
  • This is the last episode of Energy is Love.

    It's hard for us to believe but it's coming to an end.

    Doing the podcast for the past 8 years changed our lives an in some ways, we credit it with saving our relationship.

    Thank you to everyone who was a guest on the podcast over the years and extra special thank you to all of you who have listened and supported the podcast all these years.

    We hope you come join us for our new podcast, the Steph and Craig Show.
    Learn more at- stephancraig.co

    With all the Love and deepest of deep gratitude,
    Steph & Craig

    Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/stephandcraig
    YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/@stephandcraig/?sub_confirmation=1
    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/steph.and.craig/
    TikTok- https://www.tiktok.com/@stephandcraig

  • The final episode of 2023 has everything you could wish for. There's laughter, there's tears. There's excitement and drama.

    Join us as we recap one of the most amazing years of our relationship.

    Thank you to everyone who supported us this year. We're serious when we say, we wouldn't be where we are without your support.

    With Love,
    Steph & Craig

    Call in your questions now and leave us a voicemail. We'll play some on the podcast. The phone number is 423-521-0355

    YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/c/energyislove
    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/energy_is_love/
    Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/energyislovelove
    Threads- https://www.threads.net/@energy_is_love

  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • We delve into the idea that expectations might be at the root of our pain and suffering.

    We focus on the healing journey that comes with releasing unrealistic expectations—whether they be expectations we place on ourselves, others, or life in general. We explore the profound freedom that can be found in embracing the present moment without the burden of predetermined outcomes.

    If you've ever grappled with the weight of unmet expectations or are curious about the path to a more liberated and fulfilling existence, this episode is for you.

    Call in your questions now and leave us a voicemail. We'll play some on the podcast. The phone number is 423-521-0355

    YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/c/energyislove
    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/energy_is_love/
    Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/energyislovelove
    Threads- https://www.threads.net/@energy_is_love

  • We open up about the internal tug-of-war between a past self and the yearning for a future version of us.

    We share personal stories and delve into the complexities of feeling stuck between two different belief systems.

    Are there outdated notions holding you back? Are there fears or doubts preventing you from fully stepping into your future self? Together, we unpack these questions and shed light on the transformative journey of letting go.

    From self-limiting beliefs to outdated narratives, we explore the liberating power of shedding what no longer serves us.

    It's time to embrace the transformative power of letting go and forging a path towards the best version of you.

    Call in your questions now and leave us a voicemail. We answer a new question every week.

    The phone number is 423-521-0355

    YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/c/energyislove
    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/energy_is_love/
    Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/energyislovelove
    Threads- https://www.threads.net/@energy_is_love

  • Hello everyone,

    This is a deeply important episode of the podcast, and we want to share with you why it is so special and powerful to us.

    This episode changed how we see everything about our lives, and we don't say that lightly.

    During the episode, we explore people-pleasing through the lens of the Fawn response.

    The raw vulnerability of this episode offers an inside look into a private side of our relationship that we don't normally share on the podcast or publicly, for that matter.

    We experience moments like this in our relationship all the time, but they are close, intimate, sacred moments where we support one another with unconditional Love as we heal.

    We invite you to listen with an open heart and get curious about what may come up for you.

    Like we said, it changed how we see everything.

    Lastly, if you feel moved or impacted by this episode, please share it. We're excited to share this episode with the world because we believe it will be incredibly healing for so many.

    Thank you for listening and supporting the podcast.

    With our Deepest Love,

    Steph & Craig

    YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/c/energyislove
    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/energy_is_love/
    Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/energyislovelove
    Threads- https://www.threads.net/@energy_is_love

  • In this emotionally charged episode, we bravely delve into the challenging terrain of guilt, a topic that has long lingered in the Shadows of our personal journeys and our relationship.

    Candidly sharing our struggles and vulnerabilities, we explore the complex web of emotions tied to guilt and unravel its deep-rooted connection to fear.

    Join us on this introspective journey as we confront the uncomfortable truths surrounding guilt. We reflect on the ways guilt has shaped our behaviors, choices, and relationships.

    We hope this episode serves as a catalyst for self-reflection, encouraging you to examine your own relationship with guilt and fear.

    Join our monthly healing community- https://www.energyislove.love/energyislovetogether

    Call in your questions now and leave us a voicemail. We'll play some on the podcast. The phone number is 423-521-0355

    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/energy_is_love/
    Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/energyislovelove
    Threads- https://www.threads.net/@energy_is_love

  • We're tackling a big topic on this episode. How do power dynamics play out in your relationship?

    We share how they've worked in ours as well as how they've evolved and changed over the years.

    Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of how power operates in relationships and how you can work towards fostering healthier, more equitable dynamics with your partner. Enjoy this engaging exploration of the ever-evolving landscape of power in relationships.

    Join our monthly healing community- https://www.energyislove.love/energyislovetogether

    Call in your questions now and leave us a voicemail. We'll play some on the podcast. The phone number is 423-521-0355

    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/energy_is_love/
    Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/energyislovelove
    Threads- https://www.threads.net/@energy_is_love

  • Our conversation on this episode stems from an interview Meryl Streep gave where she referenced a women's ability to speak the language of men and how this crucial skill is needed in order to survive in our patriarchal society.

    Join us as we explore the broader implications of adapting to societal norms and expectations, as well as, reflect on the historical context of gender roles and the evolution of women's voices in our world.

    Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of how language, communication, and adaptation intersect to shape our lives and relationships. Enjoy

    Watch the interview Meryl Streep here- https://youtu.be/gBy3DKdJMhY?si=AildBDPaIg4tAeck&t=3112

    Call in your questions now and leave us a voicemail. We'll play some on the podcast. The phone number is 423-521-0355

    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/energy_is_love/
    Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/energyislovelove
    Threads- https://www.threads.net/@energy_is_love

  • We explore the intriguing concept that your midlife crisis might mirror the same existential crisis you experienced during your teenage years.

    Join us as we navigate the complex terrain of identity, purpose, and self-discovery that often defines these critical life junctures. We delve into the surprising parallels and transformative insights that link these seemingly disparate phases of life.

    Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of how these moments of crisis can serve as catalysts for personal growth, self-realization, and the pursuit of a more authentic life. Discover the connections between your past, present, and future, and find resonance in the shared journey of self-discovery. Enjoy!

    Call in your questions now and leave us a voicemail. We'll play some on the podcast. The phone number is 423-521-0355

    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/energy_is_love/
    Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/energyislovelove
    Threads- https://www.threads.net/@energy_is_love

  • Ok, you have some new deep awareness on your healing journey and it changes how you've been looking at things, what do you do next?

    Join us as we explore the practical strategies and emotional facets of embracing change after a significant shift in awareness. We share personal stories, valuable tips, and actionable advice to help you make the most of your evolving perspective.

    Tune in to discover how to integrate newfound awareness into your life and continue progressing on your path towards healing and personal development. It's time to embrace change, celebrate your growth, and live in alignment with your evolving truth. Enjoy!

    Watch the Reel that sparked this episode-

    Call in your questions now and leave us a voicemail. We'll play some on the podcast. The phone number is 423-521-0355

    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/energy_is_love/
    Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/energyislovelove
    Threads- https://www.threads.net/@energy_is_love

  • Get ready for an engaging episode where we dive deep into our favorite movies that touch upon themes of Spirituality, Energy, and the profound belief in something greater than ourselves—Love.

    These cinematic gems have left an indelible mark on our lives, and we're excited to share our insights and experiences with you. Join us as we dissect these films, exploring their hidden meanings, impactful moments, and how they've influenced our spiritual journeys.

    So, grab your popcorn and join us for a cinematic journey that transcends the ordinary and touches the soul. Enjoy!

    We want to hear from you! Share your favorite movies that resonate with these themes by reaching out via our website. https://www.energyislove.love/

    Reach out to learn more about our coaching practice. We have a passion for helping people heal through their Shadows and become the best versions of themselves.

    Call in your questions now and leave us a voicemail. We'll play some on the podcast. The phone number is 423-521-0355

    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/energy_is_love/
    Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/energyislovelove
    Threads- https://www.threads.net/@energy_is_love

  • Join us for an insightful episode where we reflect on the profound moments and pivotal factors that have left a lasting impact on our individual healing journeys.

    We explore the lessons we've learned, the challenges we've faced, and the tools that have proven invaluable along the way. Whether you're just starting your own healing journey or seeking inspiration to continue, this episode offers a wealth of information. Enjoy!

    Join our monthly healing community- https://www.energyislove.love/energyislovetogether

    Call in your questions now and leave us a voicemail. We'll play some on the podcast. The phone number is 423-521-0355

    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/energy_is_love/
    Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/energyislovelove
    Threads- https://www.threads.net/@energy_is_love

  • We explore the idea that we're able to connect to future, as well as past, versions of ourselves in order to gain insight and guidance for where we currently are on our journey.

    Can you feel different versions of yourself connecting through space and time?

    Get ready for a thought-provoking conversation that will expand your horizons and inspire you to tap into the limitless power of your own imagination. Enjoy!

    Join our monthly healing community- https://www.energyislove.love/energyislovetogether

    Reach out to learn more about our coaching practice. We have a passion for helping people heal through their Shadows and become the best versions of themselves.

    Call in your questions now and leave us a voicemail. We'll play some on the podcast. The phone number is 423-521-0355

    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/energy_is_love/
    Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/energyislovelove
    Threads- https://www.threads.net/@energy_is_love

  • Are you constantly tripping yourself up in life? In this episode, we delve into our own experiences of continually blowing things up just when they're about to get good.

    Our aim is to shed light on the factors underlying our personal tendencies towards self-sabotage, in hopes our discussions might spark awareness about your own patterns. Enjoy!

    Join our monthly healing community- https://www.energyislove.love/energyislovetogether

    Reach out to learn more about our coaching practice. We have a passion for helping people heal through their Shadows and become the best versions of themselves.

    Call in your questions now and leave us a voicemail. We'll play some on the podcast. The phone number is 423-521-0355

    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/energy_is_love/
    Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/energyislovelove
    Threads- https://www.threads.net/@energy_is_love

  • The podcast has it's roots in our belief in Energy, the Universe, and the interconnected dance between all things. Many of the early episodes cover these topics and how we work with Energy both in our personal and professional lives.

    We thought it would be fun to catch you up on where we are with all of it today. We openly discuss the evolution and transformation of our practices and beliefs throughout the years. Furthermore, we provide insights into our present stance on all things Spiritual. Enjoy!

    Join our monthly healing community- https://www.energyislove.love/energyislovetogether

    Reach out to learn more about our coaching practice. We have a passion for helping people heal through their Shadows and become the best versions of themselves.

    Call in your questions now and leave us a voicemail. We'll play some on the podcast. The phone number is 423-521-0355

    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/energy_is_love/
    Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/energyislovelove
    Threads- https://www.threads.net/@energy_is_love

  • During this episode, we take an unexpected but incredibly meaningful turn as we open up about our journey of healing from gaslighting in our relationship. We share the intimate details of our experiences – what gaslighting looked like for us and the powerful steps we took to overcome it.

    Our intention for this episode may have shifted, but we embraced the opportunity to shed light on a topic a lot of people are dealing with. Join us as we delve into the challenges, the breakthroughs, and the transformative journey that brought us to a place of healing and understanding.

    This conversation is an invitation to explore your own journey, to find strength in vulnerability, and to uncover the power of healing in the face of emotional manipulation. Enjoy!

    Join our monthly healing community- https://www.energyislove.love/energyislovetogether

    Call in your questions now and leave us a voicemail. We'll play some on the podcast. The phone number is 423-521-0355

    Reach out to learn more about our coaching practice. We have a passion for helping people heal through their Shadows and become the best versions of themselves.

    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/energy_is_love/
    Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/energyislovelove
    Threads- https://www.threads.net/@energy_is_love

  • In this episode, we explore the benefits and drawbacks of breaking free from labels. Join us as we delve into the complexities of identity and self-perception, examining how labels can both empower and limit you.

    By challenging the labels that define you, you can uncover new layers of authenticity and self-discovery.

    Tune in for an engaging conversation that might just inspire you to rethink the labels you've been given and embrace a more liberated sense of self. Enjoy!

    Join our monthly healing community- https://www.energyislove.love/energyislovetogether

    Call in your questions now and leave us a voicemail. We'll play some on the podcast. The phone number is 423-521-0355

    Reach out to learn more about our coaching practice. We have a passion for helping people heal through their Shadows and become the best versions of themselves.

    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/energy_is_love/
    Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/energyislovelove
    Threads- https://www.threads.net/@energy_is_love

  • In this episode, we delve into the common tendency to talk, think, and avoid our emotions rather than allowing ourselves to truly feel them. We explore the reasons behind this behavior and how it impacts our emotional well-being and relationships.

    Join us as we break down the patterns of emotional avoidance, uncover the root causes, and offer insights on how to embrace a more authentic and emotionally connected way of living. Enjoy!

    Join our monthly healing community- https://www.energyislove.love/energyislovetogether

    Call in your questions now and leave us a voicemail. We'll play some on the podcast. The phone number is 423-521-0355

    Reach out to learn more about our coaching practice. We have a passion for helping people heal through their Shadows and become the best versions of themselves.

    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/energy_is_love/
    Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/energyislovelove
    Threads- https://www.threads.net/@energy_is_love

  • In this vulnerable episode, we peel back the layers and openly share where we currently stand on our individual healing journeys and how our relationship has evolved over time.

    The process of speaking about our experiences brought forth newfound awareness for both of us, revealing insights we hadn't previously recognized. We invite you to join us in this reflective episode, encouraging you to take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the progress you've made on your own journey.

    We hope that our shared stories resonate with you and inspire a deeper sense of self-reflection and growth. Enjoy!

    Join our monthly healing community- https://www.energyislove.love/energyislovetogether

    Call in your questions now and leave us a voicemail. We'll play some on the podcast. The phone number is 423-521-0355

    Reach out to learn more about our coaching practice. We have a passion for helping people heal through their Shadows and become the best versions of themselves.

    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/energy_is_love/
    Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/energyislovelove
    Threads- https://www.threads.net/@energy_is_love

  • Are you wondering if you're experiencing a trauma bond in your relationship? In this episode, we dive deep into this topic and share our own experiences of how it has manifested in our relationship.

    We explore the reasons behind trauma bonding and provide insights that you'll likely resonate with. Join us as we shed light on this complex dynamic and offer guidance on navigating its effects. Enjoy!

    Join our monthly healing community- https://www.energyislove.love/energyislovetogether

    Call in your questions now and leave us a voicemail. We'll play some on the podcast. The phone number is 423-521-0355

    Reach out to learn more about our coaching practice. We have a passion for helping people heal through their Shadows and become the best versions of themselves.

    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/energy_is_love/
    Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/energyislovelove
    Threads- https://www.threads.net/@energy_is_love