Design Thinking 101 is part of how Fluid Hive helps people think and solve like a designer.
You'll hear designers' stories, lessons, ideas, resources, and tips. Our guests share insights into delivering change and results with design thinking, service design, behavioral design, user experience design and more, in business, social innovation, education, design, government, healthcare and other fields. -
Your favorite table top RPG design topics podcast
Miha in Jure večinoma, a ne izključno o avtomobilizmu in ostalih s tem povezanih temah.
Each week a scientist and a coffee shop owner talk everything about coffee and particually espresso. There's a lot of chat in between as we fumble our way through a wide range of topics.
Kar nekaj časa se je rojevala ideja o snemanju podkastov, s katerimi bi nadgradili ideje, teme, probleme, ... ki se jih lotevamo v reviji, na spletu in v videih. Po drugi strani pa gre v mnogočem tudi za vsebine, ki jih na spletu in v reviji (še) nimamo. In se jih na tak, bolj sproščen, pogovorni način tudi ne moremo lotiti. Gre za tematike, ki so na širši način ali pa vsaj zelo ohlapno povezane z osebno mobilnostjo. Vključno s sodobno mobilnostjo, tehniko, avtomoto športom, novimi tehnologijami, zakonodajo pri nas in v tujini, ... Ki jih bomo kombinirali z zanimivimi sogovorci.
Hola y Bienvenidos! Are you ready to be inspired to cook at home, try new recipes, meet chefs, foodies and artisans from around the world? Diving into my Latina roots, I use my magical molcajete, wood pit and other tools and techniques that make my guacamole, crunchy tacos, chorizo y queso fundido molcajete, chimichangas, spicy slow grilled ribs, and so much more taste like grandma used to make back in Mexico. My guest chefs and familia share their inspiring stories that led them to create cookie art, Churro cupcakes, Mexican chocolate brownies, sweet potato flautas, pumpkin tamales, and other delicious culinary creations.
Warning, most of our podcasts will make you hungry and you may find yourself dancing in your kitchen to salsa music. Eat before listening or have snacks nearby as we celebrate sharing home-cooked meals with friends and family for food is love!
Saludos & Abrazos, Molé Mama -
A Gran Turismo podcast. Hosts Wardez (Eddie Gomez) and Tristan Bayless (roadbeef) are both very experienced sim racers and 2018 FIA Gran Turismo Championship Regional Finalists.
We navigate through the newborn world of eMotorsport. Special guests from the GT community as well. We want to use this podcast to track our journey of improvement as we aim to go even further for the 2019 championship.
We also discuss other sim titles, science, pop culture and make insensitive jokes about food.
Tristan Bayless Info -
PSN: roadbeef
GTPlanet: RoadBeef
Instagram: @ogroadbeef
Eddie Gomez Info -
PSN: Wardez
GTPlanet: Wardez
Twitter: @WardezRacing
Instagram: @TiltShiftEddie -
Dirt biking
Podcast Gledališče in lutke JSKD
Your go-to for design systems.
Se trata de un poema sobre la mujer
As an architect, I've learned through teaching about the practice of architecture, people feel more comfortable, trusting, and excited about starting their design journey. It’s been a gateway to unique and personalized designs. I’m going to share knowledge about aspects of your home that will hopefully inspire you to find the right architect, relieve the mystery of the construction, and get you on the path to a home that you will love for many years to come.
The Design WakeUp community was created to connect people who like to think outside of the box and are looking to provide new possibilities within their industry. Whether you want to learn tools that will help take a product or business to the next level, or simply understand how design management can help organisations stay competitive and grow. No matter what your reason is, we are here to share, learn and network with each other.
Marvel's Declassified is a non-fiction narrative podcast focusing on the rich, dynamic, and evolving history of Marvel Comics - as told through a contemporary lens. Each episode is hosted by writer and comic book expert, Lorraine Cink (author of Powers of a Girl , co-author of Marvel Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, and Ultimate Marvel) and acclaimed journalist and critic Evan Narcisse (author of Marvel’s Rise of the Black Panther). Utilizing unique access to writers, artists, editors, and industry insiders who have shaped key storylines and witnessed firsthand the historical shifts within the comic book industry, we get the real story of Marvel Comics it could only be told by the House of Ideas itself.
All about deforestation
We love to talk about our smutty books and want to share that with you!
Conversations about maker culture, design, craft, and technology
What does it mean to go beyond - to go further than expected, to raise the bar, to defy limits? In this podcast series, we unleash the game-changing stories that take Automobili Lamborghini beyond the status quo and meet extraordinary people across the world who go beyond convention to forge their own incredible journeys.
Quick & Dirty Romance: The inside scoop on romance books and writing, where we pull out & wrap up in 30 minutes or less. But we promise to leave you satisfied! Sarah Skye is the nom de plume of Sarah Smith & Skye McDonald, contemporary romance authors whose joint publication, Sips & Strokes, is out April 20,2021.
This show is about all automotive appearance related services. We will talk about PDR, ceramic coatings, PPF, detailing, wheel repair, RestorFX, and much more
With your hosts Cory Kleinfeldt A.K.A. Coach Cory K and Ryan Brewer
Coach Cory K was the former host of the PDR coach podcast, owner of DentPro Inc. and RestorFX Sacramento
Ryan Brewer is the owner of DentproUSA and RestorFX Lafayette.
Together we bring over 30 years of automotive restoration experience.