
  • This is part 2 of a bonus Q & A session where Dan goes ‘balls deep’ answering questions posted up by fellow entrepreneurs on his social media profiles.

    If you missed part 1, you can catch up by clicking here: http://thepodcastfactory.com/dgd047/

    Questions Answered:

    How Dan makes hard decisions using the ‘3 second rule’ The worst decision you could possibly ever make How to measure your progress in life using a technique from a video game Why celebrating your wins is crucial for long term success Creating more wins in your life using daily gratitude What kind of bees make milk… How to avoid the burnout trap

    If you’re not currently following Dan’s journey, get yourself over to Facebook and join his bat sh*t crazy entrepreneurial group aptly named Coffee With Dan.

  • On this bonus episode of Death, Glory Or Disappointment, Dan answers your questions about everything from business, marketing and being a general badass in life.

    Here’s Some Of The Questions Covered:

    Core Values: How to define yours and how they influence your decisions Dan’s top three core values The slowest way to achieve your goals How to work smarter Becoming the most productive person you know Money: Desensitizing yourself to wealth How to utilise your uniqueness in business What it really means to niche down A powerful way to stand out from the crowd

    Make sure you tune in to part 2 of this ‘balls deep’ Q & A session where Dan takes questions posted up on his social media pages by fellow entrepreneurs.

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  • When was the last time you tried something new?

    Trying new things can be undoubtedly terrifying. Something that’s unfamiliar makes us nervous in a way that’s hard to describe. Pusing out of your comfort zone leaves you vulnerable with all sorts of questions running riot in your mind:

    ‘What the f*ck am I doing! Can I even do this? Should I be doing this? I’m going to look stupid!’

    All too often, we allow fear of the unknown to stop us.

    In today’s show, Dan talks about why it’s essential you should be trying new things ( or in his words ‘giving sh*t a go’) to better all areas of your life.

    Here’s Some Of The Topics Covered:

    How to become the master at ANY skill (5:00) Why most people will never reach their goals (6:30) How to decide if it’s time to quit or double down (7:00) Is the fear of what other people think holding you back? (8:00)

    So listen up, enjoy the show and make sure you’re giving new sh*t a go - Who knows where it might take you!

  • Conversations are one of the post powerful ways we communicate as human beings. They’ve got a powerful way of ‘drawing us in’ , eager to hear more.

    Podcasting is the digital platform built on the power of conversations and stories.

    Whether you’re travelling to work, relaxing in the bath, cooking or walking the dog - there’s a podcast for that.

    In today's Death, Glory Or Disappointment episode, the beast comes out of hibernation to share with you why podcasting is such a powerful medium in today’s digital age and how you can get started on a shoestring budget.

    Here’s Some Of The Highlights:

    Why and how Dan got into podcasting in the first place (2:50) Should you really start your own podcast? (6:00) How to start a podcast with (almost) no budget (9:30) The top payoffs to having your own podcast show (11:20)


    Podcasting is a phenomenal way of sharing your expertise in your industry. They allow you to inject enthusiasm and an air of authority to your message which can often be missing in the written word.


    Hearing the voice of a podcast presenter on a regular basis gives the audience a stronger connection as against simply reading information from a web page. Especially when you’ve got ‘The Bearded Beast’ sharing nuggets of wisdom like he does in today’s show.


    Think you need thousands of dollars worth of equipment and your own state of the art recording studio to get started in podcasting? Think again. A wifi connection, a microphone and a clear message is all you need to get yourself started.

    Strap yourself in for another insightful episode of Death, Glory Or Disappointment.

  • We’re living in a digital era full of proclaimed gurus, ‘thought leaders’ and innovators. We are always looking for the next Steve Jobs or Gary Vaynerchuk. One of the worst things you could ever do is try to mold yourself into something you’re not.

    Whenever you try and copy someone else's behaviour or actions, it simply won’t work. It’s not your true persona.

    Today’s show is all about being the real you...unapologetically.

    Being transparent with your tribe and getting out from behind the curtains that you previously have been hiding behind.

    People can sniff out a fake a mile off. Whether that’s you not telling the truth or trying to be something you’re not. It’s black and white and your audience will see straight through it.

    Sharing the ‘real’ you is one of the best things you can do to attract more people who are just like you.

    Never let someone else dim your light.

    Keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll quickly discover a direct correlation with the depth of content you share and the relationship you build with your tribe.

  • Fear.

    The one thing that’s most likely holding you back from doing what you said you’d do. People are so afraid of the unknown and messing up no matter how big or small the task. It’s an uncomfortable episode today. Dan shares with you some brutally honest truths. Probably not what you want not hear, but what you need to hear.

    Show Highlights:

    Jonathan’s take on fear of the unknown (3:20) Simple 3 part formula for doing what you said you’d do (6:45) How pressure could actually help you get more sh*t done (13:10)

    How Bad Do You Want It?

    One of the main reasons people don’t follow through on what they said they were going to do is because the fear of doing ‘the thing’ far outweighs their desire for achieving the outcome.

    If you want to achieve your goals, set a deadline and be disciplined.

    (Listen in from 6:45: Dan shares his full three part formula for doing what you said you were gonna do).

    Today’s show is harsh but true.

  • Information. It’s everywhere. Page and pages of stuff on almost anything you can imagine. It’s why so many people stay grounded and never progress. Confusion over which tool to grow a business or which software to host a website on.

    If you find yourself stuck in a similar boat, today’s show will be your guiding light. Dan and co host Jonathan share with you how to future proof yourself by building your own brand.

    In a Rush? Jump Straight to The Point:

    Dan’s thoughts on automation bots (3:00) The two main ways to future proof yourself (3:50) The nutshell version: How to build brand ‘YOU’ (4:10) Harnessing technology in your business 15:50)

    Business VS Brand

    Your business is important but the one thing you’ve got to remember is that you are the only person who can’t be duplicated. Spending as much time building your own personal brand should be just as critical as growing your business.

    Automation & Personality

    With technology evolving at such a phenomenal rate, automation can sometimes feel like it’s taking over and ‘the next best thing’. But is it? Dan shares with you his take on automation bots and how to make sure they don’t take away from the personality of your business.

    Plug in and enjoy the show.

  • Short n sweet today - It’s all about simply listening in and doing the work.

    If you ever feel you want to get more stuff done, be more productive and live a better life, then you’re in the right place. Today, Dan gives you the ‘Diet Coke’ version of his glossy and sexy red book - The Get Sh*t Done Planner.

    Topics Covered:

    The very first step to getting more sh*t done that most don’t know (1:40) Key questions to ask yourself when trying to achieve your goals (8:35) Discipline and why you need it to get more done (9:50)

    Dan created his planner to help him get more sh*t done. It’s a simple system to clear your mind and allow you to focus on the really important stuff - in both your business and personal life.

    If you’re a serious player and want to take the ‘balls deep’ approach, pick up a copy of Dan’s awesome planner here:


    Enjoy the show!

  • In today’s episode of Death, Glory Or Disappointment, Dan tells you about a recent challenge he ran for his tribe. The aptly named ‘Social Media Savage’ was a 7 day challenge designed to get people to take daily action to grow their social media presence using nothing more than their smartphone.

    Here’s Some Of The Key Takeaways:

    The truth about what Dan really does (3:00) The weird thing that happens when you take action (10:10) The art of dominating one social media platform (12:00) One thing that scares the sh*t out of most people (14:35)

    I’M IN!

    600 people put their hand up and committed to the Social Media Savage Challenge and decided to step it up a gear. The first day saw a dramatic drop to just 300 who showed up. But you’ll never guess how many people actually completed the full 7 day challenge - trust me - it will surprise you.

    Saying something and doing something are completely different. The stories people tell themselves to not take action is mind blowing as you’ll find out in today’s show. For the few who did complete the challenge saw significant change in their lifestyle - in just seven days.

    Imagine what your life could look like if you committed to just a little bit of action on a daily basis?

  • ‘Everyone needs a f*ck it fund’ as Dan elegantly puts it. An easily accessible emergency fund that could support you for 3 - 6 months if sh*t ever did hit the fan.

    Show Highlights:

    How much you should allocate to your f*ck it fund (5:00) Making sense of your key performance indicators (6:45) The unsurprising truth about sharing more of your valuable content (7:40) Dan’s ‘sweet spot’ when it comes to social media posts (8:00) The importance of family time and saying no to opportunities (15:00)

    Before you can start your own f*ck it fund, it’s crucial you understand your business’s KPI’s (key performance indicators). What’s coming in and what’s going out. Once you know this, it’s an easy process of allocating a percentage of money to your f*ck it fund. However...

    “It’s surprising how many business owners don’t know their numbers”

    If you don’t know your numbers, it’s impossible for you to measure what’s working and what’s not. Do the work, know your KPI’s and like Dan, you could have yourself a safety net if anything did inevitably happen.

    You could also buy a silly Iron Man mask too…

    Tune in and enjoy the show!

  • Back with the final installment of this three part series!

    Missed the first two episodes? No sweat… Here’s the links to catch up:

    Part one Part two

    If you’re listening to this podcast, you’re obviously a person who has entrepreneurial traits (most probably a little crazy) and thrives to be the best version you can be right?

    Well, in today’s show Dan and Tega lay out the steps that have got them to where they are today. It’s right here for you to simply swipe and deploy.

    This is the ‘How we did what we did’ episode in Dan’s words.

    Here’s some of the show highlights:

    How to recognize when to turn on and when you need to let off the gas pedal and chill out Why people are drawn to Planet Dan just like a moth to a bright flame Dan’s philosophy when it comes to hiring a great team of people Tega’s ‘take us home’ wisdom advice for doing what you love

    Get comfortable and enjoy the show!

  • Back in your ear buds today with Dan and Tega talking about why you can't do it alone.

    Today’s episode steers more towards the subject of trust and it’s something that’s close to both Dan and Tega.

    If you’ve ever had the pleasure to meet Tega in person, you’ll know he’s one of the most laid back people on the planet. When the heat gets turned up in business, Tega’s the one who stays as cool as a cucumber most of the time…

    Ever had those times where sh*t just hits the fan and all hell breaks loose?

    Tega shares with you the moment he snapped and flipped his lid. It was heartbreaking but one of the best things that could have happened.

    Want to know why?

    Then you’d better make sure not to miss out.

  • Take a look around at all people you see as successful in the world today.

    Guys like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Richard Branson.

    All Innovators of the world.

    All successful people have one thing in common and that’s knowing they can’t do it alone.

    In today’s special three part addition to Death Glory Or Disappointment, The Beast is joined by his right hand man Tega (Dan’s right hand man).

    Simply put in Dan’s words, ‘Planet Dan simply wouldn’t exist without Tega’.

    Tega shares his own entrepreneurial journey and how he first met Dan over an ‘unexpected’ email. In Tega’s words ‘I wanted to see if this Dan guy was real’. Turns out...he was. And from that point on, Tega has been the backbone to keeping the well oiled machine of Planet Dan running smoothly.

    A couple of show insights you don’t want to miss:

    Tega’s ‘learn by osmosis’ outlook on life One key personality trait most people seek Why everybody needs a right hand man to reach their goals

    Join Dan and Tega (aka Teggles or Chocolate Sausage) as they delve deep into why you can’t do it alone.

  • Take a look at your life right now and ask yourself two questions:

    Are you happy?


    Are you where you want to be when it comes to both business and personal development?

    If your answer was a hard no to either of the above, it’s because of your own limiting beliefs.

    The little voice sitting on your shoulder whispering negative thoughts into your mind.

    Limiting beliefs are what hold 99% of people back from living the life they want.

    In today’s show, the Bearded One shares his take on busting out the shackles of your own limiting beliefs and what happens as a result of doing so.

    He also shares with you his simple two step method for getting rid of limiting beliefs - whether you want to improve your business or personal life, this method is ‘the tits’ as Dan calls it.

    Not only that, you’ll get some Kaisen wisdom from some of Dan’s mentors and close friends like Ryan Levesque and Doberman Dan.

    Yep, it’s all inside this episode and much more.

    Strap yourself in for another episode of Death Glory Or Disappointment.

  • So many people today are riddled with fear.

    The fear of what ‘might’ happen if they show up to the world raw and unfiltered.

    You probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you that Dan used to be the same.

    Holding back from the world.

    He even used to asterix out ‘bad words’ that might offend his audience.

    Let’s be honest, if you follow Dan on social media (or you’re a part of his 7000 + group of entrepreneurial lunatics), you’ll know Dan simply does not give a f*ck.

    But not now.

    In today’s show, Dan tells you why he made the decision to share the internal ‘daft’ self with the world. Warts n all.

    Here’s some show nuggets you wouldn’t want to miss:

    The real truth about what happens when you show up as the real you How Dan’s life has exploded exponentially by sharing his thoughts, feelings and beliefs with the world How a tech nightmare turned into one of the most ridiculous live stream imaginable (including Dan’s latest porn search)

    Want a slice of the action? Or does it sound a little ‘adventurous’ for your taste?

    Click here, plug in your headphones and enjoy the beast rap with Jonathan about being the real you.

  • In today’s short insightful episode, the Beast gives you his take on the word ‘hustle’ and why there’s no such thing as an ‘overnight success’.

    Back in the late spring of 2016, Dan and his team of crazy entrepreneurs organised the aptly named ‘The Best Marketing Event Ever’. Amongst the lineup of speakers was none other than Gary Vaynerchuk who’s best known for his hustle and putting in ‘the work’ mentality.

    But is there another way?

    Is there an easier way to achieve your goals without working around the clock?

    Dan shares with you why hard work is apart of the process to get to the top and how the hustle switches once you reach your goals.

    You could say now the Beast takes slightly more relaxed approach to hard work - some say he hibernates. But when Dan is ‘on’.... he’s ON. The coffee and brain enhancing neotropics enhance the short bursts of real work.

    Putting in the hard yards at the start is essential and, in most cases, unavoidable. Whether you’re starting a new business, setting new fitness goals or working on your own personal growth...there’s no way around hard work to begin with.

    Grab yourself a coffee, put your feet up and enjoy Dan’s ‘balls deep’ views on hard work and hustle.

  • Interesting episode with The Bearded Beast today.

    Inspired by Slacker De Luxe and friend Ben Settle, Dan shares his take on why you need to be more villain…

    … If you want to achieve success and all the moneyz.

    Things like:

    – Why do super-villains always make everyone play by THEIR rules and not the other way round? (It’s because of Villain Trait #1.)

    – Villain’s life is never perfect but Trait #2 helps him tweak his evil plans and move forward every single time. (Model this if you’re frustrated with things that never go as planned.)

    – There’s a reason why super-villains never give up, somehow manage to escape and come back to life. And if you want to achieve success? Trait #3 is what you need more than anything.

    – Have you ever wondered why a villain never gives up even when the whole universe is against him? It’s because of Trait #4. If you are doing things when everyone around you thinks you’re nuts you’ll need this trait just as much!

    – What makes a villain scope out an idea and crack on balls deep with their diabolical plans? Yup, Trait #5. And if you’re still waiting around for stars to align before you go do that thing you always wanted to do? You need more of #5 yourself!

    Now go ahead and listen to the whole thing.

    But be warned. At the end of it you will WANT to be a villain.

    Wanna bet?

    Click here.

  • That’s right.

    The title of Dan’s favorite book is the topic of today’s show.


    Because when everyone seems to be living the “zero fucks given” philosophy right now… Dan learned there is a subtle (and controversial) *thing* going on underneath that most people seem to be missing.

    For example:

    – Why when people say “I don’t give a fuck” it’s usually a lie.

    – How to become immune to negative opinions if you’re a massive people pleaser.

    – Discover what Dan does to people who constantly drag him down and are negative just for the sake of it. (Besides eating them for breakfast… )

    – The Dan Kennedy “Three-Day Rule” you can use to stop other people from controlling how you feel.

    – The way Mr. Meredith transitioned from being terrified of people’s opinions to not giving a fuck anymore.

    – Three times the “Zero Fucks Given” philosophy shouldn’t be used

    – How to tell the difference between people that only want to hold you back and stop you from growing, and those that genuinely have your best interest in mind.
    So yeah… lot’s of cool stuff going on inside.

    If you want to understand the important but elusive difference between not caring and not giving a fuck (and how to apply it to your life) then there’s only one thing you need to do…

    Put your headphones on and jump right in!

  • Or as Dan puts it, “consistency is the tits!”

    And yet, you won’t often hear people talk about it for two simple reasons: It’s unsexy and it’s boring.

    But guess what?

    If you apply it the way Dan tells you to, it can give you freedom AND results.

    Show nuggets you can’t miss:

    – A “cheeky” little question that puts Dan on the spot right from the start.

    – What are “Themed Days” and how they bring more consistency into Dan’s life. (If you’re anti-structure and a free spirit this could work for you better than anything else!)

    – Something cool Dan designed to help you get shit done and eliminate monstrous To-Do lists from your life forever.

    – The only reason that’s keeping most people from achieving the success they crave so much and it’s the same reason why Dan will out-live almost everyone. (And you don’t need any special talent for it.)

    – Does structure have to feel like prison? Not if you’re doing it Dan’s Way!

    – Hear the most unsexy coaching package that will outperform any other “30 Days To X” out there. (Dan swears by it.)

    Plus, can you guess why Jonathan doesn’t believe he’s talking to the same Dan from few months ago?

    Click right here and find out!

  • Guess what?

    Death, Glory or Disappointment Season Three is here!

    What’s that? You thought it’d never happen? You waited and waited and waited…. and then gave up?

    So did we! And we were all wrong, ha!

    Turns out, Dan had a plan. (Surprising as that may sound…)

    Here’s what you’ll hear in this episode:

    – The “naked” truth behind Dan going all M.I.A. and what brought him back on the show.

    – Why Dan is “cheating” on Jonathan and how that is going to benefit you!

    – The reason why Dan did the Big Purge in CWD, axed thousands of lurkers and whiners, and still managed to stir up more engagement in few days than your average Facebook group gets in a whole year! (As usual, when everyone zigs Dan zags and wins big!)

    – Has Dan finally turned into a MELT?! You’re going to be shocked when you hear all the things Dan doesn’t do anymore… but is happier than he’s ever been in return. (This one thing in particular left Jonathan speechless!)

    – Insider’s scoop: What Dan REALLY thinks about Gary V and all his hustling!

    – This one book helped Dan plan 2-hour work days and come up with six-figure money making ideas.(While lying on the sofa and looking at memes.)

    – How to make routines work for you when you don’t like structure.

    – What’s the final verdict on the whole Digital Nomad thing? (Surprisingly, both Jonathan and Dan share the same conclusion.)

    But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

    You have to jump in for the real juicy stuff.


    Click right here.