How do you address your team when a sense of urgency is needed or you're upset? Is your language appropriate? Is your demeanor appropriate?
Are you able to show compassion in tough moments toward your players? opposing players or coaches? Why is that important?
Eksik bölüm mü var?
What will you do when a player who quit your team now wants to come back? What do you risk by bringing them back? Is it worth it? Are you concerned more about yourself, the team or the player?
Did you ever consider quitting as a player? Were you saved my another player or coach? Did your parents support your decision?
Does your school have a leadership training program for it's coaches? Or, are coaches left to learn on their own with little direction?
What are your thoughts on the post season? Is your team ready? What will you focus on to prepare?
How will you deal with an angry parent over playing time or awards? Do you have guidelines for parent meetings?
Do you have a mentor? Who are you following? Can they help you? Have they been where you are now?
How can we motivate a good player to improve and reach a higher level? Could the answer be the less skilled player who gives maximum effort every day at practice?
Every look back at a decision that didn't quite work out? How exactly will that help you as a coach?