
  • In this episode, I invite you into a precious and intimate moment.

    You see, during the early parts of birthing time (labor), we placed a recorder in the room - to capture the experience and be able to listen back to it later on.

    While I was moving through my birthing waves (contractions) in the bathtub, Matthew tended to me by bringing me water and snacks along with affirming me and contacting our midwife with updates.

    I would later find out that during one of the times Matthew left the room, he took the recorder with him. And he would then record one of the most amazing pieces of audio I’ve ever listened to.

    A few days later, he shared the recording with me. And now I’m sharing it with all of you, along with my response to it.

    Why am I choosing to let you in on this? Because I think it’s important to hear about the magic of this experience. Because by sharing this, it creates the opportunity for its impact to be magnified by anyone who might hear it and be influenced.

    I want women and their partners to feel empowered and inspired to create their own magical and intimate moments - in birth and beyond.

    Offers From Our Awesome Partners:

    Needed: https://needed.sjv.io/XY3903 - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order

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    Doing It At Home book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3vJcPmU

    DIAH Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doingitathome/

    DIAH YouTube: https://bit.ly/3pzuzQC

    DIAH Merch: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/doingitathome

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  • I had always heard pregnancy can be a vulnerable time. You’re dealing with a lot of changes - physically and emotionally. Not to mention, the more pregnant you become, the more obvious your circumstance is to anyone who lays eyes on you.

    And for some reason, actually lots of reasons - there’s something about a big, beautiful belly that attracts a lot of attention.

    There comes a time when you can’t walk through the grocery store without being approached with a question or comment on your pregnancy. It’s kinda like a weird form of celebrity. And while some of it is sweet and affirming, others make for an uncomfortable encounter.
    Like the unsolicited advice and opinions. I actually had a woman in a restaurant apologize to me when I told her I was having a girl.

    Oh, and then there are those who take it a step further and feel compelled to touch your belly. Yep, that happened.

    So how do you respond to these people who test your patience and tempt you to kick them in the shins? For me, it involved a lot of deep, intentional breathing.

    Listen to more of our story on traversing the challenges of unsolicited comments and advice on pregnancy and birth from the strangers of the world.

    Offers From Our Awesome Partners:

    Needed: https://needed.sjv.io/XY3903 - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order

    The FamilyAlbum app: Share your family’s precious moments with your loved ones + get 11 free photo prints delivered each month CLICK HERE.

    More From Doing It At Home:

    Doing It At Home book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3vJcPmU

    DIAH Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doingitathome/

    DIAH YouTube: https://bit.ly/3pzuzQC

    DIAH Merch: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/doingitathome

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  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • This is it, folks! The episode you’ve all been waiting for….our birth story!

    Matthew and I sit down (in bed, as always) with our first guest - less than a week old baby Maya. She lies quietly (for the most part, you might hear some coos and little grunts in the background at times) on Matthew’s chest while we recount the story of our home birth, while it’s still fresh in our minds.

    We take you from the beginning of the birthing waves (contractions) when they started late Saturday night, all the way to delivery. It just so happens that the night it all started was a special date night, and one that we’re sure to remember forever. I purchased tickets to the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra performing music by the famous composer John Williams earlier in the year as a Father’s Day present for Matthew. Its date being a precarious one (close to our due date), we weren’t sure if we’d end up going. Turns out that Maya must’ve known, and was waiting for us to have this special time together before her arrival.

    It would be a couple of hours and attempts to sleep the discomfort off that I would realize I was in active labor. I spent this time in our bathtub, listening to Hypnobabies while Matthew sat with me, made me a PB&J and kept me hydrated.

    Over the next few hours our birth team, which included a midwife and 2 apprentices, as well as 5 close family members, arrived and assumed their roles of supporting myself and Matthew.
    I labored for the majority of the time in the giant kiddie blow up pool and eventually delivered on what the midwives refer to as the “birthing stool.”

    I won’t give all the fun details away. You’ll hear all of that in the episode. But let’s just say it was intense, intimate, spiritual and magical. The whole event was 12 hours total, exactly the amount of time I envisioned when I mentally planned the birth experience.

    There were a lot of tears, a fair amount of blood, some laughs and so much love. So join us from our bedroom - where we made our baby, birthed her and are now hanging out with her and talking about the whole darn thing.

    Offers From Our Awesome Partners:

    Needed: https://needed.sjv.io/XY3903 - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order

    The FamilyAlbum app: Share your family’s precious moments with your loved ones + get 11 free photo prints delivered each month CLICK HERE.

    More From Doing It At Home:

    Doing It At Home book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3vJcPmU

    DIAH Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doingitathome/

    DIAH YouTube: https://bit.ly/3pzuzQC

    DIAH Merch: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/doingitathome

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  • “We are not a culture that waits for anything, nor are we believers in normal birth; waiting for a baby can feel like insanity.”

    This is a powerful quote from an article that had a profound impact on Matthew and me.

    The article is about the “in between” stage of the last days of pregnancy before moving into birth, a period that the author of the article calls zwischen (pulling from the German word for “between” - fitting huh?). You can find the article here: https://www.mothering.com/threads/the-last-days-of-pregnancy-a-place-of-in-between.1619798/

    In this episode, Matthew and I talk about our own experience with the “between,” being that we are technically past our “due date.” We share how this is a beautiful time to practice patience, surrender, and enjoy the moments that we have together before moving into the roles of parents for the first time. We also acknowledge, however, that it can seem excruciating - like you’re walking around waiting for a timer to go off that you really have no control or knowledge of its plans.

    We share some examples of things and situations that have helped us stay patient and present, as well as things that have driven us a little nutty. All in preparation for our magical home birth and days to follow it.

    Offers From Our Awesome Partners:

    Needed: https://needed.sjv.io/XY3903 - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order

    The FamilyAlbum app: Share your family’s precious moments with your loved ones + get 11 free photo prints delivered each month CLICK HERE.

    More From Doing It At Home:

    Doing It At Home book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3vJcPmU

    DIAH Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doingitathome/

    DIAH YouTube: https://bit.ly/3pzuzQC

    DIAH Merch: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/doingitathome

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  • Today we’re talking about our top 10 list for prepping for our home birth. We found that these were the things that helped us throughout pregnancy - from the mental prepping to physical activity to some natural products and even spiritual and energetic exercises.

    We’ve been very keen on having the most powerful and peaceful home birth experience possible. And we know for that to happen, it requires some conscious and proactive action on our part.

    So here’s a quick recap of the 10 (in no particular order of importance) for you:

    Working with midwives. Not just working with {amazing} midwives - but having hour-long prenatal appointments with them every time we met (which was a huge contrast from the hour-plus we would spend at the OBGYN - to physically meet with the doctor for an average of about 8 minutes).

    Chiropractic care. This came recommended by the midwives and boy am I glad I did it. It started as a habit of prenatal care for me, but ended up into a family affair and was something Matthew and I did together each week.

    Yoga. Tons of pregnant women sign the praises of prenatal yoga. It’s mind, body, spirit alignment. And an awesome space to practice your breathing!

    Exercise. Beyond yoga, I “worked out” about twice a week, supplementing jogging (which I did up until 36 weeks pregnant), walking and other stuff to stay active.

    Pool. This is something I did not do enough. But swimming in a pool was such a glorious thing. I highly recommend it.

    Natural products. Here are some links to a few we mention in this episode:

    Slippery Elm -  https://www.thayers.com/product-category/slippery-elm-lozenges/Earth Mama Angel Baby Organics - http://earthmamaangelbaby.com/

    Witch Hazel Pads - https://www.thayers.com/shop-thayers/premium-witch-hazel/thayers-original-witch-hazel-astringent-pads/

    Nutrition. My biggest realization here was that I’m not actually eating for 2. Instead I kept to what I knew worked for me.

    Meditation. Specifically Hypnobabies childbirth hypnosis classes. I did the self guided route and have loved it. https://www.hypnobabies.com/

    A supportive community. It truly takes a village to raise a child - and that process starts in pregnancy. Matthew and I have been so blessed with amazing, loving people to help us prepare for this epic journey of birth and parenthood.

    Working on yourself! I took as best advantage as I could have this time to think about the person and mother I want to be - who I want to model for baby Maya and how that’s going to play a part in every other aspect of my life as well.

    Offers From Our Awesome Partners:

    Needed: https://needed.sjv.io/XY3903 - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order

    The FamilyAlbum app: Share your family’s precious moments with your loved ones + get 11 free photo prints delivered each month CLICK HERE.

    More From Doing It At Home:

    Doing It At Home book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3vJcPmU

    DIAH Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doingitathome/

    DIAH YouTube: https://bit.ly/3pzuzQC

    DIAH Merch: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/doingitathome

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  • Let’s talk about sex, BABY! Not just the kind that makes the babies, but the kind you continue doing while the bun is in the oven.

    There’s plenty of topics around pregnancy that receive just the surface level of attention paid to them in the blogs, books, and classes. Sex was the big thing for me that I experienced ambiguity around. Everything I saw depicted one of two extremes - you either want it all the time or the thought it makes you more nauseated than morning sickness. My main takeaway was “no more missionary” and just do whatever works for you.

    I won’t knock the advice of doing what is most comfortable for you - it’s great even. I was just hungry for more -- like what was stuff that popped up for other women and couples in the bedroom? What were the fears that could be broken down during this time, new paradigms that could be formed and stronger, more intimate bonds that could be forged in the scene of sexual intimacy while pregnant?

    Naturally, Matthew and I decided to sit down and talk about it. So not only do you get to hear about my perspective on our sexual relationship traveling through pregnancy, but you get the male’s point-of-view as well.

    Offers From Our Awesome Partners:

    Needed: https://needed.sjv.io/XY3903 - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order

    The FamilyAlbum app: Share your family’s precious moments with your loved ones + get 11 free photo prints delivered each month CLICK HERE.

    More From Doing It At Home:

    Doing It At Home book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3vJcPmU

    DIAH Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doingitathome/

    DIAH YouTube: https://bit.ly/3pzuzQC

    DIAH Merch: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/doingitathome

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  • When you’re expecting, it’s very common to hear the question, “Where are you delivering?” If not that specifically, people generally ask about your doctor or your doctor visits.

    Whether it’s close friends and family or total strangers, most will insert some sort of advice or personal experience to whatever birth plan it is you’ve chosen.

    It can be even more interesting when you share that your birth plan involves a home birth. Queue awkward silences, uncomfortable jokes and even sometimes downright judgement.

    That’s what we’re talking about in this episode: what we’re calling the “pushbacks.” They are the often well-intentioned but poorly executed gestures and words to share varying degrees of care and concern for yours and your baby’s well-being.

    But it’s great because it gives you a chance to exercise patience and understanding. It might even help you confirm why you’re considering or chose home birth.

    Matthew and I have grown to love the pushbacks, and we share some examples of ones we received.

    Offers From Our Awesome Partners:

    Needed: https://needed.sjv.io/XY3903 - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order

    The FamilyAlbum app: Share your family’s precious moments with your loved ones + get 11 free photo prints delivered each month CLICK HERE.

    More From Doing It At Home:

    Doing It At Home book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3vJcPmU

    DIAH Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doingitathome/

    DIAH YouTube: https://bit.ly/3pzuzQC

    DIAH Merch: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/doingitathome

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  • Remember the horrible films you’d watch in sex ed classes featuring a scary, screaming, bloody mess of a woman giving birth in total agony (probably because she had sex before marriage and was birthing the baby out of wedlock - I went to Catholic school so I’m convinced those videos were purely to warn off pre-marital sex rather than educate on the miracle of childbirth)?

    Well until becoming pregnant myself, these were the only visual references I had for a birthing experience.

    Throughout the pregnancy, I’ve made it a point to watch more empowering examples of birth play out. Our awesome midwives have a full library of home birth videos from women and families they’ve worked with, and they lend them out to current patients to check out for themselves.

    I dove right in, like an athlete studying film of other amazing athletes in the game. I watched for different home birth setups, styles of laboring, support from birthing partners and family members, and all the other elements I could use to envision my own home birth experience.

    Watching all of the videos brought up new ideas and contexts like what I previously thought birth had to look like and how it could be with intentional planning.

    More From Doing It At Home:

    Doing It At Home book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3vJcPmU

    DIAH Website: https://www.diahpodcast.com/

    DIAH Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doingitathome/

    DIAH YouTube: https://bit.ly/3pzuzQC

    DIAH Merch: www.diahpodcast.com/merch

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  • Many pregnancy and birth resource focus on the mother or the baby, for reasons that are quite obvious.

    But there’s typically another partner involved who is feeling all sorts of things, but isn’t always asked or encouraged to share and express the roller coaster of thoughts, fears, hopes, beliefs that they’re experiencing.

    I wanted to change that in today’s episode, and so I interviewed my husband Matthew on his experience of going through pregnancy with me, how he initially felt about a home birth, and how he managed his fears and emotions of finally settling on an out-of-hospital birth.
    It’s an amazingly open and honest conversation about all of the things that came up for him through this journey. Matthew, as always, is honest and transparent, and that brings an amazingly refreshing perspective to the conversation of pregnancy and home birth.

    This episode was inspired by an article I read in Pathways To Family Wellness magazine. The article is titled “A Father’s Perspective: The Journey From Hospital To Home”. I highly recommend you check out Pathways magazine for a holistic and conscious resource on pregnancy, birth, parenthood and families. It’s amazing!

    More From Doing It At Home:

    Doing It At Home book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3vJcPmU

    DIAH Website: https://www.diahpodcast.com/

    DIAH Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doingitathome/

    DIAH YouTube: https://bit.ly/3pzuzQC

    DIAH Merch: www.diahpodcast.com/merch

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  • When we began our pregnancy adventure, home birth was pretty far from our mind. We kicked things off the traditional way: going to see an OBGYN at a great hospital that would usher our baby into the world the way that 98% of families in the US do it.

    But three months later we parted ways with our OBGYN, partnered up with a midwife group working out of their home, and began our home birth journey.

    The two of us flip flopped on who was more fearful and enthusiastic about the idea. Neither of us had seen a home birth, we didn’t know much about them, and (until we started asking around) we didn’t know anyone who had even done one.

    But our decision to have baby Maya in our home ended up being the absolute best decision we could have ever made for our family (and I can say that with full resoluteness, because 5 days ago we welcomed Maya into the world! But we’ll get into that in a future episode).

    In this episode you’ll hear our full story on how we went from traditional hospital birth with an OBGYN, to a shiny new birthing center with all the bells and whistles, to having our daughter in our very own bedroom.

    Offers From Our Awesome Partners:

    Needed: https://bit.ly/2DuMBxP - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order

    Splash Blanket: https://bit.ly/3JPe1g0 - use code DIAH for 10% off your order

    Esembly: https://bit.ly/3eanCSz - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order

    More From Doing It At Home:

    Send us your birth story: https://bit.ly/3jOjCKl

    Doing It At Home book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3vJcPmU

    DIAH Website: https://www.diahpodcast.com/

    DIAH Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doingitathome/

    DIAH YouTube: https://bit.ly/3pzuzQC

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  • “We’re doing it at home!”

    That’s the response my husband and I gave when people asked us about our birth plans. 3 months into our pregnancy we decided to ditch the traditional hospital birth with an OBGYN, for a birth that aligned more with the experience we wanted to create for ourselves and our little one. Home birth suited us well, and we dove in. But not without fears, judgements, conversations, decisions, research, planning, and everything else you can imagine.
    This podcast is about our home birth journey.

    The purpose of this show is simple: To provide empowering conversation around home birth. What we’re setting out to do with the podcast is to create the space for a conscious, loving, raw dialogue around home birth, by sharing our own personal experience and through storytelling, conversations and interviews that give women and families an empowering resource so that they can make the birthing decision that is the best for them.

    Listen to the episode to learn more about our story, why we started the show, what you can expect from the show, and how you can be a part of the show (and our journey) as well!

    Offers From Our Awesome Partners:

    Needed: https://bit.ly/2DuMBxP - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order

    Splash Blanket: https://bit.ly/3JPe1g0 - use code DIAH for 10% off your order

    Esembly: https://bit.ly/3eanCSz - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order

    More From Doing It At Home:

    Send us your birth story: https://bit.ly/3jOjCKl

    Doing It At Home book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3vJcPmU

    DIAH Website: https://www.diahpodcast.com/

    DIAH Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doingitathome/

    DIAH YouTube: https://bit.ly/3pzuzQC

    DIAH Merch: www.diahpodcast.com/merch

    Give Back to DIAH: https://bit.ly/3qgm4r9

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  • Here we are, folks. This is the final new episode that we’ll be putting out for Doing It At Home. It’s been a magical 8 years.

    We sat down to share some of our thoughts, memories and takeaways with you all.

    Thank you for supporting this space, whether you’ve listened to every single episode or this is your first time tuning in, we’re grateful that you’ve been along for the journey.

    Much Love,
    Sarah and Matthew
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  • What influences your birth choices?

    It’s helpful to look at this, to see what matters to you when it comes to birth, and how you can create a birth environment and culture around you that supports you best.

    Today we’re chatting with Martina Cifiello about her birth journey. From a hospital birth with her first child to a birth center with her second to a home birth with her third, Martina walks us through the factors that inspired the changes and evolutions of her births along the way. 

    Martina shares how supportive and helpful her husband Simone has been over the years as well, taking a team approach to everything.

    And fun fact: Martina used the same midwife for her home birth that we had for our home birth, Debbie Schneider of Dawning Life Midwifery. So cool to have that connection!

    Things we talk about in this episode: hospital birth, birth center, water birth, Bradley Method, pelvic floor health, birth during COVID, family-centered birth

    Links From The Episode:

    Martina’s Bradley Method teacher page: http://www.bradleybirth.com/martinacifiello

    Martina’s PT page: https://benchmark.urpt.com/locations/marietta-east-cobb/

    Offers From Our Awesome Partners:

    Needed: https://bit.ly/2DuMBxP - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order

    Splash Blanket: https://bit.ly/3JPe1g0 - use code DIAH for 10% off your order

    Esembly: https://bit.ly/3eanCSz - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order

    More From Doing It At Home:

    Send us your birth story: https://bit.ly/3jOjCKl

    Doing It At Home book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3vJcPmU

    DIAH Website: https://www.diahpodcast.com/

    DIAH Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doingitathome/

    DIAH YouTube: https://bit.ly/3pzuzQC

    DIAH Merch: www.diahpodcast.com/merch

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  • Marissa is a mom of 2 from Utica, NY, with both a hospital and home birth story. 
    Marissa experienced intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) with her first pregnancy. That, along with some early signs of labor made for a hospital birth that included a lot of intervention and fear. The way she sees it, baby Maxwell just wasn’t ready yet. 
    She planned for a home birth again with baby number two, Miles. With positive reinforcement from resources like Ina May Gaskin and Birth Without Fear, Marissa went into her second birth tuned in to her intuition and gut feeling (and we’re not just talking about the contractions!).
    Marissa’s candor and detail with her birth stories compels you to listen and engage. She’s a great example of how to plan the birth you’re intending to create - like finding midwives even when you’re far away from a big city with more options.
    We even get a little cameo from surprise guest Maxwell!

    Links From The Episode:

    Marissa’s blogpost on her home birth - http://myeggiscracked.blogspot.com/2015/08/the-story-of-miles.html

    Birth Without Fear - http://birthwithoutfearblog.com/

    Ina May Gaskin - http://inamay.com/

    Offers From Our Awesome Partners:

    Needed: https://bit.ly/2DuMBxP - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order

    Splash Blanket: https://bit.ly/3JPe1g0 - use code DIAH for 10% off your order

    Esembly: https://bit.ly/3eanCSz - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order

    More From Doing It At Home:

    Send us your birth story: https://bit.ly/3jOjCKl

    Doing It At Home book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3vJcPmU

    DIAH Website: https://www.diahpodcast.com/

    DIAH Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doingitathome/

    DIAH YouTube: https://bit.ly/3pzuzQC

    DIAH Merch: www.diahpodcast.com/merch

    Give Back to DIAH: https://bit.ly/3qgm4r9

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  • When asked a question by a care provider, do you have to respond right away?
    Most of us don’t know or realize that we have choice. And especially when it’s not an emergency, we can take time to process and decide what we want to do and even refuse what doesn’t work for us. 
    This is a powerful message from our guests in today’s episode, who experienced this firsthand during the birth of their son while in the hospital after transferring from their home birth plan. And it’s a special treat because we got to speak with both mom and dad, Bekah and Jesse Carroll. 
    Bekah’s journey to home birth actually started when she was back in high school and did a speech on birth interventions. That, plus her mom is a doula. And Jesse comes from a family where his 3 siblings were born at home. So it made sense to them to plan for a home birth for their son Benji. 
    After 36 hours of labor and being only 5 cm dilated, the team made the decision to transfer. This was a smooth transition thanks to a bridge program, a way to make home birth transfers easier for families and care providers, with her hospital. 
    So listen in to hear the beautiful story, and why Jesse thinks his wife is such a badass!

    Links From The Episode:

    Bekah’s Resources:



    The Womb Room in Milwaukee - https://www.wombroommke.com/

    Aurora Sinai Medical Center - https://www.aurorahealthcare.org/locations/hospital/aurora-sinai-medical-center

    Offers From Our Awesome Partners:

    Needed: https://bit.ly/2DuMBxP - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order

    Splash Blanket: https://bit.ly/3JPe1g0 - use code DIAH for 10% off your order

    Esembly: https://bit.ly/3eanCSz - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order

    More From Doing It At Home:

    Send us your birth story: https://bit.ly/3jOjCKl

    Doing It At Home book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3vJcPmU

    DIAH Website: https://www.diahpodcast.com/

    DIAH Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doingitathome/

    DIAH YouTube: https://bit.ly/3pzuzQC

    DIAH Merch: www.diahpodcast.com/merch

    Give Back to DIAH: https://bit.ly/3qgm4r9

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  • Where will you hear about home birth story details, the difference between modern and traditional midwifery, what to do when you are inspired to enter birth work and the connection of birth with sexuality and spirituality?
    This episode of the podcast, that's where!
    Today we’re joined by Blyss Young, LM CPM. Blyss is a home birth midwife, teacher, circle facilitator, energy healer, reiki practitioner, mother, yoga teacher, entrepreneur, breathwork facilitator, placenta encapsulator and natural living consultant.
    Through her guidance and love centered approach she has supported thousands of families to birth in the ways they feel the most empowered. She is a firm believer in intuition, the sacred and rituals. At the heart of all of her work is a deeply rooted belief in the brilliant design of the universe and our integral part in all of it. 
    You’ve also probably heard Blyss alongside Dr. Stu Fischbein on their podcast “Birthing Instincts.”
    We get into so many powerful topics in this episode. Blyss shares her history into birth work, details of her own births, elements of midwifery and advice for current and future birth workers, plus connecting with your sexuality in the birth journey. 
    Links From The Episode:

    Blyss’s Website: https://www.birthingblyss.com/

    Byss’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/birthingblyss/

    Birthing Instincts Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/birthing-instincts/id1552816683

    The Innate Journey: https://www.theinnatejourney.com/

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  • How can you utilize the power and intention of prayer for your birth?
    Regardless of your faith, setting intentions for your birth experience can be a big part of preparation for the experience.
    Today’s guest, Josephine Breen, weaves her faith into her birth story of her daughter Myriam. Josephine was born at home, and always remembers her mother being positive and open around the topic of birth. Then at 12 years old, Josephine got to witness the birth of her sister. 
    Josephine walks us through her pregnancy and birth, including a lot of the curve balls thrown in along the way. 
    Things we talk about in this episode: military family, being born at home yourself and then choosing home birth to have your children, education for your birth partner, preeclampsia, membrane sweeps, power of prayer, long labor without a lot of sleep, cervical lip, fetal ejection reflex, having community to support you, letting go when labor gets hard

    Links From The Episode:

    Josephine’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/magdalenarobes/

    Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler: https://www.amazon.com/Taking-Charge-Your-Fertility-Anniversary/dp/0062326031

    Fertile Ground by Laura S. Jansson: https://www.amazon.com/Fertile-Ground-Pilgrimage-through-Pregnancy/dp/1944967605

    Ina May's Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin: https://www.amazon.com/Ina-Mays-Guide-Childbirth-Gaskin/dp/0553381156

    Secrets of the Baby Whisperer by Tracy Hogg: https://www.amazon.com/Secrets-Baby-Whisperer-Connect-Communicate/dp/0345479092

    Evidence Based Birth: evidencebasedbirth.com

    Aviva Romm: avivaromm.com 

    Offers From Our Awesome Partners:

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    Esembly: https://bit.ly/3eanCSz - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order

    More From Doing It At Home:

    Send us your birth story: https://bit.ly/3jOjCKl

    Doing It At Home book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3vJcPmU

    DIAH Website: https://www.diahpodcast.com/

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    DIAH YouTube: https://bit.ly/3pzuzQC

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  • Melissa Thormahlen knows how to give me “all the feels.” I knew her story would impact many when her first email to me about her birth story had me tearing up.
    She experienced most of her birthing experience at home with her first baby Emeline, before transferring to a hospital and having a beautiful birth. 
    For Tyler, baby number 2, she knew she wanted to go for a home birth again because she trusted her body and her amazing birth team. 
    In Tyler’s birth story, Melissa explains the trust and surrender to the process. She also took time to be close and intimate with her husband, Paul in the time before active labor.
    When baby Tyler was born in the bathtub after a strong surge that took everyone by surprise she exclaimed, “I DID IT!”
    We even get to hear from baby Tyler as he chimes in a couple of times. We love when the babies make little appearances, they’re the reason we’ve come together to chat after all!

    Links From The Episode:

    Ina May Gaskin - http://inamay.com/

    Business Of Being Born - http://www.thebusinessofbeingborn.com/

    Offers From Our Awesome Partners:

    Needed: https://bit.ly/2DuMBxP - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order

    Splash Blanket: https://bit.ly/3JPe1g0 - use code DIAH for 10% off your order

    Esembly: https://bit.ly/3eanCSz - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order

    More From Doing It At Home:

    Send us your birth story: https://bit.ly/3jOjCKl

    Doing It At Home book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3vJcPmU

    DIAH Website: https://www.diahpodcast.com/

    DIAH Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doingitathome/

    DIAH YouTube: https://bit.ly/3pzuzQC

    DIAH Merch: www.diahpodcast.com/merch

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  • “Is my body able to give birth?”
    This is one of the questions that Christina Winsnes asked herself as she prepared for the home birth of her second child, after an unplanned cesarean birth with her first child Emma.
    With the support of her husband Yeti and the rest of her team, Christina took time during her second pregnancy to deal with fears and concerns. Also to come to a place of peace and acceptance that a non-vaginal birth was not a failure.
    She walks us through this process and then the birth of her son Daniel, and how it differed from her time in the hospital. 
    This is a beautiful story for any mama who is planning an HBAC or is working on building the trust with your body. 
    Offers From Our Awesome Partners:

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    Splash Blanket: https://bit.ly/3JPe1g0 - use code DIAH for 10% off your order

    Esembly: https://bit.ly/3eanCSz - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order

    More From Doing It At Home:

    Send us your birth story: https://bit.ly/3jOjCKl

    Doing It At Home book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3vJcPmU

    DIAH Website: https://www.diahpodcast.com/

    DIAH Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doingitathome/

    DIAH YouTube: https://bit.ly/3pzuzQC

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  • How does the experience of one birth influence the plans for births that follow?
    Today we chat with Emilee Petrill, and we pack a lot into a sub-hour conversation. Emilee has experienced a hospital birth with her first son Corbyn, a birthing center for her son Penn and finally a home birth for her son Moxy. She walks us through the processes and decisions around each of those experiences. 
    Then we get into the details of her home birth, and why she’s thinking about a free/unassisted birth for a future baby. 
    Bonus topics in this conversation include Emilee’s experience with consuming her placenta and why she’s a big advocate for it, the 10,000+ oz of breast milk she has donated and how the Doing It At Home podcast and community has impacted her body image and sex life!

    Links From The Episode:

    Business of Being Born: http://www.thebusinessofbeingborn.com/

    Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth: https://inamay.com/books/

    Hypnobabies: https://www.hypnobabies.com/

    Hypnobirthing: https://us.hypnobirthing.com/

    Offers From Our Awesome Partners:

    Needed: https://bit.ly/2DuMBxP - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order

    Splash Blanket: https://bit.ly/3JPe1g0 - use code DIAH for 10% off your order

    Esembly: https://bit.ly/3eanCSz - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order

    More From Doing It At Home:

    Send us your birth story: https://bit.ly/3jOjCKl

    Doing It At Home book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3vJcPmU

    DIAH Website: https://www.diahpodcast.com/

    DIAH Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doingitathome/

    DIAH YouTube: https://bit.ly/3pzuzQC

    DIAH Merch: www.diahpodcast.com/merch

    Give Back to DIAH: https://bit.ly/3qgm4r9

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