Gaulcast is back and is proud to welcome Renotarus as the new cohost! The boys start at the beginning with a discussion about the Hallstatt material culture that would lead to the iron age Celts. Music by Uialogenos. If you have any questions that you maybe want answered on the podcast email them to GaulCast@gmail.com
Been a while but Gaul Cast is coming back with a few changes planned and, hopefully, a more consistent schedule. A quick message from Artocatos recorded from his car talking about upcoming changes that will make the show better then the gift of a long impromptu TikTok Live conversation that ended up becoming a podcast episode. A few of Arto's TikTok friends chat about paganism in general and share fun stories.
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*Some audio issues* Taking a small break from traditions, Arto brings on Rhiannon aka Rhea to discuss nuances within Gaulish Polytheism, differences between tribal praxis, dealing with gatekeepers, and more.
Tiktok users should check out Gaulsih Polytheism on Tiktok for great videos.
Moving forward with the series on Gaulish traditions, Renoturos Epomapos returns to discuss Senobessus Bolgon (Old Custom of the Belgae) or SB for short. Despite a name change in the near future, Arto and Reno discuss SB in great length. From the origins of the Bolgon tradition to what Deuoi they follow, to the history of the Belgic Tribes, to what the folks in SB are up to now. Special thanks to former cohost Branogara Morimagi for their hard work and contributions to help make GaulCast what it is today. For information on SB visit senobessusbolgon.wordpress.com and for information on Renoturos and other SB folks presenting at the next Touta Galation Comreton visit toutaglation.org or visit the TG YouTube channel.
After a long break, Artocatos returns solo as, sadly, Branogara had to leave the show. No drama just life, schedules, and doing too much. Branogara will be missed as the show would not be what it is without their hard work. The show must go on and today is a shorter episode going over what are traditions in Gaulish Polytheism. The focus for the next couple episodes will be the various traditions in Gaulish Polytheism. So feast on this appitizer before we start dishing out the main course. Please check out Uailogenos on bandlab as he is the master behind the theme music and if you miss Branogara, check out their podcast https://letstalkdogpodcast.com/.
Artocatos and Branogara go over the next Senobessus Bolgon virtue before going into an interview with Sepanioi Roti (SR). Arto sits down with SR memebers Nertatis Cingetos, Artua, and Drunertos Moudowatis Tarwocnos covering the tradition's origins and mission. The group also goes over how to do rituals, devotions, and prayers. Sepanioi Roti has its own discord server and a website followersofthewheel.org.
The holiday season is... Difficult to say the least. A very exhausted Artocatos and Branogarâ welcome back Nelos to talk about Gaulish winter holidays. While celebrating Christmas, Yule, Solstice, etc, is great, there are Gaulish holidays during the cold times that one could celebrate as well. The episodes ends with a brief discussion on the next on Senobessus Bolgon's virtues. We're reachable on Gaulcast.com and basically every social media platform. For more on Gaulish Holidays, go to Gaulishpolytheism.com.
On the one year anniversary of the show we welcome back Branogarâ! Arto and Branogarâ catch up and talk about future plans. The show ends with a long discussion on the next Senobessus Bolgon virtue
If you ever wondered, "Were all the Gallic people the same?" then you need to listen to this discussion about just a few of regional tribal focused practices. Dagloberos sits as the acting solo host, while Viducus (Deo Mercurio) talks about the tribes in Luxemburg, Lucotilla Gianoglannatis goes into Gallo-Pyrenees practices, and Artocatos takes a guest role and talks Alpine and Helvetian practices. With the conversation nearing 2 hours, there wasn't enough time to cover any virtues this time. Enjoy as you get a sneak preview of the upcoming Comreton in November since all 4 participants are presenters!
Due to technical issues and scheduling conflicts, Gaulcast presents it's first Minisode. Arto is solo this time and gives his thoughts on idols or Deluâs. Short but sweet Arto talks about the value of having Deluâs for one's Nemeton and even gives some tips on how to make your own. Visit our social medias and check out our website at Gaulcast.com and if you want a Deluâ of your own, message Arto or the Helvetian Hands FB page to make an order.
For the last in the Oh My Gods series, Branogara is on a temporary hiatus so friend of the show Rinhund Runosagiton (check out his blog nemetonrunosagiton.wordpress.com) gets tagged in along with guest Renotaurus Pholsson to talk about spirits. Despite children distracting the guys and trying to steal the show, Arto, Rin, and Reno go over spirits and how to work with them. Spiritwork is very important to the practices of many polytheists and Gaulpol is no different. House spirits, water spirits, kobalds, and more are discussed as the guys share personal stories and Arto and Reno go into Swiss folklore cause they are Swiss Bois. Finally, the guys go in depth on the first of the virtues of Senobessus Bolgon. dont forget to follow our social media at Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, visit our website at Gaulcast.com and if you're able help us out via patreon.
We're back to talk about Hero and Ancestor worship and to help us we have Selguiros Caranticnos. Selg is one of the founding members of Senobessus Bolgon and a stand out member of the GaulPol community. Branogara, Arto, and Selg go over the history of ancestor veneration, how it applies to Gaulish Polytheism, and how it can be practiced in a modern setting. The virtue in this episode is the final one for the Touta Galation, Uelia "modesty, honesty". Be sure to check us out on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Gaulcast.com, and if you feel generous, help us out on Patreon. Selg is on Instagram at instagram.com/selgowiros_caranticnos, his wordpress is senobessusbolgon.wordpress.com, and hes even got a redbubble with his amazing artwork. Bratun te! " Thanks to you!"
Part one in our three part segment, Arto and Branogarâ cover various Gods or Dêuoi of the Gauls. Taranis, Eponâ, Sucellos, Carnonos, and more are discussed in this introduction to the Dêwoi. The final Toutâ Galation Virtue of Inrextus (Integrity, Self Rectitude) and this is the first video episode which can be watched on the Gaulcast YouTube channel. Visit Gaulcast.com and join our Patreon and check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Surprise!! Arto and Branogarâ push back the scheduled show to join in with the folks at Around Grandfather Fire. The AGF crew ask us all about everything GaulPol and some of a few of Branogarâ's dogs even make cameos! This casual talk and hangout has an added bonus of all 5 giving their perspectives on the Gaulish Virtue of Erissaxtâ (Piety). For younger listeners, there is swearing in this one. Theme music by Ûailogenos. Visit our site at Gaulcast.com and, if you can, help us out by visiting our Patreon page. Lastly, don't forget to check out Around Grandfather Fire's other podcast episodes.
Today on Gaulcast, we get another Raven on the show. Arto and Branogarâ are joined by Branos Carnutodrûidon to discuss Animism and how it applies to Gaulish Polytheism. Branos is the Uelitos (Seer) of Toutâ Galation, one of the founding members of Bessus Nouiogalation (BNG), and a prominent figure in the GaulPol community. Branos is also a crafter and blacksmith with handmade items for sale at thecarnutianworkshop.com, a blog at carnutiannemeton.com, and is the creator of Gaulishpolytheism.com. The virtue for this episode is Trougocariâ meaning compassion and empathy. Theme music by Ûailogenos. Visit Gaulcast.com and our various social media accounts.
Looks like Artocatos ran into more audio issues but the show must go on! No guest this time, Arto and Branogarâ, who are NOT historians, did their homework and had fun covering the historical timeline of Gaul. From the earliest records, to the Gallic Wars, to the final days of Rome, and everything in between. The virtue for this episode is Uâriâ (Duty). Theme music by Ûailogenos. Visit our site at Gaulcast.com!
Audio issues won't stop the Gaulish dynamic duo as they talk about the first Comreton Calleios from late November, the virtue of Oigetocariâ, and sit down with the Hound of Bel himself, Cunobelinus Bettulicnos. This interview covers the basics of GaulPol 101 and is great for newbies getting into Gaulish Polytheism. Shout out to our first patron J. Internus, appreciate the support!
Find us at GaulCast on Facebook and Instagram, @GaulCastPodcast on Twitter, shoot us an email at Gaulcast@gmail.com, and don't forget to check out Gaulcast.com and find the link to our Patreon Page which is https://www.patreon.com/join/gaulcast.
On this episode, Artocatos brings in some much needed reinforcements and introduces his new co-host, Branogarâ Morimagi. The dynamic duo then go on to interview Nellos about the Coligny Calender to better understand how the Gauls planned holidays and managed each year. Lastly, Artocatos and Branogarâ discuss the virtue of Couîria. For all things Gaulish, visit Gaulishpolytheism.com and to have your own Coligny Calender at your fingertips, download the app at https://www.coligny-app.com/
Artocatos Taranicnos (Carl Grimm) steps up to the plate to bring the world the first Gaulish Polytheism Podcast. Getting over his nerves, Arto goes over some basics of GaulPol, the Battle of Alesia, and the Gaulish Virtue of Galâ. Music by Ûailogenos from his album at Uailogenos.bandcamp.com