
  • In this episode of the Econ Dev Show Podcast (https://podcast.econdevshow.com), Dane Carlson (https://www.linkedin.com/in/danecarlson/) sits down with Ken Chapa (https://www.linkedin.com/in/kenchapa/), the Director of Economic Development and Tourism for the City of Avondale, Arizona (https://avondaleedge.com), a thriving community in the Phoenix metropolitan area.
    Ken Chapa shares his journey and passion for economic development, highlighting his strategic vision for Avondale. With extensive experience in the field, Ken discusses the innovative approaches he has implemented to foster growth and sustainability in Avondale. He delves into the dynamic economic landscape of the city, emphasizing the importance of strategic planning and collaboration with various stakeholders to attract and retain businesses.
    Throughout the conversation, Ken addresses the unique challenges and opportunities that come with managing economic development in a fast-growing urban area. He provides insights into key projects and initiatives that have significantly contributed to Avondale's economic success, including the development of the Avondale City Center, efforts to enhance infrastructure, and the attraction of healthcare and technology companies to diversify the economic base.
    Ken also explores the role of technology and data in shaping economic development strategies. He shares examples of how Avondale leverages data-driven decision-making to identify trends, optimize resources, and create a business-friendly environment.
    Additionally, Ken emphasizes the significance of community engagement and partnerships in driving economic development. He highlights the importance of building strong relationships with local businesses, educational institutions, and community organizations to create a holistic approach to growth and development.
    By showcasing the innovative work being done in Avondale, this episode provides valuable insights and practical strategies for economic developers and community leaders looking to drive positive change in their regions. Ken's passion for economic development and his commitment to making Avondale a thriving and sustainable community make this episode a must-listen for anyone interested in the field.
    Like this show? Please leave us a review here (https://econdevshow.com/rate-this-podcast/) — even one sentence helps!
    Actionable Insights for Economic Developers:
    Focus on Unique Strengths: Identify and leverage the unique aspects of your community to stand out. For Avondale, this included its young population and investment in amenities that cater to younger families and professionals.
    Develop Mixed-Use Projects: Consider developing mixed-use projects like the Avondale City Center to create vibrant, multi-functional spaces that attract residents and businesses alike.
    Invest in Parks and Recreation: Invest heavily in parks, recreation, and community spaces to enhance the quality of life for residents and make your community more attractive to newcomers.
    Foster Strong Educational Partnerships: Build strong partnerships with local schools and universities to support education and workforce development, ensuring a skilled talent pool for local businesses.
    Engage with the Community: Actively engage with residents to get their input on projects and initiatives. This helps build a sense of ownership and pride in the community.
    Leverage Data for Decision-Making: Use data-driven decision-making to identify trends, optimize resources, and create a business-friendly environment.
    Attract Diverse Industries: Diversify the economic base by attracting a variety of industries, such as healthcare and technology companies, to ensure economic stability and growth.
    Improve Infrastructure and Connectivity: Work on transportation and infrastructure projects to improve connectivity and accessibility within the community, making it easier for people to live, work, and play.
    Promote a Business-Friendly Environment: Create policies and initiatives that support local businesses and make your community attractive for new investments.
    Manage Sustainable Growth: Focus on managing growth in a sustainable way that maintains the quality of life for residents and preserves the unique characteristics of the community.
    Other Sponsors
    🫶 The Econ Dev Show is made possible by our Econ Dev Pro members (join now (https://econdevshow.com/#/portal/account/plans)) and sponsors: EDOiQ (https://edo-iq.com/), ResearchFDI (https://researchfdi.com/), The PACE Group (https://thepacegroup.com/), and SiteHunt (https://sitehunt.io/). (Become a sponsor (https://econdevshow.com/annual-sponsorship/).)
    Edited Transcript
    (This is an experimental AI edited transcript.)
    Welcome back to the Econ Dev Show. Today we're here with Ken Chapa. He is the Economic Development and Tourism Director for the City of Avondale, Arizona. Ken, welcome to the show.
    Ken Chapa: Thanks for having me, Dane. It's going to be fun being here.
    Dane Carlson: Absolutely. So, Avondale, Arizona. I only know where this is because I have relatives that live right next door. What is it, Chandler or something? I can't remember. Maybe I'm totally wrong. But isn't that right next to Avondale?
    Ken Chapa: So, Chandler's on the other side of the Valley, Phoenix metro area.
    Dane Carlson: What's the city that's just to the west of Avondale?
    Ken Chapa: Goodyear.
    Dane Carlson: Goodyear. I have relatives that also live in Goodyear. I knew it was one of those.
    Gotcha. So tell us about Avondale. What exactly is it? I'm assuming it's a suburb, but is that not the case?
    Ken Chapa: We're definitely part of the West Valley metro area of the Phoenix Valley. We're about 45, 46 square miles, with about 98,000 people. It's one of those communities that's been growing and blossoming over the past few years. When I came on about four and a half years ago, being a smaller community in the Phoenix Metro area, my primary goal was to make sure that we stood out, that we made ourselves a little bit different than everybody else. That's been our mission. I have a great leadership team, a great mayor and council, and an awesome team that's really been helpful in achieving those goals.
    Dane Carlson: That's fantastic. So how do you stand out? How does that even work?
    Ken Chapa: When you go to Avondale, you made a comment earlier about, "Here's what I know about Avondale. You're next door to Goodyear." That's usually the first thing I hear. Or I hear, "You're the home of the NASCAR track."
    Ken Chapa: So, with that in mind, we needed to find our own identity. We started focusing on the unique aspects of Avondale. We have a very young population with a median age of about 30, which is one of the youngest in the region. We leveraged that by focusing on amenities and developments that cater to younger families and professionals. For example, we've been investing heavily in parks, recreation, and mixed-use developments that offer a live-work-play environment. We also place a strong emphasis on education and have great partnerships with local schools and universities.
    Dane Carlson: That's interesting. What kind of projects have you been working on recently?
    Ken Chapa: One of our big initiatives has been the development of the Avondale City Center. This project is designed to create a vibrant downtown area with retail, dining, office space, and residential options. It's aimed at creating a central hub for our community. We're also working on several transportation projects to improve connectivity and make it easier for people to get around. Another major focus has been on attracting healthcare and technology companies to diversify our economic base.
    Dane Carlson: That sounds like a lot of exciting developments. How has the community responded to these changes?
    Ken Chapa: The community response has been overwhelmingly positive. People are excited to see new amenities and opportunities coming to Avondale. We've worked hard to engage with residents and get their input on projects, which has helped build a sense of ownership and pride in the community. We've also seen a lot of interest from businesses looking to relocate or expand in Avondale, which is a great sign that we're on the right track.
    Dane Carlson: That's great to hear. What do you see as the biggest challenges for Avondale moving forward?
    Ken Chapa: One of the biggest challenges is managing growth in a way that's sustainable and maintains the quality of life for our residents. We want to ensure that as we grow, we're doing so in a way that supports our community and preserves the things that make Avondale special. Another challenge is staying competitive in attracting businesses and talent. We need to continue to innovate and find ways to stand out in a crowded market.
    Dane Carlson: Absolutely. It sounds like you have a solid plan in place. Any final thoughts or advice for other economic developers out there?
    Ken Chapa: My advice would be to really listen to your community and be willing to adapt. What works in one place might not work in another, so it's important to tailor your approach to the unique needs and strengths of your area. Also, focus on building strong partnerships. Economic development is a team effort, and having the support of local businesses, schools, and residents makes a huge difference.
    Dane Carlson: Great advice. Thank you so much for joining us today, Ken. It's been a pleasure talking with you.
    Ken Chapa: Thank you, Dane. It's been great to be here.
    Special Guest: Ken Chapa.

  • In this episode of the Econ Dev Show (https://econdevshow.com/), Dane Carlson sits down with Lorie Vincent (https://www.linkedin.com/in/lorie-vincent/), the founder of the Stand Up Rural America Summit (https://www.standupruralamerica.com), an innovative program aimed at empowering rural communities through economic development.
    Lorie Vincent shares her journey and passion for rural economic development, spanning over 34 years and involving work with approximately 350 rural communities. She explains the inception of Stand Up Rural America, a unique summit designed to bring together rural trailblazers and change makers. Unlike traditional associations or memberships, this event is open to everyone, aiming to foster collaboration and provide actionable insights that attendees can implement in their communities immediately.
    Throughout the conversation, Lorie emphasizes the importance of community and collaboration in rural economic development. She discusses her extensive experience and involvement in state associations and organizations such as IEDC and SEDC, which inspired her to create an event specifically tailored to rural America. Her goal is to share the innovative and impactful work being done in these communities, providing inspiration, tools, and strategies to drive positive change.
    Lorie also highlights the importance of bringing together diverse voices and experiences to address the unique challenges faced by rural communities. By showcasing successful initiatives and offering practical solutions, Stand Up Rural America aims to elevate rural economic developers and community developers, helping them create immediate and lasting impact in their regions.
    Actionable Insights for Economic Developers:
    Promote Community Collaboration: Foster collaboration among local stakeholders to leverage collective resources and knowledge for economic development.
    Share Success Stories: Highlight successful initiatives from other rural communities to inspire and guide local development efforts.
    Provide Practical Tools: Equip community developers with practical tools and strategies that can be implemented immediately to drive economic growth.
    Engage Diverse Voices: Involve a diverse range of stakeholders to ensure comprehensive and inclusive economic development planning.4
    Focus on Immediate Impact: Prioritize initiatives that can deliver quick wins and immediate benefits to the community, building momentum for long-term projects.
    Leverage State and National Resources: Utilize resources and support from state associations and national organizations to enhance local economic development efforts.
    Encourage Innovation: Support innovative approaches and creative solutions to address the unique challenges faced by rural communities.
    Facilitate Knowledge Sharing: Create platforms for knowledge sharing and networking among rural economic developers to foster continuous learning and improvement.
    Empower Local Leaders: Empower local leaders with the skills and knowledge needed to drive economic development and inspire their communities.
    Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in rural economic development to ensure your strategies are effective and relevant.
    By championing these principles and leveraging the insights from Stand Up Rural America, rural economic developers can drive significant and sustainable growth in their communities.
    Other Sponsors
    🫶 The Econ Dev Show is made possible by our Econ Dev Pro members (join now (https://econdevshow.com/#/portal/account/plans)) and sponsors: EDOiQ (https://edo-iq.com/), ResearchFDI (https://researchfdi.com/), The PACE Group (https://thepacegroup.com/), and SiteHunt (https://sitehunt.io/). (Become a sponsor (https://econdevshow.com/annual-sponsorship/).) Special Guest: Lorie Vincent.

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  • In this episode of the Econ Dev Show, Dane Carlson (https://www.linkedin.com/in/danecarlson/) interviewed Eric Trevan, PhD (https://www.linkedin.com/in/eric-s-trevan-ph-d-83262348), an investor, economist, and business and the President and CEO of aLocal Solutions (https://alocalsolutions.com) an AI marketing and economic analytics platform.
    Their conversation dives into Eric’s extensive experience and innovative approach to economic development.
    Eric shares how his career evolved from being a planning director in Southeast North Carolina to his current role, emphasizing the importance of transparency and parity in economic data. He discusses the inception of his AI platform aimed at creating equitable economic opportunities by automating and providing affordable solutions for cities of all sizes.
    Throughout the discussion, Eric highlights the significance of objective and comprehensive data in decision-making, especially for local governments and economic developers who often operate with limited resources compared to large developers. He illustrates how his platform, aLocal, aggregates and analyzes vast datasets to offer predictive analytics, enabling communities to make informed decisions about economic initiatives.
    The conversation also covers the evolution of aLocal from its conceptualization in 2002 to its formal establishment in 2019. Eric recounts the journey, including his academic pursuits and various leadership roles that contributed to his understanding of economic dynamics. He stresses the role of AI in leveling the playing field for smaller communities and fostering data equity, sovereignty, and diplomacy.
    Eric elaborates on the platform’s capabilities, such as forecasting market demand, economic impact, and financial health at granular levels, down to zip codes. He also touches on the importance of community involvement and stake
    Sitehunt (https://sitehunt.io/?ref=econdevshow.com) is Dane's AI-enhanced platform that helps economic developers build a comprehensive property database and respond to RFIs. Request a demo (https://cal.com/sitehunt/quick-walkthru?ref=econdevshow.com).
    Actionable Insights for Economic Developers
    Leverage AI for Data Equity: Use AI-driven platforms to automate and provide affordable economic data solutions, ensuring all cities, regardless of size, have access to high-quality data for informed decision-making.
    Focus on Transparency and Objectivity: Ensure that all economic development decisions are based on transparent and objective data, reducing bias and building trust within the community and with stakeholders.
    Utilize Predictive Analytics: Employ predictive analytics to forecast market demand, economic impact, and financial health, helping to guide investment and development decisions with greater accuracy.
    Conduct Comprehensive Market Analyses: Regularly perform market analyses to identify industry demands, economic leakages, and financial health at a granular level, down to specific zip codes.
    Engage in Stakeholder Meetings: Actively participate in and facilitate stakeholder meetings to gather community input and ensure that development projects align with local needs and priorities.
    Support Data Sovereignty: Encourage communities to take ownership of their data, allowing for more accurate and relevant local economic models and better-informed decision-making processes.
    Implement Customizable Solutions: Offer customizable economic development solutions that can be tailored to the specific needs and priorities of different communities, whether they require detailed market studies or broad economic impact assessments.
    Foster Collaboration Across Jurisdictions: Promote intergovernmental and inter-jurisdictional collaboration to leverage shared resources and data, maximizing the impact of economic development initiatives.
    Invest in Workforce Development: Prioritize workforce development initiatives to ensure that local populations have the skills needed to support new and existing industries, fostering sustainable economic growth.
    Innovate and Adapt: Stay agile and open to new technologies and methodologies in economic development, continuously seeking out innovative solutions that can address long-standing challenges and drive positive community outcomes.
    Like this show? Please leave us a review here (https://econdevshow.com/rate-this-podcast/) — even one sentence helps!
    The Econ Dev Show is made possible by our Econ Dev Pro members (join now (https://econdevshow.com/#/portal/account/plans)) and sponsors: EDOiQ (https://edo-iq.com/), ResearchFDI (https://researchfdi.com/), The PACE Group (https://thepacegroup.com/), and SiteHunt (https://sitehunt.io/). (Become a sponsor (https://econdevshow.com/annual-sponsorship/).) Special Guest: Eric Trevan.

  • In this episode of the Econ Dev Show, Dane Carlson interviews Greg Canfield, who currently serves as the Managing Director of Economic Development at Burr & Forman. Greg previously served 12 years as Secretary of Commerce for the state of Alabama. Their conversation covers Greg's career journey, and his take on the complexities of economic development.
    Greg shares how he transitioned from local politics, serving as the president of a city council, to becoming the head of Alabama’s Department of Commerce. He highlights the importance of building strong relationships, understanding the needs of businesses, and fostering an environment conducive to economic growth. Greg emphasizes the significance of adapting to changing circumstances, especially in the context of the global pandemic, which has forced many economic developers to rethink their strategies and approaches.
    The discussion also touches on the challenges Greg faced during his tenure, such as the global economic downturn, and how quick decision-making and consultation with influential figures helped him navigate these obstacles. Additionally, Greg provides insights into the future of economic development, stressing the need for resilience, digital infrastructure, and workforce development.
    Like this show? Please leave us a review here (https://econdevshow.com/rate-this-podcast/) — even one sentence helps!
    Additionally: The Econ Dev Show is made possible by our Econ Dev Pro members (join now (https://econdevshow.com/#/portal/account/plans)) and sponsors: join now (https://edo-iq.com/), join now (https://researchfdi.com/), join now (https://thepacegroup.com/), and join now (https://sitehunt.io/). (join now (https://econdevshow.com/annual-sponsorship/).). Special Guest: Greg Canfield.

  • In this episode of the Econ Dev Show, Dane Carlson interviews Amber Tarrac, CEO of Founder Fuego.
    The discussion centered on the mission and activities of Founder Fuego, a company dedicated to empowering Spanish-speaking and diverse entrepreneurs with the tools, resources, and knowledge they need to succeed. Amber shared insights into her transition from nearly 20 years in the public sector in economic development and workforce development to launching Founder Fuego.
    The conversation highlighted Founder Fuego's innovative approach to inclusion and empowerment, focusing on their Founder Fuel newsletter, which offers weekly content with a unique Spanglish twist. This newsletter provides valuable information on funding opportunities, diverse founder stories, and essential business updates.
    Amber also discussed the importance of providing bilingual resources and workshops to better serve Spanish-speaking entrepreneurs, who often feel left out of traditional economic development ecosystems. By meeting these entrepreneurs where they are, both culturally and linguistically, Founder Fuego builds trust and credibility, fostering greater engagement and participation.
    Additionally, Amber emphasized the value of community and network building, leveraging social media platforms like LinkedIn to enhance visibility and connections. She shared her vision for expanding Founder Fuego's impact, starting with key regions like Miami and Southern California, and the significance of cultural inclusion in economic development.
    Amber's journey and the mission of Founder Fuego underscore the critical role of inclusive support in helping diverse entrepreneurs thrive, ultimately contributing to stronger and more resilient communities.
    Like this show? Please leave us a review here (https://econdevshow.com/rate-this-podcast/) — even one sentence helps!
    Additionally: The Econ Dev Show is made possible by our Econ Dev Pro members (join now (https://econdevshow.com/#/portal/account/plans)) and sponsors: join now (https://edo-iq.com/), join now (https://researchfdi.com/), join now (https://thepacegroup.com/), and join now (https://sitehunt.io/). (join now (https://econdevshow.com/annual-sponsorship/).). Special Guest: Amber Tarrac.

  • In this episode of the Econ Dev Show host Dane Carlson (https://www.linkedin.com/in/danecarlson/) interviewed Julianna Dodson (https://www.linkedin.com/in/julianna-dodson-25992094/), the Deputy Executive Director at the Hannah Grimes Center for Entrepreneurship (https://hannahgrimes.com) in Keene, New Hampshire, and the director of Radically Rural (https://radicallyrural.org).
    The discussion revolved around the origins and work of the Hannah Grime Center for Entrepreneurship, the national programming called Radically Rural, and their innovative approach to community development, including hosting conferences and events in unique locations to foster collaboration and innovation.
    The conversation also delved into the concept of reweaving social fabric and the importance of genuine connection and communication in communities. Julianna shared her background and how she got involved in this field, highlighting the impact and opportunities for learning and engagement through the programs offered by Radically Rural.
    Like this show? Please leave us a review here (https://econdevshow.com/rate-this-podcast/) — even one sentence helps! Special Guest: Julianna Dodson.

  • In this episode of the Econ Dev Show, Dane Carlson interviews Rob Williams, director of SourceLink, a not-for-profit organization that collaborates with economic development agencies to promote entrepreneurial-led economic growth. Rob details SourceLink's origins in 2003 in Kansas City, Missouri, where it began as an initiative to better connect local entrepreneurs to resources, evolving into a significant player in fostering entrepreneurial ecosystems across the U.S. He discusses the early challenges of advocating for entrepreneurship in economic development, the importance of tailored community strategies, and practical steps communities can take to engage and support local entrepreneurs. Rob emphasizes the evolving understanding and importance of entrepreneurship in economic development, sharing insights from his extensive experience and the impact of SourceLink's work in various communities.
    Like this show? Please leave us a review here (https://econdevshow.com/rate-this-podcast/) — even one sentence helps! Special Guest: Rob Williams.

  • In this episode of the Econ Dev Show, host Dane Carlson engages with Ben Lamb, Vice President of Economic Development at 1Berkshire in Massachusetts, to unravel the synergistic blend of economic growth and tourism in the Berkshires. Ben illuminates the unique approach of integrating cultural and economic vibrancy within a rural context, underlining the strategic application of 'wraparound economic development.' This concept not only aims at job creation and business enhancement but also keenly addresses broader community needs, including housing and transit, thus fostering a holistic regional development.
    The discussion ventures into the evolving demographics and economic shifts in the Berkshires, emphasizing post-pandemic transformations and the region's increasing diversity. Ben underscores the significance of fostering connectivity and collaborative efforts across geographic and sectoral boundaries, positioning the Berkshires as a pivotal hub for innovation and cultural richness in the Northeast. This episode is a treasure trove of insights for economic developers and community strategists alike, offering profound lessons on leveraging adaptability, collaboration, and community-centric approaches to catalyze sustainable regional prosperity.
    Like this show? Please leave us a review here (https://econdevshow.com/rate-this-podcast/) — even one sentence helps! Special Guest: Ben Lamb.

  • In today's episode of the Econ Dev Show, Dane dives into the resurgence of labor productivity growth in the US, marking an end to years of standstill. This isn't just economic jargon; it's about how these changes affect our daily lives, enhancing our overall quality of life. There's a compelling narrative unfolding, reminiscent of the productivity leaps we saw in the 1990s. Let's explore what this means for us today and uncover the parallels and lessons from that transformative era.
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  • Hey there! I know it's been a while since you've heard from me — I've been deep in the trenches working on something special. Let me introduce you to Sitehunt: it's my latest creation, designed with a pinch of AI magic to revolutionize how economic developers gather property data. It's more than just a tool; it's your new partner in making well-informed decisions and speeding up the whole site selection process, all to help you nail those RFI responses and get ahead in your projects. I made it with you in mind, hoping it'll make a big difference in your work. Excited to see what you think!
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  • In this episode of the Econ Dev Show, host Dane Carlson sits down with Adam Berk, co-author of "Startup Program Design," to explore the nuances of creating successful partnerships between startups and corporates. Berk delves into the challenges and opportunities in these collaborations, providing practical advice on how to design effective startup programs. His approach emphasizes the importance of mutual understanding, strategic alignment, and fostering an environment that encourages innovation and growth for both startups and established companies.
    Like this show? Please leave us a review here (https://econdevshow.com/rate-this-podcast/) — even one sentence helps! Special Guest: Adam Berk.

  • In this encore episode from 2022, Dane talks with Emily Blaylock, Senior Vice President and Chief Lending Officer for Northwest Bank about Tax Increment Financing (TIF). Northwest Bank & Trust Company is an entrepreneurial bank that has built an Economic Development Division to help developers and municipalities get projects done around the US. They utilize Tax Increment Financing incentives designated from the municipalities to give developers funds upfront. These funds can be used to provide gap equity, expansion of existing sites, investment in other projects, working capital needs, or tenant improvements. Currently, they have completed projects in 8 states and over $400 million in funding. Their team has over 100 years of combined education in economic development and banking to help structure these loans.
    Update: Since this episode originally aired, Emily is now the CEO of Untamed Equity (https://www.untamedequity.com/), a company dedicated to bridging the gap between development projects and the equity needed to complete them.
    Like this show? Please leave us a review here (https://econdevshow.com/rate-this-podcast/) — even one sentence helps! Special Guest: Emily Blaylock.

  • In this episode of the Econ Dev Show, Dane talks with Nate Clayberg CEcD.
    Nate Clayberg's approach to education is all about getting students ready for a future job market, including careers that might not even exist yet. With his varied experience in fields like broadcasting, sports, and economic development, Clayberg sees the importance of changing the way education is delivered. He suggests moving away from the traditional classroom focus and instead, developing skills that are versatile and crucial for a wide range of future jobs.
    Clayberg emphasizes starting career exploration early. He believes in exposing students to a variety of job options, especially those in their local areas, to expand their understanding of possible career paths. This is vital in connecting what they learn in school to real-world scenarios. He advocates for an education that involves hands-on, project-based learning, where students work on actual problems faced by businesses. This method makes learning more relevant and interesting.
    A crucial aspect of Clayberg's idea is to bridge the gap between the education system and the evolving job market. He highlights the role of economic developers in bringing together schools and local businesses. This collaboration aims to create educational models that are in tune with both current and future job market requirements. It's about ensuring that the education system works closely with businesses and industry experts to make learning more dynamic and directly applicable to the workforce needs of tomorrow.
    Like this show? Please leave us a review here (https://econdevshow.com/rate-this-podcast/) — even one sentence helps! Special Guest: Nate Clayberg.

  • STARTedUP Foundation, founded by former teacher Don Wettrick, is reshaping the educational experience in Indiana by introducing students to entrepreneurship. This initiative provides a unique platform where students engage in real-world problem-solving, develop business ideas, and receive mentorship from industry experts. The foundation hosts annual competitions where students pitch their ideas, fostering a new generation of innovators who are equipped to tackle real-world challenges through creative solutions.
    Like this show? Please leave us a review here (https://econdevshow.com/rate-this-podcast/) — even one sentence helps! Special Guest: Don Wettrick.

  • In this episode, Dane and Jeff Siegler, author of "Your City is Sick" and a seasoned consultant in civic pride, delves into strategies for reviving struggling communities. Drawing from his extensive experience in urban planning and Main Street revitalization, he underscores the necessity of long-term, community-driven efforts, highlighting the pitfalls of apathy and external quick fixes. Siegler advocates for small, consistent actions rooted in higher standards, analogous to personal health practices, to foster community trust, connection, and pride.
    Like this show? Please leave us a review here (https://econdevshow.com/rate-this-podcast/) — even one sentence helps! Special Guest: Jeff Siegler.

  • In this episode of the Econ Dev Show, host Dane Carlson converses with LeeAnn Nixon, President of Wilkes Economic Development, about the diverse economic landscape of Wilkesboro, North Carolina.
    Nixon discusses the area's key industries, including building and food and beverage, its rich agricultural heritage producing country ham and apple cider, and the growing emphasis on technology and cybersecurity.
    The episode offers a comprehensive view of Wilkesboro's efforts to adapt to changing economic trends and the importance of community collaboration for sustainable development.
    Like this show? Please leave us a review here (https://econdevshow.com/rate-this-podcast/) — even one sentence helps! Special Guest: LeeAnn Nixon.

  • David Ponraj, founder and CEO of Economic Impact Catalyst shares insights on the difficulties of starting a business, highlighting the need for a variety of skills such as finance, sales, and team management. He reflects on his journey in creating a venture that evolved from a simple platform to a sophisticated service blending technology and strategic consulting, akin to Salesforce and McKinsey & Company. Ponraj emphasizes the potential of leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning in economic development, offering services to a diverse range of clients from large states to small communities.
    Like this show? Please leave us a review here (https://econdevshow.com/rate-this-podcast/) — even one sentence helps! Special Guest: David Ponraj.

  • In this episode of the Econ Dev Show, Dane delves into Thomas Cox's inspiring story, tracing his roots from England to his pivotal role as the Executive Director of the Sauk County Development Corporation in Wisconsin. Thomas details his strategic vision for the county, emphasizing the importance of trusted partnerships, education, upskilling, and community-responsible development. He sheds light on tackling the county's critical needs such as housing, childcare, and workforce development, and discusses his philosophy on achieving excellence in economic development. Through his commitment to enhancing economic vibrancy and his approach to transitioning the organization to private funding for greater community engagement, Thomas Cox is not just leading development initiatives but is passionately working to improve the lives of individuals across communities.
    Like this show? Please leave us a review here (https://econdevshow.com/rate-this-podcast/) — even one sentence helps! Special Guest: Thomas Cox.

  • In this episode of the Econ Dev Show podcast Deb Brown, co-founder of SaveYour.Town, talks about her work in rural community and economic development. She explains how inclusive community engagement through activities like vacant building tours and seeking input from all community members, including youth, can generate excitement and ideas. Deb also emphasizes the power of testing small ideas, gathering community involvement, and taking small steps to build momentum. Her approach focuses on positivity, storytelling, and empowering community members to create grassroots change.
    Like this show? Please leave us a review here (https://econdevshow.com/rate-this-podcast/) — even one sentence helps! Special Guest: Deb Brown.

  • Chris Gibbons, creator of the economic gardening concept, explains how he pioneered the idea in Littleton, Colorado in the 1980s to help local companies create jobs after major layoffs. Economic gardening focuses on providing research and insights to growing stage two companies, not basic business assistance. Gibbons discusses the sales window concept they use to efficiently find the best prospects, and their move into leveraging AI like ChatGPT. He also shares his passion for helping communities and people prosper through economic development.
    Like this show? Please leave us a review here (https://econdevshow.com/rate-this-podcast/) — even one sentence helps! Special Guest: Chris Gibbons.