On Episode 30 of our show "Grindhouse Pizzeria" which is dedicated to all things encompassing various Grindhouse, Drive-In, and Exploitation genres; we will be reviewing and dissecting the gritty exploitation flick with 1982's "CLASS OF 1984". Directed by Mark L. Lester (Commando) and starring Perry King, Timothy Van Patten, Roddy McDowall and a very young Michael J. Fox. This movie, which spawned two loosely connected sequels is a cautionary tale of a new teacher at a crime ridden ciity high school that runs afoul a group of punk teenagers that rule said school with an iron fist. Our discussion is headed off by our regular hosts Tom Komisar and Cameron Scott! Join the two of them as they take a deep dive dissection of this ultra-violent exploitation effort! Come on in at the Grindhouse Pizzeria, pull up a chair, and grab yourself a slice!
"I am the future!"
'Cinema Degeneration Presents' is a podcast that aims to be an all-encompassing show that doesn't limit itself to one topic or genre. We'll be covering all sorts of movies, books, music and more. There will be solo reviews and group chats with multiple different guest hosts and interviews. Sometimes there will be themed segments such as "How The F*#k Did That Get Made", "The Good, The Bad, The Independent", "Why Is That Not Eric Roberts?" and iterations of past shows like Old Not Obsolete and This Is Your Brain On Film. For our 4th episode we are bringing you a celebration of the best of and worst of films that 2024 had to offer. Starting off the festivities our hosts Cameron Scott and Patty Scott will run through a slew of new films giving you their Top 10 Films of 2024, their Top 3 Runner-Ups, best new films to them (those not released in 2024 but new watches to the Scott's), best Director, and Best Performances; and then the coveted Bottom Feeders Award for worst films of the year. Join us in celebration of the best and worst that cinema had to offer and see if some of your favorites and not-so-favorites made the Cinema Degeneration cut!
Eksik bölüm mü var?
The theme for this show is unlike any other in our lineup. Hosted by Cinema Degeneration CEO Cameron Scott and his co-host, author, voiceover artist, and host of 'The Diabolical Index' Korey Dawson. The theme is simple: Scott calls Dawson out of the blue with no warning as to what the topic of conversation will be...without warning if you will. Scott will continuously test the overall skill and level of pop culture and movie expertise of Mr. Dawson with totally random topics including movies, literature, pop culture, music, art, comics and more. Dawson has absolutely no prior knowledge to these show topics and is going into the discussions totally blind. These shows are a hoot to record, and we hope as much fun for the audience to listen back to. The 8th episode show topic is on the most broadest of subjects on the show to date with "FAMOUS MOVIE WEAPONS." You are all in for a deep dive discussion on the expansive material that is the most unique and memorable weapons in movie history. Topics range from lengthy debates on Freddy's Glove, Chucky's Knife, the Predator's overall technology, Candyman's Hook, Jason's Machete, Toulon's Puppets, Reggie's four barrelled shotgun, Ash's Chainsaw hand, Jigsaw's traps and plus many many more. Included in the festivities are various rants and segways into side topics and the idea of Pumpkinhead, Snake Plissken, Killer Klowns From Outerspace, Freddy Vs Candyman, what makes a weapon a weapon and not just a conduit of its user and much more. Join us!
On our show, "Howling At The Full Moon" which celebrates anything related to Charles Band's Empire of Full Moon Pictures, we're going with something a little on the lesser traveled side of things with our 37th episode and our first film under the Surrender Cinema label "FEMALIEN" from 1996. Directed by Cybil Richards and starring Venesa Talor, Jacqueline Lovell, and Stu Gotz as the voice of Dak. Femalien is the first chapter in a long running franchise about a race of aliens that exist only as beams of light that send one of their own to Earth to experience as many physical sensations as possible. Join our discussion headed off by our regular hosts Cameron Scott and Full Moon enthusiast Dustin Hubbard as they take a deep dive discussion about the adventures of the alien Kara and the hijinks she gets into. Join us!
"That was very enlightening"
On Episode 29 of our show "Grindhouse Pizzeria" which is dedicated to all things encompassing various Grindhouse, Drive-In, and Exploitation genres; we will be reviewing and dissecting always silly and sometimes gruesome exploitation flick with 1979's "MICROWAVE MASSACRE". Directed by Wayne Berwick (The Naked Monster) and starring Jackie Vernon. Often applauded even in advertisements as 'the worst horror movie ever made' Microwave Massacre is the story of a man who resorts to cannibalism after being fed up with his wife's bad cooking. A new industrial microwave, murder, faulty pacemakers and hilarity ensues. Our discussion is headed off by our regular hosts Tom Komisar and Cameron Scott! Join the two of them as they take a deep dive dissection of this tongue in cheek exploitation effort! Come on in at the Grindhouse Pizzeria, pull up a chair, and grab yourself a slice!
"You know May, you have a definite grab for the obvious."
'Cinema Degeneration Presents' is a podcast that aims to be an all-encompassing show that doesn't limit itself to one topic or genre. We'll be covering all sorts of movies, books, music and more. There will be solo reviews and group chats with multiple different guest hosts and interviews. Sometimes there will be themed segments such as "How The F*#k Did That Get Made", "The Good, The Bad, The Independent", "Why Is That Not Eric Roberts?" and iterations of past shows like Old Not Obsolete and This Is Your Brain On Film. For our 3rd episode we are bringing you a celebration of the truly weird and utterly independent with a double feature of reviews. Starting off the festivities our hosts Cameron Scott and Marcus Koch review the 2016 slippery killer classick "THE GREASY STRANGLER" directed by Jim Hosking. This weird slice of fried gold horror comedy is such a wild ride that we highly recommend wearing your seatbelts. {You have been warned!} This review is followed by a "The Good, The Bad, The Independent" segment recorded back in 2020 with hosts and filmmakers Rebecca Rinehart and Cameron Scott during the height of the pandemic lockdown once thought lost to the hard drive overlords reviewing the 2018 anthology flick "Hi-Death" directed by such indie sensations as Brad Sykes, Tim Ritter, Amanda Payton, Todd Sheets and Anthony Catanese. Join us in celebration the truly mad and definitely weird.
'Brilliantly Insane' is a show that will be dedicated to the career and films of Nicolas Cage. One of the greatest living actors and eccentric individuals, his career has spanned 40 years and over 100 films credits and counting. We'll be covering a different movie or two from his expansive filmography in every episode. For Episode #5 we're talking about the heist thriller 2016 release "THE TRUST" directed by Alex and Benjamin Brewer. It stars Cage, Elijah Wood, Stephen Williams, Ethan Suplee, Sky Ferreira, and the late Jerry Lewis in his final role. It's a tense and nail biting heist thriller about two bad cops that make even worse thieves when they discover a bank vault during a drug bust. Join hosts Cameron Scott and first time guest co-host Elijah Light (Cinematographer from Nightblade, Cruel Summer 1&2) as they talk shop about one of their favorite Cage films!
"Tell you what, I'll flip you for it."
On our show, "Howling At The Full Moon" which celebrates anything related to Charles Band's Empire of Full Moon Pictures, we're going with something a little on the newer side of things with our 36th episode and the 2023 effort "AIMEE: THE VISITOR." Directed by Charles Band himself and starring Dallas Shaefer, Faith West, Felix Merback and Aimee...the first ever AI generated movie character. Aimee: The Visitor tells the tale of what happens when a computer hacker meets an AI nemesis that may just end all that he holds close. Join our discussion headed off by our regular hosts Cameron Scott and Full Moon enthusiast Dustin Hubbard as they take a deep dive discussion about the worlds first AI femme fatale. Join us!
"I've got a bad feeling about this whole caper."
On this show, our specialty is sequels, sequels, and more sequels. From the good ones, to the bad ones, to the really ugly ones, we'll be covering them all! We've got homicidal maniacs that won't stay in the grave, sci-fi epics whose stories cannot be told in a single tale, and much much more. For our 28th episode, we'll be taking on the often overlooked "WARLOCK: THE ARMAGEDDON" from 1993. This Part Two to the original 1989 classic Warlock was directed by the late Anthony Hickox (Full Eclipse, Hellrasiser III: Hell On Earth, Waxwork 1 & 2) and starred the late Julian Sands (Arachnophobia, Leaving Lost Vegas, Boxing Helena) as the titular Warlock once again. Supporting cast is as solid as 90's horror can get with roles played by Joanna Pacula, Bruce Glover, Chris Young, Paula Marshall, R.G. Armstrong, Charles Hallahan, Zach Galligan, George "Buck" Flowers and more. This sequel finds our suave Warlock on a quest to unleash satan upon the world and battling against an order of Druids in his way. Join our regular hosts Cameron Scott and Eric Phillips as they dissect and take a deep dive into a world filled with black magic, runestones, Druids, flesh maps and satanic panic! Enjoy!
"Picasso. Definitely Picasso."
On Episode 28 of our show "Grindhouse Pizzeria" which is dedicated to all things encompassing various Grindhouse, Drive-In, and Exploitation genres; we will be taking on and dissecting what we here consider to be one of the all time great exploitation flicks with 1982's "Basket Case". Directed by Frank Henenlotter (Brain Damage, Bad Biology and Frankenhooker) and starring Kevin VanHentenryck. It's a gruesome and ghastly tale of a young man and the formerly conjoined and murderous twin brother that he carries around in a wicker basker around 1980's NYC! This savage story of Duane and twisted brother Belial even spawned two infamous sequels. Our discussion is headed off by our regular hosts Tom Komisar and Cameron Scott! Join the two of them as they take a deep dive dissection of this gritty exploitation effort! Come on in at the Grindhouse Pizzeria, pull up a chair, and grab yourself a slice!
"They didn't want him to live. But he fooled them. He didn't die, he just got stronger."
We bring you the 14th episode of our specialty show "Take Out Edition" where we will explore the realms of foreign cinema. Our hosts will take you along their travels all over the globe while diving into some of the most lucid storytelling, savage cannibals, vengeful spirits, sadistic killers, and post-apocalyptic zombie-plagued landscapes. Join us as we dissect the classics that prove sometimes fear comes with subtitles. Our hosts, author and filmmaker Cameron Scott and filmmaker/musician Thomas Berdinski, take you on yet another Italian voyage on this episode with the 1993 Dario Argento directed "TRAUMA". Trauma stars Asia Argento, Christopher Rydell, Piper Laurie, Brad Dourif, James Russo and Frederic Forrest. It's not quite a slasher and not quite a Giallo, and all of a murder whodunnit shrouded in mystery that is "a new dimension of fear." Cinema Degeneration welcomes you to enjoy some Take Out while we explore the misadventures of Aura's search for the murderer who killed her parents and the price she'll have to pay for the answers! Join Us!
"Some other soul is here with us tonight!"
Welcome to an altogether new show here at Cinema Degneration we are calling "Without Warning." The theme for this show is unlike any other in our lineup. Hosted by Cinema Degeneration CEO Cameron Scott and his co-host, author, voiceover artist, and host of 'The Diabolical Index' Korey Dawson. The theme is simple: Scott calls Dawson out of the blue with no warning as to what the topic of conversation will be...without warning if you will. Scott will continuously test the overall skill and level of pop culture and movie expertise of Mr. Dawson with totally random topics including movies, literature, pop culture, music, art, comics and more. Dawson has absolutely no prior knowledge to these show topics and is going into the discussions totally blind. These shows are a hoot to record, and we hope as much fun for the audience to listen back to. The 7th episode show topic is on the most legendary of slasher franchises with the "FRIDAY THE 13TH FRANCHISE". Essentially you are all in for a deep dive discussion on the entire Friday the 13th film saga including the remake and Freddy VS Jason. We'll talk all about the good, the bad, and the ugly. Topics range from lengthy debates on favorite characters, most memorable kill scenes, theories and tidbits and trivia, everything about ole Jason Voorhees (including our favorite version of Jason), Mama and Papa Voorhees, Tommy Jarvis, Creighton Duke, Roy, Crazy Ralph plus more. Included in the festivities are various rants and segways into topics such as the the Road Warrior, Halloween and Jamie Lloyd (in relation to F13), Freddy Krueger, Cheech & Chong, Sherlock Holmes, She's So Pretty 1 & 2, Real Men, Phantasm and much much more. Join us!
"You're All Doomed!"
On our show, "Howling At The Full Moon", we're going with something a little on the controversial side of things with a film that is highly contested by many Full Moon fans deep from within the Paramount days with our 35th episode and the 1993 effort "DOLLMAN VS DEMONIC TOYS." Directed by Charles Band himself and starring Tim Thomerson, Tracey Scoggins, Melissa Behr and Phil Fondacaro. Dollman vs Demonic Toys was the huge super-ultra-mega crossover flick that tied up some loose ends from Dollman, Bad Channels, and Demonic Toys. Some feel this was the greatest crossover event in the history of film and others...not so much. Join our discussion headed off by our regular hosts Cameron Scott and Full Moon enthusiast Dustin Hubbard as they debate and talk about their general love for this movie.
"Pop goes the weasel."
On this show, our specialty is sequels, sequels, and more sequels. From the good ones, to the bad ones, to the really ugly ones, we'll be covering them all! We've got homicidal maniacs that won't stay in the grave, sci-fi epics whose stories cannot be told in a single tale, and much much more. For our 27th episode, we'll be taking on one of the biggest blockbuster sequels in movie history with "MATRIX RELOADED" from 2003, from directors Lana and Lilly Wachowski. This science fiction action epic to the original Matrix once again stars Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, Laurence Fishburne, and Hugo Weaving. It's an epic sequel filled with incomparabale fight scenes, ground breaking cgi, and an EPIC car chase sequence. This time around The One (Neo) and company must continue the good fight against our machine and computer overlords. Join our hosts Cameron Scott and first time guest co-host Roman Jossart as they dissect and take a deep dive into a world of martial arts, car chases, shoot-outs and something referred to by the films cast and crew as 'The Burly Brawl'. Enjoy!
On Episode 27 of our show "Grindhouse Pizzeria" which is dedicated to all things encompassing various Grindhouse, Drive-In, and Exploitation genres; we will be taking on and dissecting one of the grittiest early 80's revenge thriller fare with "MS. 45" from 1981. Directed by Abel Ferrera (Fear City, King Of New York, Bad Lieutenant) and stars Zoe Lund. This is not just another revenge flick that follows in the wake of the Death Wish franchise as it's rather a midnight cult thriller of the highest order. It's a story about a mute seamstress that goes insane after being attacked twice in the same day and quickly becomes the '45 Killer' on the seedy streets of 1980's NYC. Our discussion is headed off by our regular hosts Tom Komisar and Cameron Scott! Join the two of them as they take a deep dive dissection of this gritty exploitation effort! Come on in at the Grindhouse Pizzeria, pull up a chair, and grab yourself a slice!
On our show, "Howling At The Full Moon", we're going with something a little more Gothic and deep from within the Full Moon vault with our 34th episode and deep diving into one of the slickestlooking feature films/web series ever with the 2016 effort "RAVENWOLF TOWERS" directed by Charles Band himself and starrring George Appleby, Shiloh Creveling, Michael Citriniti, Maria Olsen, and Cody Renee Cameron. Ravenwolf Towers is a cautionary tale of what happens when you take a job at a mysterious hotel that plays host to a valecade of Full Moon characters including Mascaro the Clown, Ivan Ivanoff and hunter extraordinaire, a family of cannibals and the insidious Dr. Lorca. This feature began life as three episodes of a web series that is as of yet unfinished and then was edited down into this thrilling 80 minute feature. Discussion headed off by our regular hosts Cameron Scott and Full Moon enthusiast Dustin Hubbard as they take a deep dive into a dissection of this Gothic horror romp.
An altogether brand new show is coming your way from the team here at Cinema Degeneration and it is simply entitled 'Cinema Degeneration Presents'! This podcast aims to be an all encompassing show that doesn't limit itself to one topic or genre. We'll be covering all sorts of movies, books, music and more. There will be solo reviews and group chats with multiple different guest hosts and interviews. Sometimes there will be themed segments such as "How The F*#k Did That Get Made", "The Good, The Bad, The Independent", "Why Is That Not Eric Roberts?" and iterations of past shows like Old Not Obsolete and This Is Your Brain On Film. For our 2nd episode and overall 200th EPISODE from Cinema Degeneration collectively, we are bringing you a celebration of the truly weird with two reviews and a special interview recorded in 2020 that was once thought lost to the hard drive overlords. Starting off the festivities our hosts Cameron Scott and Marcus Koch review the 1989 psychotronic reimagining "DR. CALIGARI". This weird slice of soft core Skinnemax horror is such a wild ride that we highly recommend wearing your seatbelts. This review is followed by a short review of the 2020 release "PSYCHO APE" which begs the question 'Who's Craving Banana?' This movie is a genuine SOV lovers dream come true. Followed by an interview with the director Addison Binek. Join us in our 200th Episode and celebrate the truly mad and definitely weird.
Welcome to an altogether new show here at Cinema Degneration we are calling "Without Warning." The theme for this show is unlike any other in our lineup. Hosted by Cinema Degeneration CEO Cameron Scott and his co-host, author, voiceover artist, and host of 'The Diabolical Index' Korey Dawson. The theme is simple: Scott calls Dawson out of the blue with no warning as to what the topic of conversation will be...without warning if you will. Scott will continuously test the overall skill and level of pop culture and movie expertise of Mr. Dawson with totally random topics including movies, literature, pop culture, music, art, comics and more. Dawson has absolutely no prior knowledge to these show topics and is going into the discussions totally blind. These shows are a hoot to record, and we hope as much fun for the audience to listen back to. The 6th episode show topic is on "UNIVERSAL MONSTERS". Essentially you are all in for a deep dive discussion on a multitude of films that were based on some of the classic and iconic black and white era of Hollywood Killers. Topics range from a lengthy debate on Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi and the 'Fearsome Five' cavalcade of maniacs with Dracula, Frankenstein, The Wolfman, The Invisible Man, and The Creature. Some of the other films covered range from Bride Of Frankenstein, The Black Cat, THEM!, The Raven, Frankenstein VS The WolfMan, plus more. Included in the festivities are various rants and segways into topics such as the Atomic Age of Horror, Vincent Price, This Island Earth, Hammer Horror, Monolith Monsters, and many more. Join us!
"Listen to them! Children of the Night. What music they make!"
On our show, "Howling At The Full Moon", we're going with something a little more recent with our 33rd episode and deep diving into one of the coolest looking feature films ever with the 2021 effort "DON'T LET HER IN" directed by Ted Nicolaou (the Subspecies franchise) and starring Kelly Curran, Lorin Doctor, Cole Penderey and Austin James Parker. Don't Let Her In is a cautionary tale of what happens when you rent a room to a mysterious stranger that may not be all that she seems. This shorty feature (clocking in at only 61 minutes) is a touch of Rosemary's Baby, a dash of Demon Knight, and a whole lot of Gothic horror awesomeness. Discussion headed off by our regular hosts Cameron Scott and Full Moon enthusiast Dustin Hubbard as they take a deep dive into a dissection of this Gothic horror romp.
We bring you the 13th episode of our specialty show "Take Out Edition" where we will explore the realms of foreign cinema. Our hosts will take you along their travels all over the globe while diving into some of the most lucid storytelling, savage cannibals, vengeful spirits, sadistic killers, and post-apocalyptic zombie-plagued landscapes. Join us as we dissect the classics that prove sometimes fear comes with subtitles. Our hosts, author and filmmaker Cameron Scott (Post Mortem America 2021) and filmmaker/musician Thomas Berdinski (The Italian Zombie Movie 1 & 2), take you on an Italian voyage on this episode with the 1977 Giallo thriller/police drama "THE PYJAMA GIRL CASE" from writer/director Flavio Mogherini and starring the late Ray Milliand. This cop thriller based on a real murder case from Australia in the 1930's will keep you on the tip of your toes to guess where it's all going. It's not quite a slasher, not quite a Giallo, and all of a murder mystery. Cinema Degeneration welcomes you to enjoy some Take Out while we explore the misadventures of Inspector Timpson and his quest for the truth!
"You wouldn't be risking much!"
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