
  • In this episode, I had a guest on the podcast: Zoltan Prekopcsak (VP of Data Science and Analytics at Prezi, previously VP of Data Science at RapidMiner). I asked Zoltan to share his story focusing on one question: How did he get his first data science job -- or in other words: how did he become a data scientist?

    It's a pretty interesting and exciting interview, where you can hear about the first steps of a now-senior data professional. Zoltan talks about his side projects, about the data science competition he enrolled in with his friends (back in 2007!), about his first internship and eventually his first junior data scientist position.


    Zoltan's Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/preko/ RapidMiner: https://rapidminer.com/ Prezi: https://prezi.com/ Netflix Competition: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netflix_Prize Kaggle: https://kaggle.com/ StackOverFlow: https://stackoverflow.com/ Secret Sauce Partners: https://secretsaucepartners.com/


    Check my website: https://data36.com Get access to more data science tutorials, join the inner circle: https://data36.com/inner-circle Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/data36_com
  • Finding a data science mentor is tricky… Well, finding a mentor for any profession is tricky!

    You know, the best minds that you would love to learn from are quite often very busy and hard to get in touch with. In this article, I’ll show you a few tips and tricks that helped me find a data science mentor back in the day — and I think you can take advantage of these, too.

    Youtube video format: https://youtu.be/XfiN6OGEfVY Original article format here: https://data36.com/find-data-science-mentor/


    Meetup.com Newsletter: https://data36.com/newsletter Free mini-course: https://data36.com/how-to-become-a-data-scientist/



    Check my website: https://data36.com

    Get access to more data science tutorials, join the inner circle: https://data36.com/inner-circle

    Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/data36_com

  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • There are three popular languages for data scientists: SQL, Python and R. I create a lot of tutorials about SQL and Python on my blog… But I never talk about R. So the question provides itself: Is R required for data science?

    Youtube video: https://youtu.be/t4KnjpbRzos

    Original article format here: https://data36.com/is-r-required-for-data-science/


    https://data36.com/learn-sql-for-data-analysis-from-scratch/ https://data36.com/learn-python-for-data-science-from-scratch/ https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2010-09-01%202020-09-28&q=python%20for%20data,r%20for%20data https://businessoverbroadway.com/2019/01/13/programming-languages-most-used-and-recommended-by-data-scientists/ https://www.kdnuggets.com/2018/11/most-demand-skills-data-scientists.html https://bestbet.data36.com/ Newsletter: https://data36.com/newsletter Free mini-course: https://data36.com/how-to-become-a-data-scientist/

    Check my website: https://data36.com

    Get access to more data science tutorials, join the inner circle: https://data36.com/inner-circle

    Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/data36_com

  • I get way too many questions from aspiring data scientists regarding machine learning. Like what parts of machine learning learning they should learn more about to get a job. And I don't want to disappoint you -- but the thing is that when you get started as a junior, ninety five percent of your projects won't be about Machine Learning. At least, that's a rough average. So what parts of machine learning should you learn more about when preparing for your first job?

    Well. None? :-)

    Okay, that's not true. There are some parts that you'll have to know about. I'll talk more about that in this episode. 

    Youtube version: https://youtu.be/yHfRQwOkhJY Original article format here: https://data36.com/machine-learning-algorithms-for-juniors/ 


    https://data36.com/linear-regression-in-python-numpy-polyfit/ https://data36.com/jds/ http://www.r2d3.us/visual-intro-to-machine-learning-part-1/ Newsletter: https://data36.com/newsletter Free mini-course: https://data36.com/how-to-become-a-data-scientist/

    Check my website: https://data36.com

    Get access to more data science tutorials, join the inner circle: https://data36.com/inner-circle

    Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/data36_com

  • I’ve talked a lot already about the three primary skills you need to know for data science: coding, statistics and business thinking… But it’s worth listing those secondary soft skills that you might need to be efficient and successful in day-to-day work as a data scientist. In this episode, I'll talk about these!  

    Youtube version: https://youtu.be/cv0a6X5ioNs Original article format here: https://data36.com/soft-skills-data-scientist/ 


    https://data36.com/presentation-tips-for-data-professionals/  https://www.16personalities.com/  https://data36.com/productive-data-scientist-not-more-smarter/  Newsletter: https://data36.com/newsletter  Free mini-course: https://data36.com/how-to-become-a-data-scientist/ 


    - Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash  


    Check my website: https://data36.com Get access to more data science tutorials, join the inner circle: https://data36.com/inner-circle Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/data36_com
  • Is it important for data scientists to have domain knowledge in a specific field? Sure it is! You can't come up with meaningful conclusions, and drive results from your data science projects, if you don't know the business you are in. That's sort of self-evident. But how important it is exactly and how much domain knowledge should you have before you apply for a specific data position? In this podcast episode I'll explain everything.

    Youtube version: https://youtu.be/aUgo988Ssl4 Original article format here: https://data36.com/domain-knowledge-data-scientist/  


    - How to Become a DS: https://data36.com/how-to-become-a-data-scientist/  - 7 Books to Get Started with Data Science: https://medium.com/@datalab/wannabe-data-scientists-learn-the-basics-with-these-7-books-1a41cfbbdd34  - https://prezi.com/  - https://www.izettle.com/  - 6-week data science course: https://data36.com/jds/  

    Check my website: https://data36.com 

    Get access to more data science tutorials, join the inner circle: https://data36.com/inner-circle 

    Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/data36_com

  • Should an Aspiring Data Scientist Learn More About Big Data? No. And in this episode, I'll tell you why.  

    Youtube version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StpXg0frfGE Article format here: https://data36.com/big-data-junior-data-scientist/ 


    Image, here: https://data36.com/big-data-junior-data-scientist/  Apache Hadoop: https://hadoop.apache.org/  Apache Spark: https://spark.apache.org/ Python API (Spark): https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/quick-start.html#self-contained-applications SparkSQL: https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-programming-guide.html  PySpark with Pandas: https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-pyspark-pandas-with-arrow.html  Newsletter: https://data36.com/newsletter  Free mini-course: https://data36.com/how-to-become-a-data-scientist/ 


    - own presentations  

    Check my website: https://data36.com

    Get access to more data science tutorials, join the inner circle: https://data36.com/inner-circle

    Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/data36_com

  • In this episode, I'll answer a frequently asked question - which is: "What does a data scientist's day look like?"  

    Youtube version: https://youtu.be/B7Cr5AMkWVQ

    Original article format here: https://data36.com/data-scientists-day/ 


    Mindmapping tool: https://miro.com Newsletter: https://data36.com/newsletter  Free mini-course: https://data36.com/how-to-become-a-data-scientist/  


    Photo by Sincerely Media on unsplash.com  

    Check my website: https://data36.com

    Get access to more data science tutorials, join the inner circle: https://data36.com/inner-circle

    Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/data36_com

  • Did you flirt with the idea of learning data science? You are not alone. This has been a really hot topic in the last few years and it will be one in the upcoming few, for sure. Yet, very few people actually become data scientists. 


     Well, part of the problem is that many aspiring data scientists don’t know what to expect from this field. Or even worse, based on the many misleading (sometimes scammy) “how to become a data scientist” articles, they have false expectations. And when they hit the wall, they get demotivated and quit.

    In this podcast episode, I want to show you four untold truths that you should know about learning data science – and I have never seen them written down anywhere else before. 

    Original article format here: https://data36.com/learning-data-science/ 

    Youtube video here: https://youtu.be/44xhV7PJB7g


    Data server tutorial: https://data36.com/data-coding-101-install-python-sql-r-bash/ LinkedIn Workforce Report 2018: https://economicgraph.linkedin.com/resources/linkedin-workforce-report-august-2018 Glassdoor.com -- best jobs in the US 2019: https://www.glassdoor.com/blog/best-jobs-in-america-2019/  Glassdoor.com -- best jobs in the US 2018: https://www.glassdoor.com/blog/best-jobs-in-america-2018/ Shift Happens 2018 Data36 Newsletter: https://data36.com/newsletter Free mini-course: https://data36.com/how-to-become-a-data-scientist


    Check my website: https://data36.com

    Get access to more data science tutorials, join the inner circle: https://data36.com/inner-circle

    Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/data36_com

  • In this podcast episode, I'll tell you why you shouldn't go to casinos. 

    The house always wins. We all know this phrase. But this is more than a phrase. This is a simple, mathematically proven fact. And you'll only have to know three statistical concepts to see why the house always wins.  (These three statistical concepts come up often in data science projects, too. So if you are wondering why I’m talking about gambling on a data science channel, rest assured, you'll be able to take advantage of this knowledge in your data science career, too.) 

    Anyways, three statistical concepts.

    These are: 

    Survivorship Bias Expected Value Hot-Hand Fallacy  

    Youtube vid version: https://youtu.be/MkfPALtnDG8 




    Expected Value Formula + Calculations: https://data36.com/expected-value-formula/ Statistical Bias Types: https://data36.com/statistical-bias-types-explained/ Newsletter: https://data36.com/newsletter Free mini-course: https://data36.com/how-to-become-a-data-scientist/ 

    Check my website: https://data36.com
    Get access to more data science tutorials, join the inner circle: https://data36.com/inner-circle
    Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/data36_com


  • In this podcast episode I’ll answer a very simple question: What is data science?

    Well, the question is simple, sure… But the answer is rather complex.

    The problem is that there are no generally accepted definitions. But in this article, I’ll show you many important aspects of data science. And by the end, you’ll have a pretty clear mental picture about what it is exactly!

    You'll learn:

    What data science is What skills you need to do it The real meaning of all the "buzzwords"... (Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Predictive Analytics…) Data science project examples and more...

    Article format: https://data36.com/what-is-data-science/


    Data36 Inner Circle / Newsletter (free resources) Deep Learning at Tesla by Andrej Karpathy, Director of AI at Tesla (Andrej’s talk starts at 1:52:05 and ends at 2:24:55)  Google's "AI" assistant Boston Dynamics' robot Learn Python (free articles) Learn SQL (free articles)

    Tomi Mester, Data36

  • Hi dear Listener!
    I'm Tomi Mester from Data36.com and this is the Data36 Data Science Podcast. What a creative name, I know… But you get the concept: this is a podcast about data science.
    Here, I'll explain important data science concepts, sometimes I'll interview data experts and sometimes I'll bring one of my articles from the data36 blog here to the podcast, so you can listen to it on the go!
    You might be an aspiring or junior data professional -- a small business owner looking forward to being more data-driven -- or someone who's just generally interested in data science… Either way, if you have just started your journey with data science, this is the right podcast for you!
    All episodes will be available in all podcast applications, so feel free to subscribe to this channel anywhere you are listening to it right now... But the best way to get notified about new episodes is always the data36 newsletter list - the only place where I really communicate to my audience - you can subscribe to it at https://data36.com/newsletter! And hey, if you do so, you'll get access to a lot of free learning materials, too, including my free mini course called How to become a data scientist.
    So check it out and subscribe: https://data36.com/newsletter.
    A quick disclaimer: I'm only experimenting with the podcast format, so I can't promise that I'll upload new episodes regularly. But I'll definitely upload things that I think are important, exciting and valuable for you.
    Anyways, thank you for listening, I'm Tomi Mester -- this was the short intro episode of the Data36 Data Science Podcast -- now go ahead and check out the first episode!
    Website: https://data36.com
    About Tomi Mester: https://data36.com/tomi-mester/