
  • I read a book a long time ago called Think and Eat Yourself Smart by Dr. Caroline Leaf. She has an interesting explanation of hunger that I have always considered relevant.

    Our minds and our gut are integrated acutely - says Dr. Leaf. For example, our feelings such as happiness, joy, pleasure, anger, anxiety, sadness, and bitterness can trigger physical reactions in our digestive systems.

    Dr. Leaf points to a gut-brain link that proves that biology, neurology, and theology are all integrated within us and why it is so important to make sure we implant the word of God which is living and true, into our minds so that it affects every part of our body positively.

    Gain insights on the gut-brain link, emotional eating, and the transformative impact of integrating scripture into our thoughts.

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church: 

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review! 

    Resources mentioned in this Episode:

    Think and Eat Yourself Smart by Dr. Caroline Leaf

    Delay and Pray Links:

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




  • Find Something More through this deeply emotional and uplifting conversation with special guest - speaker, author, and radio host - Kendra Von Esh.

    Kendra shares her profound journey of overcoming addiction, seeking healing, and coping with the recent sudden loss of her husband.

    She elaborates on her struggles with addiction, her introduction back to the church, and how embracing God's presence helped her find inner peace.

    Kendra's story is a testament to the miraculous mercy of God. So, sit back, open your heart, and prepare to be deeply moved by Kendra's resilience and heartfelt testimony.

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church: 

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review! 

    Resources mentioned in this Episode:

    Learn more about Kendra - Visit her website

    Kendra's book - Am I Catholic?

    Delay and Pray Links:

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • In this episode, Beth explores the concept of hunger and our relationship with food, exploring the connection between her daily habits, spiritual practices, and moments of struggle.

    Through a personal account of a thorn lodged in her knuckle, she reflects on how the experience relates to seeking Jesus in all our circumstances.

    She relates to St. Paul's thorn in the flesh and shares her acronym for dealing with spiritual fasting challenges, offering a unique perspective on overcoming personal struggles.

    Listen in and discover how the thorns in our lives can lead us to prayer, adoration, and ultimately, closer to God.

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church: 

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review! 

    Resources mentioned in this Episode:

    Fr. Richard Conlin and the Feast of Corpus Christi

    Delay and Pray Links:

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




  • Hunger can be physical and emotional. Allowing hunger helps us to recognize waves and layers of hunger in our body. It allows us to connect lovingly to our body and care for it appropriately.

    Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, so it deserves our attention and care. Nutrition, portion sizes, slowly consuming food, and movement are so important, but sometimes we are just too busy to think about it all.

    The Hunger Scale helps you eat to enough. I share insights on recognizing and managing different levels of hunger and fullness. 

    Remember, we are practicing the art of Delay and Pray™, not deny and Pray. Let's dine in with Jesus together. 

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church: 

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review! 

    Delay and Pray Links:

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




  • What are your feelings about art? Does it inspire you? Do you take time to go to art museums, walk through slowly, and gaze at paintings and sculptures of really talented people? 

    Artwork inspires me. I have quite a bit of religious art in my home and am constantly reminded of Christ's presence within me and my home. 

    I will be adding one more piece of art to my dining room - The feet of Jesus, as painted by Joanne Von Zwehl. Wait until you hear the discussion of the inspiration behind these 6 images of Jesus' feet. You are going to love it.

    JoAnne Von Zwehl is a celebrated artist and serves as the President of the Rosa Mystica House of Prayer Foundation in upstate New York. We hear some interesting stories about her art and this beautiful place today and how they are intertwined. 

    JoAnne has a special interest in prayer, fasting, and adoration, and shares why in this episode. Enjoy! 

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church: 

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review! 

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    JoAnne Von Zwehl Studios

    Rosa Mystica House of Prayer

    Delay and Pray Links:

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




  • Father Richard Conlin's book "9 Days to Corpus Christi" is the first-ever consecration program to Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament.

    The Solemnity of Corpus Christi is around the corner, so Fr. Conlin joined me to share insights from his devotion to the Eucharistic Jesus and much more. We discuss his awesome book and how our lives are a continual seeking of Jesus in the Sacraments. 

    His book has stories that will touch your heart and help you fast. I found it so compelling, that I plan to read it every year as I consecrate myself to Jesus at this very time in the Church Calendar. 

    I think you will be amused as we talk about my favorite story in the book involving the Road Runner cartoon and a playful game of hide and seek with his nieces. He says this is how Jesus works. 

    We talk about eating, fasting, feasting, and the actual playfulness of it all, with the High Feast being the Blessed Sacrament on Sundays.

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church: 

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review! 

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Book: 9 Days to Corpus Christi

    Fr. Conlin and Dr. Jay Richards on Eat, Fast, Feast

    Fr. Conlin's blog - Prodigal Catholic

    Delay and Pray Links:

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




  • Forming a set of virtuous patterns to adhere to is often just the ticket to a life of freedom where obedience to the more virtuous things is a better choice than taking action from what I am feeling at the moment.

    This is best done out of obedience and for love of the other. Love of the other is the absolute key here.

    In part two of this topic, I emphasize the importance of leading with love, obedience over passion, and consecration to Mary, St. Joseph, and the Eucharistic Jesus.

    I speak about the trending quick weight loss methods and advocate for a mindset shift towards food freedom through spiritual development and coaching.

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church: 

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review! 

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Rule of Life by Fr. Ripperger

    Ep 67: The Gap and The Gain

    Delay and Pray Links:

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




  • Creating a Rule of Life around Spiritual Fasting is from ancient Catholic Tradition and has been around forever. As humans, we love patterns and were created to strive for good virtuous habits.

    Do you take the time to really ask yourself: “How am I going to live my life this week or this day?” If you do, good for you! That’s a win. If not, I can help you because this is where freedom lies.

    A Rule of Life is very similar with a little virtuous thought thrown in. If used correctly it will shine a light on God‘s will for you and your mission given from Him. I use it from morning until night— and it is why my delay and pray efforts are so successful — both personally and as a business.

    It's a way to shift from the Vice Cycle to the Virtue Cycle — from the over-desire of food and alcohol to the holy desire of the one True Food — Jesus Christ. In part one of this topic, I share what is needed for a good regimen within a rule of life, with tips from our favorite exorcist, Fr. Ripperger.

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church: 

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review! 

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Rule of Life by Fr. Ripperger

    Delay and Pray Links:

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




  • My book coach, Nika Maples didn't just help me write and publish my first book, but also took my course and group coaching experience, Delay and Pray™, and got phenomenal results!

    She has lost 50 pounds since starting the Delay and Pray™ program last July. She has an incredible and inspiring story, and I am certain you will relate to her thoughts about sugar and losing weight at her age.

    Nika is not Catholic, but as a Protestant, she is on fire for God, and we share similar values and love for Jesus. We discuss the power of perseverance amid challenges, when it comes to writing a book and losing weight, or any other project you may have, and how we can do hard things through the power of the Holy Spirit.

    One of the powerful breakthroughs that Nika had during the course was:

    Food is not my celebration, and food is not my motivation.

    I encourage you to listen to this episode if you have thoughts or questions like:

    What results can I get from the Delay and Pray™ Group Coaching Experience?Why do I need coaching to lose weight, grow closer to God, or achieve a goal?Do I need to be Catholic to go through the Delay and Pray™ program and get results?

    We share our collaboration experiences, and how, even as coaches, we need coaching in other areas of our lives that are not our areas of expertise. We explore themes of obedience, trust in God's providence, and the commitment and dedication required for successful coaching and achieving our goals for the glory of God.

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church: 

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review! 

    Connect with Nika:

    Nika Maples - Book Coach

    Delay and Pray Links:

    Attend the FREE Christ Before Sugar Webinar on May 8 

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




  • Friends, my book launched this week! "Delay and Pray™: Permanent Weight Loss through Spiritual Fasting" is available for purchase on Amazon. Publishing a book is not for the faint of heart, and it is a difficult challenge, but I did it, and I cannot believe it!

    The Blessed Mother called me into this mission a long time ago, and it has taken me so long to answer the call to Spiritual Fasting. The book itself is an inspirational summary of my online course, and a companion piece to this podcast, all three by the same name, Delay and Pray™.

    There is a lot of Holy Spirit involved in this, and I've had a lot of people helping me with this. It has evolved into what I hope to be a movement. The Spiritual Fasting Movement, through Delay and Pray™.

    In today's episode, I share some thoughts on my book launch, including speeches that my husband and I gave at the book launch party. My husband's speech was a beautiful introduction to me and such a heartfelt love note to me that I appreciated so much.

    Have you ordered your book yet? If so, I'd love to hear your thoughts so far, and would very much appreciate a review on Amazon this week. Thank you!

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church: 

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review! 

    Mentioned in Today's Show:

    Beth's Book: Delay and Pray™ (available for order)

    Delay and Pray Links:

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




  • Theresa Eppich is one of my brilliant clients who is also a peer coach and kindred soul who wrote her book along with me writing my book, and we were able to complete them at the same time - publishing both in the last 2 months.

    In this episode, we discuss our unique journey of coaching, writing, and achieving spiritual and physical nourishment through Catholic teaching.

    Theresa shares her experience with spiritual fasting, finding balance in life, and the inspiration behind her book, "A Legacy of Love."

    Together, we discuss the importance of aligning our thoughts with Christian principles, the challenges of finding balance, and the importance of taking action to achieve goals.

    Join us as we hope to inspire you to explore the power of spiritual fasting, personal growth, and making a difference in the world.

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church: 

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review! 

    Resources Mentioned:

    Theresa's Book: A Legacy of Love (available for purchase)

    Beth's Book: Delay and Pray (available for pre-order)

    Delay and Pray Links:

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




  • Holy Spirit Knowledge is what my friend and client, Carrie Hansen probably knows best. She is a 2nd-year Encounter Ministries student, has been involved in JPII Healing the Whole Person training, Unbound training, and is a certified Catholic Coach through Metanoia Catholic.

    In this episode, we delve into the transformative power of spiritual fasting and its connection to Catholic beliefs.

    We share personal experiences and insights on addressing emotional attachments, embracing spiritual growth, engaging with Scripture, and aligning thoughts and actions with God's divine will.

    We discuss the intersecting realms of secular and Catholic coaching, reflections on the body as the temple of the Holy Spirit, and our passion for helping others grow in faith. Join the conversation!

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church: 

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review! 

    Delay and Pray Links:

    Delay and Pray Book (available for pre-order)

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




  • Happy Easter! Hallelujah! Lent is over and the Easter season has arrived! This was seriously the busiest, but most joyful Lent for me. I had a perfectly imperfect Lent, filled with a little hunger, making some extra physical space for the Holy Spirit to do His work. And He did it. 

    Be assured of this - even if you didn't do everything perfectly. Perfect doesn't matter with Christ. Intention counts - especially if you are out of your normal pattern. 

    And then Easter comes - so we feast in celebration of the Lord's resurrection to new life. I am feasting on lots of things other than food this Easter Octave! I am feasting this year on the fact that my book is done and will be on sale this month! How exciting is that? Can you feast on something other than food? You bet! 

    The Feast of the Annunciation was moved to Monday, April 8th this year. This is a Divine appointment that the Feast of the Annunciation had to be moved to the date of the Total Eclipse of the Sun and my consecration date to Jesus, through Mary. Oh my! I am in awe of this. 

    In this episode, I recount my experience of Lent including my preparation for Marian consecration, and share all the ways I will be feasting this Easter season, and how you can feast and celebrate too. 

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church: 

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review! 

    Resources Mentioned:

    Easter Octave Article

    Book: With Christ Through the Year by Bernard Strasser, 1947

    Book: 33 Days to Morning Glory by Fr. Michael Gaitley, 2011

    Delay and Pray Links:

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




  • Spiritual Fasting has absolutely changed my life for the better and I want to pass on to you five of the amazing categories of benefits today.

    Jesus intermittently fasted, Mary fasted, and the Jewish people before Jesus fasted. They had particular fasting days and were perfectly capable of going long periods without food. They ate sparingly, the food was basic and healthy and there was not an abundance of it.

    Fasting was expected in most religious cultures in the past. The secular culture of today calls it Intermittent Fasting but paired with a meaningful spiritual purpose, we call it Catholic Fasting or Spiritual Fasting now.

    Most people don't do it today because of a lack of knowledge and they think it requires being wildly hungry and withstanding huge amounts of discomfort. This is untrue. As scripture says,

    “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge" - Hosea 4:6

    Spiritual Fasting is amazing for you and when done correctly it requires being only mildly hungry and withstanding mild discomfort once in a while both resulting in HUGE benefits for you and those that you love. With the Delay and Pray method - we concentrate on Metabolic Flexibility using a very effective rhythm of the week called the Eat Fast Feast Cycle.

    In this episode, we uncover the life-changing effects of spiritual fasting and learn how to integrate it as a lifestyle for optimal health and spiritual growth.

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church: 

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review! 

    Resources Mentioned:

    Uniquely Mary video - 8 Spiritual Benefits of Fasting

    The Eat Fast Feast Cycle with Jay Richards

    Metabolic Flexibility - Part 1

    Metabolic Flexibility - Part 2

    Delay and Pray Links:

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




  • It's time to wrap up our 3-part series with Fr. Logan Parrish on our discussion on the quote from St. Peter Chrysologus, as we unpack the final part of the quote -- Mercy!

    Prayer knocks, fasting obtains, mercy receives.

    We pray, and then we add fasting, which increases the power of the prayer, and then we blast that prayer up to heaven by adding mercy to the mix. But whose mercy are we talking about? My mercy? God’s mercy? Or is this another “Both-and” that Fr. Logan likes to discuss? I bet you can guess the answer to that one.

    He shares how St. Peter emphasizes mercy as the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. Fr. Logan also shares some beautiful insights about the Triduum, as we enter into Holy Week in a few days.

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church: 

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review! 

    Delay and Pray Links:

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




  • This week, we are back with Fr. Logan Parrish for part 2 of our 3-part series to continue our discussion on the second part of the quote from St. Peter Chrysologus -- Fasting!

    Prayer knocks, fasting obtains, mercy receives.

    Fasting with Prayer is a miraculous combination. Fasting without prayer is wasteful in my book. In this episode, Fr. Logan shares why fasting obtains miracles. He talks about how we are created - that we are bodily beings and what we consume matters.

    He also shares insightful analogies and reminds us that we are not made for comfort. We are more like cacti! Tune in to the episode to understand what he means by that.

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church: 

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review! 

    Delay and Pray Links:

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




  • I am very excited about the next series of podcasts that I am recording with one of my favorite priests, Fr. Logan Parrish. We are going to discuss this amazing quote:

    Prayer knocks, fasting obtains, mercy receives. -- St. Peter Chrysologus

    This will be a three-part series as we divide it into three natural parts -- beginning today with Prayer and how it is literally our survival kit for life! Next week we continue with how Fasting obtains and we then round out the third week with a fascinating discussion on receiving Mercy.

    We explore the significance of prayer, confident expectation, survival through prayer, and the importance of physical presence in the church and fellowship in the community. Tune in for inspiring insights to enrich your spiritual journey, especially during Lent.

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church: 

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review! 

    Delay and Pray Links:

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




  • Have you read the book The Gap and The Gain by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy? Although I read it a long time ago during my Life Coach Schooling, the Holy Spirit worked through family members and clients on three separate occasions recently to ask me if I'd read it.

    I took it as an invitation to re-read it and create a comparison to see what the Holy Spirit was prompting me to find. In one column, I wrote what the book had to offer me in Gap/Gain language, and in the next column, I re-wrote that information in what I am now calling the Holy Spirit language. And wow, did I learn a lot!

    When we read books, depending on our individual experiences and what we are seeking from the work, we typically pull out lessons that we can apply to our present circumstances and help us in our daily goals.

    "I remember all the highs and lows that got me to where I'm at, and I sit here humbled and amazed by the life God has given me." - Dr. Benjamin Hardy

    I'd love to hear your thoughts after you listen. If you've read the book previously or read it after listening to this episode, I'd love to know what the Holy Spirit prompts you to find.

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church: 

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review! 

    Resources in Today's Show:

    Book: The Gap and The Gain

    Delay and Pray Links:

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




  • Have you ever considered how fasting prepares our hearts to receive God's grace? And how, by disciplining our bodies, we can weaken sinful tendencies and open ourselves to the transformative power of the Holy Spirit?

    Through spiritual fasting, I have discovered true hunger - the body and blood of Jesus Christ. I had no idea I was stuffing myself with sugar, flour, and alcohol, instead of going to Him in prayer and sacraments.

    I was seeking comfort from the world - not the actual True Food that would satisfy me. I learned that comfort food and drink will never satisfy me. 

    Mary, the Mother of God, points us to her Son as the True Food and True Drink. This mystery is the center of our faith as Catholics.

    We tend to focus so much on earthly food - that we need! We do meal prep and focus on what we can and should eat according to the day. But do we do spiritual meal prep? That is what I was missing all along. 

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church: 

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review! 

    Fr. Edward Looney's Links:

    Website: www.edwardlooney.com

    Fr. Looney's Homilies

    Connect with Fr. Looney on Instagram

    The Mystical City of God in a Year Podcast

    Delay and Pray Links:

    The Catholic Fasting Coach




  • Like many Catholics out there, Father Edward Looney has been accompanying me on my spiritual journey since I started Catholic Life Coaching, and I never even met him! This is because I have been listening to his Podcast, The Mystical City of God Podcast in a Year. 

    The podcast recounts the amazing book with the same title: The Mystical City of God. This book literally changed my life and motivated me on a deeply spiritual level to fast for the intentions of the Blessed Mother and love her deeply.

    If you want to know more about this book, you can listen to episode #18, where I discuss the book with my dear friend, Michelle Dunne. We also did a book discussion series for almost an entire year that is hosted within my Delay and Pray™ Group Coaching Experience for your self-paced viewing. 

    On today's episode, which is part one of a 2-part series, we hear about Fr. Looney's love for the Blessed Mother and how he came to be a Marian theologian. He shares what drew him to The Mystical City of God and to create the corresponding podcast in a year.

    We discussed a little bit about the book and shared our favorite parts of it. I got to ask Fr. Looney about private revelation and the importance of Marian Shrines and going on Catholic pilgrimage. It was a very informative and wonderful conversation. Enjoy! 

    Help Beth reach her goal of bringing 1 Million Catholics back to the Church: 

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review! 

    Fr. Edward Looney's Links:

    Website: www.edwardlooney.com

    Connect with Fr. Looney on Instagram

    The Mystical City of God in a Year Podcast

    The Passion & Resurrection of Jesus according to Venerable Maria of Agreda

    Delay and Pray Links:

    Episode #18 - The Mystical City of God w/ Michelle Dunne

    The abridged version of The Mystical City of God

    The Catholic Fasting Coach


