Get to know Colorado's state fish and its roller coaster history. Once abundant in the South Platte drainage, it's now found in only a few high-elevation streams and lakes. Josh Homer from our Leadville National Fish Hatchery in Colorado and Chris Kennedy from our Colorado Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office are guests.
If you like cutthroat trout, you might also like these episodes:
S3:E47 Lahontan Cutthroat Trout of Pyramid LakeS1: E11 Coastal Cutthroat TroutRead more: https://www.fws.gov/story/spiciest-trout-west
We've got two great guests with decades of combined knowledge who will help you get to know and appreciate these very large, migratory fish. Adam Kaeser is a fish biologist from our Panama City Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office and Frank Paruka is a retired biologist and distinguished gulf sturgeon researcher. We cover everything from biology basics to heritage and history, and answer questions about why they jump, how they communicate, and how we study them in murky waters, and more.
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Wildlife Inspector Daniel Sahakian joins us for a special episode focused on the international pleco trade as a follow-on to the armored suckermouth catfishes episode. This is the first in a mini series of themed episodes we plan to air that are focused on illegal fish trade, U.S. and international wildlife protection laws, and the amazing work our U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Office of Law Enforcement. In this episode you'll get to know the CITES-listed Hypancistrus zebra (zebra pleco).
This episode broadly introduces the family of South American armored suckermouth catfishes (Loricariidae) with a focus on genus Pterygoplichthys (AKA janitor fish/sailfin plecos/sailfin catfishes). You might know them from your fish tank or where they've been released into U.S. waters. We also introduce "Fan Mail Darter" where we answer questions and read fan feedback. This is part 1 of 2. Part 2 will focus on the pleco trade with one of our Wildlife Inspectors!
If you like this episode you may also enjoy:
S4:E48 Jack Dempsey: Cichlid, Not BoxerS4:E48 Introducing the Bizarre KnifefishesJourney across America and beyond with us as co-hosts Katrina & Guy + guests explore how to live with, live from, discover and enjoy #AllTheFish (new episodes every Monday, wherever you get your podcasts).
How well do you really know Smallmouth Bass? There's still a ton to learn, even about super popular fish! We dig into the fascinating diversity of Smallmouth Bass with guest Andrew Taylor from the University of North Georgia. Learn the latest science, the places these fish call home, and pro tips about how to complete the Smallmouth Slam!
If you like this topic you might also like these episodes:
S4:E46 Largemouth BassS4:E12 Fly Fishing for Shoal BassS4:E4 Greatest Rock Basses of All TimeS2:E19 Redeye Bass "Trout of Alabama"Journey across America and beyond with us as co-hosts Katrina & Guy + guests explore how to live with, live from, discover and enjoy #AllTheFish (new episodes every Monday, wherever you get your podcasts).
The majestic mountain is found in beautiful places and will challenge your fishing skills (in a good way)! Some even have snoots like the Whoville residents in The Grinch Stole Christmas. We hope you enjoy getting to know this important member in the family Salmonidae who's related to fan favorites like salmon, trout, and grayling.
Want more whitefish?? Check out these episodes:
S4:E6 BloaterS2:E47 Broad WhitefishS2:E28 Great Lakes CiscoS1:E45 Humpback WhitefishS1:E41 Traditional Whitefish TrappingS1:E6 & E39 SheefishS1:E37 Bering CiscoJourney across America and beyond with us as co-hosts Katrina & Guy + guests explore how to live with, live from, discover and enjoy #AllTheFish (new episodes every Monday, wherever you get your podcasts).
Get to know the warpaint shiner, a vibrant southeastern U.S. species with striking red and black markings. This trout-like minnow is found in cold, clear, fast-flowing streams and is both important prey for sportfish (including bass) and host for native freshwater mussels. If you're feeling like a challenge, we discuss partaking in the "shiner slam" (for both anglers and snorkelers).
If you like this charismatic little fish, you might also like the Bluehead Chub! (S2:E7)
Journey across America and beyond with us as co-hosts Katrina & Guy + guests explore how to live with, live from, discover and enjoy #AllTheFish (new episodes every Monday, wherever you get your podcasts).
Casper Cox, a freshwater snorkeling enthusiast from Tennessee, takes us below the surface and into the underwater world of the Tangerine Darter! The beauty of this fish and enthusiasm of our guest will have you grabbing your snorkel gear and heading to your nearest/clearest water and immersing yourself in new worlds.
If you're a darter fanatic, you might also like these episodes:
Fantail Darter (S4:E47)Tippecanoe Darter (S4:E44)Trispot Darter (S4:E20)Fountain Darter (S3:E49)Candy Darter (S3:E33)Snail Darter (S2:E39)Diamond Darter (S2:E22)Holiday Darter (S1: E52)Journey across America and beyond with us as co-hosts Katrina & Guy + guests explore how to live with, live from, discover and enjoy #AllTheFish (new episodes every Monday, wherever you get your podcasts).
Katrina and Guy celebrate the start of season five by highlighting the journey so far through over 200 episodes. They reflect on what's been learned by digging into the rich diversity of fish and cultural connections across different geographies and cast a line towards topics to come.
Journey across America and beyond with us as co-hosts Katrina & Guy + guests explore how to live with, live from, discover and enjoy #AllTheFish (new episodes every Monday, wherever you get your podcasts).
Find out which fishes have made the cut for season 5! Katrina and Guy bring listeners behind the scenes for a peek into their annual fish draft.
This episode explores the ability of Pacific salmon to colonize Alaska rivers flowing north into the Arctic Ocean. Are they able to spawn successfully or are they just adventurous strays probing north? Our guests are Peter Westley and Randy Brown. Randy, a Fishery Biologist, operates out of our Northern Alaska Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office and Peter is the Wakefield Chair of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
If you're a big Randy Brown fan like we are, check out our S1:E37 episode on Alaska's Bering Cisco and S3:E11 episode on dwarf Dolly Varden char. You can read his interviews here:
The cookiecutter shark has a very peculiar set of skills and is known for its distinctive feeding behavior. Despite leaving its mark on a wide variety of creatures (and even some humans and inanimate objects), much about these small sharks remains a mystery! Guest Aaron Carlisle from the University of Delaware's School of Marine Science and Policy brings his perspective and highlights the challenges of studying this amazing and strange fish.
If you like sharks, you might like these episodes!
Blacktip Reef Shark (S4:E30)Pacific Sleeper Shark (S4:E23)Greenland Shark (S3:E29)Goblin Shark (S2:E42)Salmon Shark (S1:E29)
Meet the Jack Dempsey, an American cichlid known for its beauty and aggressiveness. Your co-hosts Katrina and Guy have fun exploring the likeness between this fish and the 1920s heavyweight boxer, its aquarium presence, and how its found its way into unlikely places like South Dakota and Russia.
If you like this fun take, you might also enjoy S4:E19 about the bizarre knifefishes.
We are joined by two (and a half) guests who really like Fantail Darters and have found a creative way to get people excited about overlooked nongame fish! Drew Holloway is a fisheries biologist for the Muncie Bureau of Water Quality in Central Indiana and North Central Division of American Fisheries Society President Elect. Luke Etchison is a conservation biologist with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, Blue Ridge Snorkel Trail co-creator, and North Carolina AFS President. Their creation is Duke Hollison, a small little man who makes tiny native fishes look big and cool on Instagram.
For our 200th episode, we chat with Gene Gilliland - lifelong bass enthusiast and conservation director of the Bass Angler Sportsman Society (BASS). Learn about Largemouth Bass biology, the variety of ways to catch this fish, and why they're so popular.
Here are some other bass episodes you might enjoy:
Smallmouth Bass Complex (S5: E5)Fly Fishing for Shoal Bass (S4:E12)Greatest Rock Basses of All Time (S4:E4)Redeye Bass: "Trout of Alabama" (S2:E19)Journey across America and beyond with us as co-hosts Katrina & Guy + guests explore how to live with, live from, discover and enjoy #AllTheFish (new episodes every Monday, wherever you get your podcasts).
Get to know the fish and places it calls home. We discuss fishing strategies, the importance of curiosity, and pathways into fishing and caring for native fishes. Our guest is Redband Trout enthusiast and Oregon State University student Roberto Ponce Velez.
S4:E42 & S2:40 Apache Trout: Arizona TreasureS4:E28 Brown Trout!S3:E47 Lahontan Cutthroat Trout of Pyramid LakeS3:E47 Beautiful Brook TroutS3:E4 Rainbow Trout!S1:E49 Big and Beautiful: Bull TroutS1:E35 Gila Trout: New Mexico's Sunset FishS1:E17 Called to Sea: Steelhead Trout AnswerS1:E11 Coastal Cutthroat Trout
Get to know Ohio's second smallest fish, the Tippecanoe Darter - a lover of marble-sized rocks and riffles. Guests Brian Zimmerman (a rare and endangered non-game fish biologist at Ohio State University), Ethan Hendershot and Zeke Churchin (non-game fisheries research technicians) help tell the success story of this fish.
Get to know Hawaii's mullets through the eyes of University of Hawaii undergraduate students Andie Le Doux and Iokepa Frederick. We'll imagine the grand experience of the once great mullet migration that provided sustenance for the people who lived on the coast of O‘ahu while we appreciate conservation work being done in the muliwai (estuary) environments that attract them near shore.
Check out all the Hawaii episodes:
S4:E21 Awa (Milkfish) with guest Keli'i Kotubetey (Assistant Executive Director of Paepae o He'eia on the island of O'ahu)S3:E18 Tuna with guest William Aila (traditional and contemporary fishing techniques and dishes, management and conservation). S2:E18 Moi (Pacific Threadfin) + fishponds of Molokai with guests Uncle Mac Poepoe and Hi'ilei KaweloJourney across America and beyond with us as co-hosts Katrina & Guy + guests explore how to live with, live from, discover and enjoy #AllTheFish (new episodes every Monday, wherever you get your podcasts).
The beauty of this fish matches its home: high-elevation streams in the White Mountains of Arizona. We discuss its conservation successes and the continued commitment moving forward. Tim Gatewood from the White Mountain Apache Tribe and Zac Jackson from our Arizona Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office are guests.
This very cool fish uses its finger-like fins to locate prey on the seafloor and might bark at you if you catch it. It's also at the center of an amazing case study regarding a place-based approach to sustaining wild seafood. Our three guests are a fisherman (Jason Jarvis), chef (David Standridge), and Eating with the Ecosystem's Kate Masury. Calls to action? try something new, eat the whole fish, and get to know your local fishermen!
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