
  • In Touch

    Avani, Annaiya, Torani, and Divya

    On this episode of the GIVE podcast, we are speaking to four young ladies that have started their own nonprofit that is tackling teen mental health. So today I am chatting with Avani, Annaiya, Torani, and Divya. They are the founders of In Touch, a teenage mental health nonprofit that is run out of California. Mental health is a large issue for teenagers at the moment and In Touch is working to provide free resources and destroy the stigma surrounding mental health issues.

    In Touch provides a survey to teens that matches them with the resources they need, including counseling, peer support groups, and even hotlines. They are working closely with their local high schools to help provide what kids need to help them heal from the wounds of mental health. In Touch is also organizing virtual workshops to help during the time of this pandemic to promote healing while still social distancing.

    Communication is the key to mental health and these ladies are breaking down every door that they see to make sure everyone knows that mental health issues are not shameful- and they can be treated. Different demographics have different views on mental health and In Touch is working hard to make sure to reach out to every group of teens to get them the knowledge that they need.

    How to help In Touch:

    Volunteer Spread the word on Instagram Sign up for their newsletter and share the information

    Be inspired. GIVE.

    How to reach In Touch

    Website | Instagram

    Read the full transcription of this episode by clicking here.

  • Jesse Lewis Choose Love

    Scarlett Lewis

    In this episode of the GIVE podcast, we are thrilled to welcome Scarlett Lewis of the Choose Love Movement. Scarlett is an incredible woman with a heartbreaking story. When her son, Jesse Lewis, lost his life in the Sandy Hook mass shooting, Scarlett’s life was changed forever- he was just six years old. Guided by his life and his legacy, Scarlet lives every day to deliver a compassionate curriculum into schools everywhere.

    The Choose Love movement has created a new program, offered for free, to help schools, homes, and communities to help teach students of all ages how to have healthy relationships, meaningful connections, and how to self-regulate and manage our emotions. They believe that being able to grow through difficulty and still being able to make responsible decisions is an important life lesson that so many are lacking currently.

    The program is actually modeled after a course to help returning soldiers integrate back into civilian life. Many kids are having to face trauma, both emotionally and sometimes even physically - so this program focuses on positive psychology trauma techniques that will help these kids develop the mental clarity to express themselves.

    How to get involved with the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement:

    Visit the website and spread the word about the free resources. Follow on social media Donate

    Be inspired. GIVE.

    You can connect with the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement here:

    Website | Instagram | Facebook

    Read the entire transcript of the episode here.

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  • Variety- The Children’s Charity

    Debbie Dodge

    On today’s episode of the GIVE podcast, we are happy to welcome Debbie Dodge from Variety- The Children’s Charity. Variety’s Freedom Program delivers vital life-changing equipment and services for mobility, independence and social inclusion to individual children and children’s organizations.

    Through the Freedom program, Variety changes children’s lives by granting items and services that provide independence, mobility and freedom. Variety’s Future Program delivers crucial life-enriching communication equipment and services, education and self-esteem to individual children and children’s organizations. Through the Future program they enrich children’s lives by granting items and services that provide communication, education and self-esteem.

    Variety- The Children’s Charity is currently in 13 different countries and has multiple chapters throughout each one. They help kids with mobility issues, children that are in the third world

    or developing countries. Variety also helps with medicine. They do everything they can for kids just so that they can have a fair shot at life

    Ways you can get involved with Variety- The Children’s Charity:

    Volunteer Donate Connect on social media

    Be inspired. GIVE.

    How to connect with Variety- The Children’s Charity

    Website | Facebook | Twitter

    Click here to read a full transcript of this episode.

  • Annie E Casey Foundation

    Amoretta Morris

    On this episode of the Give podcast, host Shannon Maganzein welcomes two members of the Annie E Casey Foundation to let us know a little about the work that they do. The Annie E. Casey Foundation is a private philanthropy foundation that creates a brighter future for the nation's children by developing solutions to strengthen families, build paths to economic opportunity and transform struggling communities into safer and healthier places to live, work and grow.

    Today we are speaking with Amoretta Morris who is the director of national community strategies for the Annie E. Casey Foundation. She lives in Washington DC, and she leads the foundation's national community change strategies. She has more than a decade of experience shaping policies and programs to improve the lives of youth and families.

    As a foundation, they also are ones that are really committed to racial equity, and in this moment, the country has embraced many challenging conversations. Some of these are about how to bring equity to communities, and what it looks like to be able to do the work differently and approach issues differently for everyone. They seek to look at everything that we do with an equity lens.

    How can you get involved with the Annie E Casey Foundation?

    Spread the word on Social Media Subscribe to the blog Donate Volunteer

    Be inspired. GIVE.

    Find Annie E Casey Foundation here

    Website | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

    For a full transcription of the episode, click here.

  • Both Ends Believing

    Mark Schwartz

    Today on the GIVE podcast we are thrilled to welcome Mark Schwartz, the president of Both Ends Believing. Both Ends Believing is a nonprofit that uses technology to create a digital identity for children around the globe- so they have a better chance at adoption, instead of aging out of the foster care system.

    Millions of children are hidden behind the walls of institutions and orphanages. The primary reason is simply that countries lack the digital infrastructure that creates visibility into who and where they are. Without a digital identity, institutionalized children face a bleak future. The best place for a child is always with a loving family unit and Both Ends Believing uses technology to help them find those family units.

    Both Ends Believing works to capture comprehensive digital profiles of children through Children First Sofware, a technology-driven advocate designed to identify a child’s best opportunity for family-based care. Partnering with countries around the world, we transform the process to move children to their best future, a chance to grow and flourish in a loving family.

    How can you get involved with Both Ends Believing:

    Donate Spread the word through social media Raise awareness

    Be inspired. GIVE.

    Find Both Ends Believing here:

    Website | Facebook | Instagram

    Read the full transcript of this episode here.

  • Beulah’s Safe Haven

    Tanya Barns

    Today on the GIVE podcast we are thrilled to welcome Tanya Barns from Beulah’s Safe Haven. This is a nonprofit that is located in Shreveport, Louisiana. Beulah’s Safe Haven is an amazing resource for girls that are aging out of the foster care system. Girls who are in foster care as teens are potentially facing issues such as homelessness, poor relationships, and potentially human trafficking.

    Even though these girls may technically be adults, they struggle mentally because many of them have not had the chance to develop life skills that normal teenagers take for granted. These girls have had so many traumas happen to them in their young lives that sometimes they simply need a chance to breathe and take their time moving on to the next step of adulthood. Beulah’s Safe Haven does its best to provide that service.

    Beulah’s Safe Haven helps these girls find jobs, know how to cook, learn finances, and take care of their mental health. Beulah's Safe Haven is here to try to help them along, give them a little more time to develop so that when they get ready to leave here, then they're on the road to success.

    How to get involved with Beulah’s Safe Haven:

    Donate Share the story on social media Interact with their social media

    Be inspired. GIVE.

    Find Beulah’s Safe Haven here:

    Website | Instagram | Facebook

    Read the entire transcript of the interview here.

  • Operation Not Alone

    Susan Fochs

    On today’s episode of the GIVE podcast, we are thrilled to welcome Susan Fochs, the founder of Operation Not Alone. Susan started this nonprofit when she was18 years old. She felt compelled to take charge and make a difference in the lives of servicemen and women. Her journey was inspired by her father, who served in the US Marine Corps and is now permanently disabled. She’s made it her mission to create an organization that exists in the hope that no one feels alone both during and after their deployment.

    Operation Not Alone sends care packages, cheer packages, and participates in nursing home visits. To this day, they have sent over a thousand packages and that number continues to grow! They work hard with the families of deployed service people to make sure that the packages are something that brings joy to each person that receives them.

    Operation Not Alone aspires to empower community members to make a positive change by taking part in our programming and saying, ‘thank you for your service’ in a variety of ways. They want every man and woman in uniform to know that, no matter what they are facing, they are never alone and they will never be forgotten for their dedication, sacrifice, and service.

    How you can get involved with Operation Not Alone:

    Donate Purchase Operation Not Alone merchandise on their website Spread the word and follow them on social media

    Be inspired. GIVE.

    How to find Operation Not Alone

    Website | Facebook | Instagram

    Read the full transcript of this episode here.

  • Urban Blooms

    Tyler Wolf

    For today’s episode of the GIVE podcast, we are thrilled to welcome Tyler Wolf to the show. Tyler is the founder, executive director, and Living Wall designer for Urban Blooms. This nonprofit mixes engineering, science, art, and plants to create green spaces in urban environments that otherwise might not see these types of plants.

    The living walls are carefully designed with each community in mind. They use hydroponics and engineering to make sure that they can be enjoyed for years to come. Urban Blooms has done these wall installations all over the country and has, in the process, brought nature and fostered a one-on-one connection and inspiration that can be drawn from viewing these.

    Urban Blooms is able to install these living walls through grants, donations, and working directly with the cities themselves. They try to build them next to schools and in underserved neighborhoods to inspire the next generation into thinking about all that can be accomplished with art, engineering, and botany.

    How to get involved with Urban Blooms:

    Volunteer Donate Spread the word on social media

    Be inspired. GIVE.

    Website | Instagram

    To read a full transcript of this episode, click here.

  • Sunshine After the Storm

    Alexa Bigwarfe

    On today’s episode of the GIVE podcast we are thrilled to welcome Alexa Bigwarfe, the creator of the Sunshine After the Storm nonprofit. Sunshine After the Storm is a nonprofit to support women who have lost children in utero or shortly thereafter. As with most nonprofits, it started to help fill a void that the creator never anticipated on seeing.

    Alexa’s journey into nonprofits began with the tragic loss of one of her twin babies. As she was going through the grieving process she started blogging to work through some of these feelings that she had and bringing awareness to the horrific realities that women in Alexa’s place are going through.

    Blogging turned into writing a book. When she was writing the book- she realized that she did not want grieving mothers to have to pay for it- so she sent them the book and a small care package for free. This gave her the idea to create the nonprofit, so she could help more and more moms and dads who are going through this difficult time.

    How you can help Sunshine After the Storm:

    Purchase an item from their Amazon wish list Donate Spread the word and follow them on social media

    Be inspired. GIVE.

    Instagram | Facebook | Website

    Read the full transcription for this episode here.

  • Quantum Foundation

    Randy Scheid

    Today on the GIVE podcast we are speaking with Randy Scheid of the Quantum Foundation. The Quantum Foundation is not like the typical non-profit we feature on the Give Podcast. They are a grant-making foundation whose mission is to inspire and fund initiatives that improve the health of communities.

    The Quantum Foundations works to promote change by driving action and working with others to find solutions. They take strategic risks with their resources and make bold decisions in the fulfillment of our vision & mission. They provide regular grants organizations and community level grants. You can visit their website for more information about their programs.

    Some of the long-term missions they are working on include building a healthcare workforce. Behavioral healthcare workers and mid-level nurses are needed in many communities and so they are supporting the pipeline that leads young adults into those sorely needed careers. They are also working on initiatives create stronger communities and develop the field of telehealth.

    Listen today and learn more about this incredible organization - and stay tuned for part 2 of this episode!

    Ways to get involved with Quantum Foundation

    Volunteer in your local community Support local organizations Spread the word + share this episode

    Be inspired. GIVE.

    Where to find Quantum Foundation

    Website | Facebook | Twitter

    Read the full transcription of this episode here.

  • Steps Foundation

    Abigail Ellis

    Today on the GIVE podcast we are speaking Abigail Ellis of Steps Foundation, an amazing organization that focuses on empowerment and community for youth and young adults. They provide mentoring, family engagement, and life skills programs at no cost to the community to create a brighter future for youth in the community.

    In the age of technology, family engagement has become a challenge. Parents aren’t sure how to have difficult conversations and children can become socially disadvantaged from a focus on devices instead of true engagement. Steps Foundation provides engagement opportunities to families and youth to help facilitate difficult conversations and foster a community that have the strong social skills that they need to be successful.

    Steps Foundation also provides much-needed Life Skills programs. This includes simple things such as resume writing, understanding finances and credit, and other things that are often overlooked by parents who lack the time or even the understanding themselves that is needed to educate their children.

    Ready to get involved? Here’s how you can help:

    Ways to get involved with Steps Foundation

    Sponsor a student for the year Cover workshop costs Volunteer

    Be inspired. GIVE.

    Where to find Steps Foundation

    Website | Facebook | Instagram

    Read the full transcription of this episode here.

  • Rockfish Wildlife

    Sarah Cooperman

    Today on the GIVE podcast we are speaking with Sarah Cooperman of Rockfish Wildlife Sanctuary. Rockfish Wildlife Sanctuary is located in Virginia and its mission is to educate the public on how to properly and safely co-exist with wildlife in their area and also what to do if you encounter wildlife - injured or not. They also rehabilitate and rescue animals in their area who are injured or trapped.

    Human-wildlife conflict is the primary reason that organizations like Rockfish Wildlife Sanctuary are needed around the country. The result of human-wildlife conflict is typically habitat destruction, which can even take place in your backyard. In nearly all cases, the suffering that results falls upon the animal, not the human.

    The fact is, every animal plays a critical role in our ecosystem, and it’s our job as good stewards of the environment to protect the animals in the spaces that we’re moving into. Animals provide free ecosystem services to the world for their entire lives. For example, bats provide free pest control and reduce the need for harmful pesticides and creatures like vultures help keep the environment clean.

    Rockfish Wildlife Sanctuary’s mission is simple: rescue - rehab - release. If you are in need of wildlife services, use Google to find your local wildlife organization to help assist you with the issue.

    Ways to get involved with Rockfish Wildlife

    Donate financially Volunteer (you get to feed animals if you’re local!) Amazon Wishlist on website

    Be inspired. GIVE.

    Where to find Rockfish Wildlife

    Website | Facebook | Instagram

    Read the full transcription of this episode here.

  • Science Connected

    Kate Stone

    Today on the GIVE podcast we are speaking Kate Stone, founder, and CEO of Science Connected. Science Connected was created to help make learning about science accessible to everyone, regardless of your economic or social background. They believe that education is critical in making informed choices, being successful members of society, and acting as responsible stewards of the planet.

    The fact is, access to education is simply not equal across the board. Poorer communities lack resources to foster learning and the learning materials that they need to educate. This results in students choosing not to continue on to college or those that do continue on choose not to pursue an education in the STEM areas. With jobs in these areas exploding as technology improves, this results in a lack of educated adults available to take these often high paying and high demand jobs.

    Science Connected provides all different types of educational material on their website - both for free and for a small fee. These resources include books, PDFs, and fun science experiments for children. In the wake of the current pandemic, these materials are now being requested from Science Connected by not only educators but also parents who are looking for ways to educate their children at home. Your donations help to fuel the development of these vital resources for everyone.

    Ways to get involved with Science Connected

    Donate - every donation helps! Buy the publications Share the magazine + resources

    Be inspired. GIVE.

    Where to find Science Connected:

    Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

    Read the full transcription of this episode here.

  • Enventure Enterprises

    Aneri Pradhan

    Today on the GIVE podcast we are speaking Aneri Pradhan the founder of Enventure Enterprises, which recently went through an exciting transition. It merged with New Energy Nexus, which is a much larger nonprofit- and they are now functioning as a very robust program of New Energy Nexus. Enventure is working hard to bring energy to the people of Uganda, with a staggering 85% of the people having limited access to electricity- this program is sorely needed.

    Access to electricity is something that many people on the planet take for granted. Enventure is working with Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), to help provide solutions to the most urgent energy needs. These solutions include lighting solutions, solar home systems, improved cookstoves, and water filters. These seemingly small things have a huge impact on not only the people of Uganda but the local ecosystem as well.

    Enventure is providing hope for the people of Uganda to live longer and healthier lives. The CBO’s that they work with are all locally owned, and invest any profits into their own community for welfare activities. These pocket entrepreneurs are the future of Uganda, and help pave the way for other small businesses.

    Ways to get involved with Enventure

    Volunteer Donate Spread the word

    Be inspired. GIVE.

    Where to find Enventur


    Read the full transcription of this episode here.

  • Central Florida Foundation

    Nicole Donaldson

    Today on the Give podcast we are speaking with Nicole Donaldson, the Vice President of Philanthropy at the Central Florida Foundation. Central Florida Foundation believes in the power of philanthropy and that thoughtful strategy, combined with a generous community, makes Central Florida a place where everyone feels at home. The Foundation works with families focused on giving back, nonprofits, and across public and private sectors to bring philanthropy to life.

    Central Florida Foundations believes that as a community foundation, you can connect across

    the different sectors, you can play a vital role in ensuring that you have both the public sector, the private sector, and the independent sector, all around the table and not many people can bring those groups together in such a neutral way.

    One of the things that the Central Florida Foundation has been able to be a part of in the community is focusing on homelessness. They are currently working with several different organizations to actually move the needle on chronic homelessness, rather than only provide the immediate needs of food and shelter. The Central Florida Foundation provides support in many forms- all of which are meant to bring the community closer together and help tackle issues from a multifaceted approach, rather than a single mind.

    Ways to get involved with The Central Florida Foundation

    Donate Volunteer

    Be inspired. GIVE.

    Where to find The Central Florida Foundation


    Read the full transcript of the interview here.

  • Hillside Wellness Center

    Dr. Irene Yaymadjian

    Today on the GIVE podcast we are speaking with Dr. Irene Yaymadjian from the Hillside Wellness Center in California. Hillside Wellness has three different programs that help people in need. They currently have a postpartum program, an LGBTQ TIA program, and a cancer patient caretakers support group. These three programs provide support to people who are struggling to connect to others by offering licensed therapy and group counseling sessions.

    Postpartum depression is a common issue that no one likes to talk about. Women typically are embarrassed to get help- because they feel like this disconnect between themselves and the world around them from not being able to be happy with their situation, when society is telling them they should be thrilled. The Hillside Wellness Center takes these new moms under their wing and make sure they get the healing that they need.

    Hillside Wellness is there for the entire community. They are located in San Fernando Valley in California - but as long as patients are willing to come to them, they will make sure they get the help they need. Anyone can walk into their facility and get the help they need without the steep price tags that are usually associated with therapy. The patient pays what they can afford.

    Ways to get involved with Hillside Wellness Center

    Volunteer Donate Spread the word

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    Where to find Hillside Wellness Center


    Read the full transcription of this episode her

  • Seed Consulting Group

    Brooke Crowe

    Today on the GIVE Podcast we have Brooke Crowe, the Executive Director and CEO of the Seed Consulting group. This group is a little bit different from the guests we usually have on this show- but no less amazing. The Seed Consulting group fills in the professional services gap for sustainability non-profits. They provide professional services from a network of pro-bono providers that are some of the top people in their respective careers.

    The Seed Consulting group has worked with groups such as Habitat for Humanity, Surfrider Foundation, US Green Chambers of Commerce, Sierra Club, UCLA, and Caltech. With the Sierra Club, they provided data and analytics to help pass Proposition 67 that was for banning the use of single-use plastic bags in the state of California. They work hard to bring together individuals who have key expertise to help really amplify whatever an organization can do for our country as a whole.

    The unique aspect of the Seed Consulting group is that donations are amplified so much more. The projects they take on typically cost around $500 - but the amount of revenue that they generate for the non-profits they work for is in the thousands. The professionals themselves, who donate their time and expertise, become more marketable in their own fields.

    How to get involved with Seed Consulting

    If you live near Orange County or San Francisco - volunteer Donate Spread the word

    Be inspired. GIVE.

    How to find Seed Consulting


    Read the full transcription of the episode here.

  • The Children’s Center of the Antelope Valley

    Sue Page

    Today we are speaking with Sue Page from The Children’s Center of the Antelope Valley. Sue is the executive director of this incredibly important nonprofit in Los Angeles, California. The Children’s Center was founded over 30 years ago to become a safe space for child abuse victims. Since that time, this organization has evolved to help provide counseling, therapy, legal, and administrative services to kids in need in this area.

    The Children’s Center is fighting an uphill battle. Los Angeles has 30% of the entire nation's foster care children. They are experts in treating victims of child abuse and have since expanded their services to help with prevention as well. They make it a point to not stop services when the children reach the age of 18, so they have more of a chance of entering adulthood successfully.

    The Children’s Center of the Antelope Valley is a multifaceted organization that currently could use a lot of help. They never turn a child in need away and work tirelessly to provide kids and young adults with the resources they need to lead a happy life, outside of the system.

    How can you help?

    Donate Listen to kids when they reach out and say something is wrong Volunteer

    Be inspired. GIVE

    Where to find The Children’s Center of the Antelope Valley

    Website | Facebook

    Full transcription can be found here.

  • Voices For Children Tampa Bay

    Jennifer Starr

    Today on the GIVE podcast we are speaking with Jennifer Starr, who is from the Voices For Children of Tampa Bay. This organization works with foster kids in the Tampa Bay, Florida area to make sure they not only have the things that they need- but the care that they deserve. Many children enter the foster care system with nothing but the clothes on their backs, and the Voices For Children of Tampa Bay works to make sure they have everything they need, from undergarments to backpacks and school supplies.

    The other facet of this organization is its courthouse dog program. These kids, when they enter foster care, not only have to deal with a completely new living situation- they have to testify in court as well. This can be a challenge for anyone, let alone a child.

    The Voices For Children in Tampa organization is currently helping provide for around 2000 kids in just one county in Florida. They have committed themselves to be the constant in foster kid’s lives. From homecoming tickets to stuffed bears- they do their best to meet the needs of all the kids that enter the foster program.

    How to get involved

    Donate Volunteer Follow and share to spread the word on social media

    Be inspired. GIVE.

    Where to find Voices For Children Tampa Bay

    Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

    Full episode transcription can be found here.

  • The Wooden Floor

    Dawn Reese

    Today on the GIVE podcast we are excited to chat with Dawn Reese, the CEO of the Wooden Floor. The Wooden Floor is an afterschool nonprofit that serves young people from low-income communities through the power of dance. The ultimate goal of this nonprofit is to break the cycle of poverty through generational change. The kids that they serve are about 98% Latino and come from impoverished families in Orange County, CA.

    The Wooden Floor isn’t just after-school dance classes. They are with the kids in the program for 10 years. All the way to college. This organization not only teaches dance but tutors academics, teaches social skills, and helps the kids get into college. Participants in the Wooden Floor have a staggering 100% acceptance rate to get into college. The Wooden Floor works with the community to give these kids the best shot they can to break the cycle of poverty in poor families.

    The Wooden Floor is located in Orange County, CA- but recently opened a sister organization that does the same thing in Washington DC. They currently have 475 children involved in their program in the two cities and hope to expand their reach. This nonprofit is almost entirely funded by private donations and does an excellent job planning for the future of their organization and the kids’ future.

    Here is how you can get involved:

    Donate Volunteer Spread the word on social media

    Be inspired. GIVE.

    Here is how to find The Wooden Floor

    Website | Instagram | Facebook

    Full episode transcription can be found here.