Co-hosted by long-time friends Molly Lipson and Jamie Richardson, the premise of If The World Was Ending, You'd Come Over Right? is simple: we ask a guest what they would do if they suddenly found out that the world was about to end in 45 minutes' time. There's no time to prepare anything or tick activities off the bucket list – instead, it's all about what you'd do based on where you are, and what and who is around you. We speak to guests whose last 45 minutes are set to be unique, fascinating and thrilling because of what they do or who they are.
Created and hosted by Molly Lipson and Jamie Richardson
Sound and mixing by Rohail Javed
Artwork by Inma Hortas
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
亞洲週刊評選本書為2020年華文非小說類十大好書之一。 -
Welcome to Jem's Coffee Shop! Feel free to take a seat and sip on your favourite beverage while I talk about anything and everything every Tuesday! Follow @jemscoffeeshop on IG to stay updated! Please email [email protected] for all business inquiries :)
NEW SEASON Dear Daughter: Stars. Namulanta is back with more letters from parents to their children - but this time with a celebrity guest list!Personal stories of family, love, and parenting in the spotlight from guests who are all ‘stars’ in their field.
How does Bollywood star Kalki Koechlin teach her daughter about body standards? Why did TikTokker Mama Seebz go from telling her children to stop scrolling to becoming a content creator herself? What can The Receipts podcaster Audrey Akande teach her daughter about friendship break-ups? And why exactly did Bridgerton actor Adjoa Andoh lurk around building sites while pregnant?
Dear Daughter is an award-winning podcast from the BBC World Service about love, life, family, and raising children. It is the brainchild of Namulanta Kombo, a mother on a quest to create a ‘handbook to life’ for her daughter, through the advice of parents from all over the world.
Each episode, a guest reads a letter they’ve written to their children (or their future children, or the children they never had) with the advice, life lessons, and personal stories they’d like to pass on.
Expect extraordinary true stories, inspirational advice for parents, and moving accounts of families, relationships and raising daughters.
Share your letter! What do you want to say to your kids? Or the next generation? Do you have thoughts on motherhood, fatherhood, or parenthood to share? Whether you are a mum or mom, dad or papa, grandparent, uncle, aunt, daughter, son or just want to write a letter, send us a Whatsapp message on +44 800 030 4404 or visit
You can read our privacy notice here:
Have you always known you could change the world - if only you could find your car keys on the regular?
Clutter Free Academy is for you. If you want to live clutter free, organized and prepared for anything, this is to podcast you must listen to.
With practical ideas and tons of hope, humor and how-tos, host Kathi Lipp with teach you to live with Less Cutter, More Life. -
my name is anna archer, i'm 22 years old and i'm from the uk <3 welcome to our lil safe space, where i share my thoughts, feelings and reflections. i know what it feels like to struggle and i just want to be a helping hand to as many people as possible. there is no posting schedule (i release an episode when i can), as life is never linear and i'm trying to practice to not put too much pressure on myself xxx
@insideannasmind on instagram <3 (the best community)
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
我們還有個小名叫「寫作不藏私」——希望能從「在場 · 非虛構寫作獎學金」開始,談中文非虛構寫作生態,分享在場小組從報名後台看見的觀察與發現,跟隨我們的獲獎者、編輯、評委與發佈會嘉賓們,一起聊田野,聊寫作,聊在時代的現場,聊以書寫為行動。
Powered by Firstory Hosting -
Melody Cheng, Helen Wu-Wang, and Janet Wang are the co-creators of AsianBossGirl, a multimedia company for the modern day Asian-American woman. AsianBossGirl was founded to share their experiences as 9-to-5 professional working women, balancing careers, social lives, cultural identities, and personal development while living in the city of Los Angeles.
What started as a passion project podcast has turned into a multi-media business that they now run full-time. On their platforms, you’ll find conversations about the nuanced experience of being an Asian American woman navigating the corporate world as a person of color, mental and emotional health as children of immigrants, interviews with inspiring Asian women (and men), and even blind dates recorded on the mic. Their mission is to make everyday Asian-American women feel heard, seen, and connected. -
Marriage and Martinis is an attempt to present a real, authentic marriage at its core: the love, hate, teamwork, struggles, laughter, humiliation, and ever-changing dynamics that comprise spousal relationships. Join Danielle and Adam as they explore every hilarious, heartfelt, shocking, embarrassing, and completely inappropriate facet of marriage and parenting. It’s a bumpy ride, but it’s worth it.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
What (if anything) makes us—Homo sapiens—superior to (or at least distinct from) our close cousins, those happenin' haplorrhine primates?
WQLN's premier podcast Better than Monkeys posits that it’s our forays into the arts and sciences that make us, well . . . human. BTM takes a monthly deep-dive behind the scenes of the arts and sciences, alongside local luminaries working in both disciplines, in order to answer that unwieldy question: What makes us human?
Listen on, and dig into your humanity with a new episode every month! -
The Decision-Making Studio Podcast (formerly known as the All Things Risk podcast) uses the lenses of decision-making, uncertainty and risk to better understand ourselves and our world. We feature fascinating guests across many fields from sport, the arts, current affairs and others. We have long-form conversations and our guests share insights, stories, tools and tips.
Nominated 'Best New Podcast' at the 2019 British Podcast Awards.
A weekly podcast that invites you to walk in the shoes of a stranger and listen to their story. Take 10 minutes to hear from people from all walks of life, with each story part of Empathy Museum's audio projects – including A Mile in My Shoes, From Where I'm Standing, and Brixton Memories.
More information about our projects at
Please be aware that some stories are more appropriate for adult listeners.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
不務正業醫療圈打雜工,偶爾找朋友聊天錄點Podcast,外加自己隨意Murmur。Cupid's Instagram:'s Email:[email protected]小額贊助: provided by SoundOn
Astrology, Beekeeping, Spirituality. Let the Universe have your back with beloved host Tiffany Harelik.
"Tiffany's warm and insightful conversations with experts will leave you with a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of nature, the cosmos, and the human soul." -
㊯ 抖內連結:
㊜ 合作邀約: [email protected]
Powered by Firstory Hosting -
Crazy Smart Asia lifts the lid on the unexpected stories behind some of Asia’s boldest disruptors. Every week we talk with a young leader about the crazy-smart approaches they’re taking to achieve success and tackle some of the biggest issues facing Asia today.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome welcome welcome~ to Dive Deep with Lavinia. I'm Lavinia, a gal from Hong Kong but brought up multiculturally haha. Here I talk deep stuff about things that happens in our life, sometimes things that make us down, some that make us happy. Whatever the case, I hope to use this platform to tell all those out there who may be having the same problem that you are not alone, you are unique, you are lovely, and we are all in this together! Stay tune and subscribe for amazing episodes and fun times together!
體液週報是由 Lori 和 Pei 主持的專業幹話節目。
Powered by Firstory Hosting -
“你必点着我的灯 For thou will light my lamp…… ”影像中传递的感动是现实的隐喻,平凡的细碎中也会映射出超越的启示……不论二次元、三次元,或是超越N次元之外的“世界”,愿跟你分享超越次元的爱。欢迎常来做客,吐槽讨论!* 曾用名:《异次元の那些事》主播:LiuFang - 懒洋洋又很急躁,画风不统一的普通精分。
真实而坦诚地做回“人”。在霓虹闪烁的华丽时代,返璞归真。“真理,如白昼之光一样朴素而无隐无饰……”有时形而上,漫游宇宙,有时小而碎,鼓腹而游……主播:阿璞 - 内心戏丰富看起来冷酷,画风不稳定的影视动漫爱好者(伪)。阿真 - 善解人意的杠精,杂学旁收的文化从业者。