This month, we have dedicated our episodes to talking about sex. Not always the easiest topic to handle, especially with our children, but a necessary one. First, we laid a foundation and discussed the theology of sex. Then we talked about the psychology of sex and how conversations will change over the years with our children. On this episode of Coming & Going, we will discuss what it looks like to answer the tough, awkward, and crucial questions that our kids bring to us regarding sex. Joe sits down with Ben and Kathy Kelly, to chat about how they have navigated this topic within their parenting.
Resources: Listen to the last two episodes on this topic here!
Navigating Conversations About Sexuality Throughout the Years with Elizabeth Strong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEO1V0ee1z0&list=PLmCIM7qAZkgDV0Cp8HWiSkEsqDwNsSsT7
Talking to Your Kids About Sex & Sexuality with Pastor Jacob Ley: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3svBcWtFqyA&list=PLmCIM7qAZkgDV0Cp8HWiSkEsqDwNsSsT7&index=2See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
As our children grow up, they change and develop in numerous ways. With that, questions regarding sex and sexuality will change through the years. We may not realize it, but there is a deeper side to sex that affects us all psychologically, and this heavily impacts our children. On this episode of Coming & Going, Joe sits down with Elizabeth Strong, a licensed Social Work and Mental Health Counselor, to talk about how we should seek to talk to our kids about sexuality through the years.
See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Eksik bölüm mü var?
Sex. Not always the easiest topic to talk about, especially when it comes to talking about it with your kids. But, as parents, it's important that we take the time and consideration to have conversations about a biblical view of sex and sexuality with our children. On this episode of Coming & Going, Joe sits down with Pastor Jacob Ley to discuss with us how to navigate these conversations with our kids.
Resources: To hear more from Jacob on Everyday Theology: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmCIM7qAZkgCqwwV_MCc1pwm432JwteQISee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Talking about money is not always easy. We live in a society full of consumerism, debt, college loans, and abundance over scarcity. As we look to guide our children in the ways of Christ, how can we as parents instill in our children a healthy outlook on stewardship over money? Joe sits down with Drew and Teresa Steury to talk all about teaching your kids to be responsible and generous with what they receive.
Oikonomics by Mike Breen - https://www.amazon.com/Oikonomics-Mike-Breen/dp/0985235179
God and Money: How We Discovered True Riches at Harvard Business School by John Cortines & Gregory Baumer - https://www.amazon.com/God-Money-Discovered-Business-Paperback/dp/1628624736
The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn - https://store.epm.org/the-treasure-principle-revisedSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
This month at Woodside, we kicked off a brand-new message series that is all about prayer. And here at Coming and Going, we want to make sure you start your new year off by implementing rhythms of prayer with your family. Check out one of our past episodes all about prayer and praying together as a family.
One of the things we need to do is teach our kids the importance of prayer. So, how can we, as parents, prioritize prayer in our families? On this episode of Coming & Going, Joe sits down with Pastor Ryan Russell to talk to us about creating rhythms of prayer within our family and the importance of instilling prayer in our children's lives.
See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Did you know that 30,000 children in the US age out of the foster care system year to year? Did you also know that if approximately one Christian from every church in the state of Michigan alone stepped into foster care, we would have no more kids in the foster care system? On this episode of Coming & Going, Joe sits down with C.T. and Meg Eldridge to talk about the importance of adoption and how we can come alongside and encourage foster and adoptive parents. If you have ever thought about adoption or foster care, you definitely want to check out this episode!
ResourcesLifeline Children's Services | https://lifelinechild.org/
Orphan Justice: How to Care for Orphans Beyond Adopting | https://bit.ly/4fu5mNX
Christian Alliance for Orphans | https://cafo.org/
See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Part of being a parent means being there for the most joyous moments in your child's life, but it also means being there for the most difficult ones. As parents, we want to protect our children from all the bad things that can happen in this world, but the hard truth is that we can’t. And sometimes, our kids experience things that kids should never have to experience. On this episode of Coming and Going, Joe sits down with Elizabeth Strong, a licensed Social Work and Mental Health Counselor, to talk about how to navigate trauma with our kids.
Setting the Stage for Healing: 3 Must-Haves for Parents | https://bit.ly/4eoiiWbSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Every fall, at least in the Midwest, families and friends flock to cider mills to experience the fruits of another great apple season. But we all know these fruits just don't appear overnight. It takes apple trees season after season to grow and mature and produce strong fruit. The same goes for us as believers. On today's episode of Coming & Going, Joe shares some encouragement for parents about what it means to grow in their faith with God that will produce strong fruit in their lives and their entire families, too!
Check out more episodes of Coming & Going here: https://bit.ly/3YzmRqS
See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
It's election season! For some, that statement brings excitement. For others, fear. With all the he-said-she-said headlines, it can be hard to differentiate what's true from what isn't. What can be even harder is navigating the politic season with our kids. On this episode of Coming and Going, Joe talks with James Muffett of the Student Statesman Institute about the importance of talking to your kids about politics and how you as a family can honor God and care for politicians this election season.
*If you have questions about navigating this political season, we encourage you to connect with one of our 14 locations locally. Many of our campuses are providing in-person conferences or classes to help you during this season. To find a campus near you, visit woodsidebible.org/locations
Student Statesman Institute | https://ssionline.org/See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Parenting at any stage is hard. And as parents, we want to understand our kids better. But it always seems like as soon as we get one phase of life down, they quickly move onto the next one.
For the next few episodes, join Pastor Joe as he spends some time looking at parenting in each of these phases of our kids’ lives and learn from some of the best! Next up is parenting high school students.
According to new research from the Fuller Youth Institute, today’s high schoolers represent the most anxious, diverse, and adaptive generation in history. And now, more than ever, they are not shying away from asking tough questions. So, how can we, as parents, maximize this season of life with our kids and continue to foster their relationships with Jesus?On this episode of Coming and Going, Joe sits down with Dr. Kara Powell, executive director of the Fuller Youth Institute, to talk about this season of life for parents!
Want to win your own copy of 3 Big Questions?? Click this link to enter: https://forms.office.com/r/5XKyBv3WJt
The Fuller Youth Institute - https://fulleryouthinstitute.org/
3 Big Questions that Change Every Teenager | https://bit.ly/445GdoxSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
SURPRISE! We've got a special episode of Coming & Going just for you.
We're taking a short break from our Parenting through the Phases series to talk about engaging our kids, at every age, in the community that God has placed them in.
On this episode, Joe sits down with Nick and Kim Bogardus to talk about what this looks like and how we, as parents, can better set up our kids for success in any community and setting they find themselves in. Nick and Kim are married with three children and are passionate about raising courageous, faith-filled kids. Be sure to check this episode out and share your questions and takeaways in the comment section below!
Lead Together Podcast with Nick and Kim | https://www.relationalleadership.co/leadtogetherSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Parenting at any stage is hard. And as parents, we want to understand our kids better. But it always seems like as soon as we get one phase of life down, they quickly move onto the next one. For the next few episodes, join Pastor Joe as he spends some time looking at parenting in each of these phases of our kids’ lives and learn from some of the best! Next up, parenting middle school students.
If you have a middle school child or have ever worked with middle schoolers, you know that they're constantly challenging things—whether it's questioning your choice for dinner or expressing doubt about what's right and wrong. So, how can we, as parents, lean into their questions and maximize this season of life to foster their relationships with Jesus? On this episode of Coming & Going, Joe sits down with Chris Hansen, Woodside Troy's Lead Student Pastor, to talk about this season of parenting and more! Check it out!
Communicating to Middle Schoolers by Ashley Bohnic | https://bit.ly/4bLUxVH
The Parent Cue - https://tinyurl.com/saebvffzSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Parenting at any stage is hard. And as parents, we want to understand our kids better. But it always seems like as soon as we get one phase of life down, they quickly move onto the next one. For the next few episodes, join Pastor Joe as he spends some time looking at parenting in each of these phases of our kids’ lives and learn from some of the best! Next up, parenting elementary-age kids.
The elementary years can be a bit chaotic for parents — it’s a time when kids are developing their sense of the world and people. They begin to make choices, experience peer pressure, and often have an extensive sports/extra-curricular activity calendar. While this time seems so long, it goes by so fast. So, how can we, as parents, maximize this season of life with our kids and continue to foster their relationships with Jesus?
In this episode, Joe sits down with Josh Miller, Woodside Lake Orion's Kids Director, to talk about how this season of parenting is one of continued growth and a wonderful opportunity to show kids the true character of God.
The Parent Cue - https://tinyurl.com/saebvffz
The Adventure Bible - https://bit.ly/3VuH67N
Know God Devotional - https://bit.ly/3VrUeL8
FatCats's The Ten Commandments for Kids - https://bit.ly/49bG6sESee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Parenting at any stage is hard. And as parents, we want to understand our kids better. But it always seems like as soon as we get one phase of life down, they quickly move onto the next one.
For the next few episodes, join Pastor Joe as he spends some time looking at parenting in each of these phases of our kids’ lives and learn from some of the best!
First up, parenting preschoolers. The preschool years are tough on parents — it’s a time when kids are questioning everything, forming their own opinions, and strengthening their willpower. It can sometimes feel like an exhausting stage, leaving parents wishing for the season to be over.
In this episode, Joe sits down with Brittany Compton, the Director of Preschool Strategy at Orange, to talk about how this season of parenting is one of great discovery and a wonderful opportunity to teach kids the true character of God.
The Parent Cue - https://tinyurl.com/saebvffz
Phases Preschool Bundle - https://tinyurl.com/4sydnwnz
My First Hands-On Bible - https://bit.ly/3IJeP60
The Creation Story Book - https://bit.ly/3IJ9trh
The Easter Story Book - https://bit.ly/490djamSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Navigating Social Media with Your Kids [feat. Dave Adamson]
Love it or hate it, social media is a part of our culture, churches, and, frankly, our everyday lives. And as parents, social media can be a point of tension with our kids. Should they use it? And if so, when? Is it as dangerous as it’s perceived to be, or could social media be used positively by us and our kids? Today, joining Pastor Joe all the way from Australia is author and Pastor Dave Adamson to talk to us about how to navigate social media with our kids and how it can be used as a tool to help point our kids to Jesus.
Meta Church feat. Dave Adamson - https://bit.ly/3UGts12
To learn more about Dave or to grab a copy of his book - https://www.daveadamson.tv/See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
One of the things we need to do is teach our kids the importance of prayer. So, how can we, as parents, prioritize prayer in our families? On this episode of Coming & Going, Joe sits down with Pastor Ryan Russell to talk to us about creating rhythms of prayer within our family and the importance of instilling prayer in our children's lives.
Check out all our resources on prayer here: https://bit.ly/3TKQqn5See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
God’s Word contains timeless guidance that parents of all generations should follow as they rear their children. On this episode of Coming and Going, Joe is joined by Dr. Dan Stewart for a conversation about what God says about parenting and how parents and grandparents alike can find joy in their calling to raise up the next generation.
What God Says About Parenting - https://bit.ly/47I3dueSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
How can you believe in something you can’t see? Sometimes, for us as adults, this is hard for us to comprehend—so why do we think it would be any easier for our kids as they get older? When it comes to God and our faith, it can be tough to see an “invisible” God when it feels like we’ve prayed for a sign or message from Him, and all we get is silence. So, how, as parents, can we help our students to see God?
On this episode, Joe sits down with Shane Sanchez, author of "How to See God: A four-week devotional for students," to answer these questions and more!
How to See God by Shane Sanchez - https://bit.ly/3F6c7WaWant to win a copy of "How to See God?" Click here to enter! https://forms.office.com/r/gtyVNp8TAN
See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Matthew 11:28 says, "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." On this episode of Coming and Going, Joe talks about the importance of establishing rhythms in the life of yourself and your family to experience the rest Christ calls us and our families to.
See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
In just a few short days, June will be upon us, and with that comes Pride Month. Whether it be conversations at school, on social media, or walking into almost any store, seeing various messages about pride will spark a conversation. On this episode of Coming & Going, Joe sits down with Lisa Fields, apologist and the Founder & President of The Jude 3 Project, to talk about how parents can create space to have conversations about gender and sexuality from a biblical perspective with their kids.
The Jude 3 Project - https://jude3project.org/
Talking with Gen-Z About Gender & Sexuality - https://bit.ly/43v48wd
What God Says About Our Bodies - Sam Allbery - https://bit.ly/436ZRz5See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
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