More from Stockholm. We visit futurist and philosopher Karim Jebari from the Mimir Centre for Long-Term Futures Research at Sweden's Institute for Futures Studies. Jebari researches transhumanism, our future in space, climate change, and other existential risks. He believes that futurism has become reactionary and backward-looking. Why? We get Jebari's answer (and much more).
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Guest: Karim Jebari
Hosts: Casper Skovgaard Petersen & August Leo Liljenberg
Published by the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies
The history (and possible future) of dollar hegemony.
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Author: August Leo Liljenberg
Narration: August Leo Liljenberg (with ElevenLabs AI)
Published by the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies
Eksik bölüm mü var?
We travel to Stockholm to visit Dr Anders Sandberg at the Mimir Centre for Long Term Futures Research – part of the Swedish Institute for Futures Studies – for a conversation on existential risks posed by AI, the state of futures studies today, being a polymath in the Nordics, and why there are so many Swedish futurists...
Sandberg holds a PhD in computational neuroscience and was previously a Research Fellow at the renowned Future of Humanity Institute (FHI) at the University of Oxford, alongside other prominent futurists, such as Nick Bostrom and Toby Ord.
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Hosts: Casper Skovgaard Petersen & August Leo Liljenberg
Guest: Anders Sandberg
Published by the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies
As digital payments take over, cash is disappearing – but should we think twice? From privacy concerns to power dynamics, the push toward a cashless society raises questions about control, choice, and trust.
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Author: Josh Sims
Narration: August Liljenberg (with ElevenLabs AI)
Published by the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies
The recent boom in prediction markets has breathed new life into an old debate: does the wisdom of the crowd combined with financial incentives produce the best forecasts of future events?
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Author: Casper Skovgaard Petersen
Narrator: August Leo Liljenberg (with ElevenLabs AI)
Published by the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies
Climate economists are playing dice with our future. Some are now sounding the alarm that the models they rely on are fundamentally flawed.
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Authors: Mikolaj Kowalewski & Caitlin van Bommel
Narrator: Manya Lind (with ElevenLabs AI)
Published by the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies
We speak to researcher and adult content creator Aella about sex, technology, artificial wombs, and the future of disembodied sex.
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Author: Caitlin van Bommel & August Leo Liljenberg
Narration: August Leo Liljenberg (with ElevenLabs AI)
Published by the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies
The ubiquity of smartphones and social media has turbocharged visual culture. With the addition of increasingly sophisticated and affordable cosmetic surgeries, beauty standards are pushed into strange new territories.
Caroline ZielinskiNarration: Manya Lind (with ElevenLabs AI)
Published by the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies
Future generations lack political representation, constituting ‘shadow interests’ in our systems of governance. Yet ensuring their wellbeing may soon become a political concern.
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Author: Nicklas Larsen & Thor Svanholm Gustavfson
Narration: August Leo Liljenberg (with ElevenLabs AI)
Published by the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies
Some believe distinctions between the organic and the artificial are meaningless in a techsaturated world. Personality-altering brain implants may force us to rethink this notion.
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Author: Christian Kaarup Baron
Narration: August Leo Liljenberg (with ElevenLabs AI)
Published by the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies
Chile's cybernetic control project collapsed in 1972. Why did Project Cybersyn fail, and what can we learn from its history?
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Author: Casper Skovgaard Petersen
Narration: Manya Lind (supported by ElevenLabs AI)
Published by the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies
The rich, willing, and techno-optimistic are spending fortunes optimising their biological functions to perpetuate youth. Biohacking, once described as ‘garage transhumanism’, has more than left the garage.
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Author: Caitlin van Bommel
Narration: August Leo Liljenberg (supported by ElevenLabs AI)
Published by the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies
James Arrowood, co-CEO of Alcor Life Extension Foundation, wants a fresh start for the business of reviving the dead.
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Author: Casper Skovgaard Petersen & August Leo Liljenberg
Narration: August Leo Liljenberg (with ElevenLabs AI)
Published by the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies
Transhumanist philosopher David Pearce envisions a world filled with varying sizes of carrots, and no sticks.
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Author: August Leo Liljenberg
Narration: Manya Lind (supported by ElevenLabs AI)
Published by the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies
Israel’s deployment of the algorithmic targeting tool 'Lavender' in their ongoing war on Gaza has reignited the debate surrounding the use of autonomous technology for making life-and-death decisions. This raises important questions about a potential future where humans are progressively marginalised from decision-making in conflicts.
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Author: Solveij Mailänder
Narration: August Leo Liljenberg (supported by ElevenLabs AI)
Published by the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies
Public figures like to claim that the world has never been as volatile and complex as it is today - but is that really the case?
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Author: Alex Fergnani
Narration: August Leo Liljenberg (ElevenLabs AI)
Published by the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies
Three archetypal scenarios dominate the public perception of what an eventual encounter with extraterrestrials on Earth will look like. So what happens when the aliens arrive? A task force at the UN has a plan drawn up.
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Author: Christian Kaarup Baron
Narration: August Leo Liljenberg (AI with ElevenLabs)
Published by the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies
New research into mental health is pushing our understanding of the mind-body connection and the intricacies of the brain. What would a more holistic approach to mental wellbeing look like?
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Author: José Manuel Herez Pombo
Narration: August Leo Liljenberg (AI with ElevenLabs)
Published by the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies
‘Longtermism’ has emerged as one of the most influential ideas of our time. But is it safeguarding or sabotaging our common future?
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Authors: Casper Skovgaard Petersen & August Leo Liljenberg
Narration: August Leo Liljenberg
Published by the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies
Youth attitudes towards the future are increasingly polarised across the world. Could demographic change provide us with an answer as to why?
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Author: August Leo Liljenberg
Narration: August Leo Liljenberg (audio generated by ElevenLabs)
Published by the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies
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