
  • Have you ever faced immense loss that gave you a new outlook on life? 

    Have you ever taken risks that pushed you to the brink in order to focus on your passions? 

    Have you ever committed time and money to a project you weren’t sure would succeed? 

    For Austin-based musician Micah Wagner, each of these hurdles pushed him towards music. In moments of clarity amongst the fear and grief, music always called to him.

    In this episode, we talk through some of his experiences during this transformative time in his life — from helping sail a schooner between Puerto Rico and Trinidad and Tobago, to losing his mother and how he used these moments as a catalyst to become an artist, musician, and producer he is today. 

    Ep #6: Fear is a Liar Podcast with Micah Wagner & Ronnie Gyani

    0:00 | Intro

    2:34 | Overcoming challenges by learning to “steer the ship”

    9:44 | Struggling to ask for help in producing his first album

    20:08 | Growing from an artist to an entrepreneur

    25:36 | An atypical businessman and musician

    26:39 | Outro

    27:51 | End

    Links and Resources

    Micah Wagner

    Website: https://www.micahwagner.com/  Bio: https://www.micahwagner.com/about  

    Ronnie Gyani

    Podcast: https://www.ronniegyani.com/podcast Podcast Blog: https://www.ronniegyani.com/podcastblog Website: https://www.ronniegyani.com/LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ronnie-gyani Articles:https://www.linkedin.com/in/ronnie-gyani/detail/recent-activity/posts/ 
  • Have you ever left something that was safe and comfortable in order to push yourself? Taken a leap of faith, even though there wasn’t clear evidence it would pan out? Broken the mold and made a decision that was counterintuitive to what most would think? 

    That’s what Gordon Daugherty did when he left a Fortune 500 company to join smaller companies in order to drive the learner in him. Gordon used his experience from growing up as a competitive swimmer to build self-confidence that he relied on when he faced terrifying risks and put the weight of a company’s success on his shoulders. And in the end, it paid off — Gordon has helped dozens of startups break through and succeed as the Co-Founder and President of the Capital Factory. 

    Ep #5: Fear is a Liar Podcast with Gordon Daugherty & Ronnie Gyani

    0:00 | Intro

    2:40 | Breaking the mold of how you saw your future unfolding

    8:20 | Sacrificing stability at a large company for nimble startups to feed the learner mentality 

    14:50 | When “Boiling frog syndrome” pushes you to the brink

    20:40 | Finding coping mechanisms to eliminate fear and pain 

    32:52 | Outro

    42:42 | End

    Links and Resources

    Gordon Daugherty

    Capital Factory: https://www.capitalfactory.com/ Bio: https://www.capitalfactory.com/mentor/gordon-daugherty/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gordondaugherty/  

    Ronnie Gyani

    Podcast: https://www.ronniegyani.com/podcast Podcast Blog: https://www.ronniegyani.com/podcastblog Website: https://www.ronniegyani.com/LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ronnie-gyani 
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  • Ever felt like you don’t belong? Like when you enter a room, you’re the only one who has gone through what you’ve gone through? Or simply, that there’s no one there that looks like you? 

    This was something Daniela De Stefano Pachon faced throughout her life. From being an outcast in Georgia as a Columbian immigrant, to “too” American for her Columbian relatives, to the only woman in the room with Venture Capitalists — Daniela has had to overcome identity crises in order to get past her fears and find success as a co-founder of a tech travel startup, Trip Loop. 

    Ep #4: Fear is a Liar Podcast with Daniela De Stefano Pachon & Ronnie Gyani

    0:00 | Intro

    2:37 | Defending your identity to those who doubt you

    6:31 | Facing adversity as a family with the risk of losing it all

    16:10 | Overcoming apathy to push yourself farther than you thought you could

    19:50 | Learning to walk the walk and talk the talk despite cultural barriers 

    25:15 | Breaking barriers for women in tech and conquering fear of public speaking

    33:05 | Outro

    36:09 | End

    Links & Resources

    Daniela De Stefano Pachon LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniela-de-stefano-pachon-a61a70119/ Trip Loop: https://www.triploop.com/ My Podcast Blog: https://www.ronniegyani.com/podcastblog My Website: https://www.ronniegyani.com/

    Thanks so much for listening! If you like this episode, please subscribe, share with others in your network, and leave a review on Apple Podcasts.

  • Many of the entrepreneurs we meet on Fear is a Liar are driven by curiosity and passion to get started in their careers. But for Owais Raza, entrepreneurship was a necessity. From the age of 12, he was building a business in order to contribute to his family after his father — the family’s sole breadwinner— left. 

    While his family tried to hide their struggles, Owais felt the pressure and stood up to it, finding a way to contribute through social media marketing.

    In this episode, we hear how he turned a harsh family situation into motivation to become an entrepreneur online in middle school, and podcast host in College.

    Read my Podcast Blog (link below) to find the most noteworthy moments from the interviews. Then, find resources to connect with my guests.

    Ep #3: Fear is a Liar Podcast with Owais Raza & Ronnie Gyani

    0:00 | Intro2:40 | Supporting the family—at only 12 years old10:08 | Self-Publishing a Book in 308 Days17:25 | Moving from working for survival to working for love 25:05 | Outro

    Links & Resources

    Owais Raza LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/owaisr/Owais Podcast “Crushing IT”: www.youtube.com/channel/UC1-08fII7-AMhOluoRx_UYAMy Podcast Blog on Owais Episode: www.ronniegyani.com/podcastblogMy Website: www.ronniegyani.com/

    Thanks so much for listening! If you like this episode, please subscribe, share with others in your network, and leave a review on Apple Podcasts.

    Follow me on Social Media (coming soon):

  • Have you ever woken up in the morning and faced immense fear of the unknown? Or even fear of the known, unsure how you’re going to tackle what lies ahead? Had to come face-to-face with your greatest fears to move forward? Have you been held at gunpoint in the jungle of Honduras?

    In this episode, we hear how Chris Gillan faced these moments and went from valeting cars to to entrepreneur, investor, and mentor.  

    Read my Podcast Blog (link below) to find the most noteworthy moments from the interviews. Then, find resources to connect with my guests.

    0:00 | Intro2:38 | Laughing at fear to move forward in the face of uncertainty 11:15 | Using a shark-like mentality to fight off a deluge of negativity 16:40 | Being uncomfortable helps take you to the next level 18:44 | Betting your future on a scary decision to go all-in on a dream27:32 | Don’t try to hide from emotion, examine it33:35 | Outro

    Links & Resources

    Chris Gillan LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chrisgillan/Capital Factory: https://www.capitalfactory.com/My Podcast Blog: https://www.ronniegyani.com/podcastblogMy Website: https://www.ronniegyani.com/

    Thanks so much for listening! If you like this episode, please subscribe, share with others in your network, and leave a review on Apple Podcasts.

    Follow me on Social Media (coming soon):

  • Have you ever felt that you are not enough? Maybe you grew up in a family where you have never heard a word of encouragement? Parents could not show you a path to success, and survival seemed to be the only way to live life? How can you possibly become successful and break out from that environment and build a different legacy for yourself?

    In this episode, we hear how Lauren Welch faced these moments and went from a high school job at a pharmacy to co-founding an international medical records business.  

    Read my Podcast Blog (link below) to find the most noteworthy moments from the interviews. Then, find resources to connect with my guests.

    0:00 | Intro2:34 | The desire not to fail can be as powerful as the desire to succeed11:00 | Be an intuitive problem solver14:37 | “That’s for them, that’s not for me”25:18 | Importance of self-awareness, vulnerability, and mental wellness for founders30:53 | Outro

    Links & Resources

    Lauren Welch LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/klaurenwelchXELPHAhealth: www.xelphahealth.com/My Podcast Blog: www.ronniegyani.com/podcastblogMy Website: www.ronniegyani.com/

    Thanks so much for listening! If you like this episode, please subscribe, share with others in your network, and leave a review on Apple Podcasts.

    Follow me on Social Media (coming soon):