
  • Ginger Gentile. I'm the Erase child whisperer and I discuss parental alienation

    Mark Fidelman and Ginger discussed strategies for dealing with parental alienation, including understanding love languages and acknowledging past trauma.

    Ginger shared her personal experience of estrangement from their father and the impact it had on their life. The group also discussed the prevalence of narcissistic abuse and alienation in divorce cases, emphasizing the importance of identifying narcissistic traits early on and taking steps to protect oneself.

    Ginger also highlighted the importance of learning how to communicate effectively with high conflict people in personal and professional settings, including identifying triggers, healing inner child wounds, and developing a new skill set for communicating with empathy, firmness, and informativeness.

    Outline Parental alienation and high conflict divorce with a personal story. Ginger Gentile shares her experience with parental alienation and high conflict divorce. Speaker estranged from father after parents' divorce and subsequent parental alienation. Intergenerational trauma and alienation in families. Ginger revealed that their parents had 50/50 custody, but their mother accused their father of domestic violence and sought more child support. Ginger believes that their parents' behavior was informed by their own love languages, with abuse being one of them. Reconciling with estranged parents can be challenging, but it's possible with effort and support. Parental alienation and its impact on children. Ginger reflects on their parents' divorce and alienation, recognizing the nuanced complexity of the situation. Ginger made a film about parental alienation, realizing it was about their own life after hanging up on their dad multiple times during filmmaking. Ginger researched the topic by talking to parents and kids, including those on social media, to understand the impact of alienation on families. Parental alienation documentary and its impact on kids. Ginger raised half a million dollars for their documentary by changing their fundraising pitch from "thank you for coming" to "give me money or the film won't happen and you'll never see your kids again." Mark Fidelman and Ginger agree that the documentary has raised awareness about parental alienation and its impact on children. They suggest strategically showing the film to judges, lawyers, and psychologists to bring about change. How to reconnect with alienated children without court involvement. Ginger jokes about doing anything to see their kids, including hosting a free screening of a film in a library, but acknowledges that parents who are serious about reunification may not be willing to take such actions. Ginger and Mark Fidelman discuss the challenges of getting back into a child's life when the child has been alienated by a parent, with Ginger emphasizing the importance of taking a proactive approach to reunification. Ginger worked with a father to approach a court case non-confrontationally, resulting in overnights with his daughter without going to court. Ginger helped the father see an opportunity to connect with his daughter instead of viewing it as a right, leading to a peaceful resolution. Strategies for dealing with parental alienation in court. Mark Fidelman suggests detaching from the alienator's reactions and using new communication methods to address the issue. Ginger advises parents to act quickly if they suspect alienation, as courts can take years to resolve the issue. Ginger warns that lawyers may give false odds of winning, and some outcomes may be impossible to achieve in family court. Strategies for coping with alienation in children. Ginger suggests that instead of trying to change the alienator, parents should focus on changing their own behavior to stop the alienation. The speaker advises parents to use sweet talking and attention-seeking tactics to manipulate the alienator into changing their behavior. Ginger helps parents who are alienated from their children by teaching them how to communicate effectively and rebuild their relationships. Ginger's approach involves understanding the root cause of the alienation, letting go of anger and trauma, and learning how to message and communicate clearly. How to identify and avoid narcissistic partners in relationships. Mark Fidelman expresses frustration with family court system and its handling of parental alienation. Ginger advises against marrying someone who is likely to alienate you due to their narcissistic tendencies. Heal inner child, identify triggers, and develop communication skills to prevent alienation. Learn to communicate with high conflict people using friendly, firm, and informative language. Parental alienation and how to reunite with alienated kids. Speaker provides free resources, including a film and training course, to help parents reunite with their alienated kids. Speaker offers personalized coaching and a community forum for ongoing support. Mark Fidelman and Ginger discuss the challenges of alienation in divorce and the importance of staying out of court. Ginger shares her personal experience of being alienated and offers advice on how to reunite with one's children.
  • David Segui, Former MLB baseball player, discusses his nightmare with the family courts and family bridges

    David Segui discussed the challenges and misconceptions surrounding family court, particularly in cases of alleged child abuse, and the need for a different approach to better protect children. They also shared personal experiences and ongoing legal cases, highlighting the financial drain and manipulation of the system, and the importance of holding individuals accountable for their actions. The conversation concluded with a commitment to stop a certain issue from escalating and a pledge to remove judicial immunity, particularly in cases of flagrant lawbreaking.

    Sponsored by KidsMatter.charity We Give kids A Voice in Court

    Podcast Summary

    Family Court Misconceptions and Reform

    Mark and David Segui discussed the misconceptions and issues surrounding family court, particularly in cases of alleged child abuse. They argued that the current system often does more harm than good, with the industry's main goal being to reunify the child with the abusive parent, rather than protecting the child. The discussion highlighted the need for a different approach and better support for children who have experienced abuse.

    Family Law, Child Custody, and Advocacy

    Mark and an anonymous David Segui discussed issues related to family law, with a focus on child custody and parental alienation. They discussed the challenges faced by families without financial means, and how the legal system can exacerbate existing problems. The conversation touched on the perception of power dynamics in family court, and the lack of understanding among the general public regarding the daily realities of those going through a divorce. Mark announced his return to advocacy work for children's rights, signaling a renewed commitment to the cause.

    Discussing Abuse in Family Court System

    Mark and David Sege discussed the challenges faced by victims of abuse in the Family Court system. David, a former Major League Baseball player, introduced himself as a father involved in a Family Court case after escaping an abusive household environment. He shared how the court system operates through coercion and control, similar to abusive relationships, threatening consequences like losing child custody or facing sanctions for speaking out or reporting abuse. David mentioned guiding other "Momma Bears" through the process of reporting abuse while navigating the court system's challenges.

    Navigating Family Court Challenges and Strategies

    The speakers discussed the challenges and strategies involved in navigating the family court system. They recognized that the system can be exploitative and compared it to a game, where certain parties have an advantage. David expressed concern about the financial drain that the system can cause and the difficulty in getting out of it once involved. They also discussed the need to remove judicial immunity to facilitate exit. The conversation then shifted to specific cases, with the speaker indicating that they would continue the discussion in this area.

    Child Alienation Case and Custody Dispute

    The attorneys agreed on proceeding with the case, which involves allegations of child alienation. The main speaker described a situation where their children were taken away due to an emergency order, despite the children being found to be in good health and happy in California. The speaker claimed their ex-partner made false allegations of abuse and used threats to maintain control over the children. The case has been ongoing for over three months, and the speaker is seeking to regain custody of their children.

    False Allegations and Child Abuse Discussion

    The discussion centered around allegations of abuse made by David's sons against their mother and her boyfriend, who was a former teammate of David's. The boys had reported these allegations after attending religious camps. David claimed that the mother had made false allegations against him, and was given custody of his children by the court despite evidence of her wrongdoing. David and his sons were left to deal with the aftermath of these false allegations and abuse.

    Discussing Child Welfare Camps and Lying to the Court

    David and Mark discussed the negative effects of withholding information and lying to the court, and the importance of taking an offensive stance against those who abuse the system. They also talked about the issue of child welfare camps, with Arizona and California being mentioned as states that have implemented them.

    The conversation indicated a growing momentum against these camps, with several states having already banned them. Then Mark and David also highlighted the brazenness and arrogance of those running these camps, expressing their belief that the truth will ultimately prevail.

    Accountability, Parental Alienation, and Abuse Reports

    Mark proposed a plan to make individuals accountable for their actions, which included retroactive legislation for egregious cases. They discussed the issues surrounding parental alienation and the misuse of abuse reports in divorce cases.

    The person on the other end of the call shared their personal experiences, highlighting how the system often favors the party with more financial resources and can be manipulated to make false allegations of abuse. They also noted that the accusations of parental alienation can be used to discredit the protective parent, even when there is clear evidence of abuse.

    Child Abuse Cases and Legal Challenges

    Mark and David discussed the legal and social system's response to child abuse cases. The anonymous participant argued that the system often protects the abuser, allowing them to regain custody of the child and causing further trauma. They also mentioned the use of therapists and attorneys to manipulate the situation and gaslight the accused's partner.

    Mark agreed with this assessment, highlighting that the abuser is often allowed to financially drain the good parent's resources. Both parties acknowledged the challenges and potential outcomes of legal cases, noting that many families might not have the resources or willpower to pursue such cases.

    Stopping Escalation, Accountability, and Charity

    Mark and David discussed their goal to stop a certain issue from escalating and their unwillingness to be intimidated. Mark emphasized the importance of accountability in the judicial system, a theme he had previously explored with Sherry Lund. A charity event was announced, with David's attendance and a pledge to remove judicial immunity, particularly in cases of flagrant lawbreaking. Both parties expressed their commitment to the cause and thanked each other for their cooperation.

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  • Mark and Sherry Lund discussed the creation of a podcast focused on court reform and family issues, with Sherry sharing her personal experiences and advocating for better safeguards and accountability in the legal system.

    They also criticized the criminal activities of the legal mafia, the lack of due process, and the impunity of judges and lawyers, emphasizing the need for significant changes in the system. The discussion also touched on the injustices caused by the legal system, the importance of legislative action to remove judicial immunity, and the challenges they faced in trying to expose and address these issues.

    A KidsMatter.charity Production

    Episode Summary

    Sherry's Personal Experience With Court Reform

    Mark and Sherry discussed their plans to create a podcast focused on court reform and family issues. Sherry shared her personal experiences as an advocate for family court victims, including her own legal battles with probate courts.

    She described an emotionally charged situation where her stepdaughter fell ill, leading to a lengthy and contentious legal battle over her inheritance and accusations of misconduct against her family.

    Sherry recounted how her family, with her husband's involvement, fought against a well-connected legal team and the accusations made against them. The legal team repeatedly served legal papers on her family, even on holidays, as part of their tactics to keep the case going.

    Improving Estate Management and Conservatorships

    Sherry shared her family's experience with the mismanagement of a loved one's estate and their subsequent legal struggles. She highlighted the need for better safeguards and advocated for a new bill that guarantees the right to an accounting of the estate and access for interested parties.

    She also discussed her involvement with the Free Britney movement in California, highlighting the violations committed against Britney and the need for conservators to appoint their own attorneys. Sherry emphasized the importance of due process and the rights of the person of interest, even in probate cases involving minors' trusts. Mark agreed with Sherry's perspective, pointing out the potential for abuse when attorneys are appointed to take over trusts for minors.

    Legal Mafia and Systemic Issues

    Sherry and Mark discussed the criminal activities of the legal mafia, a highly organized crime syndicate operating under the color of law. They identified a significant issue within the legal system, where state court judges and actors do not always acknowledge federal law, leading to a lack of accountability.

    Sherry also shared her family's experiences with the legal system, where her relative, Michelle, has been wrongfully accused and denied visitation, causing emotional distress. Sherry urged individuals not to use the court system to settle personal scores, as the innocent party is often the one who suffers most.

    Judicial System Accountability and Impunity

    Sherry and Mark discussed the issue of judges and lawyers acting with impunity and violating the rights of others. Sherry expressed her concern about the judicial system's inability to hold judges accountable for their actions, even when they break the law. They both criticized the system for its lack of due process and the complicity of certain individuals in maintaining a problematic situation.

    They highlighted the double standard in the legal system where attorneys could lie in court but others had to prove the truth of their statements. They both agreed on the need for significant changes in the system and noted that any false statements made in court were protected activity.

    Addressing Judges' Law Violations and Accountability

    Sherry and Mark discussed the issue of judges violating the law and the lack of accountability for their actions. Sherry shared her efforts to address this issue, including reaching out to Senator Cavanaugh and working on a petition to choose the attorney for a trial by jury before a guardian or conservator is appointed.

    Sherry also highlighted her work on a bill related to disability rights, which faced unexpected opposition from Judge Polks. The discussion also touched on the need for accountability in stakeholder meetings and Sherry proposed a thought experiment to emphasize the importance of accountability and address the growing frustration with judges.

    Injustices in the Legal System Discussed

    Sherry and Mark discussed the injustices and abuse caused by the legal system, specifically targeting families and children. Sherry shared her personal experiences and highlighted the devastating impact on families, including the loss of loved ones and the destruction of relationships.

    Mark expressed his outrage and blamed the press for not exposing these issues more widely. Both were critical of the actions of lawyers and judges who they believed exploit vulnerable individuals for personal gain, and they expressed frustration at the lack of accountability in the system.

    Critiquing the Court System and Judges

    Sherry and Mark discussed the issues with the current state of the court system, particularly highlighting problems with judges and their decision-making processes. Sherry voiced her frustration about the lack of accountability and the need for impeachment, suggesting that outside investigations should be conducted by those with no connection to the court.

    They also discussed the negative impact of court procedures on families and the importance of trying to resolve issues through communication and negotiation before involving the court. Mark agreed that the system is flawed and that judges often make decisions based on gut feelings rather than following the law.

    Addressing Judicial Immunity and Accountability

    Sherry and Mark discussed the issue of judicial immunity and lack of accountability in the legal system. Mark proposed organizing a charity fundraiser event on September 21, 2024 in Arizona to address this problem. Sherry expressed concern over criminal activities by some lawyers and judges. Both agreed on the need to abolish judicial immunity for greater accountability. Sherry shared her experience with her daughter's former attorney being investigated.

    Addressing Unlicensed Psychiatrist Cases

    Sherry and Mark discussed a case involving a judge who appointed an unlicensed psychiatrist to evaluate a child, disregarding the child's best interests. They expressed their frustration with the legal system's complicity in such cases and the challenges they faced in trying to expose and address these issues.

    They also discussed the need for legislative action to remove judicial immunity and allow victims to seek justice. Mark emphasized that the legal establishment's resistance to change could only be overcome through direct pressure and public exposure.

  • Welcome to Divorce Matters, a podcast where we delve into the intricate and often misunderstood world of divorce, custody battles, and the legal system that navigates these turbulent waters. Today, we're unpacking a case that has captured national attention and sparked a significant conversation about the integrity of the family court system, the impact of false allegations in custody disputes, and the profound emotional toll these battles take on families. Our focus is on a landmark $21.3 million jury verdict awarded in a disputed Colorado custody case, a verdict that calls into question the actions of an ex-husband, the decisions of family court evaluators, and the rulings of a judge that led to a mother being barred from any contact with her children based on allegations now deemed to be falsely manipulated.


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    This case, stemming from Routt County, Colorado, involves Cynthia Hayek, a mother who lost all contact with her children due to her ex-husband Steven Herron's allegations that her new fiancé sexually abused one of their children. These allegations, which were later found to be part of a "false narrative" cultivated by Herron, led to a series of legal and child protective actions that isolated Hayek from her children and ultimately resulted in a jury finding Herron liable for defamation, conspiracy, outrageous conduct, abuse of process, and malicious prosecution. As we dive into the details of this case, we'll explore the implications of the jury's verdict, the systemic issues it highlights within the family court system, and the path forward for those seeking justice and reform in similar disputes. Join us as we navigate the complex, heart-wrenching, and ultimately hopeful journey of Cynthia Hayek and the broader lessons this case teaches us about the power of perseverance, the importance of truth, and the need for systemic change in our family courts.


    Plaintiff/Counterclaim Defendant:

    Cynthia Hayek, an individual


    Defendants/Counterclaimant/Third Party


    Steven Herron, an individual; and Christine

    Herron, an individual,


    Third Party Defendant:

    Kenneth Wayne Hamp, an individual.

    This case revolves around a deeply contentious and complex legal battle stemming from the divorce and subsequent disputes between Cynthia Hayek and Steven Herron, involving allegations of child abuse, manipulation, and emotional distress. After their divorce, Herron and Hayek became embroiled in a series of legal confrontations, with Herron accusing Hayek and her boyfriend, Kenneth Wayne Hamp, of various forms of abuse towards their children, leading to a series of investigations and legal claims. These allegations, which Hayek contends are entirely fabricated and part of a "False Narrative" created by Herron to gain an advantage in custody and parenting disputes, have led to a multifaceted legal battle involving claims of intentional infliction of emotional distress, abuse of process, conspiracy, malicious prosecution, and negligent infliction of emotional distress. The case highlights the severe personal and legal ramifications of such disputes, touching on the emotional toll on all parties involved, the impact on the children at the center of the allegations, and the broader implications for the legal and community systems navigating such deeply personal and contentious issues.

    In light of the resolution of this contentious custody case, where a jury awarded $21.3 million in damages after finding that the ex-husband corruptly manipulated proceedings to gain full custody by falsely alleging abuse, here are revised questions reflecting the allegations and the jury award:

    Legal and Ethical Implications: "With a $21.3 million verdict against Steven Herron for defamation, conspiracy, outrageous conduct, abuse of process, and malicious prosecution, what message does this send about the use of false allegations in custody disputes?"
  • Join us as we delve into the harrowing story of a 61-year-old woman who fell victim to the corrupt family courts in San Diego, California. With two judges admitting to the falsification of a court judgment by her ex-husband, a CPA and forensic accountant who specializes in fraud, the courts have yet to take action and fix their error. Our podcast seeks to uncover the truth behind the injustice faced by countless families in the San Diego family court system and shed light on the need for change.

    About Karie Mcewen
    I am a 61-year-old woman who is the victim of the family courts in
    San Diego CA. Two judges, one being the Presiding Judge Michal T. Smyth have admitted that the court took a fake judgment that my ex-husband who is a CPA, a Forensic accountant specializing in fraud had submitted to the court and got a clerk to stamp it to make it appear real with the court's stamp on it. This Judgment did not show in the register of action. The Judge whose name is on the fake Judgment and the two attorneys whose names are on the fake Judgement have all said
    it never happened .

    My ex-husband has walked away with all my retirement and has left me and my autistic son penniless. My question to the court is when the courts make a mistake who fixes it?

    The court media person Emily Cox said Judge Michael T. Smyth sent this to the D.A.’s Office to be investigated in August 10, 2022 three days later the D.A.’s office said they did not have enough to prove my ex-husband who has worked with the DA's office on many cases and has been exonerated.
    The DA's office also ignored Judge Ratekin in 2019 who
    also sent this fake document and a fake wage assignment to have the D.A. to only be ignored.
    The courts have enough evidence to prove it did not happen. Two judges now have been sent the judgment and fake wage assignment to the D.A. 's office. To date 5 years have passed and the court still has not fixed the error.

    There is no dispute of the validity that the Judgment was a fake and was never heard in front of a Judge and was never a court ruling. The courts have admitted in open court that the Judgment was fake, and the court clerk should not have stamped it.

    I have the tape recording of the Judge saying it in court in 2019. I have spent thousands of dollars to have the court fix their error.

    Who fixes a court error in Family court in San Diego? I still have not had one judge fix the court error and to date still am being held to this fake Judgment. The courts have delayed this case until October of 2024.

    Due process is not a real thing in family court in San Diego.

  • In this podcast episode of "Divorce Matters," host Mark welcomes guest Ira Paskowitz, a law enforcement officer in South Florida, to discuss parental alienation and parental interference. Ira shares his personal experience dealing with family court and custody issues with his ex-girlfriend, who engaged in relentless parental alienation towards him and his family. Despite paying $1,100 a month in child support, he was denied visitation with his daughter. The conversation highlights the financial and emotional toll of these legal battles and the impact on children caught in the middle.

  • Guest Rhonda Noordyk

    The "Divorce Matters" podcast episode features guest Rhonda Noordyk , founder and CEO of the Women's Financial Wellness Center, discussing seven ways to prepare for divorce. The host, Mark,, asks Noordyk's about common issues that lead to divorce, and Noordyk notes that infidelity, mental illness and abuse, and addiction are common factors. Noordyk also emphasizes the importance of one's partner making a sincere effort to change in order to avoid divorce.

    Noordyk goes on to discuss the importance of financial preparedness in divorce, as well as seeking out emotional support and being realistic about what to expect in the legal process. She also stresses the need to have a clear understanding of one's own values and priorities, in order to make informed decisions throughout the divorce process.

    The host and guest also touch on the emotional toll of divorce and the importance of self-care during this difficult time. Noordyk emphasizes the need to prioritize self-care in order to stay emotionally healthy and to make clear-headed decisions.

    Overall, the episode offers practical advice for anyone going through a divorce, with an emphasis on financial and emotional preparedness. Noordyk's insights and advice can help listeners make informed decisions throughout the divorce process, and help them emerge from the experience with their financial and emotional well-being intact.

    Michael's YouTube Videos https://www.youtube.com/user/MrPropriaPersona1

    Contact Michael at www.judicialrevolution.us

    Want to help us fight judicial injustice? Donate to www.KidsMatter.charity

  • In this heart-wrenching episode of our podcast, we speak with a father whose children were taken away by CPS under suspicious circumstances. He shares his story of how their happy family life was suddenly shattered, and how he's fighting tirelessly to get his children back. With firsthand accounts from the father and a look at the evidence that led to the removal of their kids, we delve into the complex world of child protection services and the impact it can have on innocent families. This is a story of resilience, hope, and the power of a father's love.

    And we also discuss how to avoid the same situation if you ever get into one.

    Michael's YouTube Videos https://www.youtube.com/user/MrPropriaPersona1

    Contact Michael at www.judicialrevolution.us

    Want to help us fight judicial injustice? Donate to www.KidsMatter.charity

  • Join legal experts Lisa Johnson and Chris Barry in this episode as they discuss the abusive nature of family court systems. With firsthand experience dealing with clients across the world, they share their perspectives on the corruption and cronyism within the industry that leads to extreme cases of high-conflict divorce. Tune in to learn about the challenges faced by good parents and the problems with the current court system that prioritizes money over the well-being of children.

    So let's jump right in now, though. Lisa, you were in Connecticut. Is that correct? Is that the court system that you're in? And then Chris, where were you? New York only? Okay, so you guys have got a northeast perspective, which isn't too far off from California.

    I think they share a lot of things. Whereas other parts of the country can be quite different actually. Yeah, but I would. I would agree that the family court system is quite abusive, I actually think they encourage it. And I'm not talking everybody everyone knows I have an asterisk next to most things I say, because I've met some good judges. But they're the exception, not the rule. But I feel like most courts are have been developed. A family courts have been developed to encourage this type of behavior because their friends get richer off of it. And again, not every judge but I feel like most of the stuff could be shut down very quickly. And most of these things can be resolved in a room or in two or three days. But they're not
    but because of all the money involved. So either one of you chime in where am i right? Or am I wrong? Okay, well, we have this weekly legal abuse support group, we meet on Sundays for about an hour and a half over zoom with clients from all over the world, different laws, same issues, everywhere that we know of that speaks English, where we have clients. And we say that divorce is a tremendous money making industry. And that it's not just you and your difficult ex, but they're actively participating in keeping these things going these high conflict cases and everybody benefits, except you and your children. And so, Chris, why do you think that is? Do you think these people are truly evil? Do you think like, they're just trying to attract money? Or the pirates? What are they? So I think, I think maybe calling them evil is a little bit of a stretch, maybe? Certainly, there are some evil ones out there. But I think so there's a couple of different contributing factors. One is, there's ignorance, right, because most people enter the court system in a divorce, they're angry, there's a reason they never got married, thinking we're when we get divorced, this is how it will be they don't intend to get divorced. So something happened and it got bad enough that they ended the relationship. And sometimes, you know, if their kids involved, they really really didn't want to end it. But it got so bad that they had to so people start off angry. But usually, you know, after a year or nine months, year, year and a half,
    most rational people calm down. So when what the case is, at least I deal with, there's something going on with our clients, former former partner, where you know, it's a like a mental health issue, whether it's narcissism or borderline, you know, we're not psychologists, we're not qualified to, to diagnose anyone, we look at the behaviors. And it's amazing how consistent the behaviors are, you know, we don't need a label, we look at the behaviors. So that's, that's the biggest factor in the ones that we deal with, we deal with the 5% were that people never the other spouse never comes down. Their anger never subsides, they act irrationally, they spend way more, you know, at least we'll talk about her case, but they spend way more on attorneys fees than if they just reached a reasonable settlement to begin with. So that's that's one. That's the biggest one for us. That the courts don't understand that stuff. It doesn't always take two to tango. Let me challenge you on something. What do you mean, the courts don't understand that you don't think they understand what's going on? They don't they look at these high conflict, generally speaking, okay. You know, not in every case. But generally speaking, they look at when two people are fighting, they can't settle. That it's both their fault. They're both
    the you know, the term is mutual combat. Yeah. You know, or takes two to tango is another thing that people say all the time. They're not sophistic judges, you're so overloaded with it with cases, they just want you out of their your business transaction to them. Right, so why won't you settle and they get angry at both parties, without having the time or the expertise to like dig deep into what's going on. Also, you know, the toxic personalities, which I know this isn't about toxic personalities. But those people there, they're really, really persuasive. They're manipulative, they've been practicing it for really their entire adult lives. So they go in there and they spin these fantastic lies, and distractions, all kinds of stuff. The other issue though, is because I know I'm going on with this response. A big part of it also, is this sort of this cronyism system that's grown up around divorce. So whether it be parenting, you know, custody evaluators, parenting coordinators, guardian ad litem, or as we call them in, in New York attorneys for the children.

    Michael's YouTube Videos https://www.youtube.com/user/MrPropriaPersona1

    Contact Michael at www.judicialrevolution.us

    Want to help us fight judicial injustice? Donate to HTTP://www.KidsMatter.charity

  • Where are we with the Robert Emert case?

    A lot of you have been emailing and calling and all that. So he's still in jail. Unfortunately, if you don't recall, we had a, a podcast about this thing a few episodes ago. And because he's still in jail, literally for ridiculous reasons. Things that I believe were either made up by the DEA or exaggerated. In order to teach Ron the lesson, he filed a federal lawsuit. This is a title 42 USC 9083, which is essentially a federal lawsuit used against people that are violating his civil rights under color of law. And he named nine defendants because you can't sue the state, typically, unless they violate your ADEA, which are Americans with disabilities. And they did. So in part, he sued a state actor, I don't believe he sued a state. But he didn't sue nine people in total that were violating his civil rights, including the DEA investigator, Luis Pena, here in San Diego, who I believe was the one that was behind this with another woman that's in the DHS office, just basically a travesty. And these are the things that the people have to rise up and demand change. Because if you can throw a dad in jail, who was for all intents and purposes, one of the best dads of the year, he just got angry with the courts who were trying to take his son away from them and put them put him in the home. So now, we're in a situation where he's got a federal lawsuit, which they've got 21 days to respond. I think that was from February 7. So we'll get back on at the end of the month and talk to you about what happened there. We just witnessed a preliminary hearing, I believe it was yesterday where they presented their evidence. And I can tell you, I was looking at the DA was looking at Louis Pena, these people are nervous. Her hand was shaking, and she was reading from it because they know this is a fraud. It's BS, what they're trying to do. And if they win, and they set precedents here, then if you miss, or if you have an infraction of any sort, and they deem you, as someone that they don't like, then hey, you could be arrested without bail. It's insane. And they know it.

    Michael's YouTube Videos https://www.youtube.com/user/MrPropriaPersona1

    Contact Michael at www.judicialrevolution.us

    Want to help us fight judicial injustice? Donate to www.KidsMatter.charity

    Michael's YouTube Videos https://www.youtube.com/user/MrPropriaPersona1

    Want to help us fight judicial injustice? Donate to KidsMatter.charity


  • Guest: Shawn A. McMillan

    We discuss all issues CPS - this is a must listen podcast if you are being impacted by CPS. Shawn has won nearly $10m in CPS lawsuits.

    Things Shawn and I Discuss:

    CPS rule: “No finding no funding” How to sue CPS What mistakes CPS must make in order to get around their immunity Is there an incentive system in State and Federal – walk us through the CPS process What’s your best defense when accused? How do you get around their qualified immunity privilege Cops have lost some of their immunity, why hasn't CPS? Did CPS really believe they has a right to lie? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_8-8IZLP4w Teh Right to Lie case TransparentCalifornia.org Why isn’t the press getting involved.

    Michael's YouTube Videos https://www.youtube.com/user/MrPropriaPersona1

    Contact Michael at www.judicialrevolution.us

    Want to help us fight judicial injustice? Donate to www.KidsMatter.charity

  • The San Diego District Attorney Luis Pena and Judge Kimberlee Lagotta are responsible for this fiasco. https://ballotpedia.org/Kimberlee_Lagotta

    These two charlatans conspired to arrest a very respectable dad and issue a protective warrant on his 15-year-old son. Why? for parental abduction, but they made it look like a kidnapping so that NO BAIL was set. No bail is given to murderers and repeat offenders not dad's.

    The fact is, I know Bryce and Rob. Bryce CHOSE to live with Robert. Yes there was a court order for Bryce to live with mom, but it was based on a fraud upon the court and a commissioner that endorsed that fraud, Commissioner Patt Ratekin. We've had a lot of complaints about Ms. Ratekin, her actions are very concerning.

    Want to donate to help Rob and Bryce? www.kidsmatter.charity

  • Today we discuss the importance of "In re Marriage of Prentis-Margulis & Margulis" Which discusses the fiduciary responsibility of spouses not to hide assets and the ramifications if they do. We get into Family Code 721, 1100, 1101 and some corporation code (yes spouses do fall under these codes as well).

    In a marital dissolution proceeding to divide the community property, where the nonmanaging spouse has prima facie evidence that community assets of a certain value have disappeared while in the control *330 of the managing spouse post-separation, should the managing spouse have the burden of proof to account for the missing assets? The answer is yes.

    Family code 1100 and 721 to disclose

    Join Mark Esquibel, Michael Alexander and myself as we discuss this.

    Michael's YouTube Videos https://www.youtube.com/user/MrPropriaPersona1

    Contact Michael at www.judicialrevolution.us

    Want to help us fight judicial injustice? Donate to www.KidsMatter.charity

  • Guest Mark Esquibel and I break down the Child Protective Case Wallis v. Spencer, 202 F.3d 1126, 1130 (9th Cir. 1999) and how it applies to a case in Los Angeles.

    If CPS has taken your kids, this is a must-listen podcast.

    Cases Cited

    Right to Lie case


    Case Law - Wallis versus Spencer https://casetext.com/case/wallis-v-spencer?fbclid=IwAR1ahbfePU4uxQhuFNpyTY-fAqxbkJyBs79AQoe4nXOZQHo40dCG5ACP7DA

    Dr. Charles Sophy – Starting at minute 24


    Sean McMIllian is the Attorney on the LA Case

    Wallis v. Spencer, 202 F.3d 1126, 1130 (9th Cir. 1999) (“Because the swing of every pendulum brings with it potential adverse consequences, it is important to emphasize that in the area of child abuse, as with the investigation and prosecution of all crimes, the state is constrained by the substantive and procedural guarantees of the Constitution. The fact that the suspected crime may be heinous — whether it involves children or adults — does not provide cause for the state to ignore the rights of the accused or any other parties.”)

    Wallis v. Spencer, 202 F.3d 1126, 1131 (9th Cir. 1999) (“ Escondido police officers, evidently acting on the basis of a non-existent court order, seized the children, aged two and five, placed them in a county-run institution, and several days later, without obtaining judicial authorization and without notifying their parents, took them to a hospital for the performance of highly intrusive anal and vaginal physical examinations. The children were not returned to their parents for approximately two and one-half months. All of this occurred after a mental patient who had a long history of delusional disorders and was confined to a mental institution told her therapist a fantastic tale of Satanic witchcraft within her family and an impending child sacrifice. T”)

    The district court initially granted the City's motion for summary judgment on the erroneous theory that the action was collaterally estopped by a preliminary ruling of the juvenile court referee, and we reversed. Subsequently, the district court again granted the City summary judgment, this time on the merits. Again, we reverse.

  • Ben Schooley is a Pro Se coach. Listen to what he went through before taking his own case over.

    Partial Transcripts
    Hello, everyone, welcome to divorce matters. Joining me today is Ben Schooley. He's a pro se coach, and he knows a lot about family law. So I thought what a perfect person to have on the show. Because he's been there done that. And we always love those types of people. So before we jump in, Ben, can you kind of give us your background how you got into this, and we'll take it from there.

    You're talking about like, like for damages? Yeah. No, I mean, no, I have no, my deal is over done with I mean, my life has moved forward. And it is what it is, and it's gonna finish out the way it's gonna finish out. I've been talking with a lot of people about loss of consortium, which if you don't know what that is, is like, when you and your spouse are driving in a car and an 18 Wheeler hits you and kills your spouse, then the personal injury attorneys will sue on loss of consortium, which has got no monetary limit. And that goes after their insurance policy, which is the loss of consortium is a loss of the relationship that I would have had without your interference. And so I've been trying to encourage somebody to kind of pick up that football enrollment loss of consortium in a civil family law situation as you know, you, you lied. I proved that ultimately, it took me five years to do it. I mean, but You wrecked my relationship with my child. And I leave $10 million, because I think that would set such a precedent for damages and for process in case law. But today, it hasn't happened. I keep hoping that somebody will kind of pick up that football run with it. Yeah.

    Michael's YouTube Videos https://www.youtube.com/user/MrPropriaPersona1

    Contact Michael at www.judicialrevolution.us

    Want to help us fight judicial injustice? Donate to www.KidsMatter.charity

  • Today I discuss a case in Washington where a judge will not recuse himself despite mountains of evidence against him.

    Predrag has tried everything but to no avail. Learn what I would do in his situation.

    About our Guest Predrag Tosic

    "My name is very South-Slavic. Both my first and last names are unique to the former
    Yugoslavia. I was born and raised in Belgrade. What was Yugoslavia at the time, and is today
    the capital of Serbia. And you know I've been in this country [the US] for about 30 years now,
    ever since my undergraduate college. I lived in about eight different states, moving around a
    lot especially between 2006 when I got my PhD and 2015. I also used to live and work in your
    state of California, in Silicon Valley. I also lived in Maryland, Illinois, Texas, Idaho and different
    parts of Washington state. My graduate school was where I spent the longest, almost 10
    years; I have three degrees from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. And then
    since about 2015, I've been living in the Pacific Northwest, mostly in Washington State and
    also briefly Idaho. And this is where I got married. A blunder as it turned out if you are
    heterosexual male, given the massive gender-bias in Washington state when it comes to
    divorce/custody, but especially when it comes to DV (domestic violence). My daughter Mira
    was born in Pullman, Washington in the early 2017. Her mother, my ex-wife, is a greater
    Seattle native. When Mira was a baby, her mother she literally took off with the kid and moved
    some 300 miles across the state, against my will. It was a book-example of parental
    abduction, however I made a mistake not treating it as such from the get-go, naively fooling
    myself it was “just post partum” rather than a premeditated action. Then-wife played games
    about coming back or not coming back to where the child was born and where I still lived.
    Then, prior to even establishing a proper residence there, later in 2017 she files for divorce in
    Seattle, King County, which is the worst for fathers in divorce and child custody, together with
    Pierce County (just south of King; where the city of Tacoma is located). The entire state of
    Washington is very bad for fathers, but these two counties (in the uber-woke, de facto one-
    party ruled western Washington state) are the worst. King County should have never been the
    proper venue for either divorce or child custody litigation. The gender based discrimination in
    western Washington is rampant. Family court corruption is rampant. These people are just
    looking to line up their pockets and pockets of their buddies among greedy lawyers, various
    “evaluators” and fake experts, and the like. The Constitution and one’s protected rights are
    blatantly and knowingly violated, whereas the well-being, let alone actual best interest, of the
    children involved in this quagmire are but a buzzword used by the abusive, corrupt family
    court judges, but in reality aren’t even an afterthought to those same judges and various
    “children’s advocates” who are destroying families and (usually) making children fatherless or
    nearly-fatherless for profits. It’s beyond corrupt and is indeed truly sick; I believe, based on
    my experience and what I know of other fathers’ experiences in the state of Washington, that
    these so-called “family courts” are so bad, corrupt and lawless, they are already beyond
    redemption or being “reformable”; they should be abolished altogether, as the amount of harm
    they cause is truly astounding!

    Divorce Matters Actual podcast


    Divorce Matters

    Michael's YouTube Videos https://www.youtube.com/user/MrPropriaPersona1

    Contact Michael at www.judicialrevolution.us

    Want to help us fight judicial injustice? Donate to www.KidsMatter.charity


    Michael's YouTube Videos https://www.youtube.com/user/MrPropriaPersona1

    Want to help us fight judicial injustice? Donate to KidsMatter.charity


  • Today we will show you how to legally complain and remove a judge. The system has made it difficult, but Angel breaks down how to do it properly.

    Michael's YouTube Videos https://www.youtube.com/user/MrPropriaPersona1

    Want to help us fight judicial injustice? Donate to KidsMatter.charity



    We have a returning guest Angel law. That's a pseudonym because she's so mixed up in so many cases. But she's here to explain something that I have a lot of interest in. And I'm sure a lot of you will, and that is how to properly complain and get your judges or attorneys in trouble for violating your rights or the law, or the million other things that they do so with that. Angel, let's talk about what it is that you've done and what you've figured out and what a lot of people don't know just an overview.
    Right. So what has recently happened was, I was a unique case, where I was able to remove a judge from my own matter by filing a motion to disqualify the judge based upon the judges. very terrible conduct. And this is the most difficult way to remove a judge. And it's fraught with obstacles, and it's something you wouldn't want to do. But in the course of figuring that out. Prior to asking the judge to remove himself because of his misconduct, I can first started off with making a complaint to the presiding judge of my courthouse. And this is really important because you can usually obtain a form by contacting the clerk of your court. And there's an official form that you can even fill out in handwriting. It's about two pages long so special complaint to the presiding judge and you send it in. The presiding judge has 30 days to respond, and they must respond within 30 days. Notice it's something I was looking for be a wonderful tool for all of us if we flood the court. And we drive the presiding judges into having an answer for the accordance conduct of their subordinate judges. We could maybe let them know hey, we know that you guys aren't supposed to be doing this. And Mr. Presiding or Mrs. Presiding Judge. You have an administrative and supervision advisory duty to do something about that. And maybe at least it's you know, just because they're they don't want to do the work. They might say to their subordinate judges. Hey, knock this off. I've got too many complaints to respond to so step number one, when you got to an awful judge is preparing to remove them with either a one or a coordinated effort where you're going to complain to the presiding and then you're going to complain to the BJP. But you don't want to complain.
    You thought though, I would just interject that doing it. This way to remove the judges is a lot harder than just go into 171 one 70.11 7.3 Or one 70.6 If you haven't recused anyone yet, right?
    And I, you know, in my experience, when I read the California Code of Civil Procedure, and this is not legal advice, this is my personal experience. I had a conversation with an appellate attorney, and a one 70.6 is a peremptory challenge. That means within 10 days of being appointed, a new judge, like your case is assigned to a new judicial officer. You're supposed to have 10 days and you left to complete your motion to challenge that judge and have an offense. Basically,

  • Tim Schilling, parental rights advocate in Pennsylvania. I started my horrifying nightmare in December of 2013. And just like everybody else around the United States, I filed for divorce, custody, equable distribution, and during this time, I went through nine different attorneys.

    I lost everything I was homeless. I was parentally alienated from my daughter for about three and a half, maybe four years. And they was just attacking me from every which side I was in nine different cases and

  • A reminder that we are not attorneys. And this is not legal advice.

    However, we will help you more than any attorney ever will.

    And now here's your hosts, Michael Alexander and Mark Fidelman.

    Hello, everyone, welcome to divorce matters. Oh my god, you know who's back? Michael Alexander. I can't believe it. He's finally decided to come out of this retirement and do another show.
    And his name is on the freakin headline. So I'm glad to have you back. Michael. We have a very special show today. A lot of you are going to want to hear this. It is about recusing a judge we have found another tactic. Again, I want to say only recuse bad judges, you can't be using this to recuse somebody that's ruling fairly that you don't like because you're the problem has to be a bad judge that does bad things. So with that said,
    Michael, welcome back to the show. Thank you. Pleasure to not see you again.
    And we also have a special guest. We're gonna call her Angel law today because we don't want her to be inundated with requests for her to help you. She's not an attorney, she is in an attorney's firm, same one that I'm associated with, but neither one of us are attorney. So this isn't legal advice. We're just going to talk about her case. And,
    well, Angel, why don't you introduce yourself real quick. Thank you so much for the very warm introduction. I am a litigant, a survivor of victim and now warrior of the family court system. So I am no different than every person listening to my voice right now. I am in your shoes, I was in your shoes, you might be somewhere different on the journey. I am a proud mother of three wonderful children. And we have endured nine years of a an amoral court system. I've seen the worst of the worst in my case and in many others. And I feel joyful and privileged to be here today to give some good news. I guess I could describe myself as the court Houdini, but I am still inside of there nine years later without ever having had a trial. All that being said, I have successfully removed a 730 custody evaluator for my case, I have successfully removed a therapist, I have successfully removed a parenting plan coordinator and all the other cottage industry charlatans. Perhaps my golden star came when a corrupt bag of puke minors counsel was appointed to my case over my objection. And the miners Council refused to take the case because of my name being involved. And all of this culminated to the final removal of a very, very, very bad judge. So without further ado, that's kind of my resume. My experience of the Family Court. All right, so let me summarize. Summarize it real quick. You haven't had a trial, it's been nine years, you've had a lot of bad actors, which we all know, are part of the system to extract as much money out of you as possible. It's not going to be in everyone's case. But I think the majority of cases I've seen, this is what's going on, you figure out how to remove all of them. You had one thorn in your side, which was a bad judge, how long was that bad judge part of your case? Well, Mark, it's really good and important question.
    My matter had been in front of one very corrupt judge for eight years, I did not know how to get rid of him. And the one 170.1 motion that I'm about to describe that I used with the new judge would not have worked once I had a judge on for many years, but we'll touch upon alternate

    Sponsored by Kids Matter www.kidsmatter.charity donate to give kids a voice in divorce

    Michael's YouTube Videos https://www.youtube.com/user/MrPropriaPersona1

    Contact Michael at www.judicialrevolution.u

  • Wait until you hear this international case of family court shenanigans. Grab your best headphones and take listen.

    Yeah, my name is Van Miller. I am by background. I'm a film and TV professional. I've produced television shows. And I also do investigative journalism on the side in order to expose the corruption of all kinds.

    Well, you know, the family courts, you know, I just don't mince words with family court too much anymore, because, in my opinion, it's a wholly unlawful criminal operation that destroys families. I don't think there's anything lawful about the way things are done in family court. And one of my agendas is to not only bring attention to what's going on, and also to reform the family courts, because right now, as it stands, Family Court is nothing but a completely destructive operation that traumatizes children separates families. And it has to totally be in my opinion, it has to be not not just reformed, I mean, it has to be rebuilt from scratch, because it is a completely destructive operation, in my opinion.

    Get ahold of Vem at [email protected].