friend, He is A Dominican friar, philosophy professor, and a lover of Chinese culture. He currently works as an Assistant professor at Hong Kong Baptist University. So yeah, another badass guest….
I mean come on! It’s my channel You’re talking about, of course I invite badasses!
Apriadi adalah konten kreator yang fokus di dalam bedah buku, diskusi, dan debat terkait agama, ateisme, agonstisisme, dan argumen-argumen Tuhan. Karena posisi Beliau yang "berbahaya" di Indonesia, kami memutuskan untuk melabeli status kami di sini sebagai freethinker. Perjuangan Beliau bukan perjuangan yang mudah; Selain itu kami juga mengulas debat Guru Gembul vs Ustad Nuruddin. Because, why not?
Cristobal Ramirez a.k.a. @the_philofficer is a teacher and philosopher who runs a philosophy meme page with the same name. Today we’re talking about how philosophy meme could serve both as a niche comedy and a tool to spread philosophy literacy towards the masses. We also talk about pop culture and how memefying it could also help general public understand philosophy more
Professor Yujin Nagasawa is Kingfisher College Chair of the Philosophy of Religion and Ethics at the University of Oklahoma. Known for His contribution in the world of philosophy of religion, today we’re discussing about problem of evil, in which He asserts that this problem also something that nonbeliever also have
Dwi Angga ‘Tia’ Septianingrum adalah seorang pengajar dan penulis lepas yang mempunyai kepedulian terhadap identitas budaya, dan keunggulan Bondowoso. Saat ini Beliau fokus mengembangkan Bondowoso agar menjadi kota yang lebih hidup dan dinamis
Galuh Nur Fattah, seorang magister filsafat dan praktisi Buddhisme menceritakan kepada saya tentang praktik meditasi Buddha yang tidak menghadirkan Tuhan di dalam pelaksanaan nya
Doctor M David Litwa, Ph.D. is arguably one of the best when it comes to the Historicity of early Christian, New Testament, Nag Hammadi Library, and Gnostic Christian. There are literally hundreds of His appearances online teaching His courses and attending podcasts about it. What is not so well known about Him is His fight to make this kind of studies available into the masses without have to facing formal academic barriers. His fight, while commendable in spirit, also beautiful in His personal reasons
Ben Watkins from Real Atheology joining me for a discussion about arguments for God and why those arguments don't work. Oh, and also we're semi-seriously considering a religion battle royale!
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