
  • In this inspiring sermon episode, we delve into Joshua 1:1-5, exploring God's guidance to Joshua as he embarks on a new journey. Discover how these ancient lessons resonate with our modern lives, offering timeless wisdom on embracing change, finding contentment, and claiming God's promises.

    Drawing from Ecclesiastes 3:12-13, we reflect on God's desire for our happiness, the importance of helping others, and finding joy in our work. Learn how to turn the page on past burdens, as God instructs Joshua to move forward from Moses' leadership. Just as Joshua was called to stake his claim, we too are encouraged to claim our territories, with the assurance of God's unfailing presence.

    Join us as we unpack these three vital steps to experiencing God's abundance:

    Turn the Page: Let go of the past to embrace new beginnings (Joshua 1:2).

    Stake Your Claim: Step confidently into your God-given territory (Joshua 1:3, Romans 8:37).

    Claim Your Promise: Trust in God's eternal presence and strength (Joshua 1:5, Hebrews 13:5, Matthew 28:20).

    Through Philippians 4:11-13, we learn the secret to contentment in all circumstances, reminding us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Tune in to this episode to be empowered to move forward, thrive, and live out the full potential God has designed for you.

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  • In this powerful episode of our Christian sermon podcast, join CJ Muston as he shares an inspiring message on Graduation Sunday that speaks to everyone, regardless of age or stage in life. Whether you're a recent graduate or someone who graduated years ago, this sermon titled "Know Your True Value: God's Perspective on Graduation Sunday" is for you.

    CJ, the youth minister at FCC, dives into the concept of true value and how understanding this can transform your life. He uses the analogy of a $20 bill to illustrate that our value is not determined by the labels the world places on us but by the intrinsic worth assigned by our Creator.

    Drawing from Ephesians 2:4-9, CJ explains how God's rich mercy, grace, and love define our true value. He discusses the common labels we give ourselves—such as failure, unloveable, or worthless—and contrasts them with the life-giving labels God places on us. These divine labels elevate us, much like a valuable painting or trophy is raised up for all to see.

    In this episode, you'll learn practical steps to live in the truth of your God-given value, including the powerful technique of "shrinking down" negative labels and expanding the positive ones placed by God. CJ challenges listeners to identify one negative label in their life this week and work on shrinking it, while simultaneously embracing the immense value God has placed on them.

    Tune in to be reminded of your worth and to discover how living in the truth of your God-given value changes everything. Don’t miss this heartwarming and life-changing message that will encourage you to see yourself through God’s eyes.

    Listen now to "Know Your True Value: God's Perspective on Graduation Sunday" and take a step closer to understanding your divine worth.

  • Welcome to our special Mother’s Day sermon episode, "Good Dirt," where we explore the parable of the sower through an agrarian lens, connecting the soil of our hearts to the growth of God’s word within us. Delve into Luke 8:4-8 and Luke 8:11-15 as we uncover the significance of good soil in nurturing spiritual growth. Join us as we discover the transformative power of cultivating our hearts, learning from Jesus' rhythms of presence, patience, and persistence. Explore the concept of success as obedience and faithfulness, and understand our role as planters in God’s kingdom. Tune in to be inspired to participate in the harvest, knowing that as we plant, God brings growth, fulfilling His promise with patience and love. Don’t miss out on this enriching episode that encourages us to prepare the soil of our hearts for the abundant harvest to come.

  • In this enlightening episode of our Christian Sermon Podcast, we dive deep into the profound lessons from "The Parable of the Sower," a cornerstone teaching of Jesus that reveals why parables are his chosen method to convey eternal truths. Discover why storytelling captures hearts and transforms lives as we explore Luke 8:4-7 and 8:11-14, where Jesus illustrates the journey of a seed from sowing to growing, paralleling our spiritual development.

    Learn about the different types of soil—representing our hearts—and the crucial role they play in nurturing the seed of God's Word. Understand the challenges and triumphs of spiritual growth, from the barriers of hardened hearts and the external threats like the thorns of life's worries, riches, and pleasures, to the importance of creating the right conditions for growth through repentance and proactive spiritual gardening.

    Whether you're feeling buried by life's circumstances or seeking clarity on God's will, this episode offers valuable insights into patience, persistence, and the transformative power of God’s work within us. Tune in to uncover how to effectively "weed your garden" of spiritual life, removing the obstacles that hinder growth, and embracing the slow, steady process of spiritual maturation. Ideal for believers at any stage of their faith journey, this episode empowers you to foster a fertile heart ready for God's Word to take root and flourish.

    Join us to find inspiration and practical advice on navigating spiritual growth and understand why there’s no instant hack to cultivating a deep, enduring relationship with God. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of one of Jesus' most significant teachings and apply its truths to everyday life. Don't miss out on these timeless lessons that are more relevant today than ever before!

  • Worship Uncoiled is our main worship service for students grades 6-12. Worship Uncoiled meets on Sunday nights from 6:00-8:00 and includes a full meal, a game, prizes, a time of worship, a short practical lesson and a time of small groups. We would love to have you join us. Feel free to contact our student minister, CJ Muston (CJMuston@FCCBrazil) with any questions.

  • Worship Uncoiled is our main worship service for students grades 6-12. Worship Uncoiled meets on Sunday nights from 6:00-8:00 and includes a full meal, a game, prizes, a time of worship, a short practical lesson and a time of small groups. We would love to have you join us. Feel free to contact our student minister, CJ Muston (CJMuston@FCCBrazil) with any questions.

  • In this enlightening episode of our Christian sermon podcast, we dive deep into one of Jesus' most profound teachings—the Parable of the Sower—as recounted in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Explore the spiritual significance of soil, seeds, and growth with insights drawn from everyday observations, like the diligent care in a garden, and the transformative power of storytelling used by Jesus, a master storyteller with over 100 metaphors to His name.

    We analyze the different types of soil described in Luke 8:4-15, emphasizing how our internal disposition—the soil of our hearts—affects our ability to embrace and nurture the seeds of God’s word. Jesus' parable isn’t just a story; it’s a revelation about how the Gospel works dynamically within us, promoting internal change that precedes any outward signs of spiritual maturity.

    The episode also covers practical ways to cultivate a receptive heart that holds onto the word of God through various life challenges, ensuring it can flourish and achieve its divine purpose as promised in Isaiah 55:11 and illustrated through the collaborative nurturing of Paul and Apollos in 1 Corinthians 3:6.

    By examining indicators of a hardening heart and exploring strategies for keeping our spiritual soil fertile, this podcast offers vital lessons on maintaining faith and patience amidst adversity. Whether you're wrestling with doubt, suffering, or everyday distractions that threaten to choke your spiritual growth, this episode will guide you towards introspective cultivation and a deeper understanding of God's unwavering word. Join us to discover how to transform the 'dirt' of your life into fertile ground for God’s truths, ensuring a bountiful spiritual harvest.

  • Worship Uncoiled is our main worship service for students grades 6-12. Worship Uncoiled meets on Sunday nights from 6:00-8:00 and includes a full meal, a game, prizes, a time of worship, a short practical lesson and a time of small groups. We would love to have you join us. Feel free to contact our student minister, CJ Muston (CJMuston@FCCBrazil) with any questions.

  • What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word dirt?

    Dirt is a natural medium for growth.

    Jesus’ parables weren't always easy to understand.

    Many times Jesus left people confused.

    There is a tension with hearing from God.

    Why am I not hearing from God anymore?

    4 Conditions of Our Hearts

    Luke 8:4 And when a great crowd was gathering and people from town after town came to him, he said in a parable,

    There are all kinds of people in the crowd.

    ESV Luke 8:4-8 And when a great crowd was gathering and people from town after town came to him, he said in a parable, 5 “A sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some fell along the path and was trampled underfoot, and the birds of the air devoured it. 6 And some fell on the rock, and as it grew up, it withered away, because it had no moisture. 7 And some fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up with it and choked it. 8 And some fell into good soil and grew and yielded a hundredfold.” As he said these things, he called out, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”

    Then Jesus walks off.

    Were there people with ulterior motives in the crowd?

    Luke 8:9-10 His disciples asked him what this parable meant. 10 He replied, “You are permitted to understand the secrets of the Kingdom of God. But I use parables to teach the others so that the Scriptures might be fulfilled:

    Luke 8:11-12 “This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is God’s word. 12 The seeds that fell on the footpath represent those who hear the message, only to have the devil come and take it away from their hearts and prevent them from believing and being saved.

    Why can’t I hear from God? 2 reasons

    I don’t want to know.

    I already know. (most dangerous soil)

    Never rethinking - never being challenged.

    You don’t have to stay on the footpath.

    How does God do something new in you?


    Why do so many people come to faith at rock bottom?

    What happens at rock bottom?

    Everything that you planted, died.

    God is still scattering seed.

    Listening places you in environments that create soil that is receptive to the word of God.

    God, what do you have for me?

    Eugene Peterson, “The task is not to get God to do something I think needs to be done but, to become aware of what God is doing so that I can participate in what He is doing.”

    “God will either give you what you prayed for, or he will give you what you would have prayed for if you knew all the things, that He knew.”

    Do you have a time and a place to hear from God?

    “I really hear from God when I go on vacation.”

    Perhaps what you're anticipating hearing may not arrive, not because there's anything flawed with you or because God doesn't exist, but what if it's because God has something even better in store.

    Following Jesus is more about getting God, than getting away from the Devil.

    How would it be for someone who has been deaf all their lives and suddenly they hear?

    How is it for someone who has been sitting in church for years and suddenly who God is, and everything changes?

    And you hear God? And you receive the seed and it grows?

    John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.

  • Join Jon Rhoades, Children and Family Minister, and Shaylee Stantz, WeeKidz Director, in this thought-provoking episode of FCC Talk. Delve into the fascinating phenomenon of Chick-fil-A's continued success while remaining closed on Sundays, sparking discussions on honoring God's commandment to rest and its impact on business. https://www.crosswalk.com/headlines/chick-fil-a-still-closed-on-sundays-set-another-sales-record-in-2023.html?utm_medium=twpage&utm_source=Twitter&utm_campaign=cwtweet

    Explore the inspiring story of the world's oldest man, Juan, who attributed his 114 years of life to his love for God. https://www.christianpost.com/news/worlds-oldest-man-dies-at-114-attributed-longevity-to-god.html

    Reflect on insights from Bob Goff's interview on staying focused on your calling, prompting introspection on areas in your life that need undistracted attention. Tune in for engaging conversations on faith, purpose, and living in alignment with God's principles. https://relevantmagazine.com/life5/wellness/mentalhealth/bob-goff-on-a-life-less-distracted/

  • Welcome to our latest episode of our Christian sermon podcast series, where we delve into the heart of Christian living and the essence of the church as the Bride of Christ. In this episode, we explore the transformative power of embracing the Way of Holiness, drawing from biblical passages and insightful reflections.

    Join us as we journey through Acts 22:4 and Mark 1:15, uncovering the significance of "The Way" proclaimed by Jesus. Through Luke 19:10 and the encounter of Zacchaeus, we witness the radical transformation possible through repentance and the new life offered by Christ.

    Delving deeper into the early church portrayed in Acts 2, we uncover five unique characteristics that made the Bride of Christ attractive to the world. From multi-racial community to caring for the poor and advocating for forgiveness, reconciliation, and sanctity of life, we explore how these attributes continue to shape our mission today.

    Our discussion extends to the essence of holiness within the Christian journey, rooted in Christ's prayer for us as depicted in John 17:14-19. We unpack the call to holiness as our distinctive witness to the world, empowered by the Holy Spirit as emphasized in Acts 1:8.

    Moreover, we address practical ways to live out this call to holiness in our daily lives. From embracing our identity as extraordinary beings to prioritizing progress over perfection in sanctification, we navigate the challenges and triumphs of embodying Christ-like love and transformation.

    Through reflections on Romans 12:1 and Luke 6:34-36, we confront the call to love radically, extending grace and compassion to all, regardless of differences. We challenge ourselves to examine where we fall short in living out this new way of life and where we can stand out as beacons of Christ's love and sacrifice.

    Whether you're seeking to deepen your faith journey or explore the essence of Christian living, this episode offers profound insights and practical wisdom for embracing the Way of Holiness in a world hungry for authentic transformation. Tune in and embark on a journey of forward living rooted in the sacrificial love of Christ.

  • In this episode of FCC Talk, we delve into the intertwining worlds of faith, culture, and controversy. Join us as we dissect the recent headlines surrounding prominent figures like Dennis Quaid, T.D. Jakes, and Richard Dawkins, each offering a unique perspective on spirituality and its place in today's society.

    First, we unpack Dennis Quaid's candid revelation about his spiritual journey amidst life's tumultuous moments, shedding light on the transformative power of faith and the impact of childhood experiences on one's beliefs. As Quaid speaks of a 'spiritual awakening' amidst Hollywood's chaos, we raise thought-provoking questions about the implications of his testimony and the broader cultural shift towards spirituality.


    Next, we confront the startling news of T.D. Jakes' involvement in a lawsuit concerning sex trafficking allegations, prompting critical reflection on the responsibilities of religious leaders and the challenges of maintaining moral integrity in positions of influence. As speculation runs rampant on social media, we navigate the delicate balance between healthy skepticism and unwarranted judgment in the face of such controversies.


    Finally, we grapple with the surprising revelation from renowned atheist Richard Dawkins, who surprisingly identifies as a 'Cultural Christian.' We explore the implications of his stance on the Christian faith and ponder the distinctions he draws between cultural affiliation and genuine belief, sparking a conversation about the complexities of identity and belonging in today's diverse cultural landscape.


    Join us as we navigate the intersection of faith, culture, and controversy in this compelling episode of FCC Talk, where no topic is off-limits and every perspective is given thoughtful consideration. Tune in and discover new insights into the ever-evolving dialogue surrounding spirituality in our modern world.

  • Join us for an inspiring Easter sermon as we explore the theme of "Forward Living" through the lens of failure, redemption, and grace. Delve into the profound story of the Apostle Peter, whose journey from denial to restoration offers powerful insights into overcoming setbacks and embracing the transformative love of Jesus Christ.

    In this episode, we reflect on the moments of failure in Peter's life, including his denial of Jesus, and examine how Jesus's unwavering love and grace brought him back from despair. Drawing from biblical passages such as Matthew 26 and John 18, we unravel the significance of failure as a catalyst for growth and renewal in our spiritual journey.

    Discover the profound symbolism of the charcoal fire, from moments of failure to opportunities for restoration, as we explore key passages from John 21. Reflect on Jesus's three questions of reinstatement to Peter, each echoing a deeper call to love and service in the face of adversity.

    Throughout the sermon, we emphasize the transformative power of Easter, not merely as a historical event but as a declaration of Jesus's resurrection and the promise of redemption for all who believe. Explore the profound truth that Easter signifies not a call to strive for perfection, but an invitation to embrace the finished work of Jesus on the cross and to find hope in His unending love and forgiveness.

    As we celebrate Easter, let us remember that Jesus's love knows no bounds, and His grace is more than sufficient to lift us from our failures and restore us to a life of purpose and meaning. Join us as we encounter the profound message of Easter: a God who pursues us with relentless love and extends a hand to lift us from the ashes, saying, "I love you, don’t stay down."

  • Join hosts Jon Rhoades, Children and Family Minister, and Chris Gregg, Senior Minister, as they delve into the latest Christian news and controversies on this episode of FCC Talk.

    In this episode, they explore the recent backlash against Steven Furtick and Elevation Church for their decision not to use words like "Resurrection" on Easter invites. Listeners will gain insight into the debate surrounding this choice and whether churches should prioritize certain language on such occasions.


    Additionally, Rhoades and Gregg discuss a recent study revealing that despite discontent, pastors exhibit better overall health and wellness compared to the general public. They examine the factors contributing to this improvement since 2015 and its implications for the clergy's well-being.


    Furthermore, the hosts address concerns raised by expert Sean Teis about churches failing to confront the "epidemic" of fatherlessness. They ponder the role of churches in addressing this issue and suggest actionable steps that church members can take to make a difference in their communities.


    Tune in to FCC Talk for thoughtful discussions on pressing issues facing the Christian community today.

  • Worship Uncoiled is our main worship service for students grades 6-12. Worship Uncoiled meets on Sunday nights from 6:00-8:00 and includes a full meal, a game, prizes, a time of worship, a short practical lesson and a time of small groups. We would love to have you join us. Feel free to contact our student minister, CJ Muston (CJMuston@FCCBrazil) with any questions.

  • Welcome to the latest episode of our Christian sermon podcast, where we delve into the transformative power of community in the Christian faith. Join us as we explore the timeless wisdom of Acts 2, uncovering the remarkable story of the first Christian community that shook the world.

    In this episode, we reflect on Galatians 3:26-28, emphasizing the unity found in Christ regardless of social barriers. We witness how the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost united believers from diverse backgrounds into a tight-knit community devoted to the Apostles' teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer.

    Through powerful storytelling and insightful interpretation, we explore the significance of each aspect of community life, from deepening our understanding of the Gospel to fostering genuine fellowship and sharing meals together. We highlight the essential role of prayer in shaping our perspective and transforming our lives.

    As we journey through Acts 2:43-47, we witness the awe-inspiring impact of genuine Christian community, where believers sacrificially love and support one another, attracting others to the faith through their authentic witness. This message resonates with all who seek belonging and connection in a world marked by isolation and division.

    Join us as we unpack the profound truth that Christian community is not only essential but also a reflection of God's love for humanity. Discover how you can cultivate a thriving community grounded in Christ's teachings, where all are welcome and valued. Don't miss out on this inspiring message of hope and inclusion for all who seek genuine Christian fellowship.

  • Welcome to another insightful episode of FCC Talk! Join us as we delve into crucial topics surrounding the influence of religion on culture and recent controversial statements by Kanye West regarding Jesus. In this episode, Dallas Jenkins, creator of 'The Chosen', sheds light on the influence of the Latter-day Saints (LDS) on the popular series. Our guests, Jon Rhoades, Children and Family Minister, and CJ Muston, Student Minister, offer profound insights and thoughtful discussions on these pressing matters.

    We explore the findings that the majority of Americans perceive a decline in religion's influence in public life and ponder whether it should be our aspiration for religion, the Bible, or Jesus to have a more substantial impact on culture.


    Additionally, we confront Kanye West's recent statements expressing his struggles with Jesus and taking matters into his own hands.


    Delving further, we dissect Dallas Jenkins' deep dive into Mormonism, where he expresses regret and offers reflections on the impact of his work. We pose questions to our audience, seeking their reactions to Kanye's remarks and Dallas Jenkins' commentary on Mormonism. Furthermore, we inquire about practical tips for Christians on ministering to Latter-day Saints effectively.


    Join us in this thought-provoking discussion as we navigate the intersection of faith, culture, and personal convictions. Tune in for valuable insights and meaningful conversations on FCC Talk.