Welcome to tales from the magic box, a podcast dedicated to documenting my journey through film photography. This is a place to record my adventures with different cameras, films and techniques while I am out in the field. Come with me and live the dream of an experimental photographer!
Get in touch by email, twitter or instagram, and support the show by going to -
Come and join the discussion about where CG and filmmaking meet, particularly in this new world of virtual production and Realtime.
Warnouns is a podcast all about the various games created by Privateer Press, hosted on the Line of Sight Podcast Network.
Ohne Druck zu besseren Fotos.
Tipps und Tricks für Deinen Foto - Alltag
Herzlich willkommen, ich möchte Dich hier auf eine Reise mitnehmen, in meine Welt der Fotografie. Wie ich arbeite, aber vor allem auch wie ich denke.
Einfach fotografieren, das bedeutet für mich:
- Fotografiere einfach mal. Fang an, teste Dich aus, leb Dich aus.
- Fotografieren ist einfach. Wenn man einige wenige Grundregeln beherrscht. Wer diese kennt, kann sie später auch bewusst brechen.
Kontakt: [email protected] -
Welcome to the Print Life Podcast! A podcast created for surface pattern designers who want to get their foot in the door designing and selling exclusive art in the fashion industry. Host Leslie Kenehan brings you all things design, sales, marketing & mindset to support you in growing your creative business. Freelance? In House? Just getting started? You are in the right place. Welcome to the Print Life Podcast!
A comics theory and criticism podcast hosted by comic creators and MFA grads Eric Wong and Phillip Fleming.
Gamification Understood
Christopher Sarah Alex Lesley
Habla sobre como los videojuegos afectantan a la vida cotidiana
The Green Blooded Bastard podcasts primarily feature movie commentaries. While they do not cure cancer or offer profound insights into filmmaking, they may provide a touch of humor, and be warned; I swear a lot. In addition to the free weekly movie episodes, I occasionally post side podcasts on the main feed. These include a Star Trek-focused show titled The Bastard Boldly Goes, a Battlestar Galactica series called Fat Apollo is Life, a Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman commentary known as The Bastard V Lois & Clark, an ALF-themed podcast I Am, Therefore I Watch Alf, and an Ash vs Evil Dead show named Ash vs Evil Dead vs The Bastard. Sometimes, I write bad poetry, create chaos art, and am generally emo.
Dieser Podcast widmet sich Epochen, Stilrichtungen, Künstler*innen der Kunstgeschichte. Immer wieder mal erkläre ich auch einige Grundbegriffe.
Mit Bildern gibt's das Ganze auf meinem Youtube-Kanal... -
Misha Montana and Ivan Dragon are two Russians living in America. What sets them apart from the others is she is an Award-nominated Tattooed Alt Pornstar while Ivan is a Hall of Fame and Award-winning Adult and Horror Film Director. This is a spinoff of their viral YouTube channel.
Gunshot at school
Ein Podcast an Comics leidender alter Männer, die sich mit ihrem Befund zu arrangieren suchen.
We are your favourite friendly neighbourhood budtenders, giving you the ins and outs of the legal Canadian Cannabis industry. We are experimenting on the daily, and have the insights of what gas is lurking upon your local dispensary. We can provide the information, so you can find those perfect strains for whatever you Potheads get up to, without taking a risk on the unknown. Like most daily consumers, we try to go for quality and something worth the price you’re paying. Whether you consume medically or recreationally, we got your back.
What to do and what not to do during a podcast
Le podcast des artistes de demain. Jonathan Steuer interview des personnalités influentes du monde de l’art en phase avec leur époque pour évoquer la manière dont il évoluera dans les prochaines années.
Érase una vez un niño pegado a un tebeo... Ahora Paco Roca se estrena en el mundo del podcast, con una apuesta de Las Provincias compuesta por tres episodios que han escrito y narrado Carmen Velasco y Mikel Labastida. En él se desplazan hasta el chalé de Olocau, 'La Casa', para hablar con el tío Manolo, que narra algunas anécdotas de la infancia de Roca y dibuja la visión más difuminada a ojos de los lectores del Premio Nacional de Cómic. También visitan el estudio del dibujante, para rememorar sus primeros trabajos y cómo se gestó el éxito de 'Arrugas'. El viaje termina en el cementerio de Paterna. El camposanto es uno de los escenarios de su último trabajo 'El abismo del olvido', donde excava en el pasado reciente del país.
Este proyecto cuenta con música original de David Barberá, el montaje y diseño sonoro ha corrido a cargo de Amalia Yusta y la mezcla final es obra de Rodrigo Ortiz de Zárate.
Aquel niño pegado a un tebeo sigue haciendo viñetas e incluso ya es un adulto que protagoniza podcast. Paco Roca continúa sumando capítulos.