Küçük Düşünürler Topluluğu programı, felsefeci ve eğitmen Dr. Özge Özdemir'in kolaylaştırıcılığında çocukların bir soru ya da kavram üzerine felsefi tartışma yürüttükleri bir tartışma programı. İki haftada bir bir araya gelen 12 yaşındaki felsefeciler nitelikli düşünme ve yargıda bulunma becerisinin nasıl geliştiğini hep birlikte işliyor.
Der Podcast „Superfrauen“ erzählt Geschichten aus dem Leben von inspirierenden Frauen. Ihre Wege durch die Welt sind spannend, sportlich, schlau oder mutig – bei aller Diversität haben unsere Heldinnen trotzdem eines gemeinsam: Sie sind dynamische Vorbilder. Superfrauen eben!„Superfrauen“ richtet sich nebst deutschsprachigen Kindern und Erwachsenen auch an Schüler*innen, die Deutsch als Fremdsprache lernen. Auf der Website ( steht dazu Unterrichtsmaterial mit Vokabelübungen, Textaufgaben oder Ausmalbildern kostenlos zur Verfügung.
How do I know if my child is ready for kindergarten? How can children learn through play? Does nutrition, sleep, and activity really matter when kids are so young? I think my child might be neurodivergent. What should I do about it? What are magnet, charter, and private schools? And how do I choose what’s best?
In this series, we include interviews with experts in early childhood education, psychology, and pediatrics to discuss topics including the importance of play, managing toddler behavior, language and motor development, Kindergarten readiness, how to set up routines, and parent mental wellness.
Hosted by Dr. Emily King. -
MIA - Medien Im Alltag
Hast du dich schon mal gefragt, wie der Film eigentlich ins Kino kommt? Wie ein Buch entsteht? Oder warum manche Menschen im Internet so gemein sind?
Unsere ganze Welt ist voll von Medien - das ist echt cool!
Deshalb ist es auch wichtig, dass du weißt, wie du mit Medien umgehen solltest, wie du sie für deinen Zweck nutzen kannst und wo Gefahren lauern.
Entdecke gemeinsam mit mir die Welt der Medien! :)
Ich freue mich!
Deine Julia
Ein Podcast für Kinder und ihre Eltern.
Auch zu finden auf Instagram: @mia.podcast -
Kathamala means a string of stories. Launched on the auspicious August 15, 2020 and designed & offered by expert story tellers and volunteers from Anaadi Foundation, the Kathamala channel is aimed at imparting stories and values from the Indian tradition. If you know/have/teach children in the age group 5-12 years, you could subscribe to this channel and receive a message every day. Content includes:~ Stories from Ithasa Purana~ Sthala Puranas- Temples~ Chants, Kural and Dohas~ Indian scientific thought~ Riddles and Puzzles from the tradition
آموزش ریاضی پایه سوم
We talk about current events, books, and shows for kids. We also interview people.
Conociendo Arabia
I talk about the economy. The stock market. And politics from a kids point of view with my friends as guests
Feliz dia das Mães- Professor Ronaldo de Umbaúba
Material literario para educación básica.
Alberti is also a member of my family in a lot of ways to get on my own but it i would be like the next day tomorrow morning I have a lot to talk about when you are in a situation like that but you are not
This is a podcast for parents and teachers from a high school English teacher-turned elementary reading coach who discovered that some of the strategies we teach students in elementary are exactly why we have struggling secondary readers. We will look at bite-sided pieces of the science behind reading and I will give you some tips and resources to use them at home or in your classroom, regardless of the age of your readers.
Health knowledge