My morning routine is more Dolly Parton than Patrick Bateman
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The So Called X Files (available in all lovely podcast places)
I wonder if they drink Um Bongo in Lake Mungo?
Eksik bölüm mü var?
Churches are a bit spooky
Spanish Rage!!
They're infected with RAGE!!
Eggers and the Vampire
Are you the thing?.....im watching you buddy
DrGaine on Instagram, X, LetterBoxd, Blue Sky, Threads
https://vincentmgaine.wordpress.com/podcast-appearances/ https://thecriticalcritics.com/author/vmgaine/ https://thegeekshow.co.uk/author/drgaine/ Bryan from Cynic Critique https://beacons.ai/cyniccritique Peter from Movie Duel https://linktr.ee/movieduelpodcast - Daha fazla göster