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    Have you ever struggled with the balance between savoring life's journey and maintaining your health on the road? That's the tightrope we walk in our latest episode, where we share tales from our medical conference adventure in Cleveland, and the attendant challenges of eating post-bariatric surgery. Our conversation takes flight with the introduction of Bari Buddy, the AI assistant that's revolutionizing post-op life with reliable, guideline-based advice, a creation honed through over a hundred hours of meticulous programming. Tammie dishes out her wisdom on navigating airports and staying true to dietary needs without sacrificing the joy of travel.

    When the road takes a turn towards the procedural, we've got you covered with the nitty-gritty of colonoscopy prep for the bariatric patient. It’s a must-listen for anyone facing the daunting prospect of a colonoscopy, offering practical tips on a liquid diet and debunking the 'pouch reset' myth with an emphasis on a holistic approach to weight regain. Through Tammie’s lens, each patient's journey is underscored as unique and deserving of tailored care, sidestepping the notion that additional surgery is the go-to solution for complex issues related to weight.

    Closing out, our discussion pivots to challenge the healthcare industry's fixation on BMI and weight. We advocate for a focus on overall wellness and metabolic health, pondering the conundrum faced by patients and doctors alike when cultural standards and medical requirements clash. From the diversity in athletic physiques to the comparative recovery paths of different bariatric surgeries, we shed light on the multifaceted world of weight management. This episode is an exploration of the many layers of obesity and body standards, offering insights and empathy to anyone affected by these pervasive issues. Join us for a heart-to-heart on the transformative potential of bariatric surgery, set against the intricate tapestry of societal, genetic, and psychological factors that shape our health and self-image.

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    Unlock the secrets to successfully navigating revisional bariatric surgery as we invite Dr. Francesca Dimou, a pioneering Bariatric and General Surgeon with a talent for robotic procedures, to illuminate the complexities of this life-altering medical journey. Transitioning into a new chapter at USF and Tampa General Hospital, Dr. Francesca Dimou outlines the essential steps she takes in the intricate dance of preoperative evaluations. As she shares her algorithm and stresses the importance of diagnostic tests, you'll discover the empathy and expertise needed to set patients up for triumph in the face of obesity's challenges.

    As we wade through the murky waters of insurance coverage for bariatric surgery, Dr. Francesca Dimou and her team of patient navigators emerge as beacons of hope, guiding patients through the labyrinth of policies and procedures. It's not just about the physical transformation; the conversation turns to the emotional odyssey patients embark upon, confronting societal misunderstandings and internal battles. With Dr. Francesca Dimou's insight, we're reminded that obesity is a chronic disease demanding a cocktail of surgical intervention, medication, and lifestyle changes, all delivered with a generous dose of compassion.

    Finally, we converse on the synergistic power of a multi-generational surgical team, where experience meets innovation, and colleagues become confidants. Dr. Francesca Dimou reflects on her own professional voyage, which took an unexpected detour from anti-reflux to bariatric surgery, a field ripe with the potential for impactful change. She emphasizes the mentorship that sculpted her career and offers pearls of wisdom to young surgeons: Embrace the strength of a united team, and you'll not only excel in your field but also ensure the highest standard of care for those you serve.

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    Ever been caught off-guard by the silent but deadly post-op enemy, constipation? We're cracking open a dialogue on this hushed subject, revealing why that first post-surgery toot matters more than you might think! Join us as we dissect the ins and outs of keeping things moving smoothly after surgery. With a blend of our own tales from the trenches and expert clinical advice, we've revamped the typical pre- and post-op playbook to tackle constipation head-on, discussing everything from the mysterious ileus to the impact of stress on your gut.

    Sip along with us as we spill the beans on staying hydrated with more than just plain old H2O—think flavored waters, shakes, and high-water content snacks. We're serving up a full course of wisdom on the crucial balance of proteins, fats, and carbs, and why your Keto diet might be backing you up, literally. Our chat meanders through the interplay of a varied diet, the importance of sleep, and even how your meds could be messing with your movements. So, grab your favorite drink, and let's get to the bottom of what keeps your digestive tract on track!

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    Unlock the secrets of a good night's sleep and its profound impact on weight management with sleep medicine wizard Dr. Ethan Emmons. Our latest episode traverses the shadowy links between sleep disorders like apnea and weight gain, especially in the bariatric world. Dr. Emmonss, with his rich background in pulmonary and critical care, decodes the body's adrenaline-laced response to sleep interruptions, illuminating how they can sabotage blood sugar and fat regulation. Whether you're a health aficionado or a medical professional, this conversation packs a wealth of insights, demystifying the complexities of sleep and weight for a healthier you.

    Discover the transformative power of sleep hygiene and its pivotal role in prepping patients for bariatric surgery in our compelling dialogue. Dr. Emmons dissects the nuts and bolts of at-home sleep apnea testing, providing reassurance with non-invasive techniques that pave the way for better health. We lay out a practical blueprint for enhancing sleep quality, from screen-time curfews to curbing caffeine, guided by recommendations from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. These nuggets of wisdom aren't just theoretical; they're life-changing rituals that could lead to sweet dreams and even sweeter health outcomes.

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    Join e Dr. Maria Iliakova and Tammie Lakose, as they delve into the intricate web of factors that shape our weight. From genetics to the hustle of daily life, they explore the complex influences on what we eat and how it affects our weight. Forget the age-old advice of "eat less, move more"—their discussion will lead you on a journey through the often-overlooked aspects of weight management that go far beyond calorie counting.

    Strap in for a candid talk about the harsh economics of eating well, as we navigate through the paradox where processed foods often pinch our wallets less than fresh produce. The struggle is real when time and money dance in a tango of compromise, affecting not just meal choices but our collective well-being. Maria and Tammie venture further and discuss the surprising connections between obesity, nutrition, and the quality of your slumber. Ever considered how the climate you live in, or your financial literacy could play pivotal roles in your health? They dissect these factors and more, leaving no stone unturned.

    Closing the loop, Maria and Tammie share their personal encounters with the real-life hurdles that complicate weight management, such as work stress, familial patterns, and the inevitable curveballs life throws their way. Whether it's navigating the challenges of sleep apnea or hormonal changes, or debunking misconceptions around conditions like COPD, they lay it all out on the table. This episode isn't just about shedding light on the issues—it's about empowering you with understanding and strategies for a healthier lifestyle, one informed choice at a time.

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    Embark on a scientific odyssey with us as we reveal the hidden ties between our genetic blueprints and the scales. With expertise in molecular biology and genetics, Dr. Iliakova dives into the nuanced interplay between DNA and obesity, breaking down myths and simplifying science. Discover rare genetic syndromes and their surprising implications for our understanding of weight regulation. We also inspect groundbreaking medications targeting genetic factors in overeating, offering a sneak peek into the future of personalized obesity treatment.

    Our journey doesn't stop at genetics; we traverse the complex terrain of hormones and their delicate dance with our weight. We unpack how obesity can disrupt this balance, affecting everything from fertility to metabolic health. Learn about the link between conditions like PCOS and hormonal harmony, and how thoughtful weight management can bolster fertility and overall well-being. Plus, we highlight cutting-edge treatments, from receptor agonists to the staggering potential of CRISPR gene editing and the transformative power of fecal transplants. Join us for this enlightening exploration of weight, health, and the pioneering science that's shaping our approach to both.

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    Embark on an emotional voyage with us as we explore the intricate world of bariatric surgery and the heartfelt journeys of those who traverse it. Tammie who is both a bariatric coordinator and a patient herself, provides an insider's look at the tangled web of feelings and fears that patients face, emphasizing the critical need for a compassionate healthcare environment. We delve into the significance of empathy and the essential role of post-operative support in shaping a patient's experience—because the road to wellness extends far beyond the operating room.

    Dr. Iliakova and Tammie share their insights on the transformative power of respect and understanding, discussing the profound impact these gestures have on building trust and ensuring patients stay engaged with their post op journey long after they leave the hospital.

    Tailoring the treatment to the tapestry of each patient's life, we discuss how personal circumstances and individual needs are the threads that, when woven together, produce the most successful outcomes in bariatric care. We invite listeners to weigh in with their experiences and perspectives on clinical environments, as we strive to create a supportive community attuned to the nuances of bariatric healthcare. Join us in this heartfelt conversation that's not just about shedding pounds, but also about shedding light on the path to a healthier, more understanding world.

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    Ever felt a chill after a hearty salad, or craved Brussels sprouts wrapped in bacon? That's the kind of unexpected shift in appetite and body temperature regulation Maria and Tammie are talking about on this episode, where they peel back the curtain on the life-altering journey of bariatric surgery. Their conversation serves up the raw, unspoken truths about post-op life, including why Tammie's water mug is now her most treasured accessory. Their narrative stitches together the fabric of lifestyle readjustments, unwrapping the delicate dance between treating oneself and adhering to a new health-conscious existence.

    Social dynamics take a front seat as Tammie navigates the post-bariatric world, from the anxiety of standing out in a crowd to the emotional tumult of weight-loss compliments. Maria and Tammie dissect the influence of cultural and familial dining customs that clash with the new reality of smaller portions and the tactics to manage the ensuing social tension. And just when you think you've got it all figured out, they bring to light the post-operative surprises like gallbladder woes, urging open dialogue with your surgeon, and confronting the emotional impact of significant weight loss. Tune in for an honest, heartfelt exploration of the post-bariatric life that goes beyond the scale.

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    When a fellow physician's offhand remark about obesity struck a nerve, it brought home the reality of the insensitivity that pervades our medical community. It's discussions like this that Tammie and Maria tackle head-on, breaking down the complexities of weight management far beyond the oversimplified calories in versus calories out. Their conversation sheds light on the multifaceted influences of genetics, metabolism, and lifestyle choices on an individual's weight, underscoring the urgent need for a more educated approach within healthcare.

    As they peel back the curtain on bariatric care, they're confronted with the stark realities of accessibility, especially in rural areas. The advancements in surgery and evolving outpatient policies come into sharp focus alongside the role of primary care physicians in the referral process. Maria gets personal, sharing her own experience with binge eating disorder, and together, Tammie and Maria expose how few eligible patients receive the care they need. They also explore how telemedicine, a beacon of hope post-COVID, could revolutionize follow-up care and bridge the healthcare divide.

    The finale of the episode takes on a proactive stance, stressing the significance of early intervention in weight management. They emphasize the value of a multi-disciplinary approach and the necessity for primary care doctors to be well-versed in weight management. Wrapping up, they extend an open invitation to our listeners to connect with them on social media for further discussions and insights. With Tammie's invaluable perspective, they hope their candid dialogue resonates with listeners and sparks a much-needed transformation in how the healthcare field addresses weight management.

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    Discover the transformative power of bariatric surgery with Cleveland Clinic's Dr. Sara Monfared in a conversation that could forever alter your view of obesity and its treatment. Dr. Monfared passionately articulates her path to specializing in this life-changing field, emphasizing the urgent need to reframe obesity as a chronic disease rather than a personal failing. By intertwining her personal motivations with professional expertise, she illuminates how bariatric surgery isn't just about weight loss—it's a proactive strike against cancer, heart disease, and more. Our talk sheds light on the imperative for medical care to evolve, placing preventive obesity treatments alongside routine health screenings.

    Peek behind the curtain of bariatric surgery with us as we scrutinize the intricacies of various procedures tailored to individual needs. Dr. Monfared walks us through the cutting-edge, such as endoscopic outlet reduction, while addressing the challenges post-surgery patients face, such as weight regain. Her insights aim to dispel the stigma that shrouds this topic, reinforcing the message that setbacks are not reflective of personal failings but rather a call for innovative, minimally invasive solutions that cater to each unique journey.

    As our episode reaches its conclusion, we rally for the cause of broadening bariatric surgery access and delve into the necessity of persistent research to secure insurance coverage for state-of-the-art treatments. Dr. Monfared's analysis of the shifting perceptions around endoscopic sleeve procedures, along with the evolution of gastric bypass surgery, offers a beacon of hope for those navigating these waters. We wrap up by inviting listeners to join our vibrant online community, where shared experiences and knowledge merge to support and enlighten anyone touched by the topic of bariatric surgery.

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    Have you ever felt like a caterpillar emerging from a cocoon, stepping into a world where you're seen in a whole new light? That's exactly where Tammie's journey took her after bariatric surgery, and in our latest episode, she opens up about the intricate dance of self-confidence and societal perceptions. Dr. Maria Iliakova and Tammie Lakose peel back the layers of what it means to transform not just physically, but emotionally, as Tammie navigates the bittersweet symphony of changed relationships and self-esteem post-weight loss.

    Tammie discusses on the virtues of humility in healthcare, where admitting she doesn't have all the answers can actually be her greatest strength. Sharing stories of vulnerability, they explore how such honesty not only benefits our patients but also fosters a culture of growth and support among medical professionals. It's a raw look at the struggles behind the stethoscope and the importance of emotional intelligence in patient care.

    Wrapping up, the episode takes a deep and personal turn, reflecting on the ways in which Tammie's relationships and mental health are intertwined with her journey towards self-improvement. Emotional maturity doesn't come easily, and often it's the closest relationships that challenge and shape us the most. As Maria and Tammie bid farewell, remember that your reflections and feedback are invaluable to us. Join them on this continuous path of discovery, growth, and self-care.

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    Have you ever tiptoed around a conversation, feeling the weight of words unsaid? This week, we wade into the complexities of discussing bariatric surgery, sharing stories that resonate with the need for empathy and understanding in these intimate dialogues. Reflecting on an encounter that struck a nerve, we dissect the nuances of suggesting such personal medical decisions. It's a candid look at confronting societal judgments, where we compare the wide acceptance of certain medical aids to the stigma that shrouds weight loss surgery and reveal how we've grown more confident in standing up for our stories.

    Navigating the rough seas of toxic relationships, this episode doesn't just skirt the storm, it sails right through. We unveil the gritty reality of trying—and sometimes failing—to turn the tide on someone's perspective, and why it's sometimes necessary to drop anchor and sail away for the sake of self-respect. We share our arsenal of tactics for bracing difficult conversations, from setting time limits to the power of a simple "no." It's an episode that reaffirms the notion that our worth is not tethered to others' viewpoints, and that being open to the ever-evolving conversation on weight and health is a voyage we're all on together.

    As the curtains draw on this episode, it's not a farewell but a heartfelt thanks and a "see you later" that we extend to you, our dedicated listeners. We invite you to keep the conversation alive by joining our vibrant online community, where the support and insights continue to flourish beyond the microphone. We part with laughter and a promise to return with more stories that stir the soul and support that strengthens the spirit. And if you want to stay looped into our journey, follow us on Instagram at Core Bariatrics. Here's to the next chapter, and to each of you who make this podcast a harbor for hope and understanding.

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    Are you ready to revolutionize your understanding of bariatric surgery? Prepare to have your misconceptions shattered and witness the unveiling of the metabolic miracle. Dr. Maria Iliakova, alongside Tammie Lakose, navigates the transformative journey that bariatric patients undertake. It's not a mere alteration of stomach size - it's a full-body metamorphosis. From discussing the nuanced realities of procedures like the gastric band to addressing how individual health histories shape surgical choices, this episode promises to challenge everything you thought you knew about weight-loss surgery.

    Weight loss is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the profound hormonal and metabolic shifts post-surgery. Our conversation takes an in-depth look at how these changes can foster enhanced fertility, manage diabetes, and even alleviate PCOS symptoms. It's a path that requires unwavering dedication, akin to the prolonged commitment we see in other major life endeavors. We're peeling back the curtain on the myth that bariatric surgery is a shortcut, revealing the truth about the demanding journey of lifestyle transformation that follows.

    As we close this insightful episode, we share our appreciation for your companionship on this educational voyage. Dr. Lamasters has illuminated the intricate details of our bodies' responses to bariatric procedures, and we extend an invitation to you to join the conversation. Your experiences and topics of interest are crucial to the fabric of our narrative, and we're committed to fostering a community rooted in evidence-based learning. Until the next episode, we leave you with a sense of belonging in our bariatric family, eager for the continued shared journey towards understanding and wellness.

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    Have you ever wondered how a simple cup can become your ally on a transformational journey? Join Tammie as she shares the hydration hacks that are crucial for anyone navigating life after bariatric surgery. In the intimate setting of our latest episode, Tammie opens up about her go-to tools for keeping hydrated, including the versatile Stanley cup, chic Brumate, and the tech-savvy Hydrate Spark Cup. But it's not all about the gadgets; Tammie also taps into the heart of the Core Bariatrics community, sharing golden nuggets of wisdom from Ashley, founder of the Bariatric Woman Support Facebook group. Together, they remind us that the road to self-improvement is unique, and celebrating your own milestones is where the true joy lies.

    Stepping away from the physical transformation, we shift our focus to the mental and emotional journey that often accompanies bariatric surgery. While Maria isn't with us in the studio, her insights resonate as we balance raw, personal storytelling with hard facts. This episode is a call to those who understand that beyond every physical change, there's a mental game being played. It's a rallying cry for building a community where tough love meets genuine support, where victories and setbacks are shared with equal openness. Tune in as we extend an invitation to join our statewide network—a haven of empathy and understanding for anyone touched by the bariatric experience.

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    This week we welcome Brittany Lakose, Tammie’s sister-in-law and dear friend. During this episode she opened up about her bariatric surgery journey, the raw truths. This episode is a deep dive into her experiences, unearthing the profound mental and emotional transformations that accompany such an impactful physical change. Brittany's story illuminates the oft-ignored significance of mental health and support networks through the trials of bariatric surgery. She candidly addresses the challenges she faced post-surgery, from fluctuating friendships to discovering her own self-worth, offering an intimate look at how life can pivot on the axis of personal health decisions.

    This episode underscores the importance of mental well-being, particularly when life throws us curveballs. Navigating the waters of a major surgery is one thing, but she also figures out the journey of pregnancy following that major surgery. We talk about the increase in fertility that can follow weight loss surgery, a crucial discussion for those considering the procedure, and the importance of transparent communication with healthcare providers to safeguard the health of both mother and child.

    Brittany's resilience radiates through her story, reminding us of all of the power of self-drive and the courage to face adversity. Her determination to live authentically, to embrace second chances, and to not be defined by past missteps is nothing short of inspiring. As one of your hosts, Tammie finds herself offering a heartfelt apology for past misunderstandings while celebrating Brittany's strength. This conversation is an open invitation to anyone grappling with similar hurdles, to engage with us on social media, share your own stories, and find hope in Brittany's incredible journey.

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    Have you ever thought that a little weight gain after bariatric surgery was a setback? Maria and Tammie are here to bust that myth wide open. Join them as they dissect the J-curve phenomenon and celebrate the body's quest for metabolic equilibrium post-surgery. No, it's not failure—it's science. And as they unpack the hormonal ballet that influences weight in both men and women, they'll also challenge societal body image norms and the endearing 'dad bod' trend to affirm that true attraction is an intricate tapestry woven from personality, individual quirks, and, yes, looks.

    Now, if you think post-surgery life is just about sipping water and munching on veggies, prepare to have your mind refreshed. Maria and Tammie mix it up with creative hydration hacks and a candid look at nutrition that goes beyond the bland. From the importance of protein to the role of carbs and how to handle a Halloween candy temptation, they navigate the nutritional tightrope with finesse. And for those navigating the complexities of binge eating disorders, they share insights into personalizing your plate for success.

    But it's not all about what we eat. Stress, sleep, and sweat play pivotal roles in the weight management waltz. Maria and Tammie will share their personal tales of weight plateaus and gains while unraveling how their emotional well-being can shape their physical journeys. Discover the underestimated power of REM sleep, and the vital need for intentional exercise—your daily grind doesn't cover it. In wrapping up, they extend a heartfelt thanks for joining these candid conversations. They are not just sharing tips; they're building a community rooted in the holistic pursuit of health and happiness. So, tag along and let's continue this transformative voyage together.

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    Dr. Maria Iliakova guides you through the bariatric surgery process, a transformative but complex journey that changes lives. You'll emerge from this episode with a clear roadmap of what lies ahead, including the financial considerations, insurance intricacies, and the essential medical and psychological evaluations that pave the way to the operating room. We promise to equip you with the knowledge to confidently navigate the pre-surgery maze, understanding the why behind every blood test, heart check, and specialist consultation, and how they contribute to the safety and success of your surgical endeavor.

    With the soothing voice of experience, Dr. Iliakova shares her insights into the medical intricacies and the compassionate approach necessary for candidates of bariatric surgery. You'll learn about the potential twists in the path, such as delayed surgeries for additional health improvements or alternate treatments like lifestyle changes and medication. We'll also explore the comprehensive postoperative support vital for your journey—because surgery is just the beginning. Stay tuned to discover how we, alongside your bariatric team, can support you in making an informed decision about your body, health, and future.

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    In this episode, Tammie turns the tables on Maria, posing a series of insightful questions that illuminate key health topics for anyone navigating life post-op. Together, they delve deep into the critical vitamins necessary for optimal ongoing health, unpack the challenges of hypoglycemia—a hurdle for some individuals and explore the benefits and considerations of intermittent fasting. They also discuss age restrictions for bariatric surgery, among other pertinent issues. Whether you're seeking guidance for post-op well-being or curious about the impacts of bariatric procedures, this episode is packed with invaluable advice and expert insights.

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    Embarking on a journey through the entangled paths of obesity and reproductive health, we pulled back the curtain on a topic that affects millions yet often remains whispered about. From fertility woes to the intricate dance of sexual wellness, our conversation illuminated the stark realities faced by individuals with a BMI over 30. Dr. Maria Iliakova and Tammie LaKose approach the delicate subjects of conception challenges and pregnancy complexities with compassion and a quest for deeper understanding. The statistics are more than just numbers; they represent real people yearning for a chance at parenthood and a fulfilling intimate life.

    As laughter about our children's latest antics faded, the focus shifted onto how conditions like PCOS, entwined with insulin resistance and high androgen levels, can derail a woman's reproductive plans. The potential complications during pregnancy, such as preeclampsia and gestational diabetes, came to the fore, alongside vivid personal stories. Yet, within these narratives emerged a glimmer of hope, as we discussed the transformative impact of weight loss and bariatric surgery on fertility and sexual function. It was a reminder that beyond the statistics and medical jargon, lie individual stories of struggle, hope, and the pursuit of joy.

    In the nuanced world post-bariatric surgery, we navigated the altered landscape of conception and nutrition, stressing the pivotal role of tailored contraception and vigilant prenatal care. The candid sharing of personal experiences unveiled the often-unexpected odyssey of sex life transformations post-surgery, acknowledging the deeply personal nature of this journey. Our dialogue was more than just an exchange of facts; it was a collective call for support, research, and a safe space for individuals to share their intimate challenges. Join us as we champion a future where joyful lives and fulfilling relationships are accessible to all, regardless of the numbers on a scale.

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    In this episode, Dr. Renee Hilton-Rowe steps in with a story that's as inspiring as it is impactful. Having witnessed the dire need for accessible bariatric care firsthand, she's turned personal challenges into a crusade for change. This episode is a journey into the heart of advocacy where you'll hear how Dr. Hilton-Rowe's unwavering dedication has paved the way for transformative policy reform, affecting over half a million individuals.

    Dr. Hilton-Rowe, a surgeon and mother, intertwines the narratives of those she's encountered with her own, painting a vivid picture of the lives touched by metabolic surgery. Her reflections on the role of empathy and the importance of self-forgiveness in healthcare will leave you moved, while her insights on preventative medicine underscore the transformative nature of her work.

    Lastly, we zoom in on the full spectrum of care that follows bariatric surgery, a testament to the power of comprehensive support networks. Dr. Hilton-Rowe shares the often-overlooked aspects of post-operative life, from the necessity of follow-up appointments to the psychological impact of dealing with excess skin. It's a deep appreciation for the medical professionals who go the extra mile, ensuring their patients are not only treated but truly supported on their journey to wellness. Join us for an episode that's not just informative, but a compelling narrative of compassion, resilience, and hope in the face of obesity and its related health challenges.

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