Transportation accounts for almost a quarter of the green house emission in Europe. When we are envisioning a sustainable city of the future, we cannot ignore the importance of urban mobility. While searching for ways of optimising our transportation system, we first need to be able to track and measure how people move within the city on the daily basis. MotionTag is a company that measures in real time in detail how individuals travel around cities. Listen in our conversation with Fabien Sauthier, the COO at Motiontag, to learn more!
🚎 Mobility Impact
📍Fabien Sauthier
This is a special edition to celebrate our 50th podcast episode. Along the journey of creating the podcast, Tammy and Pavlo have gained much knowledge in the data and sustainability field. Meanwhile, they are also growing their careers as data professionals and data leaders.
This is an episode for us to introduce who we are, our inspirations and motivations for the podcast, and our intention to create a community. Moreover, we introduce our data journey- how we got into data and how we are navigating and growing our careers. We hope to shed some light for people working in the data field or anyone who wants to start a data career.
With the hope of growing the community, we also encourage you to engage and chat with us. Leave a feedback with our Typeform on the web, or drop us a message from Linkedin or email. We are looking forward to what you have to say!
PS: Special thanks to our interviewer for the episode Alexis Bocuze, who is also an inspiring data professional who came up with this fun interview content. He is currently working as the Head of Data at Le Petit Ballon.For the first time, the podcast hosts Tammy and Pavlo are not interviewing but being interviewed!
Resources & Links:
Omdena StatsQuest Python from Zero to Hero udemy Locally Optimistic Platanomelon Le Petit Ballon -
Eksik bölüm mü var?
We often hear about new installations of solar panels that make renewable energy transition real. But how often do we hear about the importance of keeping solar modules clean? Dirt and soiling can lower the performance of solar panels by as much as 50%!
Inti-tech is a startup that was created to address exactly this issue in the country with one of the favorable locations for solar energy, Chile. With help of autonomous and semi-autonomous robots, they offer on-demand cleaning services for both residential and industrial solar installations. And they clean them with no water consumption!
Dive in with us into this interview with Inti-tech's CCO, Felipe Urritia!
☀️ Inti-tech's LinkedIn
🔋 Inti-tech's website
🇨🇱 Chile's energy country profile
Have you ever wondered about the carbon footprint of the buildings we work and live in? As buildings are responsible for more than 40 % of global energy used, and as much as one-third of global GHG emissions, the potential impact of building energy use optimization is huge.
Designable, a company that offers sustainable building on demand, is disrupting the traditional real estate industry to drive for change. The CEO Andrés introduces us how sustainability can be weaved into the real estate industry, anywhere from construction material selection, to building design, and to energy usage.
Cryptocurrencies are still gaining popularity. The total cap of the crypto asset market has reached $2.3 trillion, making it larger than the market capitalization of any company and possibly any asset except for gold. El Salvador has even made Bitcoin an official legal currency in the country. Meanwhile, what role is crypto playing in terms of sustainable development? And what are the uncovered use cases of blockchain that could move us in the direction of an environmentally clean and socially just future?
In our last episode on cryptocurrency and blockchain, we discussed EthicHub project in particular, whose founder discovered an awesome opportunity to make the world a better place through this technology. This time, we speak about blockchain more generally and develop a more holistic and global conversation around crypto with Carlos Gomez, the Chief Investment Officer at Belobaba crypto asset fund. Join us to unravel the power of blockchain for sustainability and find out how crypto can be useful for you personally even if you’re relatively new to the topic.
📢 El Salvador makes bitcoin a legal tender 🎓 Anthony Pompliano (learn about crypto) 🎓 Coin Bureau (learn about crypto) -
According to Statista, in 2020, about 25% of GAFAM’s employees are female, and only 20% of the leadership positions are female. Facing such a gender gap in tech and leadership, we are shifting our lens to the Allwomen Campus, where the reshaping of the next generation of female tech leaders is taking place. Laura Fernández, CEO and co-found and Idoia Martí , the Data Science Lead of AllWomen are joining us today to introduce what they are pioneering with AllWomen, how the campus dynamic is like, and the paths women can take to start and excel the data career.
Building AI models is still a VIP fiesta that is only reserved for somewhere between 0.002% and 0.02% of the global population looking at how many data scientists are out there. What if everyone could build a machine learning model to solve their personal and/or business problem with NO code at all? That’s already happening, my friend, and Peltarion is one of the pioneers enabling this revolution!✊
Korey Stegared-Pace, an AI Developer Advocate at Peltarion, is sharing his amazing insights about this data riot and it looks like opportunities are endless.
With us all using AI on a daily basis without even knowing it, isn’t it democratized already? What will the world look like when just as many people build AI models through platforms like Peltarion as building web pages through WordPress? And are Data Scientists going to disappear?!
🎙️The Maikers Show: https://maikersshow.com/
🤖Peltarion’s website: https://peltarion.com/
👨🎓Intro to AI slides: https://bit.ly/3msGIn4
💡Ethical AI: https://dataforfuture.org/episodes/gemma-galdon-clavell-eticas-consulting/ (episode mentioning the example of Barack Obama turned white by an ML algorithm)
Often we hear about advice on how to transition into a data career, but how about growing your career in data? Are you aspired to develop more domain technical knowledge or are you more drawn into developing into leadership positions? Are you interested in joining/building a data community or are you more keen on producing your own content? One way or another, there is no fixed trajectory in data career nurturance. Today, we have the principal data science of OLX, Alexey Grigorev, joining us to chat about his experience growing from a data scientist into leading a data team, running the datatalks.club community, and publishing books on AI and machine learning. Listen in for some inspiration!
DataTalks.Club - https://datatalks.club/
Book - Machine Learning Bookcamp - http://bit.ly/mlbookcamp
Course - https://github.com/alexeygrigorev/mlbookcamp-code/tree/master/course-zoomcamp
Data science interviews - https://github.com/alexeygrigorev/data-science-interviews
Clothes dataset - https://github.com/alexeygrigorev/clothing-dataset
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/agrigorev/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/Al_Grigor
Our current financial system is far from perfect and one of the biggest issues with it is that it leaves aside about a quarter of humanity, 1.7 billion people! With the arrival of blockchain and DeFi (decentralized finance), there is a big hope that this technology will create a more fair, inclusive, and efficient financial ecosphere.
One of the pioneers in the field is our guest Jori who created Ethichub, a company that makes socially responsible investment easy and secure, eliminating major barriers to capital flow through the use of blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and a so-called peer-to-peer crowdlending. It connects people in developed countries that want to invest their money in a socially beneficial and profitable cause with solvent farmers around the globe and creates a win-win situation where farmers pay less interest and investors receive more returns.How exactly does it work? Is this investment risky? How do you approach farmers with something as fancy-sounding as “blockchain peer-to-peer crowdlending”?! All this and more in this episode, so tune in!
Join EthicHub community: www.ethichub.com/en/
Jori's LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jori-armbruster/
Join our team: dataforfuture.org/join-our-team/
Every EU citizen generates around 8 tons of carbon emission yearly. But to limit global warming to 2 degrees we need to lower it to just 1 ton. As individuals, our daily consumption decisions accumulate our carbon footprint. When purchasing a product, how can we learn about its environmental impact? What is a reasonable amount of carbon emission for each kind of product? ClimatePartner, a carbon neutral label, is the solution that identifies how much carbon emission is produced with each product and what are the projects involved to offset them. Today, the CTO Simon Hohenadl is here to introduce us how ClimatePartner helps companies calculate their carbon footprints and offset their emissions, and how consumers can be empowered to make informed purchases with zero carbon footprint.
Data jobs at ClimatePartner:
Data Specialist
Barcelona Berlin MunichSenior Data Engineer
Barcelona Berlin Munich -
Seemingly objective and research-driven AI systems are in reality full of bias, and it becomes increasingly important as more and more decision-making is being outsourced to machine learning.
Eticas Consulting homepage Gemma’s LinkedIn Barack Obama turned white by an algorithm
Eticas Consulting, under the leadership of Gemma Galdon-Clavell, teams up with organizations to identify black box algorithmic vulnerabilities and retrains AI-powered technology with better source data and content. Since their inception, they have built a track record with a proven methodology that equips clients with a more cognitively diverse algorithm. Moreover, instead of punishing the algorithm performance, it improves it!
Tune in with us to learn about how Eticas identifies vulnerabilities and biases and corrects them using their unique methodology!
Resources:Our webpage: https://dataforfuture.org/
The fashion industry accounts for about 10% of global carbon emissions. While consumers are busy filling up their wardrobe with new seasonal fashion items, there are companies looking to bring unused or underused items back to the shelf. Trove is the circular engine that enables sustainable brands like Patagonia, REI, Levi’s and Lululemon to take back items from customers’ closets. Join the conversation with Maddi, the Data Analyst from Trove, to discover how data is powering up Trove’s sustainable fashion impact at scale.
Ellen Macarthur Foundation
Locally Optimistic
Fashion Industry
Locally Optimistic Slack
Coding is cool, but badly documented codes are not. Although documentation at first glance does not seem to be the sexiest task for developers and data scientists, it is ultra essential for any project to scale and for further collaboration. Juan, the developer advocate of Read the Docs, is here with us today to introduce why we should think about documentation as an empathy, what are the tools to enable simple and clear documentation, and what are the principles to abide when documenting. Furthermore, we also touched upon the importance of open-source community, diversity in tech, and data ethics. Listen in!
Related Resources-
-Why you should document your work as a data scientist
-Surveys about documentation
Digital Ocean
State of API
Technical Communication
Developer Documentation Trends-Diátaxis Framework for documentation
- Readme Checklist
Young people, most probably like you, tend to experience issues marked by the distance and mistrust between citizenship and politics. Society and its needs both evolve at such a great speed. Today’s society is democratically mature, highly skilled, restless, and eager to take part in shaping the world around them. How to close this gap in communication between the government and society? Here’s when Smart Citizenship and Smart Governance come into play.
Our guest this time is one of the 50 best experts in Smart Cities at world level nominated by the World CSR organization, Carles Agustí i Hernández. He and his team leveraged Smart Citizenship and Smart Governance in Barcelona city, using technology to improve the communication between people and its government. In particular, he has led the Barcelona Open Government and Open Data initiatives, building it from scratch to make the administration more transparent and using the power of data.
Dive in to find out how Barcelona has become smarter since the launch of these initiatives, what have the successes and challenges been, and where the project is moving towards in the future!
Decidim: https://www.decidim.barcelona/
Open Data BCN: https://opendata-ajuntament.barcelona.cat/en
Carles' Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carles-agusti-i-hern%C3%A0ndez-488292a/
Our website: https://dataforfuture.org/
Further growing your data career into leadership position is a path with many new dimensions. In this episode, we chatted with Javier on his journey from an individual data contributor to a product data team manager. How did he connect his business background with the world of data? What are the challenges of leading in areas unfamiliar? How did he manage to keep up his growth with the fast growing company? Listen in to find the answer!
Speaker Bio:
Javier is the Data Manager for Glovo, in which role he leads a team of Data Scientists, Data Analysts and BI Engineers working in partnership with engineering and product teams to help deliver impactful and performant product features. He is also a lecturer at Bdata Institute teaching Behavioral Analytics.
Prior to his data career, he was an entrepreneur who co-founded the company Cine Pass. Cine Pass is a Companion App for Movie Lovers in Latin America which reached +500.000 MAU in 9 countries in Latam.
Farnam Street podcast
Coded Bias
Locally optimistic
“Only 22 percent of companies using machine learning have successfully deployed a model”.(Deeplearning.ai ) Why such a big gap between machine learning model development and production? What are the big challenges and how are they being solved? Adrià Salvador, lead of the Data Science Productivisation team at Glovo, is here with us today to share his tricks and tips in the field of ML Ops. From his honest revelation of personal experiences, we see the challenges leading a team to productionize data science directly into the company’s operation. Other than real case references, Adrià also introduced concepts of best data science practices, machine learning model production pipeline in Glovo, and open source tool packs for us to add to our next learning list. Don’t miss the opportunity and listen in!
Speaker Bio:
Adrià Salvador Palau (Barcelona, 1990) holds a BSc and MSc in Physics. He also holds a PhD in Engineering from the University of Cambridge.
In his PhD, Adrià developed distributed machine learning architectures to predict failures in large fleets of industrial machines. Adrià’s research focused both on the technological and economical challenges of implementing these technologies in industrial scenarios.
He joined Glovo two years ago to work as a Data Scientist. Since then, he has been promoted to lead the Data Science Productivisation team at Glovo. His team has the responsibility of speeding up productivisation of machine learning models in glovo and helping determining MLOPS best practices within the company.
MLOPS by google MLOPS in Towards Data Science Deep Learning by Goodfellow Umap Paperswithcode Poetry -
Stepping into data science is an exciting decision, but how do you stand out among peers and plan for your career trajectory? Even after being a data scientist for many years, how do you break the ceiling and further explore your growth potentials?
Admond Lee gives us a tour on how he went about developing his own image and brand as a data scientist- how he started with publishing in Medium and Toward Data Science, to teaching data science personal branding courses, to speaking at meetups and events, and to seeking mentorship... Oh, wondering how routines like meditation and cold showers intertwine into a data scientist's life? We also got answers for you. Listen in!
Show notes:
Book- Statlearning
Book- Hundred page machine learning book
Marketing Attribution Website -
Website of AI Scope: https://aiscope.net/
Eduardo’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eduardopeire/
And email: edu@aiscope.net
Taking into account the current COVID pandemic, it is easy to oversee the persisting impact of other infectious diseases in the world. Nevertheless, malaria alone continues to take over half a million lives each year, along with other spreading diseases that need to be taken care of. Diagnosis, the first step of the cure, turns out to be very expensive and sometimes impossible to carry out in developing regions, especially in rural areas. Microscopic blood tests are expensive and there’s a clear lack of trained staff to perform analyses.
Eduardo Peire, the Founder and the Head of Innovation at AI Scope, has found a brilliant application of AI to serve a higher purpose. He and his team are developing an app, powered by computer vision Deep Learning algorithms, that by connecting a phone to a microscope can automatically detect infectious diseases and confirm a need for further diagnostic. This allows to drastically reduce the cost and increase the scale at which diagnoses can be performed. However, the application does not exclude humans from the process and serves as a collaboration tool between the human and the machine. The algorithm is used to filter out people who certainly are not infected, to allow more resources and time to be allocated for people who really need it.
Tune in with us in this discussion with Eduardo where he explains how the idea was born, how he gathered resources to power the non-profit project, and what humbling learnings he and his team have encountered on their way.
Looking for data-powered solutions for your business problems? We are here to help you with data cleaning, analytics, and machine learning: https://dataforfuture.org/services/
Data Science in the world of marketing. How does marketing effectiveness get measured? How do we develop metrics and models to shape decisions? Is data science really science?
Join our conversation with Alicia to talk about her experience working as a data science in Social Point. We explore when fancy algorithms meet reality, how challenging it is to deliver and translate data insights to stakeholders, as well as where shall we draw the line between data asset and user privacy.
Also don’t forget to connect with the Women in Data Community! -
Holaluz is a renewable energy provider in Spain and today their Sr. Data Scientist Pablo Rosado is sharing his challenging experience of working in the renewables industry. Oftentimes, people refer to deep neural networks and the most advanced and complex algorithms talking about data science. But, as Pablo says, having robust knowledge of the basics of data cleaning, wrangling and engineering is even more important for working in a real-life business setting.
After switching from academia and research in Astrophysics into the data science industry, Pablo has also made many discoveries and overcome many challenges along the way. His insights about what is really important while learning to work with data will be of great value to both academics as well as aspiring data scientists.
Pablo's blog: https://pablorosado.com/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pabloarosado/
Data Science For Social Good Summer Project: https://warwick.ac.uk/research/data-science/warwick-data/dssgx/
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