Endelig en podcast for deg som elsker bil (eller bare er litt interessert og nysgjerrig). Håkon Sæbø lever av å teste de nyeste og feteste bilene, enten de går på strøm, bensin eller diesel for Finansavisen. David Kordahl Andersen elsker gamle biler, gjerne italiensk om det dukker opp, og har 17 biler som slett ikke alltid fungerer knirkefritt. Tilsammen blir det ukentlige bildiskusjoner, som sporer mer eller mindre av, og de beste og verste oppdagelsene fra
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Diesel Performance Podcast is a conversation, debate, and everything else about the three main domestic diesel engines: Duramax, Powerstroke, and Cummins. Hosts Paul Wilson and Chris Ehmke cover topics every diesel owner wants to know. If you love diesel engines and light duty pickup trucks - you've found the perfect podcast.
Vintage and Modern motorcycles Cleveland motorcycle mechanics, enthusiasts and wizards get together and provide background noise for your workshop or commute. We cover cafe racer, electric, minimoto bikes, ADV, Scrambler, maintenance, ducati, Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki, Moto Guzzi, Royal Enfield, Norton, Triumph, Mods, Rockers, Scooters, Wrenching, Motorcycle Tech, Riding, Reviews, Chat, Drinking, charcuterie, Pride of Cleveland- Vintage Motorcycle Biker Tech and maintenance- No politics - No Religion
Venované elektromobilite a témam, ktoré k nej neodmysliteľne patria. Michal Sabo a jeho hostia v nich okrem iného prezradia, čo ich nabíja životom.💚
rally.nor podcast - med Dennis Travålta
Podden som starter der asfalten slutter
En lavoktan podcast for deg som digger motorsykkel. Med utgangspunkt i "sykler med rifla dekk"
ADV - Offroad - Road book - Events - Community - YouTube - Podcast - Patreon
Kort sagt gode historier og lettbent prat.
God lyttings! -
Norwegian produced podcast about Motocross
Practical info and funny stories from old stars and new upcoming riders. -
A nation wide group of people with a love for Harley Davidson Sportsters.
Whether its talking about our bikes, our trips or even our life experiences. -
I'm Jordan Golson and I review cars. This podcast is home to the audio-only versions of my reviews, while the video reviews are on YouTube.PRNDL is hidden in front of your eyes in just about every car you drive, down on the shifter: Park; Reverse; Neutral; Drive; Low. -
Draho a martinzmartina ti prinášajú svoju prvú podcastovú šou zo sveta štyroch kolies. Uži si neformálny pohľad do zákulisia áut, ich testovania či náš osobný názor na aktuálne témy. To všetko v rámci chystaného projektu CARIN! Každý týždeň v tvojich „rádiách“. 😊
We know electric rides—your guide to a micromobility future. We are a small team passionate about making the best and most trustworthy reviews and guides in all of micro-EVs…and for millions of riders!
Whether you’re a community enthusiast, writer, investor, regulator, or even an industry employee, this is your place! Tune in every Thursday at 12:00pm PST for exclusive interviews with CEOs to celebrities to cool people from the community. Want to come on yourself? We welcome pitches via email at: [email protected]
If you appreciate the content we make, show us some love by taking 5 seconds to subscribe to this podcast and 73 seconds more if you’re feeling extra generous to leave us a review. It’s the only way more people can find this content. Thank you! -
William Roberts, the creator of Utopia Restorations, dives deeper into peoples passion for the automotive world! Whether they run a small business, just do it for a hobby we talk about the passion that drives our guests and the adventures and stories they have had along the way.
Deus na nossa vida -
Cash for Cars - Welcome to to sell junk cars for cash. This is a one-stop destination for selling junk/used cars in New Jersey.
Over the years we have been involved in junk car removal services and have been paying cash for scrap cars to people like you!
973-321-3003 -
A Formula 1 podcast hosted by the gals for the gals (and anyone gal-adjacent). Weekly episodes hosted by Jasmine and Catherine keeping you up to date on all the latest in F1 racing, news and driver shenanigans!
A car show every week, this is the podcast for anyone who loves working on cars and the car culture lifestyle. Simple as that, two friends, from opposite sides of the track, kicking back and deep diving on everything fast for your enjoyment.
Mike Herzing and Jeremy Birenbaum have the automotive news, reviews, interviews, and tips you’re looking for! Learn the ins and outs of the auto and power sports industry, where (and when) to spend your money, and when to save it. Listening to Let’s Talk Wheels can help your vehicle last a little longer, and you will have fun along the way!
Current Ladeinnsikt med Asbjørn Mitusch og Åsmund Møll Frengstad handler om å drifte og å tjene penger på elbillading. Hver uke deler ekspertene triks og innsikt knyttet til elbillading, oppsett av ladepunkter, batteriteknologi og elbil.
— Åsmund Møll Frengstad grunnla Current og har fungert som spesialrådgiver for Stortinget og EU. I tillegg har han vært delaktig i utviklingen av OCPP-standarden.
— Asbjørn Mitusch har lanseringen en rekke elbiler på det norske markedet.
Installerer, administrerer eller jobber du med elbilladere? Da er dette podcastet for deg. -
Weekly car enthusiast podcast with hot takes, car banter, and automotive news.
We are Hypernova! A team of six students from Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Bro Edern 🏴 and we’re competing in the Professional Class of the F1 in schools competition. We are currently on our way to the UK National Finals! In this podcast we'll be discussing the competition and our team's progress, along with answering any of your questions..
Stories + ramblings about my passion for classic car culture.