
  • Mass mobilization in climate activism

    By the mid 2000s, the climate justice movement was beginning to gain momentum across the world. Through organized rallies and marches, the public has begun to see an increased recognition of climate justice issues amidst various other social movements. The existential threat of the climate crisis has given rise to an increased potential for transformational movements to ignite change. Mass mobilization thus provides a tactic of community organizing and civic engagement that can unite people across the globe – or create the possibility of a backlash. As climate activism becomes more prevalent, it is plausible that climate mobilizations will rise in urgency and frequency.

    How mass mobilization can spark change

    Mass mobilization is a way for people and organizations to rally together in order to promote widespread changes in a society. Social movements can accelerate action on climate change by providing windows of opportunity for transformative climate action. When people perceive a risk, such as climate change, to be extremely critical they may respond to the growing threat through various strategies of mobilization. Perceived risk can drive social change; if the risk appears to be strong enough, people may change their behaviors and push social actors to respond.

    Why mass mobilization is advantageous

    On an individual level, it is hard to achieve large-scale changes given the immensity of the climate crisis. Community mobilization is thus a tool that can be harnessed in the fight to increase awareness of climate change. Mass strikes and protesting can re-emphasize social norms and the effectiveness of collective civic engagement. Collective action provides a collective voice that is more likely to be heard than solo protest. By encouraging friends and family to also engage in climate action, a movement can gain momentum and promote social norms that will support and normalize climate action. Beyond non-disruptive demonstrations and legally permitted marches, there are also more confrontational methods such as boycotts, sit-ins, and direct action that target political leaders and policymakers.

    What are the drawbacks of mass mobilization?

    The Internet and online social media are two factors that have contributed to the ease of coordinating widespread large-scale mobilizations of groups of people. However, one potential concern is that if we solely rely on the use of social media, we may forget the potential benefits of in-person action. Furthermore, it is sometimes difficult to continue activism efforts after a protest, rally, or march to foster long-lasting effects. In the Fridays for Future (FFF) youth climate protests led by Greta Thunberg, some have questioned whether those participating have held themselves personally accountable for their own carbon footprint outside of the movement. While strikes and protests can create solidarity, they also are susceptible to collective action problems as many individuals may hope to benefit from actions resulting from the protests without actually participating. Additionally, youth-climate strikes likely pose little direct threat to polluters, whereas those direct actions or strikes in particular polluting industries may have a stronger impact on the decisions of fossil fuel firms. Although FFF has led to conversations on the need to address climate change, the broader social and political implications are uncertain, raising questions about the efficacy of mass mobilization. Large-scale mobilization efforts can also lead to significant political backlash, thereby complicating the landscape for collective action. Not everyone responds similarly to mass mobilization efforts, leaving debate on the potential efficacy of such actions.

    About our guest

    Dana R. Fisher is the Director of the Center for Environment, Community, and Equity and Professor at American University. Her seventh book, Saving ourselves: From Climate Shocks to Climate Action, presents mass mobilization as a realistic path forward for climate action in response to the growing severity of disastrous events. Fisher explores further the various types of activism, and which are most applicable to the climate crisis.

    Further ReadingAfter Protest: Pathways Beyond Mass MobilizationClimate justice and sustained transnational mobilizationSaving ourselves: From Climate Shocks to Climate Action

    For a transcript of this episode, please visit https://climatebreak.org/mass-mobilization-for-climate-with-dana-fisher/

  • What are the problems with current beer production methods?

    Beer is primarily composed of water—making up about 90 percent of its content. Annually, over 100 billion gallons of beer are produced and shipped, meaning nearly 90 billion gallons of water are being transported in the form of beer. This is significant because approximately 20 percent of a beer’s carbon footprint is attributed to transportation. In response, Sustainable Beverage Technologies (SBT) has proposed a new type of beer that can reduce transportation costs, material use, and overall emissions.

    A Sustainable Solution

    SBT’s approach allows beer to travel through the supply chain as a concentrated liquid, reducing its water content to one-sixth that of conventional beer. In practical terms, one 13-pound bag of concentrated beer can yield the equivalent of 48 pints of fully hydrated beer. The condensed form of the beer significantly decreases the weight and physical size of the beer as it moves through the supply chain, which in turn reduces between 450 and 500 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions for every 48 pints produced.

    Additionally, the only packaging that is not recyclable is the bag of beer itself. All of the boxes used in transportation are recyclable, which significantly reduces the waste from beer production and transportation. Current partnerships allow SBT to ship this concentrated beer formula to various vendors, who then rehydrate the beer before selling it to consumers. SBT is actively working to expand these partnerships to further reduce emissions in the beer industry.

    Effect on Consumers

    This new beer will have minimal effect on the end consumer and will mainly influence partners and suppliers. SBT’s beer requires rehydration at its final destination; SBT is developing specialized technology to facilitate this. This beer allows consumers to keep enjoying their drinks while knowing they are contributing to a sustainable solution.

    About Gary Tickle

    Gary Tickle serves as the CEO of Sustainable Beverage Technologies.Alongside his partner, the original founder, he leads a team of innovators focused on crafting sustainable solutions for the beer industry while maintaining the beer flavor and feel.

    For a transcript of this episode, please visit: https://climatebreak.org/raising-the-bar-brewing-a-greener-future-with-concentrated-beer-with-gary-tickle/

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  • A Need for Clean Energy

    Energy harvesting from environmental sources is key to mitigating the harm associated with fossil fuels. Renewable energy is generated from naturally replenishing resources, and common sources include solar, wind, and water. Currently, renewable energy only makes up roughly 20% of all U.S. electricity, and many of these sources are intermittent – they do not produce continuous energy on a 24/7 basis. These sources of clean energy often require a large amount of land and specific weather conditions, and can face various barriers to being cost-effective.

    Researchers at UMass Amherst have developed a method to harness energy from air humidity, potentially revolutionizing clean energy production. Dubbed “Air-gen,” this device has the capacity to produce continuous clean electricity.

    How does Air-gen Work?

    The prototype device is small in size, comparable to the size of a fingernail, and as thin as a strand of hair. The device contains tiny holes, known as nanopores, that allow water vapor in the air to pass through. As the water molecules travel through the nanopores, the molecules’ contact with the walls of the device creates small charges. The frequency of this contact causes a charge imbalance in the upper and lower parts of the device effectively creating a battery. Despite its current small-scale energy output, stacking multiple Air-gens has the potential for significant electricity generation.

    Why Air Energy

    The “Air-gen Effect” would offer a sustainable, accessible source of continuous clean energy as it utilizes humidity that is always present in the air. Air-gen technology has the ability to suit most environments, operating 24/7 day and night and even indoors. The devices can be stacked upon each other to increase energy output without increasing the footprint of the device. Air-gens do not require any specific material in their construction as well, minimizing the amount of material extraction needed in comparison to other forms of renewable energy.

    Clean Energy Challenges

    The Air-gen team faces challenges in efficiency, material selection, and scalability. They aim to reduce the number of devices and space needed to generate significant amounts of energy, as well as optimize the device by finding ideal device materials that can operate across different climates. It is unclear how long these developments will take.

    Air-gen is one of many possible solutions, all of which faces challenges, both technical and economic. A competing solution is nuclear energy, which produces large amounts of energy and has grown in use globally. Nuclear power produces renewable, clean energy without pollutants or greenhouse gas emission, however, the byproduct of nuclear energy is radioactive material. Geothermal energy is another clean energy solution that drives turbines using steam power. Geothermal energy is flexible as it can run consistently regardless of time or weather, like the Air-gen, and also has a minimal footprint, but is limited in its location dependency, costs to start, and earthquake risks. There are many ideas for clean energy generation and storage, but finding the right solutions is only part of the challenge.

    About the Guest

    Jun Yao is an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Yao’s other work involves developing novel nanoelectronic and bioelectronic sensors and devices for health/physiological monitoring. Yao received his Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Rice University.

    Further ReadingEnergy from Almost Any Material (Washington Post,2023)Humid Air into Renewable Power (The Guardian, 2023)Air Humidity and Energy Harvesting (Advanced Materials, 2023)Jun Yao speaks on Harvesting Electricity from Air

    For a transcript of this episode, visit https://climatebreak.org/generating-electricity-from-air-with-jun-yao/

  • California is the first state to ban the sale of new gas furnaces and water heaters, which will begin in 2030. In efforts to fight climate change, all homes will be required to use zero-emission electric appliance alternatives. The Sierra Club and American Lung Association have supported this move to reduce the building sector’s carbon footprint and improve public health.

    The building sector accounts for 5% of California's nitrogen-oxide pollution, a key component in producing smog. The California Air and Resource Board (CARB) reports that nearly 90% of these nitrogen-oxide emissions come from space and water heaters. A report from SPUR, San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association, found “as appliances in California homes and buildings generate four times as much lung-damaging nitrogen oxide (NOx) pollution as the state's gas power plants, and roughly two-thirds as much NOx as all of the state’s passenger cars.” This ban was passed to meet EPA regulations limiting atmospheric ozone and fighting air pollution, and it also follows Biden’s Climate Plan calling for the switch from residential gas to electric appliances.

    Natural Gas Inside the Home

    Switching to electric appliances can also have indoor air pollution benefits. Gas cook stoves emit natural gas and indoor air pollutants that can be harmful to those with asthma and chronic pulmonary disease as these stoves are typically unvented. The most common pollutants from gas cook stoves are nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, and formaldehyde, and the EPA warns that nitrogen dioxide emissions can be toxic even in low concentrations. While electric appliance alternatives like electric cook stoves and heat pumps emit no onsite air pollution.

    Costs and Burdens

    The costs of upgrading electrical services also raises many equity concerns for vulnerable communities, as low-income customers and renters are predicted to face the largest costs. Environmental retrofits to upgrade water heaters and furnaces can lead to increased electricity costs, as natural gas is a cheaper but dirtier source of energy. There is also a long road ahead, as according to the Energy Information Administration in 2020, only “26% of U.S. households use electricity as the only source of energy.” Concerns with changing electricity loads and how this will impact homes that rely on solar panels or have other energy-intensive needs such as electrical vehicles must also be considered. Hefty costs are also associated with these retrofits as one study estimated equipment and installation costs for “electric air-source heat pumps cost around $6,800, though there is also a $5,900 adder for heat pumps in cold climates. A gas furnace was estimated to cost less than $4,000.” Despite these costs, a report from CLASP and Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) found that the U.S could “reduce national heating bills by $13.6 billion and cut annual CO2 emissions by 67 MT, the equivalent of removing 14.4 million passenger cars for an entire year, by swapping air conditioners for heat pumps.” There are numerous benefits for the planet and individuals that can afford to upgrade to electric appliances, but the inequitable burdens on low-income populations of this new ban must also be addressed.

    Steve Cliff

    Dr. Steve Cliff is the Executive Officer of the California Air and Resource Board (CARB). Cliff began his appointment in the Summer of 2022 and works with the board to enact programs to reduce air and climate pollution within the state. In his role, Cliff oversees over 1,800 employees and a budget of $2.7 billion.

    Before serving as Executive Officer Cliff worked as the 16th Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and was appointed by President Biden in January 2021. At NHTSA Cliff oversaw the nation’s vehicle safety agency, where he helped advance vehicle technologies and established fuel economy regulations. Dr. Cliff also has an extensive history working with CARB as he first joined as an Air Pollution Specialist in 2008, served as Deputy Executive Officer overseeing the board’s climate program, and was appointed by Governor Brown in 2016 as senior advisor to CARB’s Chair. Governor Brown also appointed Dr. Cliff as Assistant Director for Sustainability to the California Department of Transportation, where he served in this role from 2014 to 2016.

    Dr. Steve Cliff received his bachelor's and a doctorate in chemistry from the University of California, San Diego. He also has a postdoc on atmospheric sciences from the University of California, Davis. For over two decades Cliff has worked closely with UC Davis, he worked as a research professor in the Department of Applied Sciences, has supported air quality and climate research programs, and is affiliated with the school’s Air Quality Research.


    California Air Resources Board, Dr. Steve Cliff, Executive OfficerWells, California plans to phase out new gas heaters by 2030 (NPR 2022).Brady, We need to talk about your gas stove, your health and climate change (NPR 2021).SPUR, Gas Appliances and Smog: California's Hidden Air Pollution Problem (2022)Balaraman, As California confronts the future of its natural gas system, who could get left behind? (Utility Drive 2022).Walton, Electric heat pumps will be the cheapest clean option to heat most US homes by 2030: ACEEE (Utility Drive 2022).New report finds US hybrid heating could cut national heating costs by $13.6 billion (2022)The Biden White House, FACT SHEET: President Biden Signs Executive Order Catalyzing America’s Clean Energy Economy Through Federal Sustainability (2021).Regulatory Assistance Program

    For a transcript, please visit https://climatebreak.org/equitable-policy-for-energy-efficient-homes-with-dr-steve-cliff/

  • The Environmental Impacts of Coffee Production

    For most of us, coffee is a part of our daily lives. 62% of Americans drink coffee every day, with 7 in 10 drinking coffee every week. In 2024, the coffee market amounted to over $86.7 billion in gross revenue, with numbers only predicted to rise. Americans consume over 400 million cups of coffee each day, leading many to wonder of the harms of such rapid consumption. Unfortunately, for coffee-lovers, the reality is that coffee has a poor environmental footprint. The average total harvested area from coffee production is over 11 million hectares – an area larger than Scotland. Coffee production is associated with various environmental consequences such as water pollution, deforestation, soil degradation, and decreased biodiversity, to name a few. Traditionally, coffee beans are produced in the shade of trees, but due to heightened demand, many farmers are beginning to relocate production to sun grown coffee, which requires large scale forest removal. Every cup of coffee consumed destroys roughly one square inch of rainforest, making coffee the leading cause of forest destruction. Not only is coffee production extremely land intensive, but just one singular cup requires 140 liters of water to produce.

    Coffee production not only contributes to environmental changes, but is especially vulnerable to the effects of climate change. By 2050, predictions reveal a vast decrease in coffee-suitable land, leading to worldwide decreases in yields. The consequences of climate change on coffee production can trigger changes in soil, water, crop, and nutrient management of the land. Interestingly, sustainable coffee systems may provide favorable ecological services, such as maintaining soil fertility, biodiversity, and carbon sequestration. Thus, it has been proposed that making coffee production more resilient will not only help in adapting to a changing climate, but can reduce the environmental consequences of this industry, even promoting positive environmental benefits.

    How can coffee production become more sustainable?

    The two main strains of coffee produced globally are Arabica and Robusta, both of which are extremely vulnerable to climate change due to rising temperatures, altered rainfall patterns, and increased incidence of pests and diseases. Such climate impacts could lead to reduced coffee yields, affecting the quality and availability of coffee for consumers, and putting farmers’ livelihoods at risk. The impact of climate change will be particularly noticeable in the coffee belt, the region around the equator where most coffee production occurs. In this area, even small changes in temperature and rainfall patterns can have adverse effects on coffee production, decreasing yields.

    Liberica coffee has been proposed as one alternative to conventionally utilized coffee strains, as it withstands climate change-induced heat, long-term drought and disease. Farmers across the world are looking to reintroduce Liberica as the common crop plant used to sustain the global coffee industry and mitigate the adverse effects of climate change. Excelsa coffee has also been considered due to its high yields and heightened conversion ratio from pulp to clean coffee, with minimal mechanical and labor-intensive activities required. Farmers across the coffee belt have begun to implement such changes themselves as they are first-hand facing the negative effects of climate change.

    Potential Benefits of Alternative Coffee Strains

    Coffee varieties such as Liberica are being utilized in countries like Uganda, one of the world’s largest coffee exporters, as a means of adapting to the effects of a changing climate. Hybrid coffee varieties have potential for increasing welfare and enhancing resilience of smallholder farmers against climate change. With an expected doubling in coffee demand by 2050, it is necessary that more sustainable methods are adopted in order to respond to adverse climate consequences. Hybrid varieties thus provide a solution as they can increase productivity by enhancing yields and are less vulnerable to stressful environments.

    Ongoing Research is Needed

    There remains a lack of research on the potential improvements such coffee varieties can have when applied to a larger scale. Furthermore, more research needs to be done to determine the optimal temperature ranges for precise yield levels. In areas with high production yields, more on the ground work is needed in order to support sustainable development of coffee. There is large uncertainty in climate projection data, socioeconomic factors and interactions which influence coffee plants and potential yield capacity. Furthermore, the initial concerns mentioned in regards to the environmental harms of coffee production still remain.

    About our guest

    Catherine Kiwuka works with the Plant Genetic Resources Center of the National Agricultural Research Organization of Uganda, researching climate resilient coffee varieties in Africa to withstand climate impacts. In order to sustain livelihoods, resilient coffee systems can both protect local smallholders, and improve environmental quality, paving a way for a more sustainable future.

    Further ReadingA Systematic Review on the Impacts of Climate Change on Coffee …“How Climate Change is Affecting Coffee” - Clive CoffeeImpact of climate change on coffee productionNew coffee varieties as a climate adaptation strategy: Empirical evidence from Costa Rica“Rising temperatures in tropics to lead to lower coffee yields and higher prices, study suggests” - The GuardianThe re-emergence of Liberica coffee as a major crop plantWhat Climate Change Could Mean for the Coffee You Drink

    For a transcript of this episode, please visit https://climatebreak.org/adapting-coffee-production-for-climate-resilience-with-catherine-kiwuka/

  • Lithium Ion Batteries

    Lithium ion batteries are a popular type of rechargeable battery, used in a variety of devices from laptops and cell phones to hybrid and electric vehicles. Lithium ion batteries have grown in use due to their light weight, high energy density, and ability to recharge. While these batteries are used to store electricity and, therefore, as an element of alternative to fossil fuels, the process to mine and obtain lithium has harmful effects on the environment.

    Lithium is a soft, light metal found in rocks and subsurface fluids called brines. The mining of battery materials and manufacturing the batteries can generate significant amounts of greenhouse gas emissions. The disposal of these batteries is also a concern, as the battery cells can release toxins such as heavy metals into soil and groundwater if not properly disposed of. In these cases, lithium ion batteries have also been found to cause fires, which is especially dangerous if misplaced in a landfill. There is a growing effort to recycle these batteries due to the environmental issues and demand for batteries, but that faces obstacles as well.

    A New Alternative

    Due to the concerns around the safety, cost and supply of materials for lithium-ion batteries, the industry is in search of more sustainable elements to use for batteries, such as manganese. Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory are developing lithium-ion cathode technology that has sustainable increased use of manganese.

    When a battery charges, lithium ions flow from the cathode to the anode, a process that reverses when the battery is discharged. Researchers have already created a nickel-manganese-cobalt (NMC) cathode material that is rich in lithium that has the potential to have increased storage capacity over conventional materials. The Argonne National Laboratory is working on a version of NMC technology that boosts the lithium and manganese content to improve the batteries energy density and safety while decreasing costs.

    A battery with a manganese-rich cathode is less expensive and safer than one with high nickel concentrations, but not without caveats. Increasing the manganese and lithium content can decrease the cathode's stability, impacting its performance overtime.

    Future of Batteries

    The U.S. Department of Energy has made it a priority to find more sustainable materials for electric vehicle batteries. Other strategies include decreasing the amount of cobalt by using higher percentages of nickel, but this also poses challenges. Nickel is more abundant than cobalt but less than a fifth of the current supply is suitable for battery use. In reality, there is less nickel than expected and increased use could cause a spike in prices.

    At the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, a consortium of scientists is developing the commercialization of a new family of battery cathode materials called DRX, or disordered rock salt. DRX could provide batteries with higher energy densities than conventional lithium-ion batteries that contained metals in short supply, like nickel and cobalt. The consortium is focused on making DRX cathodes out of more affordable and abundant metals, like manganese and titanium.

    About our Guest

    Dr. Jason Croy is a Materials Scientist at Argonne National Laboratory whose work focuses on the design, synthesis, and characterization of high-energy lithium-ion electrode materials. Prior to his work at the Argonne National Laboratory, Croy was a musician and toured with his rock band for nearly ten years before attending college. He taught himself physics before enrolling in college, then going on to earn his Ph.D. in Physics from University of Central Florida. Croy is an internationally recognized expert on lithium- and manganese-rich cathode materials and has published numerous articles on the atomic-scale mechanisms governing the performance of lithium-ion electrodes.

    For a transcript of this episode, please visit https://climatebreak.org/improving-lithium-ion-batteries-the-magnesium-solution/

  • What Does Extreme Heat Do?

    Since the pre-industrialized era, the global temperature has increased by about one degree Celsius. Although one degree may not seem significant, the consequences are increases in the intensity of heatwaves and drier conditions. In addition, in dense urban settings buildings trap and absorb this heat and cause even a higher area of heat relative to surrounding areas. The heat island effect is also exacerbated by the lack of greenery. With current fossil fuel emissions, increased heating of 1.5 degrees Celsius or more is predicted to happen globally within this decade. Among the most promising solutions to combat extreme heat in cities is the effort to promote natural systems – trees, creeks, and parks in cities and creating resilience hubs where people can stay cool and safe from dangerous temperatures. Because heat impacts individuals in multiple ways, the response to extreme heat must also be multifaceted.

    Responses to Extreme Heat

    There are many possible responses to extreme heat. On an individual level, for example, when human body temperature rises to the point of heat stroke, individuals are subject to serious illness or in some cases, death. Heat poses a particular threat when the body is physically unable to cool down. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), between 2000 and 2016, 125 million more people were exposed to heat waves than in the period before 2000. Actions individuals can take to reduce heat exposure include avoiding going outside at peak temperatures, reducing the heat inside of homes, and if reducing heat at home is not an option, going where air conditioning is available.

    For some vulnerable populations like farmworkers, staying inside where there is air conditioning is not an option. In some states, like California, a temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit initiates the California's Heat Illness Prevention Standard, which is enforced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The Standard requires that training, water, shade, and rest be provided to outdoor workers. Currently, there is no federal protection or policy for workers who may experience extreme heat. While a proposed rulemaking is in the works, it may take years before a final regulation is completed.

    How to Establish Resilience and Safe Hubs

    In the meantime, there are key actions that anyone can take, including something as simple as making extreme heat a topic of discussion as part of increasing awareness. By spreading awareness and recognizing the consequences of extreme heat, politicians and policymakers will be much more likely to pay attention to the issue and to community necessities. Global and local temperatures are continuing to rise, and, as a result, it is important to have community access to locations with air conditioning systems, heat pumps, and safety hubs particularly in communities whose residents do not have home air conditioners. Hubs may include libraries, churches, schools, and nonprofits which can be essential for providing both a cool place to shelter and a source of information and assistance.

    Shifting to more green spaces is also an important solution to mitigate the impacts of increased heat. In New York, the Highline is a great example of transforming an old historic freight rail line into a park filled with rich greenery. The incorporation of nature into a previously urban dense space provides the city with more trees and access to green space.

    Addressing extreme heat in cities requires new approaches and creative thinking for a suite of implementation strategies to provide cooling to the public and creation of green space.

    Who is Our Guest

    Jeff Goodell is the author of the New York Times bestseller The Heat Will Kill You First: Life and Death on a Scorched Planet, which focuses on responses to extreme heat. Goodell is also a journalist who has been covering climate change for more than two decades at Rolling Stone, The New York Times Magazine, and many other publications. He has a BA from the University of California, Berkeley, and an MFA from Columbia University in New York.

    Further ReadingLindsey and Dahlman, Climate Change: Global Temperatures (Climate.org, 2024)Dickie, Climate Report and Predictions (Reuters, 2023)California's Heat Illness Prevention Standard (Cal OSHA)Krueger, Heat Policy for Outdoor Workers (The Network for Public Health Law, 2023)Heat and Health (WHO, 2018)Heat Island Effect (The United States EPA)Climate Resilience Hubs (Communities Responding to Extreme Weather)Sustainable Practices | The Highline (The Highline)

    For a transcript of this episode, please visit https://climatebreak.org/alleviating-urban-heat-traps-with-jeff-goodell/

  • Editorial Note

    The interview for this episode was recorded in June 2021. The basic point of the episode remains relevant, but the mentioned campaign is no longer active. ClimateVoice’s current campaign is Escape the Chamber, which calls on companies to leave the US Chamber of Commerce and to speak up and lead on climate policy at local, state, and federal levels.

    What is Corporate Lobbying for Climate Action?

    While lobbying—and corporate lobbying in particular—can often have negative connotations, it can be an effective tool to promote legislation to fight climate change. ClimateVoice takes a unique approach to corporate lobbying by incorporating the entire workforce into the process as opposed to just the executive team. ClimateVoice aims to get companies to lobby for policies that provide solutions to climate change. To that end, it reaches out to, engages with, and educates a company’s workforce on climate change issues and solutions. ClimateVoice’s founder, Bill Weihl, notes that a 2021 report showed that “Big Tech has diverted about four percent of their lobbying activity at the U.S federal level to climate-related policies. Big Oil has devoted about 38% of theirs.” ClimateVoice works to bridge this gap between Big Tech and Big Oil.

    ClimateVoice isn’t the only organization working towards encouraging corporations to lobby for climate change solutions. In 2006, a group of NGOs formed the U.S Climate Action Partnership to advocate for pro-climate policies. According to an article in the Harvard Business Review, despite the efforts of the Climate Action Partnership, the “Waxman-Markey Cap-and-Trade Climate Bill failed in the U.S. Senate in 2009, and climate policy entered the wilderness for years.” In recent years, however, environmental organizations such as ClimateVoice have advocated for renewed corporate lobbying to help solve climate change. In 2019, as a result of these efforts, several environmental organizations including The Nature Conservatory, World Wildlife Federation, and Environmental Defense Fund took out a full-page ad in The New York Times calling for businesses to work towards policies that are consistent with climate science.


    Corporate lobbying for climate action faces some challenges. First, it is difficult to mobilize workers and management, and get them to agree on an environmental policy to lobby for. In addition, lobbying itself is not always successful. The process can be long and tedious without producing noticeable results for some time. Lastly, powerful and dedicated corporate interests lobby the government to stop climate action. Nonetheless, the presence of corporate voices lobbying for climate science-informed policy remains a viable way to implement climate change solutions at the legislative level.

    Who is Bill Weihl?

    Bill Weihl is the executive director of ClimateVoice. He started his career as an associate professor of computer science at MIT. In 2006, he transitioned to a career in climate action and led Google’s clean energy work. He then spent six years at Facebook as Director of Sustainability. Now at ClimateVoice, he works to use corporate influence to drive climate legislation.

    Further Reading

    Corporate Action on Climate Change Has to Include Lobbying, Harvard Business Review

    How Corporate Lobbyists Conquered American Democracy, The Atlantic

    A Closer Look At How Corporations Influence Congress, NPR

    The challenging politics of climate change, Brookings

    Climate Insights 2020: Policies and Politics, Resources for the Future

    Glossary: Policy cycle | Monitoring Guide, Right to Education

    About Us, ClimateVoice

    For a transcript of this episode, please visit https://climatebreak.org/corporate-lobbying-as-an-ally/

  • If you’ve ever been near a farm with livestock, you might agree that farm odors can be carried far from the farm itself. Farms often face criticism from nearby residents over the offensive odor of manure. While manure is an unavoidable part of raising livestock, there is one technological innovation that can remove the smell from manure. Anaerobic digesters are a simple concept—instead of leaving manure rotting outside, the digester encloses the manure as bacteria decompose it, keeping the odor in. But could the same technology also deal with food waste and cut carbon emissions?

    How do Anaerobic Digesters work?

    Anaerobic Digesters leverage the biology of decomposition to turn organic waste including manure and food scraps into useful products. The digestion process starts with pumping the waste into the digester, an enclosed tank containing microorganisms in the absence of air, hence the term anaerobic. In this digestor, a diverse community of different bacterial types ferment and feed off the waste in tandem with each other.

    First, bacterial hydrolysis breaks down large complex molecules like cellulose and carbohydrates into simpler forms that other bacteria can use. Acidogenic bacteria produce carbon dioxide, hydrogen, ammonia, and volatile fatty acids that are converted into acetic acid by acetogenic bacteria. Finally methanogenic bacteria take in these products to release methane and carbon dioxide. At the end of the process, the disgestor is left with biogas including methane and carbon dioxide, leftover solids called solid digestate, and leftover liquids called liquid digestate. Owners of digesters can aid these bacterial processes by adding water, heat, and supplemental nutrients, minerals, and pH buffers to keep the right conditions for fermentation.

    A farmer wanting to install anaerobic digesters will need to choose between many different forms of digesters that can suit different farm types. A major consideration is the solid content of the input waste, also called feedstock, which affects how difficult it is to mix and to heat, both of which keep fermentation going. If the feedstock is more solid and difficult to mix, then it must be either diluted with water which requires more heat, or used with a digester that can handle more solid material, usually with less mixing. While the decision to install a digestor is a complex one, farmers can enjoy numerous benefits from having one on the farm.

    Why Choose a Digester?

    An anaerobic digester can be a source of money from the sale of its valuable products. In addition to trapping odor, digesters also hold biogas, and the deodorized end products, called digestate, all of which can be sold. Solid digestate can be repurposed as bedding for livestock or nutrient-rich soil material. Liquid digestate can be used around the farm as a fertilizer for crops. Biogas is a versatile alternative fuel that can be purified and used for cooking and heating, condensed and used for vehicle fuel, or burned and used as electricity. These products can bring in extra profit for farmers, and even before the digestion takes place, grocery stores and other companies that produce food waste will pay farmers to digest their waste.

    In addition to the economic incentives to digesters, they are also a climate solution. When food and manure decompose outside or in landfills, they release large quantities of methane into the air. Methane is an extremely potent greenhouse gas, and though it stays in the atmosphere for a shorter amount of time than carbon dioxide, it traps so much heat that it is 80 times as potent as CO2 over a 20 year period. If methane is captured and burned instead, it turns into CO2, a much less potent greenhouse gas. In this way, burning methane trapped from digesters still releases greenhouse gasses, but these glasses lead to much less warming compared to letting the methane escape into the atmosphere. In addition, burning biogas for energy production gives us a naturally occurring and renewable source of energy, which can help make up for energy demands from switching away from fossil fuels. Biogas can be a promising waste management, energy and climate change solution.

    Digester Drawbacks

    Though digesters can provide many benefits to farmers and serve as a valuable climate solution, there are great controversies over promoting them. Dairy farms are often located near environmental justice (EJ) communities, which are disproportionately impacted by pollution and often home to people of color and low income. These communities face the brunt of impacts from dairy farms, including respiratory issues, poor water quality, and air pollution from burning biogas. Funding dairy farms for producing biogas from manure could extend the lifetimes of dairy farms, prolonging these negative impacts. Industrial agriculture has been criticized for its high environmental impact, and because large industrial farms have the capital to install digesters, opponents argue that funding biogas will benefit industrial farms over small farms. These myriad environmental issues raise questions about if funding biogas made from digesters will lead to more harm to human health in already vulnerable communities. This debate reveals how complex the web of stakeholders in digesters really is, and that presenting biogas as a “silver bullet” oversimplifies the considerations that go into policies around anaerobic digesters.

    The Future of Digesters

    If digesters are so beneficial for farmers, why aren’t digesters common practice on farms? One of the biggest barriers is that digesters are extremely expensive to install, and can take a while to pay back for their costs. According to the EPA, a typical anaerobic digester on the farm costs about $1.2 million, and this number varies based on the size of the farm and type of digester. However, there are many avenues for farmers to get funding to be able to afford this technology. The USDA and EPA manage lists of funders and other resources that farmers can refer to. Federal policies also provide assistance with funding, including the recent Inflation Reduction Act, which offers tax reductions for investing in biogas. According to Brett Rienford, who manages a dairy farm with a digester, one key policy yet to be ruled on that could favor biogas producers is the EPA’s proposed policy for eRINs (credits produced when qualifying biogas is used to generate renewable electricity).

    The eRIN policy has to do with tradable credits that are generated by creating or using renewable fuels. Under the EPA’s current Renewable Fuel Standard, these credits, called RINs or Renewable Identification Numbers, are generated by liquid biofuel producers. The proposed addition to the standard would allow producers of electric vehicles to generate electric RINs, or eRINs, if they purchased electricity made from biogas. The biogas industry lobbied against this, stating instead that the biogas producers themselves should generate eRINs that they can then sell, similar to liquid biofuel producers under the current rule. Because of this debate, the EPA has deferred a decision till a later date. If modified, the policy could greatly benefit biogas producers and bring in extra income for farmers with digesters. Regardless of the outcome, this policy reveals the complex stakeholders invested in policies surrounding biogas, and the acknowledgement of biogas as a major source of renewable energy.

    About the guest

    Brett Reinford is a manager and second generation dairy farmer at Reinford Farms. He helped shift the farm to using an anaerobic digester for manure, and the farm has since expanded to providing solutions for food waste from grocery stores. Reinford Farms is a leader in terms of on-farm anaerobic digesters, and Reinford advocates for the adoption of digesters on farms. Reinford holds a bachelor's degree in business management from Colorado Christian University.

    Further ReadingReinford Farms: How We Make PowerEPA: How Does Anaerobic Digestion Work?American Biogas Council: Digester Biology and TypesEPA: Anaerobic System Design and TechnologyResourcesEnvironmental and Energy Study Institute: Biogas Fact SheetEPA: Inflation Reduction Act Biogas ProvisionsEPA: Digester Project Planning and FinancingClimate Solutions Law: Proposed eRIN RulesEP: Understanding Global Warming PotentialMIT: Natural Gas Contribution to Climate Change

    For a transcript of this episode, please visit https://climatebreak.org/converting-food-waste-into-energy-through-anaerobic-digestion-with-brett-reinford/

  • Renewables and E-mobility

    E-mobility, the use of electric powertrain technologies in-vehicle transformation, allows for the use of electricity to enable the electric propulsion of various forms of transportation. Powertrain technologies refer to full electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles, which can be less carbon-intensive than conventional diesel counterparts. Such technologies provide countries an opportunity to reduce their total emissions while still meeting transportation demands. As e-mobility efforts rise, many countries are beginning to ramp up the use of renewables in the power grid as they electrify transportation. While this is particularly challenging in rural settings, there are possible solutions.

    Electrifying Kenya

    Kenya provides an important example. For the past two decades, Kenya’s power sector has been growing exponentially. In 2022, over 75% of households reported increased access to the power grid—an estimated 52% increase since 2013. Although urbanized areas of Kenya have full access to the grid, most rural regions of the country are unelectrified. In order to achieve rapid electrification, the government of Kenya (GOK) has been investing in cheap renewable energy sources such as geothermal, wind, solar and (more controversially), natural gas. The Electricity Mobility Task Force in Kenya is the main organization working to increase the usage of e-mobility through legislation, regulations, and impact assessments to decrease reliance on pollution from fossil fuels. Currently, the extension of the national grid mainly includes off-grid solutions through mini-grids and solar home systems. As of now this is the most cost-effective solution, but further research is needed to better understand the supply and demand of electricity usage in Kenya. The work in Kenya provides pathways for many of the rural regions of the world.

    Impacts of E-mobility

    Broadly, e-mobility has the potential for countries to reduce emissions from fossil fuels and meet clean energy standards. In 2021, the transportation sector accounted for 28% of total global greenhouse gas emissions. As transportation is one of the largest contributors to global emissions, research to decarbonize this sector has mainly focused on the transition to various forms of electric transportation. Achieving decarbonization through the growth of EVs comes with various advantages including the growth of renewable energy jobs, improved reliance of electricity (particularly during extreme weather conditions), and increased energy efficiency and emissions reductions. As EVs do not rely on internal combustion engines, forms of electric transportation do not produce harmful tailpipe emissions, and, as a result, decreases air pollution. The savings in fuel and maintenance costs over the lifetime of an EV can offset the higher initial purchase price.

    Difficulties in Clean Electrification

    The provision of electricity is extremely challenging in remote settings in Kenya and well beyond. Large upfront investments are necessary in order to design interconnected electric grids to facilitate transportation between major urban centers. Oftentimes investors may shy away from such propositions, as rural areas are often met with low demand and consumption densities. Further, if we electrify too quickly without ramping up clean energy, we may run the risk of unintentionally increasing emissions. Increased demand for electricity may burn more fossil fuels in the short term. Thus, it is crucial that proper assistance for the grid is maintained to accommodate load growth and proper charging infrastructure. In order to keep pace with EV adoption, utilities need to be prepared to take on this new type of load.

    About our guest

    Daniel Ngumy, leader of the Electric Mobility Task Force for the Kenyan government, is a lawyer specializing in regional and international tax law. He believes that further ramping up of e-mobility efforts in Kenya can assist in achieving clean energy standards. He holds a Master of Laws degree from the University of London and is a certified public accountant in Kenya. He has co-authored the Kenya Chapter for Chambers & Partners: Global Practice Guide (Corporate Tax) and Legal 500: Tax Country Comparative Guide. Ngumy is currently working on strategies to achieve electrification outside of major urban hubs.

    ResourcesDefinition of e-mobilityElectrification 101: Getting the Grid Ready for an EV RevolutionKenya - Energy Electrical Power SystemsThe Role of Renewable Energy Mini-Grids in Kenya's Power Sector

    For a transcript of this episode, please visit https://climatebreak.org/e-mobilization-and-renewable-energy-in-kenya-with-daniel-ngumy/

  • Zero-Emission Transport

    Electric vehicles and other transportation-based climate solutions have made a big splash in recent years, and for good reason – transportation accounts for about a fourth of global carbon dioxide emissions. In the U.S, it’s the economic sector with the single largest contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. With such a large global impact, sustainable transportation has become an issue of international importance, and no-emission methods of transport, like walking and biking, can be part of the solution.

    Safer Streets

    Referred to as active mobility, these human-powered modes of transport are gaining popularity. However, safety is a major concern, as according to the USDOT, 20% of traffic deaths were pedestrians and bikers in 2020. Sharing roads with vehicles can be dangerous, and roads designed around cars may not have the necessary pathways or sidewalks. This dissuades people from engaging in active mobility. Improving the safety of biking or walking in urban areas by redesigning streets can be key to promoting these no-emission transport solutions.

    Major challenges to improving road safety for non-vehicular road users include the high speeds that vehicles travel and the often highly congested roadways. Vehicles most often strike bikers and pedestrians at intersections or corners, or while passing on the street. Slowing vehicles down and creating space and separation for bikers and pedestrians to safely move can make sharing the road less deadly. That’s where organizations that advocate for street safety, like Despacio, come in. Despacio (which means “slow” in Spanish) believes that active mobility requires a mindset shift - orienting street design to the needs of people rather than cars.

    So what does a street that is safe for non-vehicle users look like? Designated bike-only lanes and wider sidewalks create space for bikers and pedestrians to safely coexist with cars. Corners and intersections can be improved by signal phasing, when designated signals tell bikers to go, and with corner refuge islands, physical separations that prevent cars from making narrow right-turns into bikers. Another major solution is narrowing streets. Although it may seem counterintuitive, the wide streets common in the US don’t give drivers more room to make mistakes, and rather cause drivers to drive at high speeds. Narrowing streets by as little as a foot can massively reduce crashes and deaths. Best of all, this situation goes hand in hand with creating bike lanes and sidewalks.

    More than Just Climate-Friendly

    Safety is not the only advantage of these redesigns. In addition to reducing emissions from cars, getting more cars off the road also reduces congestion. Biking or walking is not only associated with positive physical health benefits from exercise, it also comes with mental health benefits of being outside. Cities designed to center active mobility can also be more accessible, have greater aesthetic value, and lead to more basic needs located within walking distance of residences. While street redesigns are more achievable for some cities than for others and require investment and infrastructure, the wide range of benefits can make it an attractive option.

    An unexpected benefit of pedestrian-friendly infrastructure is that it also promotes gender equality in climate adaptation. According to Lina Lopez, technical director of Despacio, which works to promote safer streets in Latin America, women use public transit more than men. As a result, they are more likely to be impacted by climate-change-related disruptions to transit infrastructure. Walking and cycling can be accessible solutions that people can turn to when climate impacts do happen, as well as a potential way to reduce the severity of climate change on a broader scale.

    So are there any potential downsides? Unsurprisingly, there is opposition from car drivers that don't want their driving to be slowed. However, according to the DOT, converting four lane roads into three lane roads with a turning lane in the center can free up the space for bikeways and sidewalks while actually reducing congestion from turning vehicles. Also, as more users switch to active mobility, the number of cars on the road decreases. Secondly, business owners have raised the concern that street redesigns will discourage people from the area, impacting their businesses. But narrowing roads to increase active mobility also hasn’t discouraged use of those roads, and it can greatly increase livability and aesthetic appeal, leading to economic growth and new development. Ultimately, the tradeoff between slightly slower car travel and greater safety and emission mitigation may be a decision we face as we work towards adapting our cities for climate change.

    Who is Our Guest?

    Lina Lopez is the Technical Director at Despacio, a research center that promotes quality of life and seeks to build slow, humane, and sustainable cities. She is the co-creator of Medellin’s Bike co-share system, and has been a professor in Urban Design. Lopez earned a Master’s in Transport and City Planning at University College London.

    ResourcesDespacioEPA: Carbon Pollution from TransportationUN: Transport Sector Fact SheetDOE: Active MobilityDOT: Road Diet Myth BustersFast Company Magazine: How to Design Bicycle-safe IntersectionsJohns Hopkins University: How Narrow Streets Save LivesRice University: What are “Road Diets” and why are they Controversial?

    For a transcript of this episode, please visit https://climatebreak.org/designing-road-infrastructure-to-promote-active-mobility-with-lina-lopez/

  • What is a cool surface?

    Cool surfaces are roofs, walls, or pavements that are generally light-colored and highly reflective. When sunlight hits a white surface, its rays bounce off the surface rather than being absorbed, and are reflected back into space. Darker surfaces tend to absorb sunlight, trapping heat. Cool surfaces release this heat back into the atmosphere and space.

    What are the benefits of switching to a cool surface?

    Something as simple as painting the roof white has the potential to create major benefits for our planet and its people:

    Climate changeCool surfaces reflect heat in a warming planet. Every 1000 square feet of dark roof replaced with a cool roof cancels out the warming effect of 10 tons of greenhouse gasses. In addition, reducing the need for electricity to cool buildings reduces fossil fuel emissions. Heat wavesClimate change increases the number and strength of global heat waves. Cool surfaces can help mitigate this heat, especially in low-income urban communities disproportionately affected by heat waves due to living in dark city infrastructure. One study found that just a 10% reflectivity increase could reduce heat wave deaths by 6%. Energy savingsCool surfaces reduce the need for electricity to cool down a building. One analysis concludes that if all commercial buildings in US cities switched to cool surfaces, the US could save nearly $1 billion per year. Energy cost savings could especially help low-income families. Strengthens electric gridLess energy use for cooling means less strain on the grid. This means less blackouts on very hot days, and more energy left to charge electric vehicles and other appliances running on renewable energy. Air qualityCooler air contributes to less smog pollution in cities. This makes cities even more resilient against heat waves and their health impacts.

    Potential cons of cool surfaces

    Sun reflecting off of cool surfaces could cause uncomfortable glare and brightness.Because they are white, cool surfaces can have a dirtier appearance, requiring greater upkeep.Some research indicates that reflected sunlight from cool pavements could increase heat levels for pedestrians.

    Despite these issues, cool surfaces have a large set of potential benefits overall.

    About our Guest

    Dr. Ronnen Levinson is leader of the Heat Island Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). The Heat Island Group develops cooling strategies for roofs, pavements, and cars to cool buildings, cities, and the planet. This work involves developing cool roof, wall, and pavement materials, improving methods for the measurement of solar reflectance, and quantifying the energy and environmental benefits of cool surfaces. Levinson advises policymakers, code officials, utilities, and building rating programs about cool surfaces. He earned a B.S. in engineering physics from Cornell University, and an M.S. and Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from UC Berkeley.

    Further Reading

    Cool Roofs and Cool Pavements Toolkit from the Global Cool Cities Alliance

    Shickman: US Perspectives on Cool Surfaces

    Hot Enough For You? Cooling The Worsening Urban Heat Island

    On-the-ground guidance for L.A.’s far-reaching climate strategy | UCLA

    For a transcript, please visit https://climatebreak.org/cool-surfaces-reflecting-heat-and-reducing-emissions-with-ronnen-levinson/

  • Staying Educated About Climate Change

    As climate change intensifies, the heightened frequency of natural disaster weather-related events is quickly becoming the new reality. Whether it be prolonged wildfire seasons in Northern California or destructive hurricanes off the Florida coast, citizens across the country are beginning to bear the burden of a changing climate. For those of us yet to experience the full force of such events, our primary means of gathering information on natural disasters is through the media. Without the media’s coverage of extreme climatic events, it is difficult for people not directly impacted to be fully aware of the dangers of a changing climate. While climate change impacts more people every year, severe impacts still feel like an abstract, distant concern that may never affect them personally. In order to reframe this perception, climate storytelling, which includes steps for action and recovery, is becoming foundational towards building empathy in the wake of the climate crisis.

    What is Climate Journalism?

    Climate journalism, the process of collecting and distributing accurate information on extreme weather events and climate change-related impacts, has been an essential element for informing the public about the effects of a changing climate. Following Al Gore’s 2006 documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, climate journalism increased by 1,000 percent in the media from the year 2000. This increase in viewership is most likely attributed to the rise of ethical concerns relating to the climate crisis as more people began to suffer the effects of natural disasters. The majority of Americans, approximately 54%, now identify climate change as a major threat to the country’s well-being. Media Matters found that news and morning shows such as ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox spent a total of around 23 hours discussing climate change in their annual 2022 reporting. Unfortunately, climate coverage still only accounts for around 1% of corporate broadcasting, even though the climate crisis is rapidly worsening.

    Keeping the Public Aware and Prepared

    Climate journalism not only raises awareness for the public, but can provide steps for change in combating one of the most pressing issues of our time. People need accurate information in order to make informed decisions. Strong, reliable reporting can provide citizens and policymakers the information needed to prepare for and adapt to the potential impacts climate change brings. Climate journalism can offer hope to the public, providing people with the voice and power to make a difference. By including climate change in the media, people can begin to see the incoming reality of this crisis, inspiring citizens to take action.

    The Struggles of Climate Coverage

    Unfortunately, there remain many obstacles that hold back media organizations from prioritizing climate coverage. Climate-related disasters can be hard to access, difficult to watch, and politically polarizing. Media outlets may struggle to gain large viewership, deterring them from covering climate events. Further, the various approaches to climate journalism can create discrepancies in the type of media coverage disseminated. For example, should climate topics be covered locally or nationally? What solutions should climate journalism focus on? Such a broad scope may distract from the realities currently being faced. Unfortunately, media coverage of environmental issues still only occupies a very small proportion of total media. There remains a need for increased resources, strategies, and investment in climate and environmental journalism. Further, many major news outlets publish misleading promotional content for fossil fuel corporations, greatly impacting the opinions of viewers on such controversial issues. There are, of course, many examples of excellent climate change coverage. Our modest effort at Climate Break, as a small example, focusing on climate solutions and the wide variety of actions and initiatives being developed around the world, is designed to provide quick insights into climate solutions.

    Who is Jonathan Vigliotti?

    Jonathan Vigliotti, CBS News correspondent, is just one example of the many climate journalists directly involved in the movement to inform the public on the effects of climate change. Vigliotti’s work as an environmental journalist has taken him to over forty countries and territories across six continents. Author of Before It’s Gone: Stories from the Front Lines of Climate Change in Small-Town America, provides personal insights into the everyday lives of Americans affected by climate change, presenting a compelling argument for the urgency of taking action now. Vigliotti believes that climate journalism has the power to spark change through the use of accurate, inspiring, and thought-provoking reporting.

    Further ReadingShäfer & Painter, Climate journalism in a changing media ecosystem: Assessing the production of climate change-related news around the world (WIREs Climate Change 2020)MacDonald, How broadcast TV networks covered climate change in 2022 (Media Matters)Tyson et al., What the data says about Americans’ views of climate change (Pew Research Center, 2023)BBC, Why climate change should be at the heart of modern journalism (2023)

    For a transcript of this episode, please visit https://climatebreak.org/using-climate-journalism-to-connect-weather-events-and-climate-with-jonathan-vigliotti/

  • Steel Production

    Globally, 1.9 billion metric tons of crude steel were produced in 2022. Over the past 15 years, the global demand for steel production has nearly doubled, as this versatile product can be found in nearly all modern infrastructure such as buildings, ships, vehicles, machines, and appliances. Conventionally, steel is made from iron ore (the world’s third most produced commodity by volume), which is a compound derived from iron, oxygen, and other minerals. Through a blast or electric furnace, in which electricity is used to create high-temperature environments to melt the reactants, the final product of steel is generated following a molting refining process. Unfortunately, steel production is extremely energy-intensive and accelerates air pollution through the release of nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide. On average, 1.83 tons of CO2 is emitted for every ton of steel that is produced. Steel production accounts for nearly 7-11% of total global greenhouse gas emissions emitted annually. Steel production not only has harmful environmental impacts, but can negatively impact human health leading to respiratory diseases such as asthma, COPD, and cancer.

    What is Green Steel?

    To mitigate the harmful environmental and health effects of conventional steel production, many researchers are working on green steel as an alternative. Green steel is a form of steel production that is powered by hydrogen or renewable energy, which can reduce carbon dioxide emissions and minimize waste. Green steel can be accomplished through various methods, whether by reducing carbon-based agents, moving from blast to electric furnaces, or decreasing reliance on fossil-fuel based inputs.

    In traditional steel production, CO2 emissions generally arise from the use of coal and coke to remove oxygen from iron ore. Green steel utilizes hydrogen rather than coal or coke. When burned, hydrogen emits only water, so this phase of manufacturing is free of carbon dioxide emissions. As a result, water is the only byproduct which can then be used to produce more hydrogen, forming a closed loop system. Throughout production, green steel utilizes either wind, solar or hydro to power the furnaces instead of fossil power. Scrap materials of used steel can also be utilized, reducing the need for extracting additional primary materials.

    The Future of Green Steel

    Green steel production is on the forefront of innovative design in equipping regions like the Rust Belt with strategies to significantly revitalize their current operations. Last March the Biden-Harris Administration announced a $6 billion funding from the U.S. Department of Energy to accelerate decarbonization projects in energy-intensive industries like steel production. Such investments aim to spearhead the transition to renewable energy sources, focus on investment in new carbon technologies, enable markets to build cleaner products, and benefit local communities. Additionally, a transition to hydrogen-based electric manufacturing could increase jobs in the steel and energy industries by 43 percent. Overall, green steel can conserve resources, promote economic growth, and assist in decarbonization.

    Scaling Up the Technology is Proving Troublesome

    Steel has posed to be one of the most challenging industries to decarbonize. On a large scale, clean hydrogen production will require billions of dollars in investment to achieve a full transition. Currently, the cost of production of green steel is higher than conventional steel due to the high investment and electricity costs required. Labor, finance, and advanced technology will be essential in scaling up green steel production.

    About the Guest

    Adam Rauwerdink is the Senior Vice President of Business Development for Boston Metal, a Massachusetts based start-up working towards decarbonizing steelmaking and advancing efficient, sustainable metal production. Boston Metal utilizes Molten Oxide Electrolysis, a technology platform powered by electricity. In order to effectively scale up green steel production.

    ResourcesBoston Metal website​​Decarbonising the steel industry with new fossil-free production methods (AFRY AB, 2024)Environmental impact of steel production (TheWorldCounts, 2024)Mozaffari et al., Effects of occupational exposures on respiratory health in steel factory workers (Frontiers in Public Health, 2023)Myers, Steel built the Rust Belt. Green steel could help rebuild it. (Grist, 2023)Steel: Definition, Composition, Types, Properties, and Applications (Xometry, 2023)Rossi, The Race to Produce Green Steel (Undark, 2022)

    For a transcript of this episode, please visit https://climatebreak.org/advancing-sustainable-steel-production-with-adam-rauwerdink/

  • The Need to Accurately Quantify Emissions

    As we begin to come to terms with the reality of the fossil fuel industry’s role in climate change, many policymakers are looking towards market-based mechanisms to curb the level of emissions released by harmful polluters. Market-based mechanisms include taxing pollution directly (through a carbon tax) or implementing a cap and trade system. Under the Clean Air Act and other laws, power plants must report air emissions from their operations. Unfortunately, not all emissions are reported or fully monitored, including emissions of greenhouse gases, leaving regulators with incomplete information. Without accurate reports on emissions, policymakers cannot create effective policy. Some companies may use offsets to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from their operations. However, many offsets have proven to be ineffective, resulting in market inefficiencies and hindering our ability to effectively enact climate policy. To gain a more accurate picture of climate emissions, climate scientists and others are beginning to create innovative strategies to determine factories' GHG emissions without relying on the polluter themselves through the use of satellite data.

    A Bird’s Eye View Solution

    Satellite imagery provides a potentially publicly accessible way to view emissions data, increase emissions transparency, and put pressure on polluters to change their behavior. Organizations like WattTime, a non-profit artificial intelligence firm, have begun to train AI to use satellite imagery data and emissions numbers from historical data in order to track global air pollution across different sources. After images have been taken, WattTime applies various algorithms to detect the levels of emissions based on visible smoke, heat, and NO2. WattTime started out of Automated Emissions Reduction (AER) software, which uses machine learning to figure out the least-carbon intensive time to use electricity and automatically switches appliances to use electricity during those times of day. This new method of obtaining emissions data has many potential applications towards fighting climate change.

    Why It’s Worth Considering

    Tracking real-time emissions based on satellite imagery has a variety of benefits in achieving tangible pollution reduction. Climate policy and action are dependent upon accurate reports of emissions levels. Data from satellite imagery provides independent data making it more difficult to underreport emissions. More accurate and independent emissions data will incentivize greater focus and action on mitigation and will make enforcement of emissions limits easier.

    Beyond the potential advantages for climate policy, public access to data is essential in informing consumers on the impacts of their individual choices. Providing people with a better sense of the environmental impacts of the goods they consume can change consumer choices. Greater transparency around emissions can thus help make climate policy more effective.

    Satellite imagery data can also be used to identify areas that may be well located to support renewable energy development and to monitor the impacts of those developments. Additionally, data taken from satellite imagery can help identify sources of raw materials that have lower and higher environmental impact, potentially assisting in achieving supply chain decarbonization.

    The Reality

    Although remote sensing has great advantages, there are still important challenges to note. In terms of the mechanics of satellite imagery, accuracy can be hindered due to limited temporal and spatial resolution, high levels of cloudiness, and increased vegetation that may block images. The number and configuration of satellites also impacts the data. Further, it remains to be seen whether governments will try and block the use of satellite data in their jurisdictions.

    About Our Guest

    Gavin McCormick is the co-founder of WattTime and executive director of Climate TRACE. As both an entrepreneur and academic, he is currently working towards developing efficient, low-cost ways to assist in the transition to renewable energy. McCormick is hopeful that the use of satellite imagery data can mark a positive turning point in the fight against the climate crisis.

    Further ReadingMa, Al Gore-Backed Group Has a Tool To Decarbonize Supply Chains (Bloomberg, 2023)Climate Trace (WattTime, 2024)Voosen, Al Gore's climate watchdog spots rogue emissions (Science, 2023)McCormick, Tracking the whole world's carbon emissions -- with satellites and AI (TED Conferences, 2021)Roberts, We’ll soon know the exact air pollution from every power plant in the world. That’s huge. (Vox, 2019)Barber, 5 Good Ideas From COP27—and How Likely They Are to Happen (Wired, 2022)

    For a transcript of this episode, please visit https://climatebreak.org/tracking-emissions-with-remote-sensing-with-gavin-mccormick/

  • What is plastic?

    Plastic is a material derived primarily from carbon-based sources like natural gas, oil, and even plants. It is created by treating these organic materials with heat and catalysts to form various polymers. Producing plastic is energy-intensive, often relying on the combustion of fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas, both for power and as a primary source.

    As a product of fossil fuels, plastic itself is unsustainable because of its fundamental connection to nonrenewable energy. Since its introduction in the early 1900s, plastic has become omnipresent due to its cost-effectiveness and versatility. However, the environmental toll of our extensive plastic consumption — impacting oceans, wildlife, and contributing to climate change — is undeniable.

    Unlike natural organisms, plastic decomposes at a very slow rate due to its polymer structure. Though some recently identified microorganisms, like the Rhodococcus ruber strain studied by PhD student Maaike Goudriaan, show promise in digesting plastic faster, the research remains preliminary.

    Types of Plastic

    Most plastics we use, like bags and bottles, originate from oil and natural gas. Their widespread use has led to significant environmental contamination. On the other hand, there are bio-based plastics derived from sources like food waste, starch, or plants. Not all of these are biodegradable, and even these can harm the environment when they break down into tiny fragments consumed by wildlife.

    Addressing the Plastic Issue

    While completely eliminating plastic use seems unlikely, there are dedicated efforts to reduce its consumption. Grassroots organizations, like the Berkeley Ecology Center led by Martin Bourque, emphasize local community engagement and education. They advocate for sustainable practices such as using reusable bags, ditching plastic utensils, and employing minimal plastic in packaging. Initiatives like Berkeley's Single Use Disposable Ordinance have been instrumental in cutting down disposable food ware waste, like the clamshell packaging found in the produce section of grocery stores. Prioritizing bio-based plastics and managing our plastic consumption are essential steps towards a sustainable future.

    Who is Martin Bourque?

    Martin Bourque is the Executive Director of the Berkeley Ecology Center, a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing community well-being and the environment. The Center's initiatives range from incentivizing farmer's markets to championing community-based policies. Outside of the Ecology Center, Bourque has also served on numerous state and national boards to help build the organic farming movement.

    Bourque earned his Bachelor of Arts in Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior from UC San Diego and his Master of Arts in Latin American Studies and Environmental Policy from UC Berkeley.

    For a transcript, please visit https://climatebreak.org/tackling-the-plastic-crisis-with-martin-bourque/

  • Extreme Heat: More Dangerous Than We Think?

    Extreme heat, one of the adverse consequences of climate change, exacerbates drought, damages agriculture, and profoundly impacts human health. Heat is the top weather-related killer in the United States, contributing to deaths that arise from heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular diseases. As temperatures are projected to increase, so will the risk of heat-related deaths. Urban heat islands, cities with large numbers of buildings, roads, and other infrastructure, are ‘islands’ of hot temperatures due to the reduced natural landscape, heat-generating human-made activities, and large-scale urban configuration. More than 40 million people live in urban heat islands in the United States, with this number only increasing as people continue to move from rural to urban areas. Around 56% of the world’s total population lives in cities. Those living in large cities are more vulnerable to the effects of extreme heat, with research showing an increased mortality risk of 45% compared to rural areas. The risk of heat-related exhaustion and death is a major public health concern that is exacerbated by the climate crisis.

    The National Weather Service is in the process of creating a new interface known as HeatRisk, which uses a five-point scale to monitor the heat-related risk for vulnerable populations based on local weather data and health indicators. By mapping heat risk, climate scientists hope that individuals will now have a better understanding of the safety concerns associated with being outside during times of extreme heat.

    Understanding Heat Index Dynamics

    Before stepping outside, most individuals check the daily weather prediction to get a sense of the average temperature. In order to measure the perceived temperature, climate scientists use a heat index, a calculation that combines air temperature and relative humidity to create a human-perceived equivalent temperature. Accurate prediction of the heat index is imperative as every passing year marks the warmest on record, with dangerous extreme heat predicted to become commonplace across arid regions of the world. Therefore, tracking such calculations is necessary in assessing future climate risk. Areas especially vulnerable to extreme heat heavily rely on an accurate prediction of temperature to determine if it is safe to go outside.

    However, there are over 300 heat indexes used worldwide to calculate the threat from heat, defeating the potential universality of this metric. Each heat index weighs factors differently, making it difficult to differentiate between various metrics. Dozens of factors are used to estimate the daily temperature based on predictions of vapor pressure, height, clothing, or sunshine levels. In addition, most heat indexes report the temperature assuming that you are a young, healthy adult and are resting in the shade, not in the sun. If outdoors, the heat index could be 15 degrees higher. If you are older, you may not be as resilient during intense temperatures.

    As a result, many climate scientists are calling for heat indexes that reveal the apparent risk of being outdoors on any given day. The elderly, children and infants, and those suffering from chronic diseases are more vulnerable to high temperatures than healthy, young adults, which needs to be accounted for when surveying temperature risk.

    Advanced Heat Assessment Tools: HeatRisk and WBGT

    The National Weather Service’s HeatRisk index is different from previous models as it identifies unusual heat times and places, also taking into account unusually warm nights. As such, it provides a more universal measure accounting for the degree to which people in the area are acclimated to various heat temperatures. The HeatRisk index can thus be used to gauge levels of danger associated with temperature, potentially altering an individual’s behavioral patterns.

    For those working in outdoor fields, the WetBulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) measure can be particularly useful as a way to measure heat stress as it takes into account temperature, humidity, wind speed, sun angle, and cloud coverage. Different from the heat index, the WBGT includes both temperature and humidity and is calculated for areas in the shade. If not exercising or working outdoors, people can revert to the HeatRisk scale to calculate the potential hazards of being outside for longer periods.

    Heat Indexes are Harder to Calculate Than They Appear

    Because scientists have to account for a variety of factors like geography, physics, and physiology, establishing a truly universal heat index is unlikely. For regions like Colorado, creating the criteria for a heat advisory has proven shockingly difficult. Heat indexes typically rely on temperature and humidity, however, the Colorado landscape is so dry that an advisory is very rarely triggered, even during heat waves. In such scenarios, the HeatRisk index provides a better gauge for outdoor safety. Most people underestimate the dangers of extreme heat and often ignore warning messages from local authorities. Educational programs are vital in informing the public on the dangers of extreme heat.

    Who is David Romps?

    David Romps, UC Berkeley professor of Earth and Planetary Science, is at the forefront of heat index research. Romps has found that those exposed to extreme heat suffer restricted blood flow and are often unable to physiologically compensate. Through his research, Romps believes that heat index calculations often underestimate the potential heat impacts on individuals, with the human body being more susceptible to heightened temperatures than commonly understood.

    Further Reading

    Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, Heat Waves and Climate ChangeHuang, et.al, Economic valuation of temperature-related mortality attributed to urban heat islands in European cities, Nature Communications, 2023National Weather Service, What is the heat index?National Weather Service, NWS Heat Risk PrototypeNational Weather Service, WetBulb Globe TemperatureSharma, More than 40 million people in the U.S. live in urban heat islands, climate group finds, NBC News, 20232023 was the world’s warmest year on record, by far, NOAA, 2024Coren, The world needs a new way to talk about heat, The Washington Post, 2023Hawryluk and KFF Health News, A New Way to Measure Heat Risks for People, Scientific American, 2022UC Berkeley Heat Index Research, David RompsUS EPA, Climate Change Indicators: Heat-Related DeathsUS EPA, What are Heat Islands?

    For at transcript of this episode, please visit https://climatebreak.org/calculating-threats-from-rising-temperatures-using-heat-indexing-with-professor-david-romps/

  • Renewable Energy is The Future

    California is no stranger to power outages. In 2019, for example, over 25,000 blackout events were recorded across the state, leaving homeowners and businesses without electricity. In recent years, most blackouts are the result of wildfire, wildfire risk (leading to utility shutdowns), and extreme heat (leading to high electricity usage). When the electricity grid is stressed, California relies primarily on gas-powered peaker plants and diesel generators to keep electricity running. However, the use of peaker plants and diesel generators as the primary backup source is not only costly, but can accelerate the climate crisis through the release of greenhouse gases. Instead of solely relying on fossil fuel-powered plants, the state is beginning to transition to the use of clean energy sources like wind and solar in addition to incorporating the use of more batteries and other energy storage to make the renewable energy transition a reality. One part of the solution is the use of electric vehicle batteries as a power source for homes and businesses.

    How Does Bidirectional Charging Work?

    Bidirectional charging, which allows the energy stored in a car battery to be sent to various recipients, is key to this transition as it can power one’s home, business, appliance, or alternate vehicle. Also known as vehicle-to-home or two-way charging, this innovation additionally serves as an energy backup during power outages.

    Senate Bill 233, authored by state Senator Nancy Skinner, would require that all new manufactured electric vehicles sold in California have bidirectional charging abilities by 2035. Currently, electric and hybrid vehicles account for one in four new car sales in California. By implementing bidirectional charging now, the majority of electric vehicles purchased would thus be able to serve as a backup power source during extreme weather events in the near future.

    Energy Wherever, Whenever

    Bidirectional charging has many potential benefits. First, smart charging technology allows a car battery to be charged during off-peak hours, providing a potential financial advantage for users. If owners charge their EVs during off hours, and discharge back to the grid during peak hours, they can earn the difference between the two rates. With vehicle-to-grid technology, homeowners can sell energy back to the utility company for redistribution which can be used to power homes, buildings or other EVs.

    Second, bidirectional charging serves as a backup power source during outages, with a typical car battery storing enough power for a home for roughly two days. As the number of extreme weather events like wildfires and hurricanes increase in frequency, dual charging through EVs can become a dependable source of power. Further, bidirectional technology can serve as a portable power source, providing energy while on the road.

    What are the main challenges?

    As bidirectional EV charging technology is still coming to fruition, it is not yet widely available, although the lowest cost EV on the market, the Nissan Leaf, has been bidirectional for a decade. Tesla has said that its vehicles would be bidirectional by model year 2025, General Motors has promised its EVs would be bidirectional by model year 2026. As noted in the Kia/Hyundai advertisement which ran during the 2024 Super Bowl, “vehicle-to-load” is available now and can be used to power a refrigerator or other load during a power outage. Fully utilizing the benefits of integrated “vehicle-to-home” as has been advertised by Ford requires additional costs to upgrade home wiring and may cost more than low-income consumers can afford so high investment requirements may discourage the use of such technology amongst lower income groups.

    Who is Ellie Cohen?

    Ellie Cohen, CEO of the Climate Center, is a leader in transformative solutions to climate change and environmental degradation. Cohen is currently working with local governments, labor unions, and climate justice advocates to push lawmakers to enact policies such as SB 233 to spearhead the transition to renewable energy powered vehicles.

    Further Reading

    LA Times Editorial Board, EVs have big batteries. They should come equipped to power homes and the grid in emergencies (Aug. 13, 2023)The Climate CenterSierra Club, New analysis of California’s 2022 heat wave confirms gas plants failed to deliver promised power while toxic emissions soared in environmental justice communities (2023).Lipman, Electric Vehicle Blackouts (SF Chronicle opinion, Sept. 5, 2023).

    For a transcript of this episode, please visit https://climatebreak.org/bidirectional-charging-vehicles-as-a-portable-battery-with-ellie-cohen/

  • Increasing Sustainable Modes of Transportation

    In 2022, global emissions from transportation reached nearly 8 gigatons of carbon. To achieve the Net Zero Scenario, transportation emissions need to drop by nearly 25% by 2030. Within the Global South, auto-centric planning, transport authorities’ structures, and alternatives to cars and buses are some of the challenges in sustainable transportation.

    Transforming transportation is Mayor Manuel de Araújo’s vision for his city, Quelimane, Mozambique. To reduce transportation-related emissions, he advocates for a network of bike lanes throughout the city. Threatened by climate change disasters such as flooding, Quelamine is developing a climate resilient and sustainable public transportation system.

    Cycling in the City

    Cities with growing populations such as Quelimane are using alternative forms of public transportation to get more cars off the road. To increase the usage of bikes, the city plans to connect market and residential areas with bike lanes, totaling a distance of 2.3 kilometers. Planting trees along roads to provide shade, installing brick barriers to protect bikes from fast moving traffic, and making overall enhancements to roads aims to ease the transition to cycling.

    Biker-friendly programs have encouraged the cycling culture in other cities as well. In Addis Ababa, cycling advocates began the campaign Streets for the People: on the last Sunday of every month, certain roads are open only to bikes. These roads see hundreds of bicyclists, families, and other participants, creating a sense of community.

    Advantages to Cycling

    Biking can help reduce cities’ carbon footprints, improve air quality, and increase accessibility to essential facilities such as school and healthcare in crowded cities.

    Compared to cars, bikes produce significantly less carbon emissions. As much as 67% of transportation-related carbon emissions can be saved if a person chooses a bike over a car for one day. Moreover, existing buses and cars are rapidly deteriorating due to age, emitting excessive pollution; by moving away from older technology, cities with bikers can improve their air quality.

    Installing bike infrastructure combats accessibility issues in urban sprawl. In Quelimane, bike lanes help citizens navigate uneven terrain of the cities’ narrow roads, roads which cars usually can’t access. The city wants to expand the network of bike lanes to crucial areas such as the airport, the city center, and the sea port.

    Thanks to the influx of cyclists, bike shops have popped up along frequented routes. Cyclists are provided cost effective and timely repairs if needed.

    Difficulties with Biking Solutions

    However, many cities’ existing infrastructures are car-centric, deterring wide-spread bicycle usage. In Quelimane, a lack of biking infrastructure poses a threat to bikers’ safety. Without physical barriers between cars and bikes, road injuries are common. Additionally, intense sun and a lack of shade makes biking an uncomfortable experience. Once bikes complete their journey, there aren’t safe storage options to prevent bicycle theft.

    A Campaign for Sustainability

    Thanks to Mayor de Araújo’s ten-year campaign, Quelimane has become a city known for its biking culture. By using bikes himself, he has destigmatized negative associations with cycling. Now called ‘sons of the Mayor’, locals using bikes have been united by cycling. Quelimane is a member of the Transport Decarbonisation Alliance, a global collaboration that works towards a zero carbon transportation system by 2050. Funding from this organization has supported de Araújo’s projects in making more bike lanes in his city.

    About Manuel de Araújo

    Manuel de Araújo is the mayor of Quelimane, Mozambique. By involving people’s voices in policymaking, he hopes for his bike lane network to be part of a larger, low-carbon mobility system. Communicating through radio, social media, and other accessible platforms, de Araujo shares his passion for sustainable transportation with his constituents. Not only does de Araújo make change today, he plans for a future with a robust, sustainable transportation program.

    Further Reading Why Choose to CycleUniversity of Coimbra & Institute of Transportation Research, Transportation Authorities and InnovationInternational Energy Agency, Energy System - TransportUN Environment Programme, African cities embrace walking and cycling as climate crisis deepensWorld Resources Institute, From Mobility Access to All

    For a full transcript of this episode, visit https://climatebreak.org/pedaling-towards-a-sustainable-future-with-manuel-de-araujo/

  • Electric Heat: A Hot Topic in Chicago

    In cold winter months, many people have to rely on fossil gas to heat their homes and power cookstoves. Yet all-electric appliances, including heat pumps to heat homes, are quickly becoming a cheaper alternative over the long term, though they often entail higher upfront costs compared to gas appliances.

    In Chicago, the switch from natural gas to electricity is moving forward, but it is also revealing unintended challenges for low-income residents that are applicable to the broader energy transition. In the historic city core, many older buildings lack weatherproofing and insulation against extreme winter cold. Climate and health impacts, and the high price of burning fossil fuels for heat, provide ample reasons to switch from fossil gas to electricity. But as high-income people are doing so, they leave some of the most vulnerable people behind. As a result, Chicago is now pioneering an effort to support lower-income residents making the transition to all-electric heating.

    What are the Climate and Health Impacts of Gas Heating

    Gas heating is powered by natural gas, which is mainly composed of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. From a climate perspective, methane’s ability to trap heat in the atmosphere is 84 times greater over a 20-year period than carbon dioxide, making it the second most important contributor to climate change. And, because it lasts for 10 to 15 years in the atmosphere, while CO2 lasts 100 years or more, reducing methane emissions will rid the atmosphere of a potent greenhouse gas much more quickly. One-third of human-caused methane emissions come from the energy sector, and a large portion of methane use comes from waste such as leaks and venting. From a health perspective, a byproduct of natural gas called nitrogen dioxide is known to reduce lung function, and cooking with natural gas stoves has been linked to childhood asthma. Natural gas’s climate impacts and more immediate respiratory impacts may pose a health risk in homes that can be reduced by a switch over to electric heating.

    Why are People Flipping the Switch?

    As the price of natural gas rises, electricity may become a cheaper option for many Americans. The current structure of utility companies contributes to the high costs that ratepayers are facing. One concept found in utilities is the rate base, which refers to the amount of money and resources a utility company uses to produce and deliver electricity, water, or gas services. Regulators decide whether or not the investments that companies make are considered “prudent” and these expenses are added up to form the rate base, upon which the utilities are allowed to earn a rate so they can profit. This structure means that the costs of large capital investments are paid for by an increase in a rider on ratepayers’ bills, passing the cost burden onto customers.

    For electricity here in California, the threat of wildfires caused by powerlines and the high cost of building transmission means that ratepayers face high electricity rates, especially compared to gas. Meanwhile in Chicago, one main reason many residents are switching to electric heating is because of recent price hikes from the major gas utilities supplier. According to Sarah Moskowitz, Executive Director at the Citizens Utility Board (CUB) of Illinois, a retrofitting effort by the gas utility in Chicago means that customers may be facing unusually high bill riders over fifty dollars, a fixed cost applied even before any gas is used. There is a strong economic incentive in Chicago driving people who can afford to switch over their appliances to electric.

    But what about those who cannot afford to move away from gas heating? According to Moskowitz, primarily low-income Black and brown communities face some of the biggest impacts of soaring natural gas prices. In addition, the rate base system which allows costs to be passed onto consumers can further exacerbate the problem. As people with the means to switch away from gas do so, this lowers the number of gas customers across which the utility company can divide its costs. This means that the people who can least afford it will bear a greater portion of the costs, a problem sometimes known as the utility debt spiral. But new legislation and funding are attempting to build a path out.

    Making Heat Accessible & Affordable

    In an effort to set Illinois on the path to carbon-free and renewable energy, a law that contains interesting pathways for utility justice was passed in 2021. The Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CJA) sets ambitious clean energy goals, but does so in a way that prioritizes equity. The bill provides finance for lower-income residents and provides support for energy efficiency and renewable energy workforce development. According to Moskowitz, one particularly climate-justice-focused program is the equitable energy upgrade program, a form of utility bill financing. The law requires major Illinois utilities to file multi-year rate plans, and from these, 40% of the benefits must go toward low-income communities. Exactly how the benefit process will work is being determined. The CJA provides a framework that can be adapted for many other regions. As Chicago takes on the challenge of moving towards renewable electricity in a city with older infrastructure and high heat demand, the city may serve as a case study that other cities can look to when planning for clean energy alongside justice and equity.

    Who is Sarah Moskowitz?

    Sarah Moskowitz is the Executive Director at the Citizens Utility Board (CUB) of Illinois, which has represented the interests of utility ratepayers since the 1970s. CUB works to get more consumer-friendly laws passed, runs a utility question & complaint hotline, and organizes consumer education and outreach programs.

    Further ReadingEuropean Commission: Methane EmissionsPearce, Johns Hopkins University: Gas Stoves Risks to Our Planet and HealthEIA, US Energy Information Administration: Outlook for Natural Gas PriceErnst, S&P Global: Understanding Rate Base (Regulatory Research Associates, S&P)EPA, Illinois EPA: Climate and Equitable Jobs Act

    For a transcript of this episode, please visit https://climatebreak.org/making-electric-heating-accessible-and-affordable-for-low-income-residents-with-sarah-moskowitz/.